Elder Scroll Online in Linux using PROTON or WINE, Standalone or Steam Version

  • ryzen_gamer_gal
    ssorgatem wrote: »

    I think it may work for games that don't require lagless input, for people with the badnwidth to make that work.
    So games like the main series TES games, any turn-based game, even some shooters like Bioshock may work reasonably well.
    Now, fighting and racing games? That's not going to work well.
    And for any games with real-time fast-paced PvP (like ESO) it isn'tgoing to cut it either.
    But it may work for PvE.

    the problem i had playing eso on the nvidia shield had nothing to do with the concerns you suggested, which by the way - shows you never really tried it, but with the use ov the nvidia shield overlay using buttons on the controller that prevent the full use of the gamepad from being used by the game. hence, i could not res anyone with the shield tv controller like i could with the ms controller on windows
  • remilafo
    Mogs wrote: »
    I'm going to be "that guy"!

    I haven't used Linux for a long time (10+ years) and even when I did it was more of a hey let's see what the fuss is about!

    Recently I've been getting nothing but "Windows updates : Failed to install, restarting" loop, and my patience has ran out with Windows (I've fixed the issues multiple times, it keeps coming back).

    I've read through every page and don't really follow (as I don't really know anything about Linux) so the command line stuff is pretty lost on me, how ever, I'm torn between which Distribution to go for.
    As I've said above I've had limited experience with Linux and it was a long time a go (OpenSUSE, Ubuntu).

    I've been doing a bit of reading and I've narrowed down the Distributions I'm interested in:
    Ubuntu / Mint or Manjaro.

    From what I have read Manjaro has issues with Nvidia drivers? But is more "cutting edge/updated".
    How ever, some aren't impressed with Ubuntu (and Mint?) 'store' (PPA's) as they're not secure/hard to update/outdated/clunky etc

    With so many distributions out there it gets a bit confusing and there are threads with people recommending a multitude of different ones for beginners, lol!

    I am using a somewhat dated Laptop now (MSI GE72VR 6RF Apache Pro) - Nvidia GTX 1060/Intel H Series - for what it's worth and I do NOT have ESO on Steam.
    I did download it via steam on the free weekend and found myself hooked again - but when the weekend ended I couldn't launch through steam as "license expired" so I've been running the launcher from the steam folder.

    So unfortunately it's not going to be a case of downloading steam and enabling Proton.
    I did copy the ESO folder from within steam to an external HDD though, in case I can copy over to Linux and save some downloading time.

    What would you guys suggest I go with, Mint and install ESO via Lutris?
    (the games I'm mainly playing at the moment are ESO, League of Legends and The Isle).

    Sorry for the long post and the very silly questions, and thanks in advance!
    It's also good to see people using Linux for gaming, I'm itching to ditch Windows!

    Im personally biased towards Linux mint it's probably the best Distro to go with if you want to maintain that windows feels, even typical windows key shortcuts work. It's what i have been using for my gaming systems. I do not recommend Ubuntu.

    Manjaro is a solid choice as well but i don't recommend this as your first linux distro, support is less abundant and manjaro is built on Arch linux which is more hardcore linux.

    Might i also recommend MX linux, if you want to avoid the command line then this is probably the best distro for it.
    I have one question? Will it run as good as on Windows? As in: will my performance (fps) drop or not?

    Yes there is a performance hit, for me it's about 10%, some people report as high as a 30% hit.
    Mogs wrote: »
    Thanks for the concise reply!
    Seems pretty straight forward, I look forward to getting back in to Linux.

    Just to clarify:
    I have it all downloaded on Windows (as I got another failed update today that forces a loop on boot for a few minutes) I got tired of it - it happens most every time there's a forced windows update, not sure why.

    So I was planning to DL linux and make the switch tonight was looking around to make sure the games I play were in a decently playable state - when I was googling people were arguing (surprise) about which Linux Distribution would be best (over all and for beginners) so I've not started downloading one yet ( as above, torn betweem Ubuntu / Mint or Manjaro).

    is your friend.

  • Mogs
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for the reply!

    I have actually been browsing a few sites, including the proton one, and I am currently downloading Mint as I type this after watching multiple youtube videos lol.

    As a side note, do you have any experience with Pop!_OS/Solus?

    Thanks again!
    Looking forward to getting back in to ESO!
    Edited by Mogs on April 12, 2019 1:17AM
  • remilafo
    Mogs wrote: »
    Thank you for the reply!

    I have actually been browsing a few sites, including the proton one, and I am currently downloading Mint as I type this after watching multiple youtube videos lol.

    As a side note, do you have any experience with Pop!_OS/Solus?

    Thanks again!
    Looking forward to getting back in to ESO!

    I have no experience with Pop-OS but it's just another Ubuntu port it seems.

