And I thought the most "clever" method I saw were bots with randomized paths and actions in Coldharbour (which took me long to make sure it's a bot), and a bot wearing basic 500 crowns worth costume in fail attempt to disguise itself in BleakrockBut this is something I haven't seen.
Although I have seen a large group of bots waiting in stealth, while few of them go kill mobs, then return, enter stealth and next few bots go kill mobs again, in Rift. Apparently the botter thought that large group of stealthed and stacked on top of each other characters in PvE would be less suspicious than large group of templars jabbing mobs together at the same time
The_Brosteen wrote: »Dont waste your time, they don't care
What I don't get is, ZOS knows the areas this occurs in, so WHY can't they employ someone to go to these areas a couple times per day and see if bots are present?!? Instead they force PLAYERS to 'report' them when they could easily do this themselves.
What I don't get is, ZOS knows the areas this occurs in, so WHY can't they employ someone to go to these areas a couple times per day and see if bots are present?!? Instead they force PLAYERS to 'report' them when they could easily do this themselves.
adriant1978 wrote: »
Probably because a) it would cost them money to employ said person, and b) at least some of the botters are probably paying for ESO+ so they'd lose money by banning them.
BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »What I am having a hard time understanding, is how do people do this? I understand that obviously, someone has to have the game, create said character (because i see these bots at low level and in very high CP levels on Xbox) they give them saw gibberish name and I assume play the character long enough to get these skills?
What I don't understand, is are these bots being actively controlled by people? Is it something or some program that is controlling these bots to do these specific task (i.e. farming resources, etc...)
Actual people aren't controlling these things are they? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I cannot wrap my head around it.
Last bots I encountered were in Camlorn a couple weeks back. They were EVERYWHERE. you couldn't even see the floor in certain areas in there due to the amount of bots and the piles of werewolf corpses.
A simple Google search will reveal that using a programming language like Python you can analyze visual changes in defined areas of the screen. When an anticipated change occurs, you can then code a series of keyboard and mouse commands to execute the bot behavior. Not easy to do, but with enough knowledge and motivation to cheat, obviously very doable.
Because this is all done by programs running outside of ESO, apart from employing people to play the game and observe the behavior, not much ZOS can do about this. This is likely why they rely on reports from other players.
I saw something similar on the Xbox recently, I wouldn't call the ones I saw bots for that reason but they were all harvesting metal/jewelry nodes. I've seen up to a dozen level 3 "players" all with random names and gamer tags camping these nodes for hours and harvesting as soon as the node spawns. They twitch around a bit while hidden then stand up to harvest, then drop back to hidden, timing it it looks like the nodes respawn every 2 minutes. Looking at the gamer profiles they have only 5 Xbox achievement points, only from starting ESO. Their friends list only consist of the other "players."
I've also seen the same toons using the bankers in the outlaw refuges. They are only harvesting iron and pewter so they can't be making a lot of gold or getting a lot of mats. But if there's enough of them it might be worth the effort.
While it could be a sophisticated program running multiple or Xbox family accounts it's more likely some gold selling operation has hired low wage people to sit there and camp/harvest mats, then drop them into a shared guild bank where the mats can be sold for gold in the guild traders system.
Or rather, they didn't realize, they can make more money by those accounts having to be renewed and therefore would get them more $$$!
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »So, I was doing the quest for Shattered Grove in Auridon when I noticed 3 bots harvesting bears and wolves. However, instead of all three running a predetermined course together in single file, they did the following. They were 3 stamsorcs all with really long nonsensical gibberish names. They would start stealthed, stacked on each other next to the same tree until the bears and wolves all respawned (exact time, every time). They would then pop Lightning Form and all three would take off running in a different direction on a specific course to agro the mobs on ‘their route’ and then burn them down with an AOE at the end of their route. They would then return to the exact same tree and repeat the process. To determine if they were bots I tried interacting with them and even poaching their pulls. I got no responses so I reported them. Looks like botters are trying to be more clever. What sucks about bots in this location is it’s a quest hub and you need one of those bears to complete your quest.
Except for the fact like 95% of those accounts are either stolen or used with stolen cc's, and then people have to charge back and ESO has to give back to the bank.
Except for the fact like 95% of those accounts are either stolen or used with stolen cc's, and then people have to charge back and ESO has to give back to the bank.
Let's say this is correct, than there is obviously a method of determining what is a "stolen" account. Otherwise those numbers are purely made up...