Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.3.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v4.1.0

  • arkansas_ESO
    "The siege masters of Vivec and Shor have learned from their counterparts in Sotha Sil, and all siege weapons will be more effective against players in Champion enabled Campaigns."

    I can hear the rage now. Anyways, most of these changes are either non-effective or outright bad. The only good ones are the Incap and the Sload's nerf.
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Also there is no reason to play a stamblade now over a magblade in pvp so nice job with that one.


    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • Oxalias
    A major problem with sloads is that it's oblivion damage, not that it's got an additional o tick - rework all oblivion damage sets please.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    • Elf Bane: Fixed an issue where this item set was not increasing the duration of the damage over time from the Grothdarr Item Set.
    • Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
    • With Elf bane's 'fix,' please update the tooltip to accurately reflect what you're having the set do, as Groth and Zaan, nice as it may be, are not, nor have ever been 'skills.'

      (I personally don't care if the set does or does not work this way, even if it is cheese, but at least let the tooltip reflect what it actually does, vice what it should do as worded now.)
    • Removal of the mount speed bonus for Ward of Cyrodiil, especially without at least moving it to another set, makes little sense. It was the defining factor for this set, far more than the 5 pc ever will be.
    • You can now only select one role when queueing through the Activity Finder, and it will display next to party frames.
      Developer Comment: <spoiler>This change was made for a few reasons. Most importantly, it streamlines the queueing system so groups can be created faster. It’s also in an effort to address the issue where players would queue as multiple roles and get assigned the role they just can’t do, leading to bad group experiences. Now, if a player chooses a role, they are explicitly saying they are equipped to perform that role so there is less downtime at the start of the dungeon waiting for players to figure out which role they were assigned and making adjustments.<spoiler>
    Second part is fine. The first part won't correct the issue you're trying to correct.

    When the queue pops now, it tells you what role you coming in as, so it's not as if it's a surprise.

    While it's noble you're trying to indirectly force the whole "do your role" thing, all this effectively ends up doing is burning people that can legitimately dual role (or more rarely any role)*. People will still troll this under the guise of the alternate role, while still trying to perform their preferred one.

    *Technically it also burns groups waiting for that person in that alternate role, effectively making their queue longer, not shorter.

    People will still get kicked (with no consequence for the person faking the role, as far as I can tell, and full consequence for the group stuck waiting.)

    I am all about role 'enforcement' in regard to RDF, but I would much rather see some kind of gauntlet/certification/even player voted acceptance (after so many runs) for an individual being role capable as opposed to the idea that only being allowed to check one box will somehow eliminate the underlying problem.

    The role icon next to party frame is a nice QoL thing. The rest does not eliminate the ultimate issue, it simply changes it.

    FTR, I'm fairly certain most groups were not wandering around in confusion trying to figure out who had what role, so I'm calling BS on the streamlining, as the code should've involved little more than going down the line and offering up the position to the first on the list with the associated checked box.

    This will have little effect on legit healer/tank queues. This will almost nothing to expedite legit DPS queues.

    If you really want to streamline it, add a stacking penalty to those no readying up when the queue pops, etc and some kind of major penalty for people that will continue to BS their roles and get called out and kicked for it. Right now, it's the group that gets the real consequence.

    (You could also balance the content to actually require the desired roles, as a lot of it currently does not.)

    Certification could even be as simple as a Tank/Healer/DPS achievement, after so many full, successful runs in the given role, potentially with different tiers, much as many achievements have now.

    This way it would be a lot harder to BS Tanked/Healed/DPS's 10/100/1000 dungeons. (Arbitrary numbers, simply for proof of concept)

    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on July 9, 2018 9:17PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • ploddab16_ESO
    While I do like a lot of the stuff I'm seeing, as a Werewolf roleplayer the Hircine Glade house sticks in the craw. People like me have been asking for a rework to the base WW for a long while to allow us to stay in the form without fussing about ultimate, and now you've given us this ability... In a single house that is probably going to be time gated and is probably going to cost a boatload of crowns (I easily see it being in the price range of the Dawnlight and Grotto) so you've stuck this ability behind a TWO pay walls: the price of the DLC and the price of the house.

