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[Class Rep] Werewolf Feedback Thread

  • kojou
    1. Stamina costs too high for skills
    2. Let heal cost Magicka, but scale off weapon damage.
    Playing since beta...
  • Finedaible
    1. Werewolves are not compatible with class builds. They do not contribute in any way to your build, forcing you to build gear, attributes, and champion points solely around this play-style. Vampires do not have this issue and can work with virtually any class build.

    2. Werewolf feeding synergy is extremely dodgy, and takes way too long to actually benefit you.
  • Collectivezen
    Thank you for asking.

    1. Increase werewolf duration.
    2. To be able to sneak in wolf form.
    3. Werewolf taunt skill or morph.
    4. Shorten feeding animation
    5. Ability to detect Enemies who are in stealth or invisible while in wolf form with a new skill or morph similar to Expert Hunter.
    6. Healing ability should apply to allies.
    7. Home furnishing werewolf shrine should allow you to stay in werewolf form like the werewolf shrines in the Rift, Reaper's March and Bangkorai.
  • NightbladeMechanics
    Iduyenn wrote: »

    This is the point.

    If werewolves were able to maintain their wolf forms for extended periods in trial boss fights, they'd honestly be acceptable in most end game content. The issue is you can't keep your wolf form for very long because a proper group won't let you be taking damage frequently enough to proc your passives.

    Sorry, for double post. I whole heartly agree with you.

    But this is also one of the most important points to discuss.

    As i assume, ZOS and some players argue, that when allowed perma, there would be a stellar increase of werewolves. Why? Because in comparison to difficult rotations with multiple bar-swapps and maxed out dps setups. Werewolf can only use 5 Skills and not 12. They can not alter their skills, combine them. The margin for "errors" is much lower for werewolves.
    The rotations are "simpler", than other setups. In terms of ballance this could be seen as a viable problem.
    There is a faction of players, that fear an "infestation" of not so skilled players competing against their builds with seemingly low tec-high impact werewolf builds. The question is, if this fear is legit.
    I think that is one of the reasons the werewolf is a costly, higly situational and casual-unfriendly ultimate to this day.

    If i dare to take this thread and ZOS` Interest in our concerns seriously. We would have to contemplate about this topic.

    But, there are many solutions, if it is in fact a real problem.

    Now, this thread is about concerns, but i choose to elaborate on the fact, that there are many other mechanics to balance the effectiveness of werewolfs. Not only the timer. The timer is a huge hurdle for "normal" use... (aka "the 99%")

    So, the question is, if ZOS is interestet once more in this... But then they should say so.

    In light of the upcoming Update, i hope, they will seriously dialogue with us, ask for ideas and most importantely; Communicate THEIR thoughts and concerns... Instead of no answers and explanations at all.
    I hope, this is no one-way road.

    PS: Sory, i dump some inspirations here, before forgetting them.

    - Option: Barchange... When you change your bar in Werewolf form, the timer stops... but you are no longer able to attack. You have defensive and timer-generation skills to max out your werewolf timer. (AKA travel form).
    When switching bars again, the timer resumes and your abbilities do damage again.
    - The 2. Bar + Toggle Option would allow to increase difficulteness in dps increase. + Use Ultimate
    - Ultimate Morph could determin your role... dps, or tanky`ish.
    - Synergies would be important... especially if you play with other wolves... but also... the whole party should gain something from it... (But this is my opinion... i just would love to have a ww raid... sorry ^^). (=> I mean the possibility, that ww can be integrated in normal groups, but can also take part in "flavour" groups aka pack`s, without outperforming). I know... its a fine erh... cherry... line.

    Edit: Problems like resurrect in WW form is not a problem. There could be a "liking wound" animation.
    - Another crazy idea... Allow other players to ride on the back. (I.E a Synergy to regenerate and gain a synergetic buff for the wolf and the player. If a player doesnt want to be a mount, he/she just doesnt use the skill. If another Wolve uses this synergy, he/she gets a buff. No... dont imagine the animations... :P This is just free inspirations... dont judge me... :P

    Auntie: Edit

    So, to summarize it into short pain points:

    [1] Meta-communication about this topic. Transparancy, dialogue and intentions not only from playerbase, but also from ZOS.

