Maintenance for the week of September 16:
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Which class would you like to see in ESO next?

  • Rex-Umbra
    Wtf poll doesn't have necromancer.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Akrasjel
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

  • acw37162
    Monk or bracers/barehanded/martial arts weapon style
  • ZarkingFrued
    None. No point in another disaster. Fix what we have.
  • Girl_Number8
    mongoLC wrote: »
    Pack Mule. 20000 inventory :)

    This one~^^ :)
  • Gracous
    Moderator class so I could get rid of the resource bots! Lol!
  • Kiralyn2000
    Vampire Neck Romancer?


    Thread Necromancer!
  • Asardes
    Asardes wrote: »
    None. The game already has enough classes, at least 10 of them in fact since stamina & magicka version of the same class are quite different, and also some classes have (mostly) health based builds for tanking. Why is that? Because there are simply not enough skills/functionalities to fill those class trees without being too similar to something that's already in the game. Having basically almost the same skill with a different animation won't make much sense.
    I think there is still tons of potential for fun new class abilities
    Asardes wrote: »
    I'd rather see new skill lines available to every class, that give some unique skills, so something like Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Undaunted, Psijic.

    I suppose it depends on what you enjoy. In my case what I enjoy most about this game is coming up with different build ideas for pvp, trying them out and making lot of different alts with totally different builds. Completely new class is a lot more fun for me compared to new skill line.

    Well I see things a bit differently not because I don't like new builds - each of my characters has already a few of them for both PvP and PvE, encompassing multiple roles - but because I see how things worked in practice. For example when they introduced Warden they gutted Templar passives to make that unique. Magicka warden is still weak in both PvP & PvE and will only become more attractive with Murkmire because they took away some of the buffs from other abilities like Warhorn - minor toughness. There are only so many minor/major buffs that can be spread between classes and when they'll introduce a new one it will mean that others will be nerfed hard to make the class attractive.

    If they do introduce a new summoner type class they will have to either gut or copy the sorcerer abilities; possibly the warden too. I've heard somewhere that they actually thought of doing a dedicated summoner class but they realised in the early development that they don't have enough to fill it so they fused it into Sorcerer as the Daedric Summoning line. Warden made it to the final alfas and almost made it to Beta, so it was not that hard to restart development on it and bring it to live.

    Also there's another thing. I haven't played other MMOs but from the descriptions I've read, some of them quite in depth, while I was deciding wether to pick up the gendre, and which game in particular, most of them are quite restrictive about what a class can do and, what gear sets can use and even what secondary abilities you can pick. And then I looked at how they did things in older, single player TES games which had abilities and skill lines that were accessible to everyone. You had pre-made templates for classes in Morrowind and Oblivion but you could also pick your combo of abilities to focus on for leveling and make a custom class. In Skyrim they did away with that too so all skills contributed to leveling.

    So TES filosophy is sctually to give the player more freedom about the way they build. For example ranged magicka players complained for a long time that they don't have a good option for Minor Force buff and that some classes lacked a spammable skill and were forced into using Force Pulse as magicka and Rapid Strikes/Shrouded Daggers as stamina. So they included both in Psijic line as Channered Acceleration and Elemenral/Crushing weapon. That's the kind of freedom to build that made pick TES over other RPGs (ex. I've found Diablo incredibly boring) and later ESO over other MMOs. And as I mentioned I use that flexibility to the fullest by making multiple builds for different roles on the same character, since there are certainly sufficient skill points around to do that and more - I aim for 370+.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
    vMA (The Flawless Conqueror) | vVH (Spirit Slayer & of the Undying Song) | vDSA | vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL | vAS+1 | Emperor

    PC-EU CP 3000+
    41,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Pact Veteran Trade: Exemplary
    Traders of the Covenant: God of Sales
    Tamriels Emporium: God of Sales
    Valinor Overflow: Trader
    The Traveling Merchant: Silver

