Sloads: The Death of Build Diversity

I’ve got it, this is the reason to nerf sloads that even its defenders should be able to get behind: build diversity. Now, I know for sure (though I won’t name any names cause forum rules) that at least some people defending Sloads have ranted about build diversity this and build diversity that in the past. So answer me this, your solution to Sloads is for everyone to slot purge or use wyrd tree, ok fine. Since apparently all the Sloaders know better than the most respected content producers and theory crafters in this game, this set should be nerfed because it’s killing build diversity and forcing everyone to use one set to survive or one skill, and destroying the work ZOS has done to move away from a heavy armor meta, since health regen is the best way to counter this if you’re not a magicka build and can’t use Wyrd tree. In the name of #builddiversity nerf Sloads because ZOS says I should be able to play however I want and Sloads isn’t letting me do this.
  • Waffennacht
    No my solution is 1.7k + health regen
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Minno
    No my solution is 1.7k + health regen

    And 2 hots, 2 burst heals, and a way to reposition.

    Only time I due to sloads is if I'm under heavy defile/bleed pressure by myself in a BG.

    It should still be removed though lol
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • KingLogix
    I 100% agree with sloads needing to be looked at. Personally, I think sloads is more of an issue when being a mag class. IMO stam is already over healing, and lingering speed pots alone will combat the damage from sloads. This leaves vigor/rally and etc to combat the other damage outside of sloads.
  • Syiccal
    I have not had a single sloads on one death recap ..I'm a console player who spends most my time in pvp and honestly don't see the Issue.. dmg can easily be out healed/cleansed
  • Gilvoth
    Syiccal wrote: »
    I have not had a single sloads on one death recap ..I'm a console player who spends most my time in pvp and honestly don't see the Issue.. dmg can easily be out healed/cleansed

    this ^ totaly agree on here on PC

    and also, for me, im a stealther so i refuse wear sloads because it forces me out of my ability to stealth and cast cloak.
    by just like the guy above, i have never seen sloads on my death recap.

    i am also forced to do things i dont want to, for sneak and sneak speeds as well as loss of damage and healing in order to keep my stealth abilities.
    you are not solo in your removal of build diversity. we are all suffering in this matter.

    Edited by Gilvoth on June 20, 2018 5:33PM
  • jaws343
    I find no problem with Sloads. And I have 11 different PVP toons with different builds. Not one of them uses or will use Sloads. Not one of these builds uses wryd tree or slots purge. Only my templar and mag warden even have an ability to remove negative effects and they would have those abilities, sloads or not. The stamina toons were mostly stacking vigor with another HOT like rally anyways, so no change there.

    So, build diversity seems fine.
  • lazerlaz
    I tried sload and went back to my old build. Diversity survives! It's a good set but my performance did not improve against GOOD PLAYERS to the point that it's OP like so many tears on the forums have expressed.

    The ugly truth is if you say sloads is the reason you're dying so much because it's too strong combined with everything else, chances are you'd die anyway.

    There are really freaking good proc sets out there on par with sloads. Sloads is just the center of attention right now.

  • Gilvoth
    lazerlaz wrote: »
    I tried sload and went back to my old build. Diversity survives! It's a good set but my performance did not improve against GOOD PLAYERS to the point that it's OP like so many tears on the forums have expressed.

    The ugly truth is if you say sloads is the reason you're dying so much because it's too strong combined with everything else, chances are you'd die anyway.

    There are really freaking good proc sets out there on par with sloads. Sloads is just the center of attention right now.

    well said!
    i tried sloads and found it destroyed my gameplay, and just like you i tossed it and i dont see it as a good set.
    the only time i can see sloads as a good set would be if i was with 5 other people and we all wore it together and we all proc some 1 target to death with it, but, in reality we could do that with Many other sets, sloads is not better, infact in my opinion 5500 damage per tik is not that strong. in addition it only has a 10% chance to proc meaning i cant control when it procs, and many times people can burst you down alot faster.

    Edited by Gilvoth on June 20, 2018 5:37PM
  • Syiccal
    I tried it for about half hour before going back to previous build..much better 5 peice bonuses available on other sets..sloads on it's own will NOT kill a good's a combination of dmg that kills players.
  • Mihael
    Sloads alone isnt a problem


    If you are using sloads you are 100% of the time running major defile and/or more proc sets

    Also you prob in a zerg stacking sloads so rip
  • Mihael
    No my solution is 1.7k + health regen

    Straight up doing the same thing thing as you on my stam sorc only way to survive perma defiles and procs
  • Vynist
    Syiccal wrote: »
    I have not had a single sloads on one death recap ..I'm a console player who spends most my time in pvp and honestly don't see the Issue.. dmg can easily be out healed/cleansed

    Just to get a diversity of experiences: I have recently come back to eso after 2 years of quitting and ever since I came back I have had a LOT of deaths from sloads.