    This little boon should not be exclusive to the house, it should be something WW players are able to do anywhere to show off what they are. Make it a polymorph, not this.
  • Anhedonie
    Vykosa (Monster Mask)
    1: Healing Taken
    2: When you taunt an enemy, you frighten them with a deafening howl, applying Major Maim to them for 3 seconds, lowering their damage done by 30%. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.
    -hahahah WTF is this ***?

    No damage changes on warden? Thanks for pretending that the warden dds don't exist in PvE...

    Mend Wounds: Weapon swapping to an ability bar that does not have this ability or its morphs slotted will now toggle the ability off.
    - how to turn above average ability into utter ***.

    Werewolf changes look okay. So far I like them. Might need a bit of adjustments though.

    Old set updates - ehhh...I appreciate the effort, keep trying.
    Edited by Anhedonie on July 9, 2018 9:18PM
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • glavius
    Gravord wrote: »
    15% dmg reduction on sload is not enough for how this set overperform.

    Sload's was nerfed 27% compared to live. (1 tick+15%) i think it's probably balanced now.

  • shinikaze
    Hutch679 wrote: »
    MyKillv2.0 wrote: »
    R I P Nightblade in PvP 2014-2018


    Said no one ever.

    I mean all they did was revert an unecesary buff to the skill
  • Xsorus
    The Defile Changes have to be the dumbest thing i've seen so far.

    You've basically set yourself up for people now saying Healing is Massively Overpowered next patch.

    and by reducing it from 10 seconds to 4 seconds on things like Reverb Bash you're now forcing everyone to use Duroks or Ward of Cyrodiil now because the Reverb Bash Stamina Cost is so high.

  • NBrookus
    glavius wrote: »
    Gravord wrote: »
    15% dmg reduction on sload is not enough for how this set overperform.

    Sload's was nerfed 27% compared to live. (1 tick+15%) i think it's probably balanced now.

    "Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick."

    It's only 15% damage reduction.
  • Enslaved
    Lets see.

    Sorc recieved major nerf that will literally detroy the entire class. 20% damage removal on rune cage is such a great hit sorcs will boycott ESO, delete their accounts and burry their beloved chars like Deltia did back in the day with his templar.

    On the other hand, stamina DK received major game breaking buffs. These changes will make all go roll sDK next patch for sure. game will be non playable out of so many DKs in PvP. First, zos buffed melee damage range from unrealistic 10 meters to more lore friendly 5-7 meters. This change is simply groundbreaking.
    Second, major defile duration on all sets and some skills was buffed by reducing it from mostly unrealistic 10 seconds to more optimal 4 seconds. Amazing changes! add there set buffs that made some of useless sets now great and I bet we will have tens of billions new DKs in ESO in no time! Only error zos made was adding 2 seconds snare immunity to DKs wings. This is unfair for all other classes, especially ones that have no wings at all. Please, nerf DK, its clearly overperforming. And buff sorcs, they are weakest class in all MMORPGS ever.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    So nothing about fixing the heavy attack glitch?
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Apache_Kid
    Why not increase the value retroactively of jewelry master writs already received by the player? How insulting
  • glavius
    NBrookus wrote: »
    glavius wrote: »
    Gravord wrote: »
    15% dmg reduction on sload is not enough for how this set overperform.

    Sload's was nerfed 27% compared to live. (1 tick+15%) i think it's probably balanced now.

    "Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick."

    It's only 15% damage reduction.

    Ahh damn missed that.
  • Neoauspex
    Oxalias wrote: »
    A major problem with sloads is that it's oblivion damage, not that it's got an additional o tick - rework all oblivion damage sets please.

    Ok. But then also rework shields.
  • GaunterODim
    - Sloads should not stack anymore if you decide to keep it obliviion damage.

    - The 20% damage nerf to rune cage is by far not enough to balance it.
    It still has 28m range, breaks clunky as hell, goes through block and dodge, does decent damage and is basicly "break it or
    die" with the 5 seconds duration.
    On top of the cc being so packed full of anything a cc could have, the sorcerers toolkit has multiple delayed damage
    abilities that can all be lined up at the same time with it.