    Ubuntu, mint, MX, pops, elementary etc etc.. these are all Debian ports. They all operate the same way under the hood and manage their packages the same way. What makes them difference is the Desktop environment which is just a subjective GUI choice.

    If the Pop-OS gui calls to you use it... Alternatively you could install mint or MX or whatever and then individually download and install the POP-OS gui..

    I know at first it seem overwhelming with all these distro but really under the hood they are all the same.

    These days if you are familiar with Debian and Arch then you are good to go with the vast majority of distro's out there.
  • Ryknos
    I'd rather play on an unlicensed copy of Windows before doing all of this. Community repos are always a a sad case because they tend to break due to dependency issues especially when a maintainer quits supporting the repo.
  • ssorgatem
    I have one question? Will it run as good as on Windows? As in: will my performance (fps) drop or not?

    You'll probably see a 10%-15% drop in FPS... at least until they enable the Vulkan renderer fro the Windows client instead of just the Mac client ;)
    Anyway, a drop from 80 FPS to 72 FPS isn't a deal breaker for me...

    But as a side-effect, you'll get faster loading times, that is, shorter loading screens, at least when they are IO-bound (e.g., if you use add-ons like MasterMerchant), because Windows' NTFS filesystem sucks.

    Mogs wrote: »
    Thanks for the concise reply!
    Seems pretty straight forward, I look forward to getting back in to Linux.

    Just to clarify:
    I have it all downloaded on Windows (as I got another failed update today that forces a loop on boot for a few minutes) I got tired of it - it happens most every time there's a forced windows update, not sure why.

    So I was planning to DL linux and make the switch tonight was looking around to make sure the games I play were in a decently playable state - when I was googling people were arguing (surprise) about which Linux Distribution would be best (over all and for beginners) so I've not started downloading one yet ( as above, torn betweem Ubuntu / Mint or Manjaro).

    With Manjaro it's easier to have the latest versions of drivers and etc, but it requires you to keep up to date with updates. This also means you won't have to do big upgrades between releases or reinstalls... because there are no releases.
    And you have anything you'd want in the AUR, no need to look for an add a bunch of third-party repos or whatnot...

    Mint/Ubuntu and others in the Debian family are, allegedly, more user-friendly (they do more automatic stuff for you... which I dislike), and most third-party software specifically supports Ubuntu and provides packages for it (things like Steam, Skype, Google Chrome, Mendeley, official NVIDIA/AMD driver packages, etc.)

    But now that the only thing you need to run ESO is a working Steam and working Vulkan drivers, (almost) any distro is good for playig.
  • ssorgatem
    Ryknos wrote: »
    I'd rather play on an unlicensed copy of Windows before doing all of this. Community repos are always a a sad case because they tend to break due to dependency issues especially when a maintainer quits supporting the repo.

    "all of this" is adding a non-steam game to the Steam library and checking a couple checkboxes...

    I mean, getting TTC to work on Windows is way more trouble.
  • Fellwitch
    Is there really a performance hit?

    I have read some people get 10-15% slower performance where others are getting 5-10% faster performance?

  • Rabinson
    Fellwitch wrote: »
    Is there really a performance hit?

    I have read some people get 10-15% slower performance where others are getting 5-10% faster performance?

    I think this will change according to your hardware and Linux configuration.
    For me, using the Mint on a GTX750TI (old I know) has not changed at all: DPS ranging from 30 to 60 - Same as Windows.
  • remilafo
    Fellwitch wrote: »
    Is there really a performance hit?

    I have read some people get 10-15% slower performance where others are getting 5-10% faster performance?

    If anyone is getting better performance in Linux this is very probably because their old windows install was so bloated and possibly corrupted that it was causing significant loss in performance.
  • Mogs
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for all of the help guys!

    I expect a performance hit, but for general computing it should be better + look nicer!

    I have ran in to a few problems which seem to be tied to my MSI gaming laptop and can't get Mint to install, so I'll look around (I won't spam this forum anymore though).

    Just wanted to drop by and say thanks, appreciate it!
  • randomkeyhits
    A recommendation, if its your first time trying linux then buy a really cheap spare disk, swap it in and install on that. If you don't like it just put your original one back in. The spare can be used for backups.

    A common can't install thing is the bios being uefi and set for secure boot, switching to legacy (bios) boot normally allows installs.
    EU PS4
  • photonoxx
    ssorgatem wrote: »

    wget  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks
    chmod +x winetricks
    export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.ttc
    export WINEARCH=win32
    ./winetricks --unattended dotnet452 corefonts

    Then you can run TTC with:
    WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.ttc wine "$HOME/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns/TamrielTradeCentre/Client/Client.exe"

    I have that saved as "ttc.sh" so I don't have to type it every time.
    I actually call that from a script that also calls Minion with "java -jar Minion.jar" and then opens the game launcher.

    Change the path of the client.exe to match your installation.