    [2] I want some kind of mechanic to keep the form up in no-combat situations

    [3] Increase difficulty, viability and legitimation by implementing more mechanics (aka toggle, dual bar, more skills, rotations and playstiles... perhaps affecting human form.

    [x] Rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things... but i would like to be aknowledged by ww npc and dogs/wolves... Quest- and encounter-wise.

    I understand your caution trusting zos to update werewolves. Next patch is focused on werewolves, though, and zos is listening to us right now! Use this opportunity to be heard.

    I like your idea to create consumables which interact in different ways with werewolves. I also think the ability to ride an allied werewolf would be hilarious! :joy: The rest of your ideas rooted in concerns shared with portions of the general community. You’re in good company. Lol

    And I definitely agree with wanting more communication from zos. They’ve been very communicative last with the class reps behind the scenes so far, and we’ve been proposing increased transparency and communication with the general community. Give them a shot. ;)
    Edited by NightbladeMechanics on June 12, 2018 9:06PM
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC's original dueling and PvP community guild
    Now NA/PC's dueling, BGs, small scale, GvG, and general PvP community. We float just under 500 members. Mail me in game for an invite.

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
    Soul Shriven
    I have been playing Werewolf for quite awhile now. I did take a break when Morrowind came out and have returned to ESO for summerset (pumped to hear about the Werewolf DLC coming!!). I've noticed a few nerfs to an already piegon holed play style.

    In my opinion the Top two pain points for werewolves can fit under two broad categories:

    1) Make Playing as a Werewolf feel smooth and polished. It can feel clunky, unresponsive, and restrictive at present time.

    Examples of what currently contribute to this are:

    * Devour ( this one fits all three)
    * Unable to Rez or use synergies!! (Restrictive)
    * Heavy attacks take a little too long to fire off. They also don't flow with the abilites like they used to. (Clunky)
    * Duration needs to be addressed. at the very least revert back to allowing 4 wolves in the group maintain perm WW. (Restrictive)
    * Unchained passive (not working)
    * Pounce's animation (Clunky)
    * Howl should not be treated as a projectile.

    2) Werewolf Abilites and passives could be adjusted to promote more options and build diversity.

    Adjustments that have been mentioned, and a few I think would make the class viable/ fun for different playstyles from the Ultimate down are:

    * WW ulti morph: Pack Leader This could be tweaked to cater towards tank/group play. Instead of the two wolves they would get two buffs. The Pack Leader a bonus to block like sword in shield/ ice staves have. They would also get a 10% bonus to their max health.

    * Feral Pounce: add remove snares/ immobiliaztion effects and give a 3 sec immunity after hitting a target. The minimum 5 meter distance on Pounce forces opponets to fight the WW up close to avoid letting him jump out of the snares/roots.

    * Hircine's Fortitude: give this a weaker group purify. Cleansing 2 effects off party members within 10 meters of the WW.

    * Feroicous Roar: Change this to Challenging Roar. give this morph an area effect taunt. This will give WWs the tools to tank trash packs with the best of them.

    * Claws of Life: give this a maglight like ability to reveal stealthed targets. The cost of this ability will limit the amount of blind swipes someone would be willing to make. Targets that get his with this DOT can not stealth for it's duration.

    * Pursuit: With WW already near speed cap in form. Allow this passive to remove (or raise) the run speed cap. A year ago a WW could stack into speed ( at a price of other stats) allow a WW to be faster than other classes ( they should be, you're a freakin Werewolf!)

    * Call of the Pack: Allow 4 Wolves in the group to keep WW up 100%. If 4 people invest 26+ skill points, up to 300 ulti and coordinate it together they should at least get this benefit ( we've had it before with very few using it).

    I know there is no silver bullet fix for this. I hope a few ideas here will help.

    Oh, I Almost forgot. As the proud leader of the Minnesota Timbrowolves, It's not "Roleplaying" when you're a Werewolf. It's Wereplaying!!

