Latest PTS build has switched the Mac client from OpenGL to Vulkan.
If the Windows client switched to Vulkan too, we wouldn't need DXVK and its performance penalty, which would give us increased performance, probably at least on par with current Windows performance.
Since they already have a Vulkan renderer... it shouldn't be much work at all to enable it on Windows too.
Also, they clearly made it with more than Mac platform in mind; otherwise they would have used Metal directly.
Let's hope for the best.
well that is good news.
I haven't tried this but us linux folks could probably just run the mac client. There is so much emphasis on operating windows games that i never considered if mac stuff runs in linux.
DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=/home/.proton/dxvk.conf STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/remi/.proton/ /media/remi/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7\ Beta/proton waitforexitandrun /media/remi/Games/Zenimax\ Online/The\ Elder\ Scrolls\ Online/game/client/eso64.exe
DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=/home/.proton/dxvk.conf WINEPREFIX=/home/remi/.proton/pfx/drive_c /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 /media/remi/Games/Zenimax\ Online/The\ Elder\ Scrolls\ Online/game/client/eso64.exe
why even linux? man those egoist artogant asses
I'm having the damnedest time just getting ESO installed. I don't have a Windows install to pull it from. (Yeah, Ive been working on getting it installed in a VM and copying from there, but the wine install issue is bugging me.)
Using Proton or the latest wine-staging that's distributed in Ubuntu's 18.04, the launcher gets to a certain point in the download and then just hangs. I think I once saw something about an open file limit being reached. Who knows.
I'm having the damnedest time just getting ESO installed. I don't have a Windows install to pull it from. (Yeah, Ive been working on getting it installed in a VM and copying from there, but the wine install issue is bugging me.)
Using Proton or the latest wine-staging that's distributed in Ubuntu's 18.04, the launcher gets to a certain point in the download and then just hangs. I think I once saw something about an open file limit being reached. Who knows.
I got the same issue but I found a fix. It turns out I have a bad driver (Official AMDGPU PRO) and when I install the one from this github page ( it doesn't freeze!
Oh MAN!!!
I figured it out..
Turns out the current BETA proton is running WINE 3.7 and DXVK 0.64 ... but you can actually do better.
I started running wine 3.16 staging with the new DXVK 0.80 and got ESO to run with this command line.DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=/home/.proton/dxvk.conf WINEPREFIX=/home/remi/.proton/pfx/drive_c /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 /media/remi/Games/Zenimax\ Online/The\ Elder\ Scrolls\ Online/game/client/eso64.exe
The performance is WAY better.. I got about a 10-30FPS improvement but the best part is that the FPS fluctuations in general are much more stable. My performance in linux now absolutely out performs what i was getting in windows. This is not a PRO linux statement but rather just a reflection about how crappy my windows installation had become after so many years.
Pretty darn sweet. I hope my command line is understandable, if not please ask and i will clarify.
Obviously a troll post but the "why even linux?" is a good question none the less and im going to answer it.
From a strictly gaming point of view, linux is a hard sell because generally the gaming performance is not on parity with windows depending on the title. This isn't the fault of linux but rather a lack of care from GPU manufacturers and Game developers themselves. So good for windows i guess, but windows comes with a price and that price is too steep for some people. Some of my personal reasons for not using windows.
- The actual cost in dollars for a windows license, what is it now like 139$USD... crazy man... Linux is free if you want it to be.
- Being a puppet to microsoft, the spying, the control, the restrictions.. Linux on the other hand has none of those issues. No one is spying on me except google (that's a demon i can live with), nobody other than me tells or modifies my operating system, and i can do and make whatever i want in linux, i love custom GUI's for example..
There are more reasons but the narrow focus of gaming is what it is.
Hey, I follow your setup (Wine staging and the dxvk 8, latest). The floor become black and it loads on the loading scren much much slower (like on windows), it is faster with the vanilla proton/steam setup, but the fps sometimes drop in crowd maps. Am I doing it the correct way? Literally I just install the wine-staging repo from the winehq and dxvk from github. And I don't use the dxvk.conf since I don't have it in my proton installation in the first place.