    Asardes | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 50 | Master Crafter: all traits & recipes, all styles released before High Isle
    Alxaril Nelcarion | 50 High Elf Sorcerer | AD AR 20 |
    Dro'Bear Three-paws | 50 Khajiit Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Veronique Nicole | 50 Breton Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Sabina Flavia Cosades | 50 Imperial Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Ervesa Neloren | 50 Dark Elf Dragonknight | EP AR 20 |
    Fendar Khodwin | 50 Redguard Sorcerer | DC AR 20 |
    Surilanwe of Lillandril | 50 High Elf Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Joleen the Swift | 50 Redguard Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Draynor Telvanni | 50 Dark Elf Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Claudius Tharn | 50 Necromancer | DC AR 20 |
    Nazura-la the Bonedancer | 50 Necromancer | AD AR 20 |

    Tharkul gro-Shug | 50 Orc Dragonknight | DC AR 4 |
    Ushruka gra-Lhurgash | 50 Orc Sorcerer | AD AR 4 |
    Cienwen ferch Llywelyn | 50 Breton Nightblade | DC AR 4 |
    Plays-with-Sunray | 50 Argonian Templar | EP AR 4 |
    Milariel | 50 Wood Elf Warden | AD AR 4 |
    Scheei-Jul | 50 Necromancer | EP AR 4 |

    PC-NA CP 1800+
    30,000+ Achievement Points before High Isle
    Member of:
    Savage Blade: Majestic Machette

    Asardes the Exile | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 30 |
  • TheShadowScout
    Stefacle wrote: »
    All of them!

    Poll should have been multiple choice.
    I agree with that general notion!
    ...NOT with doing it in the way of -standard classes-.
    Stefacle wrote: »
    For me, when I create a character in a game, it is very important that I can fully identify with my character.
    That too I take as a given, at least for characters which should be more then mere "testbed alts" or such.

    I still think that adding -classes- so long after the game launch, when the people who came to the game early and have held faith with it may have played many characters through all of it so many times, is not the best way...
    Stefacle wrote: »
    Personally, I don't agree with those who says we can't have more classes because balance.
    "Balance" is and always will be a work in progress. No matter how much they have in the game, the only way there can be "balance" is if everything was exactly the same - whioch would completely destroy any sort of fun in playing.
    Thus its better to have lots of choices and lack of balance, then having no choices and perfect balance!
    Stefacle wrote: »
    Give us barbarians, bards, battlemages and brawlers. Give us healers, necromancers and monks. Give us rangers, witches and witchhunters.
    Yeah, it -would- be a good thing to have characters as diverse as possible, more choices equals more fun after all. More professions to depict, more "either-or" choices in which skill lines our characters can pick up, more options for us to diversify them, more races to play, more weapons to wield, more guilds to join, etc.
    Stefacle wrote: »
    I would be happy to roll one of each class (and others) and give them a try...
    ...but many like me would not.

    I mean, I would have been happy to do just that if I had not been playing the game since summer 2014... but since I did, I won't.
    Because I did grumble about the limited chopices, but still played character after characteer through the content, and adding new classes to the game at this point would feel like a slap in the face unless they also added some way to refit new classyness to my old characters - and the powers that be have said they do not intend to do class change tokens, ever. So unless and until they change their minds on that...
    ...I will always argue against just adding more classes, both for reasons of "gah, gotta make characters number sixteen and seventeen to play this new class now inn stamina and magica flavor???" and even moreso for the mentioned character identification thing with "Why was this [censored] class not [censored] available back at [censored] launch, it would have made so [censored] much more [censored] sense for this [censored] main/alt of mine..."

    And that is why I try to think up ways to "refit" new classiness to all, old characters and new, and would wish they went more for a "prestige class" idea like I outlined: ;)
    (And I don't mean limited to the choices I came up with in that post, those are more like... proof of concept ideas, I would wish more then three choices per base class for even further diversification!)