    Edited by TIMBR0SLICE on June 13, 2018 3:38AM
  • Skullstachio
    “In compliance to the pain points and notes for werewolves (and a few ideas from some of my old threads), I took some time to think & I may have undoubtedly come up with some temporary solutions in two spoiler boxes (as they are a bit long), the community may agree, they may not, but at least we have a starting point to work with alongside the other commentary.”

    Passive ability Solutions:
      [*] Call of the Pack 1 and 2: rename it to something like “Packmasters Blessing” and rework the passive so that it only reduces the werewolf duration cost by 5%/10% respectively for each werewolf in the group(including the user) up to a maximum of 10%/20% while in combat. in addition to removing the duration cost of werewolf transformation (and its morphs) while outside of combat. During combat, the reduction in werewolf duration cost reduction (reducing the maximum bonus from 40%/80% down to 20%/40% for four werewolves.) offsets to slightly balance out the effect of Staying in Werewolf form outside of combat as having the maximum 40%/80% could render it OP, hence the reduction, that’s why when coming up with certain mechanics that are powerful by themselves, there always has to be an offset/reduction to something that already exists to compensate. However, removing the werewolf duration cost reduction completely may create more problems seeing as how there are rare instances where players could get stuck in combat for a set period of time even when there are no enemies present.

      [*] Blood Rage 1 and 2: simply put as told above, In addition to gaining 3 seconds for the werewolf timer when taking damage, damaging enemies in werewolf form with werewolf abilities should generate 1/2 additional seconds. each effect can only occur once every 5/3 seconds. This could actually work in my opinion but that will be up to the Werewolf Reps as to whether or not this will be viable.

      [*] Devour: With what I Suggested about blood rage, I advise dubbing down the time gained for werewolf transformation from 12 seconds to 10 seconds, maybe 8 if necessary. I also advise clearing up the tooltip to indicate that successfully devouring a corpse also restores health.

      [*] Bloodmoon: now here is where the resurrection idea comes into play, while it may allow players to infect un-afflicted players with lycanthropy once every 7 days, it should also allow the user to activate a special synergy on a dead players body which causes the user to channel a howl of resurrection, it will cost a filled soul gem & take the same amount of time to resurrect a player as a normal player would resurrect a teammate, but the dead player would revive with half health & resources as normal but, if the dead player is currently in werewolf form, 5 seconds of Minor berserk is also granted. However, the channel can be interrupted (except when immune to interruption through CC immunity from breaking free.) so PvP players would have to time it & make sure they are not interrupted during battle. (Also, renaming the passive to “Call of the Bloodmoon” could be a good idea alongside the suggestion.)

      Sneak Suggestion: Because The suggestion for Call of the pack would be a possible solution, adding the Sneak Concept to werewolves may be easier when followed up with the idea above for “Packmasters Blessing” since werewolf transformation can be maintained indefinitely only while outside of combat, but do keep it to the original sneak concept like what normal players (and vampires in this case as they have no transformation of sorts, yet.) would do, slowly reducing stamina & mitigating stamina recovery while moving during sneak, only recovering stamina while standing still and vice versa.