I found the problem.. Turn out I haven't reinstalled the dxvk to the steam/proton's prefix, I only install it on the default .wine prefix, may bad. After installing dxvk the floor are not black anymore but fps still drops but a little bit better than before.
And last, I found another solution. I thought I already used the latest llvm (because I installed it somewhere on a tutorial) but turns out when I check glxinfo, it shows the OpenGL Renderer still uses LLVM 6. So I search the llvm 6 package (I use ubuntu so its dpkg -l) and it shows llvmlib-6 and llvmlib-8. I remove the llvmlib-6 and then reboot, voila! The fps drop are gone. Cheers
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »With a 1070 and ryzen 2600 I couldn't keep to a 60 fps cap in the open world in Proton or standard wine staging with dxvk, in fact I'd get a stutter every 5 seconds that would send my fps to the sub 30's.
Could you elaborate a little? FPS drops are the biggest issue.
Listen, some games work better than others, my experience and 1 friend of mine are finding ESO rather flawless but i know experiences can vary. Reality check, if you can't tolerate any degree of performance degradation then linux probably isn't for you.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »
I know to expect at least a 20% performance drop vs Windows when using DXVK. However the issue with ESO is that unlike most working games I've tried with both Proton or Staging + DXVK is that the FPS is not just "lower"... but unstable i.e. sporadic stuttery periods down to the sub 30's from 80 something at 1080p even outside of towns.
You and your friend deeming it as flawless doesn't exactly mean it's ready for whitelisting, similar reports both on SPCR and Proton github also state similar issues to mine. Hopefully with future advancements of both DXVK, Proton/wine and drivers it'll be almost as playable as Windows... it's just not quite their yet.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »With a 1070 and ryzen 2600 I couldn't keep to a 60 fps cap in the open world in Proton or standard wine staging with dxvk, in fact I'd get a stutter every 5 seconds that would send my fps to the sub 30's.
Could you elaborate a little? FPS drops are the biggest issue.
@remilafo hey, I came across this article lately . Does this mean they updated their wine version too?
that's weird, there is nothing special about just the launcher that downloads and installs the game.
You have the steam version of ESO? or the standalone version?
got an error?
Have you properly updated your system from the list i made in the very first post?
I'm an old Linux hand starting way back in 1995, made my living as a UNIX admin. My system is up to date. ;-)
I actually fixed the issue, it has to do with a security limit on open files that needs to be increased in a few files in /etc. I finally got ESO installed, and with wine-staging+DXVK it's running like a champ, 90FPS in town!
This thread explains some of the open file limit problem:
SaxonCrusader wrote: »I've been using Linux for nearly four years now and after getting myself a gaming laptop and hearing about the release of Steam Play I decided I had to get ESO for PC and try it out. I'm currently running the Steam version on Solus Linux, and whilst the FPS swings between 20-60 I was really pleased to be able to get ESO running and be playable on Linux. It's great to see Linux gaming come this far in such a short space of time. Hopefully this will sway ZOS into making a native ESO client, but for now I'm content.
I doubt we will ever see a native linux client, but at the same time we really don't need one.
However last patch the MAC client got a vulkan API implementation. It is likely (and hopefully) the windows client will get a vulkan implementation as well, if that happens us linux people should see a significant performance boost and we won't need DXVK anymore.
This is good news about running ESO under Linux and I plan on trying this out soon! However, I looked all through this post and unless I am blind I don't see any mention of addons used under Linux... Given that addons are stored in a different location for a non steam version of ESO, Documents section... I was curious where addons get stored? Obviously Minion probably isn't going to work but I only run a few addons as it is so I am just curious if any of you Linux + ESO folks were able to get addons working with your ESO install?
Thank you in advance,
/home/remi/.proton/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/ESO_BUILD_BRANCH- Your Steam version of ESO addon folder should be something like
/media/remi/Games/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/306130/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/ESO_BUILD_BRANCH