    I am on PC (from what I see is a bit more competitive and hardcore/serious) and I run a mag sorc right now. Since my mag sorc relies on shields with no direct healing, sloads is pretty difficult to deal with. It's rough when I am low health with shields up and that sloads is ticking away.

    ALSO, just on this thought: Sloads doesn't really get the killing blow on me. However, it forces me to get defensive instead of switching between offense and defensive. In pvp, you can't just sit there being defensive and let the other person go through cycles of their dps rotation on you, you have to switch between defense/offense, which is difficult against sloads.
  • Syiccal
    ^^ this made me laugh..everyone knows console is more difficult to play addons to help etc
    Edited by Syiccal on June 20, 2018 7:49PM
  • Mohegan_Sneak
    I found out yesterday that sloads still hits for full damage through elusive mist. G fkn G
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Vapirko wrote: »
    I’ve got it, this is the reason to nerf sloads that even its defenders should be able to get behind: build diversity. Now, I know for sure (though I won’t name any names cause forum rules) that at least some people defending Sloads have ranted about build diversity this and build diversity that in the past. So answer me this, your solution to Sloads is for everyone to slot purge or use wyrd tree, ok fine. Since apparently all the Sloaders know better than the most respected content producers and theory crafters in this game, this set should be nerfed because it’s killing build diversity and forcing everyone to use one set to survive or one skill, and destroying the work ZOS has done to move away from a heavy armor meta, since health regen is the best way to counter this if you’re not a magicka build and can’t use Wyrd tree. In the name of #builddiversity nerf Sloads because ZOS says I should be able to play however I want and Sloads isn’t letting me do this.

    Even with people adapting to Sloads, build diversity should be fine as there are many ways to deal with it...

    One could make no changes to his/her build whatsoever and simply run with a Templar to deal with Sloads...

    One could go the High Health Regen route (Troll King, Orgnums Scales, Bee Keepers)...

    Wyrd Tree and Purge are definitely not the only options out there...

    Heck, from what I've read from those who complain about Sloads, it only really becomes a problem if you are being focused on by multiple Sloads users...

    So another solution would be to simply stop trying to 1vX and just challenge no more than an opponent or two at one time max...

    In conclusion, build diversity is fine...

    People are just mad that Sloads disrupts their easy mode, and now they actually have to defend themselves in more ways than just stacking shields or spamming cloak...
    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on June 20, 2018 8:02PM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • Vynist
    Syiccal wrote: »
    ^^ this made me laugh..everyone knows console is more difficult to play addons to help etc

    Well, that has nothing to do with the content of what I said. It also had nothing to do with the point I made about PC vs console. But okay.

    It's like we are speaking different languages.
  • Minno

    Even with people adapting to Sloads, build diversity should be fine as there are many ways to deal with it...

    One could make no changes to his/her build whatsoever and simply run with a Templar to deal with Sloads...

    One could go the High Health Regen route (Troll King, Orgnums Scales, Bee Keepers)...

    Wyrd Tree and Purge are definitely not the only options out there...

    Heck, from what I've read from those who complain about Sloads, it only really becomes a problem if you are being focused on by multiple Sloads users...

    So another solution would be to simply stop trying to 1vX and just challenge no more than an opponent or two at one time max...

    In conclusion, build diversity is fine...

    People are just mad that Sloads disrupts their easy mode, and now they actually have to defend themselves in more ways than just stacking shields or spamming cloak...

    In nCP there's only one way to counter it, TK plus health recovery percent amps with healing amps.

    Anything else is too weak.

    It's a similar argument to snare immunity, everyone claims to just use the counters but when everyone is using forward momentum, have we achieved build diversity? Nope.

    Back to the drawing board.

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • pdebie64b16_ESO
    As a glass canon sniper i have more problems with shield stackers/heavy armor perma blockers (yes dk's and sorcs) then sloads. I have more chance to counter sloads 1vs1 then the above.
  • TheMystid
    By making everyone (who isn’t a meta surfer after all?) run with the same set, ZOS accomplished his major purpose for summerset: Class Balance.

    Think about it.

    PC EU

    Nostalgic StamDk
  • Strider__Roshin
    Sloads is that set does weak damage compared to the other proc sets, and that hardly anyone uses. And yet is QQ'd about constantly.

    Some people just hate slotting a heal that much eh?
    wyrd tree + purge = gg sloadtard
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Lol @people who keeps bringing up Purge and Wyrd Tree.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Thunderknuckles
    Syiccal wrote: »
    I have not had a single sloads on one death recap ..I'm a console player who spends most my time in pvp and honestly don't see the Issue.. dmg can easily be out healed/cleansed

    Similar here. About 9 hours of play in Vivec (PC/NA) and it's only come up on my recap twice.
  • BohnT
    Daus wrote: »
    Sloads is that set does weak damage compared to the other proc sets, and that hardly anyone uses. And yet is QQ'd about constantly.