      Ultimate & Active Ability Suggestions.
        [*] Werewolf Transformation and morphs: The ultimate cost of werewolf transformation “Could” be removed & be set as a free toggle and allow ultimate generation during the transformation, however, I have paid attention to many threads regarding this very carefully & that is why the ultimate cost should be retained, but for something new, for werewolf transformation by itself, one could freely transform into a werewolf at will, but upon reverting to human form(whether the timer runs out during combat or the ultimate is used again under 400 ultimate to revert.) it invokes a cool down period as to when you can use it again(2 minutes default at I, 1m 50s at II, 1m 40s at III & 1m 30s at IV.), because a lycanthropic transformation can be taxing on the person affected by it (at this point I can definitely suggest that removing the part where the transformation fears nearby foes is probably the best idea.) as for the 400 ultimate & werewolves generating ultimate, during the transformation, when enough ultimate is built, it changes to Blood Scent, using Blood Scent launches the user into a frenzy, unleashing a roar that deals minor damage after 1.5 seconds and sets enemies in front of the user off-balance, following up with 4 rapid strikes to a single target for minor damage and Biting them on two final hits for moderate damage. connecting all hits at once on an off-balance target will stun that enemy for 2 seconds. The blood scent thing may not be agreeable currently in regards to werewolf’s being OP (that can be offed if necessary in regards to the fact that werewolves teeter on the line.) but at least the werewolf ultimate could become slightly more useful. The Werewolf Berserker morph could increase the damage of Blood Scent instead of increasing light attack bleed damage by 40%(or increase the duration of the stun by an additional 1 or 2 seconds at the cost of less damage done by blood scent.) & Pack Leader, well, instead of using blood scent, gathering enough ultimate could allow the user to manually summon 2 Pack Werewolves to Fight by your side for the duration of the Transformation, They do not come back after a set time & must be re-summoned through the ultimate should they fall in battle. transforming into a Pack leader does not summon them as they must be summoned with 400 ultimate. Dually note that transitioning between forms should also reset the ultimate count to 0 each time.

        [*] Roar & morphs: I can concur that roar should cost magicka instead of stamina primarily as it is a utility of sorts, not much else here. (although Rousing Roar could retain the stamina cost to reflect the weapon damage increase, Who knows.)

        [*] Claws of Life: the only thing I can potentially see in terms of Cross-Healing is to allow teammates within 15-20 meters of the afflicted enemies to be healed for 25% of the disease damage done by Claws of Life whilst letting the user heal for 50% of the disease damage done by claws of life by default. The amount of healing for teammates could increase slightly as the skill itself levels up.

        A lot of these ideas may not be what the community is looking for, maybe. But compile these alongside the other notes from previous commentary & new better solutions may present themselves.
        If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

        If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
      • temjiu
        All I can say is that I support Grumply Duckling's thread completely. WW doesn't just need 2 things IMO, it is currently the only skill line in the game that hasn't had a rework in ages. GD's suggestions turn it into something worth investing into as an alternative. I'd love to start seeing WW in guides, but right now most of them suggest Vamp for pertinent reasons.

        So...I guess I'd have to go with:
        1) Rework Leader of the pack to a toggle like GD recommends. His whole thread actually. Dev's need to read it and get an idea of whats missing with WW.
        2) get rid of magika skills in a stamina skill line.

        OK I couldn't stick with just 2.
        3) Feed needs to be smoother and shorter. interaction hitbox needs to be bigger, and we should be able to feed on more then one corpse per "pile"
        4) eliminate clunky animations. Heavy attack is slow and cumbersome, moreso then regular HA. Our leap is dodge at times, and puts us in weird positions.
        Edited by temjiu on June 13, 2018 1:58AM
      • Chrlynsch
        temjiu wrote: »
        2) get rid of magika skills in a stamina skill line.

        Surely you ment to say Magicka scaling skills...
        Edited by Chrlynsch on June 13, 2018 11:37AM
        Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
        PC NA
      • Iduyenn

        I understand your caution trusting zos to update werewolves. Next patch is focused on werewolves, though, and zos is listening to us right now! Use this opportunity to be heard.

        I like your idea to create consumables which interact in different ways with werewolves. I also think the ability to ride an allied werewolf would be hilarious! :joy: The rest of your ideas rooted in concerns shared with portions of the general community. You’re in good company. Lol

        And I definitely agree with wanting more communication from zos. They’ve been very communicative last with the class reps behind the scenes so far, and we’ve been proposing increased transparency and communication with the general community. Give them a shot. ;)

        The Thing is, that doing something with werewolves NPC wise, doesnt implicate, they are going to alter the werewolf playstyle... As far as i ve seen, the name of the upgrade depends on the new werewolf themed PVE expirience, not the Skilline.

        Concerning the food... with vampire-blood-potion to reduces stages, it would make sense to have something for wolves.