    And that's all there is to it for my point to make, really.
  • Beardimus
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Radinyn
    1) Necromancy is punished with death.

    2) More skillines! Like pisjiic one (but with other lvling methods)
  • richo262
    Break the classes apart. Have core skills (every toon can have them) and class skills (you may have to drop one if you want to take another)

    Have Nightblade
    Siphon merge with Soul Magic - Core skill
    Shadow merge with Legerdemain and the Thieves Guild Skill line - Core skill
    Assassination merge with the Dark Brotherhood Skill line - Core skill
    *Nightblade is effectively destroyed by skill trees everybody can have

    Have Dragonknight
    Flame become a subgroup within the Mages Guild - Core skill
    Earthen Heart becomes a subgroup, or merges with the skills already in the Fighter Guild - Core skill
    Draconic ... unsure, something in the Rift / Eastmarch Dragon related - Sub Class

    Have Templar
    Restoring Light become a skill line found in the Temple of Azura - Sub Class
    Aedric spear is a skill line found in the Temple of Azura (and Summerset by Azuras Champion) - Sub Class
    Dawns Wrath is a skill line found in the main quest - Core skill

    Have Sorc
    Dark Magic a skill line found by the worm cult - Sub Class
    Storm Magic become a subgroup of the Mages Guild - Core skill
    Daedric Summoning becomes a subgroup of the Mages Guild found after completing the Mages Guild Questline - Sub Class

    Animal Compassion can be granted by the Wyrd (need to own warden) - Sub Class
    Green Balance also granted by the Wyrd (need to own warden) - Sub Class
    Winters Embrace becomes a Defensive Staff skill line - Core skill

    At that point, you can have all sorts of new skill lines added to the game, without having to start a new toon. We're at the point now where people are maxing their accounts, and starting new toons from scratch is not something I'm keen to do.

    Also it can make for some interesting play styles, as some skill lines may not be accessible if you have other skill lines. For instance, if Necromancy was released, Azura might disown you, if so you'd have to drop Restoring Light and Aedric Spear.

    New toons can pick from 2 starting Sub Class skill lines. Hold 3 at a time. Some might cancel another out, some might influence the other, and create some sort of Spell Crafting, example, if you hold Animal Compassion, and Necromancy, your Guardian bear might be an Undead bear.
    Edited by richo262 on October 12, 2018 7:41AM
  • pod88kk
    Necromancer please Sir/Madam :)
  • Jeremy
    Dosuul wrote: »

    A beastmaster class might be interesting.
    Edited by Jeremy on October 12, 2018 9:09AM
  • pod88kk

    Class passives
    Nerf all enemies standing within 100m by 99%

    Class skill
    "The One Button"
    This attack causes all enemies within 100m to die instantly. This skill is not blockable or dodgeable.

    I'm kidding of course, I really enjoy this game.
  • TheShadowScout
    richo262 wrote: »
    Break the classes apart... unlikely to happen, since they would not want to drop their established and playtested system for a completely new one. Too much investment, too much risk, no extra profit from it... so they will not do it, and at best try the idea for some other game they might make in a few years.

    One other possibility along those lines though would be a "Dual Class system, like I once brainstormed about:
    I have been thinking a little more about this... and made some doodles with the various class skill lines, drew a pentagram since we have five classes (well, will have five classes soon) and stumbled upon another idea...

    What if there was "dual-classing", but with some limits? Like... you only get -one- skill line from another class, and you don't get to pick either, but have it determined by the classes involved? With one skill line for each class that is main-class-specific and cannot be shared as dual-classing?

