NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
This is the point.
If werewolves were able to maintain their wolf forms for extended periods in trial boss fights, they'd honestly be acceptable in most end game content. The issue is you can't keep your wolf form for very long because a proper group won't let you be taking damage frequently enough to proc your passives.
Sorry, for double post. I whole heartly agree with you.
But this is also one of the most important points to discuss.
As i assume, ZOS and some players argue, that when allowed perma, there would be a stellar increase of werewolves. Why? Because in comparison to difficult rotations with multiple bar-swapps and maxed out dps setups. Werewolf can only use 5 Skills and not 12. They can not alter their skills, combine them. The margin for "errors" is much lower for werewolves.
The rotations are "simpler", than other setups. In terms of ballance this could be seen as a viable problem.
There is a faction of players, that fear an "infestation" of not so skilled players competing against their builds with seemingly low tec-high impact werewolf builds. The question is, if this fear is legit.
I think that is one of the reasons the werewolf is a costly, higly situational and casual-unfriendly ultimate to this day.
If i dare to take this thread and ZOS` Interest in our concerns seriously. We would have to contemplate about this topic.
But, there are many solutions, if it is in fact a real problem.
Now, this thread is about concerns, but i choose to elaborate on the fact, that there are many other mechanics to balance the effectiveness of werewolfs. Not only the timer. The timer is a huge hurdle for "normal" use... (aka "the 99%")
So, the question is, if ZOS is interestet once more in this... But then they should say so.
In light of the upcoming Update, i hope, they will seriously dialogue with us, ask for ideas and most importantely; Communicate THEIR thoughts and concerns... Instead of no answers and explanations at all.
I hope, this is no one-way road.
PS: Sory, i dump some inspirations here, before forgetting them.
- Option: Barchange... When you change your bar in Werewolf form, the timer stops... but you are no longer able to attack. You have defensive and timer-generation skills to max out your werewolf timer. (AKA travel form).
When switching bars again, the timer resumes and your abbilities do damage again.
- The 2. Bar + Toggle Option would allow to increase difficulteness in dps increase. + Use Ultimate
- Ultimate Morph could determin your role... dps, or tanky`ish.
- Synergies would be important... especially if you play with other wolves... but also... the whole party should gain something from it... (But this is my opinion... i just would love to have a ww raid... sorry ^^). (=> I mean the possibility, that ww can be integrated in normal groups, but can also take part in "flavour" groups aka pack`s, without outperforming). I know... its a fine erh... cherry... line.
Edit: Problems like resurrect in WW form is not a problem. There could be a "liking wound" animation.
- Another crazy idea... Allow other players to ride on the back. (I.E a Synergy to regenerate and gain a synergetic buff for the wolf and the player. If a player doesnt want to be a mount, he/she just doesnt use the skill. If another Wolve uses this synergy, he/she gets a buff. No... dont imagine the animations... :P This is just free inspirations... dont judge me... :P
Auntie: Edit
So, to summarize it into short pain points:
[1] Meta-communication about this topic. Transparancy, dialogue and intentions not only from playerbase, but also from ZOS.
[2] I want some kind of mechanic to keep the form up in no-combat situations
[3] Increase difficulty, viability and legitimation by implementing more mechanics (aka toggle, dual bar, more skills, rotations and playstiles... perhaps affecting human form.
[x] Rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things... but i would like to be aknowledged by ww npc and dogs/wolves... Quest- and encounter-wise.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
I understand your caution trusting zos to update werewolves. Next patch is focused on werewolves, though, and zos is listening to us right now! Use this opportunity to be heard.
I like your idea to create consumables which interact in different ways with werewolves. I also think the ability to ride an allied werewolf would be hilarious!The rest of your ideas rooted in concerns shared with portions of the general community. You’re in good company. Lol
And I definitely agree with wanting more communication from zos. They’ve been very communicative last with the class reps behind the scenes so far, and we’ve been proposing increased transparency and communication with the general community. Give them a shot.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The purpose of this thread is to give you a place to post your current top two pain points with Werewolves. Our new Class Representatives will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and will utilize it to gather additional feedback for the notes they’re currently compiling for their first meeting with the Dev Team next week. Please be sure and keep your post clear and succinct, and focus more on what is currently frustrating you rather than potential solutions. Thanks!
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
I understand your caution trusting zos to update werewolves. Next patch is focused on werewolves, though, and zos is listening to us right now! Use this opportunity to be heard.
I like your idea to create consumables which interact in different ways with werewolves. I also think the ability to ride an allied werewolf would be hilarious!The rest of your ideas rooted in concerns shared with portions of the general community. You’re in good company. Lol
And I definitely agree with wanting more communication from zos. They’ve been very communicative last with the class reps behind the scenes so far, and we’ve been proposing increased transparency and communication with the general community. Give them a shot.
The Thing is, that doing something with werewolves NPC wise, doesnt implicate, they are going to alter the werewolf playstyle... As far as i ve seen, the name of the upgrade depends on the new werewolf themed PVE expirience, not the Skilline.
Concerning the food... with vampire-blood-potion to reduces stages, it would make sense to have something for wolves.
[+] One further Painpoint would be the unawareness of npc`s. Ever since the justice system i was bothered, that noone cares about the big bad wolf. I want that "secret-society" feeling, i got in Skyrim... "Something smells like wet dog...".
The magic word spells; "Immersion" as a werewolf.
I always hoped, that the vampires and the humans would fight themselves not only because of factions, but also because the lycans dont like the smelly vampires. Some kind of rivality.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
ZOS has indicated to us that they do have work in store on the ww skill line to accompany the ww pve content, and they really appreciated my writeup on what you guys want from werewolves. Keep an eye out for updates from them as the patch approaches.
redshirt_49 wrote: »
Feeding synergy is wonky. You can spend more time looking for the trigger of the synergy than the transformation time it gives you from activating it.
godagarah5000 wrote: »id like to see more strains of lycanthropy and be able to become a were*insertwerecreaturestrainhere* lord by getting vampirism after lycanthropy becoming a lycan dominate hybrid example: werebat lord if the player was a werebat prior to getting vampirism
godagarah5000 wrote: »id like to see more strains of lycanthropy and be able to become a were*insertwerecreaturestrainhere* lord by getting vampirism after lycanthropy becoming a lycan dominate hybrid example: werebat lord if the player was a werebat prior to getting vampirism