        [+] One further Painpoint would be the unawareness of npc`s. Ever since the justice system i was bothered, that noone cares about the big bad wolf. I want that "secret-society" feeling, i got in Skyrim... "Something smells like wet dog...".
        The magic word spells; "Immersion" as a werewolf.
        I always hoped, that the vampires and the humans would fight themselves not only because of factions, but also because the lycans dont like the smelly vampires. Some kind of rivality.

      • anadandy
        I was just reminded of this last night while playing my WW.

        Can we do something about the persistence of the "Hircine's Gift" quest line when we are ALREADY a werewolf? It's been going on for years and I've heard conflicting reasons (none confirmed by ZOS that I can find)

        One being that it's been flagged as a "daily" to help new wolves build up their WW skills. If that's true - that is really sad - because it's the same starter quest over and over with no daily type reward. And once a player reaches level 10 it should just stop.
        Edited by anadandy on June 14, 2018 3:29PM
      • IlCanis_LupuslI
        The purpose of this thread is to give you a place to post your current top two pain points with Werewolves. Our new Class Representatives will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and will utilize it to gather additional feedback for the notes they’re currently compiling for their first meeting with the Dev Team next week. Please be sure and keep your post clear and succinct, and focus more on what is currently frustrating you rather than potential solutions. Thanks!

        1st the Ulticost is a bit to high, I feel that making it a toggle with the ultipoints going down like overload
        2nd, counterplay vs stealthy enemies
        Edited by IlCanis_LupuslI on June 14, 2018 4:53PM
        Cp 1490
        Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
        Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
        Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
        Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
        Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
      • NightbladeMechanics
        Iduyenn wrote: »

        I understand your caution trusting zos to update werewolves. Next patch is focused on werewolves, though, and zos is listening to us right now! Use this opportunity to be heard.

        I like your idea to create consumables which interact in different ways with werewolves. I also think the ability to ride an allied werewolf would be hilarious! :joy: The rest of your ideas rooted in concerns shared with portions of the general community. You’re in good company. Lol

        And I definitely agree with wanting more communication from zos. They’ve been very communicative last with the class reps behind the scenes so far, and we’ve been proposing increased transparency and communication with the general community. Give them a shot. ;)

        The Thing is, that doing something with werewolves NPC wise, doesnt implicate, they are going to alter the werewolf playstyle... As far as i ve seen, the name of the upgrade depends on the new werewolf themed PVE expirience, not the Skilline.

        Concerning the food... with vampire-blood-potion to reduces stages, it would make sense to have something for wolves.

        [+] One further Painpoint would be the unawareness of npc`s. Ever since the justice system i was bothered, that noone cares about the big bad wolf. I want that "secret-society" feeling, i got in Skyrim... "Something smells like wet dog...".
        The magic word spells; "Immersion" as a werewolf.
        I always hoped, that the vampires and the humans would fight themselves not only because of factions, but also because the lycans dont like the smelly vampires. Some kind of rivality.

        First off, you sweaty, raggy dogs are the smelly ones. We may smell like death, but at least we are clean. Gosh.


        That's a really insightful point about the immersive "secret society" feeling you got in Skyrim. Thanks for this.

        ZOS has indicated to us that they do have work in store on the ww skill line to accompany the ww pve content, and they really appreciated my writeup on what you guys want from werewolves. Keep an eye out for updates from them as the patch approaches.
        Edited by NightbladeMechanics on June 15, 2018 4:45AM
        Legion XIII
        Excellence without elitism
        Premier small scale PvP

        NA/PC's original dueling and PvP community guild
        Now NA/PC's dueling, BGs, small scale, GvG, and general PvP community. We float just under 500 members. Mail me in game for an invite.

        Apex Predator.

        Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

        [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

        Class Representative Feedback Discords:
        Nightblade Discussion:

        Dragonknight Discussion:

        Sorcerer Discussion:

        Templar Discussion:

        Warden Discussion:

        General Healing Discussion:


        Werewolf Discussion:

        Vampire Discussion:
      • Sharee

        ZOS has indicated to us that they do have work in store on the ww skill line to accompany the ww pve content, and they really appreciated my writeup on what you guys want from werewolves. Keep an eye out for updates from them as the patch approaches.