    I imagine something like:
    Dragonknight & Shadow (Nightblade) = Dark Knight
    Dragonknight & Storm Calling (Sorceror) = Spellsword
    Dragonknight & Dawn's Wrath (Templar) = Pyromancer
    Dragonknight & Winters Embrace (Warden) = Guardian

    Nightblade & Earthen Heart (Dragonknight) = Scout
    Nightblade & Dark Magic (Sorceror) = Agent
    Nightblade & Restoring Light (Templar) = Rogue
    Nightblade & Animal Companion (Warden) = Ranger

    Sorceror & Ardent Flame (Dragonknight) = Battlemage
    Sorceror & Shadow (Nightblade) = Illusionist
    Sorceror & Restoring Light (Templar) = Sage
    Sorceror & Winters Embrace (Warden) = Cryomancer

    Templar & Ardent Flame (Dragonknight) = Crusader
    Templar & Siphoning (Nightblade) = Inquisitor
    Templar & Dark Magic (Sorceror) = Witchhunter
    Templar & Animal Companion (Warden) = Pilgrim

    Warden & Earthen Heart (Dragonknight) = Barbarian
    Warden & Siphoning (Nightblade) = Cultist
    Warden & Storm Calling (Sorceror) = Shaman
    Warden & Dawn's Wrath (Templar) = Monk

    (and yes, I keep coming back to as many of the old class names from earlier elder scrolls games as i can... ;) )
    The whole thing could be dependent on finding well hidden "master trainers" (possibly even appearing in different locations at different times, a bit like the vampire/werewolf infection spawns – think "wandering sage you have to track down" shtick that’s a classic in many stories...), and then completing a special "Initiation" quest (which incidentally might require the character to visit various DLC and expansion locations, sneaking in profit for ZOS through the backdoor that way...) before unlocking the new skill line and changing your basic class to a new "Dual Class", with a new class name to show off, new class symbol, etc. Naturally there would be one master trainer for each class, and what combination a character would get was determined which master trainer they approach for the quest, and their original class – there could also be a way to "reset" this, much like skill morphs or vampirism/lycantropy... (although at this point, I’d expect them to make that a crown store service)
  • Jeremy
    richo262 wrote: »
    Break the classes apart... unlikely to happen, since they would not want to drop their established and playtested system for a completely new one. Too much investment, too much risk, no extra profit from it... so they will not do it, and at best try the idea for some other game they might make in a few years.

    One other possibility along those lines though would be a "Dual Class system, like I once brainstormed about:
    I have been thinking a little more about this... and made some doodles with the various class skill lines, drew a pentagram since we have five classes (well, will have five classes soon) and stumbled upon another idea...

    What if there was "dual-classing", but with some limits? Like... you only get -one- skill line from another class, and you don't get to pick either, but have it determined by the classes involved? With one skill line for each class that is main-class-specific and cannot be shared as dual-classing?

    I imagine something like:
    Dragonknight & Shadow (Nightblade) = Dark Knight
    Dragonknight & Storm Calling (Sorceror) = Spellsword
    Dragonknight & Dawn's Wrath (Templar) = Pyromancer
    Dragonknight & Winters Embrace (Warden) = Guardian

    Nightblade & Earthen Heart (Dragonknight) = Scout
    Nightblade & Dark Magic (Sorceror) = Agent
    Nightblade & Restoring Light (Templar) = Rogue
    Nightblade & Animal Companion (Warden) = Ranger

    Sorceror & Ardent Flame (Dragonknight) = Battlemage
    Sorceror & Shadow (Nightblade) = Illusionist
    Sorceror & Restoring Light (Templar) = Sage
    Sorceror & Winters Embrace (Warden) = Cryomancer

    Templar & Ardent Flame (Dragonknight) = Crusader
    Templar & Siphoning (Nightblade) = Inquisitor
    Templar & Dark Magic (Sorceror) = Witchhunter
    Templar & Animal Companion (Warden) = Pilgrim

    Warden & Earthen Heart (Dragonknight) = Barbarian
    Warden & Siphoning (Nightblade) = Cultist
    Warden & Storm Calling (Sorceror) = Shaman
    Warden & Dawn's Wrath (Templar) = Monk