    Some people just hate slotting a heal that much eh?

    It doesn't deal weak damage, it's the set that adds the highest pressure of any set vs everyone in 1v1.
    Also using the set gives you free kills against any stamnb, magnb or magsorc even if they have a higher skill level than you but at least anyone with the same skill as you.

    As it adds also high pressure vs any other build you have an easier time agaisnt them aswell.
    With DPS in duels varying from 3-4k in most fights you could also implement a set that gives the user major beserk, that will surely be balanced when every other source of Major beserk is heavily restricted cooldown or tied to strict proc conditions.

    Let's not talk further why people call this set op and rightly so
    Edited by BohnT on June 20, 2018 11:29PM
  • Lexxypwns
    Change the 2-4 pc to be less appealing and it’s not longer meta for Magika specs.

    @BohnT Zaan, Caluurion, and arguably Surge are superior procs

    Only things wrong with sload is the synergy it has with defiles and bleeds and the inability to counter it reliably, particularly when proc’ed from 2 or more sources.

    It is however reducing build diversity because the 2-4 are amazing and the 5pc combined with the excellent synergy with the meta
    Edited by Lexxypwns on June 21, 2018 12:26AM
  • Vapirko
    Daus wrote: »
    Sloads is that set does weak damage compared to the other proc sets, and that hardly anyone uses. And yet is QQ'd about constantly.

    Some people just hate slotting a heal that much eh?

    sloads has become the great divide between experienced and inexperienced players. Those defending use weak arguments and propose sets and builds that would only work in a zerg, or, in their infinite wisdom, tell people to slot heals. They tell you to stop trying to 1vX. Sloads is the “flag” of a new generation of PvPers who think balance means you can’t fight more than one person at a time if you’re solo. I fear that what ZOS decides to do about this set will inficate once and for all whether they’re dedicated to balance or catering to the masses who don’t want skill to be a part of PvP.

    @Daus if Sloads is so weak and no one uses it as you say, then why do you care if it gets nerfed further since it’s obviously of no use to you.
  • Vapirko

    Even with people adapting to Sloads, build diversity should be fine as there are many ways to deal with it...

    One could make no changes to his/her build whatsoever and simply run with a Templar to deal with Sloads...

    One could go the High Health Regen route (Troll King, Orgnums Scales, Bee Keepers)...

    Wyrd Tree and Purge are definitely not the only options out there...

    Heck, from what I've read from those who complain about Sloads, it only really becomes a problem if you are being focused on by multiple Sloads users...

    So another solution would be to simply stop trying to 1vX and just challenge no more than an opponent or two at one time max...

    In conclusion, build diversity is fine...

    People are just mad that Sloads disrupts their easy mode, and now they actually have to defend themselves in more ways than just stacking shields or spamming cloak...

    @TheDoomsdayMonster are you sayin 1vX is easy mode? Please do share your 1vX mag sorc and NB vids, would love to see.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Vapirko wrote: »

    sloads has become the great divide between experienced and inexperienced players. Those defending use weak arguments and propose sets and builds that would only work in a zerg, or, in their infinite wisdom, tell people to slot heals. They tell you to stop trying to 1vX. Sloads is the “flag” of a new generation of PvPers who think balance means you can’t fight more than one person at a time if you’re solo. I fear that what ZOS decides to do about this set will inficate once and for all whether they’re dedicated to balance or catering to the masses who don’t want skill to be a part of PvP.

    @Daus if Sloads is so weak and no one uses it as you say, then why do you care if it gets nerfed further since it’s obviously of no use to you.

    Actually I don't care whether or not it gets nerfed. It would honestly just *** me off if they nerf such a weak set because a bunch of magSorcs and cloak dependent Nightblades whine about it when you have Zaan, Caluurion, and Skoria which are by far worse. Truthfully I think they all should get gutted. Proc sets are terrible for PvP, and have always been.
  • Lexxypwns
    Daus wrote: »

    Actually I don't care whether or not it gets nerfed. It would honestly just *** me off if they nerf such a weak set because a bunch of magSorcs and cloak dependent Nightblades whine about it when you have Zaan, Caluurion, and Skoria which are by far worse. Truthfully I think they all should get gutted. Proc sets are terrible for PvP, and have always been.

    Skoria isn’t worse.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Lexxypwns wrote: »

    Skoria isn’t worse.

    It is against medium armor builds. 4k instant burst is much more detrimental that 6k over 6-7 seconds.
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