    Please consider taking another look at it as it currently dominates any pvp environment.

    - Wasnt casting elemental weapon removing you from stealth a good thing at first? I remember plenty voices saying its an
    important thing because this would make prepared ganks way more dangerous than they already are and I agree on that

    Some points that came to my mind after reading the notes with a thought to what would be important balance wise.
    Edited by GaunterODim on July 9, 2018 9:29PM
  • Cenom
    MyKillv2.0 wrote: »
    R I P Nightblade in PvP 2014-2018


    Sure lol
    People always say this, and the class still the best 1vX and PvE both Stam and Magicka.
  • Gravord
    breaks clunky as hell

    Wait, what? It breaks? Maybe for you! Yesterday evening almost every death i had in bg was due to this broken bs not breaking ever and lasting whole duration. Even on full stam couldnt get out of it. So much fun from playing like that.
  • NupidStoob
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    Oxalias wrote: »
    A major problem with sloads is that it's oblivion damage, not that it's got an additional o tick - rework all oblivion damage sets please.

    Ok. But then also rework shields.

    Or you simply learn how to deal with shields. Oblivion damage is rather new in the game and people were able to deal with shields before that too. Every form of defense in this game is annoying for those who can't deal with it. Permablock, roll dodging, insane heals, reflects, speed, immovability...
  • Matthew_Galvanus
    NupidStoob wrote: »
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    Oxalias wrote: »
    A major problem with sloads is that it's oblivion damage, not that it's got an additional o tick - rework all oblivion damage sets please.

    Ok. But then also rework shields.

    Or you simply learn how to deal with shields. Oblivion damage is rather new in the game and people were able to deal with shields before that too. Every form of defense in this game is annoying for those who can't deal with it. Permablock, roll dodging, insane heals, reflects, speed, immovability...

    I agree, the stacking effect of oblivion damage from Sload's is rather ridiculous, it bypasses basically everything people throw up as a form of defense and anyone who isnt a tank is touched by the magic delete button as their healthbar vanishes in a puff of smoke.
  • technohic
    Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
    2: Stamina Recovery
    3: Mounted Speed
    4: Max Health
    5: Increase the amount of damage you block by 8%.
    2: Weapon Damage
    3: Stamina Recovery
    4: Stamina Recovery
    5: When you deal melee damage, you apply Major Defile to the enemy for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 30%. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.

    LOL? So you nerf abilities that apply it with making it more high maintenance to keep it running and nerf Duroks but then add this set which might as well be automatic with only 1 second for defile to not be up, with decent sustain stats. SMH
  • Harrdarrzarr
    Medium - Arms of Relequen
    2 – 833 Weapon Critical
    3 – Minor Slayer, increasing damage done to Dungeon and Trial Monsters by 5%
    4 – 833 Weapon Critical
    5 – Light and Heavy attacks apply harmful winds to the target for 5 seconds, dealing 200 Physical Damage per second per stack. Stacks up to 20 times.

    I guess this finally got implemented. Above text is from patch notes 4.0.5 from May 18th. On live the stack still does 378 damage, on pts atm it does 193 damage
  • ArvenAldmeri
    So basically no changes whatsoever to what the class representatives were all about. Very disapointed. Sorc sustain issue still untouched.
    Magicka sorcerer from start until the end. Always. Through the good times and the bad, even now when its probably saddest PvE dps it has ever been.
    Even as an owner of one radiant apex mounts I am against radiant apex mounts and anything thats not obtainable by direct purchase.
  • Xsorus
    technohic wrote: »
    Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
    2: Stamina Recovery
    3: Mounted Speed
    4: Max Health
    5: Increase the amount of damage you block by 8%.
    2: Weapon Damage
    3: Stamina Recovery
    4: Stamina Recovery
    5: When you deal melee damage, you apply Major Defile to the enemy for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 30%. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.