    (and yes, I keep coming back to as many of the old class names from earlier elder scrolls games as i can... ;) )
    The whole thing could be dependent on finding well hidden "master trainers" (possibly even appearing in different locations at different times, a bit like the vampire/werewolf infection spawns – think "wandering sage you have to track down" shtick that’s a classic in many stories...), and then completing a special "Initiation" quest (which incidentally might require the character to visit various DLC and expansion locations, sneaking in profit for ZOS through the backdoor that way...) before unlocking the new skill line and changing your basic class to a new "Dual Class", with a new class name to show off, new class symbol, etc. Naturally there would be one master trainer for each class, and what combination a character would get was determined which master trainer they approach for the quest, and their original class – there could also be a way to "reset" this, much like skill morphs or vampirism/lycantropy... (although at this point, I’d expect them to make that a crown store service)

    A dual class system - similar to say Final Fantasy 11 for example - where you could choose a " sub job" to supplement your main class would be pretty awesome.
  • TheShadowScout
    Jeremy wrote: »
    A dual class system - similar to say Final Fantasy 11 for example - where you could choose a " sub job" to supplement your main class would be pretty awesome.
    Yeah, that has been my thought as well, thus the two ideas how to go about this I am spreading - either take a cross-class skill line from the existing ones as in "Dual Classing" outlined above, ot take a new skill line like outlined in the Class Morph Idea I also keep mentioning!
    Either way, it would allow us to "refit" new classyness to our existing characters, and with the various choices, diversify characters quite nicely!
  • mocap
    i think, even if they will add Necro class, it will be more like Necro in Dragon Age 3, so almost no summons, but more fear skills, something with "soul" etc...

    In short - don't wait diablo-style Necro with army of skeletons and zombies )
  • Morridune
    those are all cool suggestions for skill lines but I think for an out and out fully fleshed out class ppl have been asking for necro's for ages and would make sense
  • Reinhor
    Soul Shriven
    I choose Bard not because I could imagine it as a class but more as a new weapon to support team with original buffs.

    About Necro, I know how much it is popular but, in my opinion, it doesn't have any sense with ESO. The main quest, the mage guild and some zone quests, suggest already a vision where necro are the bad guys. If Zenimax would create that class it would just break lore immersion for this specific Elder Scrolls.

    So necro is conceptually a nice idea but not realistic for this game.
  • Athannos
    Every single character uses "Soul Magic" to steal the souls of people, just like Mannimarco stole theirs in the opening cinematic, then they use those stolen souls to keep themselves alive via Soul Gems.

    Every character, in the main questline, creates a flesh golem using a necromancy spellbook and ritual to rescue Abnur Tharn.

    And, somehow, every character isn't killed on sight, instead praised as a hero.

    I don't think telepathically reanimating a soulless skeleton is worse than feeding on stolen souls, which every player already does.

    There's no reason not to have necromancers!
  • Blackers
    illusionist (something like Mesmer from GW2)
    MagBlade / Templar Healer (PC/EU/DC)
  • Ajaxandriel
    No Necromancer option, really? yet it's the obvious "next class" for many fans

    I won't vote "necromancer" either

    I guess we do not need more classes, but new skill lines

    - weapon=bare hands or runes => Monk
    - weapon=musical instrument => Bard
    - guild=worms cult => Necromancer

    OK then maybe one "physical" class, like Warrior or Barbarian, to break the current gamedesign logic ("class=magical background, weapons=actual spec")
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • richo262
    The day I am in a trial with somebody playing a Banjo as his weapon, is the day I stop playing.
  • albesca
    PC EU

    Khajiit has no time for you
  • Fermian
    Would prefer a nicromancer skill line instead of a class.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Farming Bards in Cyrodiil would be fun, especially if they played the bagpipes.

    PC EU
  • Elwendryll
    I'd much better prefer a game without classes, but only with skill lines availables from the world. You would start only with weapons lines, and you could unlock class skills like you do with guild skill lines. You could reach a similar gameplay, but it wouldn't be set in stone from the character creation.
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Machinist that uses guns
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