    To have client running, I have to set windows version to "windows 10" instead of "windows 2003" as it was set (by default ?) in winecfg tool .
    WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.ttc winecfg

    And initially, I tried to launch directly client.exe from proton prefix path (I use Steam linux version to launch ESO), and decide to add a symlink for "ElderScrollOnline" in my home/documents/ folder, in case where ttc client look in a fixed place (mydocuments/elderscrollonline) for savedvariables and not in a path relative from where it was launched.
  • remilafo
    just a bump to this thread.

    with dxvk 1.4 eso runs better than ever on linux.
  • Drako_Ei
    Meanwhile window users: double click ESO icon
  • remilafo
    Drako_Ei wrote: »
    Meanwhile window users: double click ESO icon

    hey man, you do you. It's cool to be a windows user, just like it's cool to be a mac user.
    Edited by remilafo on October 7, 2019 1:38AM
  • kaithuzar
    Has anyone tried standard Linux/Windows tuning methods or overclocking?

    So for Windows you can download an application called process lasso, it’s another method besides task manager for setting process affinity to not use hyperthreading for the specific executable. (Some other games have benefited from this by reduced stuttering but I hadn’t tried with ESO) Ie...only use even numbers of cores 0,2,4,etc...

    Does Linux have any form of core unparking? I’ve never looked at that (btw good call on the performance governor)

    What about standard Linux things such as removing or changing swappiness?

    Here are a bunch of sysctl tweaks I found online (I’ve used some but this is not my github), “some” could help to improve system performance, some help to make the system more secure, & some you’ll want to keep to a test environment.

    Glhf, if I find/remember more I’ll post more & thanks for the existence of this thread!
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  • remilafo
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Has anyone tried standard Linux/Windows tuning methods or overclocking?

    So for Windows you can download an application called process lasso, it’s another method besides task manager for setting process affinity to not use hyperthreading for the specific executable. (Some other games have benefited from this by reduced stuttering but I hadn’t tried with ESO) Ie...only use even numbers of cores 0,2,4,etc...

    Does Linux have any form of core unparking? I’ve never looked at that (btw good call on the performance governor)

    What about standard Linux things such as removing or changing swappiness?

    Here are a bunch of sysctl tweaks I found online (I’ve used some but this is not my github), “some” could help to improve system performance, some help to make the system more secure, & some you’ll want to keep to a test environment.

    Glhf, if I find/remember more I’ll post more & thanks for the existence of this thread!

    Yeah i have messed around a bit with that and all i really learned was that i shouldn't mess around with that..

    Linux is already very !! VERY !! good at efficiency. Like seriously there is virtually no bloat whatsoever on a linux build.

    Having said that this little app is quite nice ... https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode

    For myself mainly it is used to force turn off all the power savings features on my motherboard and put the clocks into FULL REV... power savings Be damned.

    Edited by remilafo on February 24, 2020 4:19PM
  • kaithuzar
    remilafo wrote: »

    Yeah i have messed around a bit with that and all i really learned was that i shouldn't mess around with that..

    Linux is already very !! VERY !! good at efficiency. Like seriously there is virtually no bloat whatsoever on a linux build.

    Having said that this little app is quite nice ... https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode

    For myself mainly it is used to force turn off all the power savings features on my motherboard and put the clocks into FULL REV... power savings Be damned.

    So I can vouch for the vmswappiness setting as sometimes systems will randomly use swap memory too early when you have plenty of ram available, this is due to the default setting for this needing to be changed.

    I’m working on beta testing new versions of elive Linux as I have communication with the developer, so I’ll test eso setup with that in the next few weeks. It’s using Enlightenment 16 as the GUI.
    Member of:
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  • Ermiq
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    So I can vouch for the vmswappiness setting as sometimes systems will randomly use swap memory too early when you have plenty of ram available, this is due to the default setting for this needing to be changed.

    I don't get the idea behind swap. I mean, yeah, when you have only 4 GB RAM then you have to have swap. But since I have 16 GB RAM I prefer to completely disable swap on both Windows and Linux. Especially after some terribly slow file operations I've encountered on Ubuntu with swap activated. In my experience it's always "no swap - no issues".
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • kaithuzar
    Ermiq wrote: »

    I don't get the idea behind swap. I mean, yeah, when you have only 4 GB RAM then you have to have swap. But since I have 16 GB RAM I prefer to completely disable swap on both Windows and Linux. Especially after some terribly slow file operations I've encountered on Ubuntu with swap activated. In my experience it's always "no swap - no issues".

    The idea is that if your system runs out of ram OR has a system(OS) crash, it dumps the memory contents to that location. Which is why if you completely disable swap on windows you should edit a registry key to specify a hard drive location for it to dump the memory contents to. I’ve never heard of this on Linux, only that you should never completely disable it, just set it so swap doesn’t kick in until ram is 90% full.
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
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    Former member of:
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    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
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