        Wonderful, can't wait :)
      • Sharee
        Just ran over this in game, food for thought: :)

      • Collectivezen
        And I really find it silly that werewolves can be feared. It would be nice to have that changed as well.
      • Chrlynsch
        Sharee wrote: »
        Just ran over this in game, food for thought: :)


        Adding tomes to the game would be an interesting way of personalizing the werewolf. Allowing different effects but only one active at a time like a mundus.
        Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
        PC NA
      • Skoomah
        1. Poor Healing - We need better heals. Our heals are pretty bad, we can't take more than one punch before death.

        2. Timer - Just remove the timer. I would accept all the werewolf drawbacks if we could just stay in wolf form permanently until we choose to go back to human form. (Downsides: High Ult Cost, No ult gen while in form, Bad Healing, Snare to Death, Not Tanky, High Skill Cost, Bad Sustain)

        How to kill a werewolf: Snare + Snare + Dps + Snare + Snare = Dead
      • redshirt_49
        Yeah I would do some things to bring it more in line with vampirism in some way.

        As it is, werewolf is only really neat from a roleplaying perspective or as a way to make overland content somewhat less slow for a tank build.

        Maybe add some passives that are always active when the ability is slotted, like increased stamina regeneration or physical resistance.

        Additionally, the Pack Leader morph still has a bug where if you die while in WW form and revive, your companion wolves do not respawn.

        Healing scaling off of magicka is problematic in a skillline that is used almost exclusively in stamina builds.

        Feeding synergy is wonky. You can spend more time looking for the trigger of the synergy than the transformation time it gives you from activating it. The tail end of the animation is also kind of vague : It can seem like you are done feeding because the animation looks finished but if you move too soon, you just wasted the entire length of that feeding and didn't get anything out of it. Also the window for feeding is kind of short. By the time you've cleared a room of it's mobs and start feeding on them, the synergies will already disappear and most of the delicious freshly killed corpses go to waste.
      • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
        Here are my two areas of concern for Werewolves:

        1. Tanking
        The lack of a taunt in the WW skill line has always felt like a major oversight to me. I was tickled to death when the Tormentor set was introduced, only to be disappointed to realize it didn’t work with Pounce.

        Having a taunt rolled into one of the skills/morphs would make Werewolves viable tanks, in my opinion, as their skills and passives lend themselves quite well to the tanking role.

        2. Devour
        I’d like to see this passive get a second look. I don’t mind the timer system, because the rush to fill up the timer bar feels like playing a savage, hungry monster. But trying to feed on corpses is just NERVE WRACKING. The feeding radius is much too small, and the synergy feels far too twitchy.

        We greatly appreciate the addition of class reps and all y’all have done with the game!
        Edited by milesrodneymcneely2_ESO on June 16, 2018 7:29PM
      • anadandy

        Feeding synergy is wonky. You can spend more time looking for the trigger of the synergy than the transformation time it gives you from activating it.

        Emphasis mine - so much this!

        I tested out that Hircine's Gift issue with a newly transformed WW char. I went to the shrine in the Rift, got bitten, went directly to the hunting ground where I leveled to WW 10. Then I went to Riften and there was Thoreki with her blue repeatable marker, offering me the Hircine's Gift quest. So I took it - went to the Hunting Ground again where I temporarily lost all my WW abilities but the first couple that originally unlock with first transformation. After I finished the quest, I went back to Riften and there was Thoreki - telling me all about how I should go to the shrine to find a pack master again. That's just bugged - and it's been that way a long time.
        Edited by anadandy on June 17, 2018 5:04PM
      • LeHarrt91
        1. The Uptime, I would like the ultimate to not be on a timer and suggest maybe it be on a ulti timer kind of like Overload but have sets like Werewolf hide still proc and prolong Werewolf form or atleast let us gain ulti in WW form so that we can enter again when it runs out.. As what i found is that i would want to go back to human form but i would have to build 200+ ultimate again, i wasnt able to come and go as i wanted (as long as i had enough ulti)

        2. Devour, the Synergy was annoying to activate and the animation of feeding too long.
        PS NA
        Have played all classes.
        Warden Main
      • Xarico
        1. The animations and model feel/look outdated and clunky; since the new dungeon will offer new (enemy) werewolf models and, I assume, new animations, it would be great to see them made playable.