    LOL? So you nerf abilities that apply it with making it more high maintenance to keep it running and nerf Duroks but then add this set which might as well be automatic with only 1 second for defile to not be up, with decent sustain stats. SMH

    You realize Crest of Cyrodiil does the same thing right now right?

  • Cenom
    technohic wrote: »
    Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
    2: Stamina Recovery
    3: Mounted Speed
    4: Max Health
    5: Increase the amount of damage you block by 8%.
    2: Weapon Damage
    3: Stamina Recovery
    4: Stamina Recovery
    5: When you deal melee damage, you apply Major Defile to the enemy for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 30%. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.

    LOL? So you nerf abilities that apply it with making it more high maintenance to keep it running and nerf Duroks but then add this set which might as well be automatic with only 1 second for defile to not be up, with decent sustain stats. SMH

    They didn't intend to remove it from the game... plus it's a stamina option as well.
  • Enslaved
    Also, stop equalizing the PvE aspects of non CP with CP campaigns.
    If we wanted to play non CP we would go to campaign that has no CPs enabled. first you buffed guards to hit as vet mobs, now this stupid siege bs. [removed comment]
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on July 9, 2018 9:48PM
  • Sun7dance
    BigBadVolk wrote: »
    Balorgh (Monster Mask)
    1: Weapon Damage
    1: Spell Damage
    2: When you use an Ultimate ability, you gain Weapon and Spell Damage for 10 seconds equal to twice the amount of total Ultimate consumed.

    is it ez 1000 spell damage if I use destro ult with 500 ulti or is it only counts the 250 (Destro ult in the simple example)?

    I really hope you won't get 1000 spell damage, when you use overload with 500 Ulti.

    Durok’s Bane: Decreased the duration of the Major Defile debuff to 4 seconds from 10 seconds.

    Nice joke here, really! It was never a problem of the duration, but the uptime!

    before the Patch: 100% Uptime
    after the Patch: 100% Uptime

    Are you serious? What's the difference?
    Edited by Sun7dance on July 9, 2018 9:45PM
  • technohic
    Xsorus wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
    2: Stamina Recovery
    3: Mounted Speed
    4: Max Health
    5: Increase the amount of damage you block by 8%.
    2: Weapon Damage
    3: Stamina Recovery
    4: Stamina Recovery
    5: When you deal melee damage, you apply Major Defile to the enemy for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and Health Recovery by 30%. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.

    LOL? So you nerf abilities that apply it with making it more high maintenance to keep it running and nerf Duroks but then add this set which might as well be automatic with only 1 second for defile to not be up, with decent sustain stats. SMH

    You realize Crest of Cyrodiil does the same thing right now right?

    Actually didnt, but this makes it to where you are not sacrificing a couple of bad set bonuses.
  • smacx250
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Why not increase the value retroactively of jewelry master writs already received by the player? How insulting
    There are basically four classes of players with respect to JC master writs:
    1. Those that destroyed them because they are worthless
    2. Those that kept them in case a future game system change made them useful
    3. Those that sold them because they are worthless
    4. Those that bought them in case a future game system change made them useful

    The change they made is completely neutral to all those classes - it neither helps nor hurts them compared to leaving things as they are.

    However, if they retroactively increased the writs, classes #2 and #4 would see a benefit as a result of the change, and #1 and #3 would not.

    So, while I'm in a class that would have benefited by them retroactively increasing the writ values, I agree the change they made is the most "fair" overall. There's really no good reason for them to only reward the players that are "gambling" on future game system changes.
  • MrGorgar007
    Fixed an issue where the Traitor's Vault had an excessive number of lootable wardrobes.

    Edited by MrGorgar007 on July 9, 2018 9:48PM
  • ThorinWolfgang
    Resume what I will have in one month:
    1) No class balance
    2) No pleasure from pvp in prime time, because of:
      - BG without cp;
      - BG queue does not work properly;
      - Vivec lags af;
      - Shore is empty;
      - SotaSil without cp
    3) Waste 50 days of my life for useless gladiator's costume
    4) Do new dungeons
    5) Buy a new sench for 4k crowns and a house for 15k

    No, thanks
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