        2. The werewolf form uptime is far too low.

        Seeing how some people want to have the feeding animation shortened, I will ask to make this change optional if it is implemented. Not everyone plays for efficiency; some play for immersion and enjoyment, and having unrealistically short feeding animation will substantially detract from both.
      • godagarah5000
        id like to see more strains of lycanthropy and be able to become a were*insertwerecreaturestrainhere* lord by getting vampirism after lycanthropy becoming a lycan dominate hybrid example: werebat lord if the player was a werebat prior to getting vampirism
      • Koolio
        id like to see more strains of lycanthropy and be able to become a were*insertwerecreaturestrainhere* lord by getting vampirism after lycanthropy becoming a lycan dominate hybrid example: werebat lord if the player was a werebat prior to getting vampirism

        I would like to see one of the two versions we currently have working.

        Pack leader broken for two year now.
      • godagarah5000
        also becoming an even blood if infected by both and doing a new and harder special quest after mastering the vampirism, lycanthropy, vampirism dominate hybrid, and lycanthropy dominate hybrid skill lines and a new ritual site for it in a neutral dlc zone in azura's realm moonshadow
      • godagarah5000
        id also like to see lycanthropy effect your humanoid form in subtle ways example werebats having bat like features while in humanoid form
      • godagarah5000
        maybe allow skins and disguises to show humainoid lycanthropy with the option to toggle the feature on and off and have skins effect transformed states like the were*insertwerecreaturenamehere*, vampire lord(insertwerecreaturenamehere), and were*insertwerecreaturenamehere* lord for unique looks
      • Chrlynsch
        id like to see more strains of lycanthropy and be able to become a were*insertwerecreaturestrainhere* lord by getting vampirism after lycanthropy becoming a lycan dominate hybrid example: werebat lord if the player was a werebat prior to getting vampirism

        In elder scrolls lore both diseases act as a trump so it becomes impossible for you to be infected by the other. The only time it worked differently is when Harkin bloodline would remove lycanthropy, or you took the blood of the beast through ritual with the Companions. I assume these changes were made for thematic moving storytelling, as telling a pack of werewolves that "brb curing batblood, lol" isnt as dramatic.

        Also the Lycanthrops show no difference in anatomy while in human form. There is even a quest in eso that tasks you with using a magical object to help track down werewolf characters. It has been a running joke for NPCs in games like skyrim to comment on anatomy changes in your character, "Is that fur coming out your ears". Now even though this is said there is no real changes to your character model. Checkout the Anatomy of Werewolves lorebook.

        However this is subjective because of the werewolf lord polymorph that war introduced that makes drastic changes to the character model. However you do not need to be a werewolf to take this appearance so I would say the point is moot. It is known that Hircine has blessed and gifted lycanthrops differently according to his favor, but these blessings are usually tied to his daedric artifacts like Hircine's Ring.

        I would also like to see different werewolf strains available. Crocs, Boars, Bears, Lions, Vultures, and Rumored Weresharks. Werebats however are not confirmed form of lycanthropy, or creation of Hircine. Most information on them states they are undead/ are guardians to vampire clans, it seems that they exist in valenwood and are primarily woodelf by race. In short Bosmer are known shapeshifters but restrain because their religion. I'm guessing there is a link in their somewhere that hasn't been fleshed out.
        Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
        PC NA
      • Skoomah
        I think werewolves should get to wear outfits.
      • Chrlynsch
        Skoomah wrote: »
        I think werewolves should get to wear outfits.

        @Skoomah, Who let you out? Back the the cave! And take that robe and wizard hat with you!
        Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
        PC NA
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