Please LOSE the Commercial

  • Sturmfaenger
    I have now HideLoginAnnouncement - and ZOS, if you change the commercial back to pop up only once a day I'll delete that addon again. And you will reach me again with your commercials.

    But as of now, I dont see a n y login announcements and I am very releaved to be rid of that constant bombardement of login spam.
    You wanted it so.
  • Elsonso
    I have now HideLoginAnnouncement - and ZOS, if you change the commercial back to pop up only once a day I'll delete that addon again. And you will reach me again with your commercials.

    I won't. They burned that field and salted it, as far as I am concerned.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • nimander99
    Rosveen wrote: »
    So here's what happened: using No Thank You, I disabled the window and will never see another crown store ad again. Under the old system, the ad was non-intrusive enough that I left it enabled.

    I doubt this is what ZOS intended.

    Yep, I didn't mind getting the add when new items or changes were made to the CS and the old format was better.

    I believe the reason its so large... And we will all ultimately stop using No, thank you, is because of the Daily Log in rewards that will be in the large empty space below the "news".

    Im guessing... I didn't test Summerset on PTS, I wanted everything to exciting and new. I kinda ruined Morrowind by playing on PTS, ill let others do that for major Chapters in the future lulz.

    Zos gets the last Kek.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Jaraal
    nimander99 wrote: »

    I believe the reason its so large... And we will all ultimately stop using No, thank you, is because of the Daily Log in rewards that will be in the large empty space below the "news".

    I don't need a huge spam window at log in to remind me to train my mounts, or to do my crafting writs, check the Shadowy Supplier, etc...... so I won't need said window to remind me to open a tab and claim my daily rewards. I don't care if they're offering me a free trip to Mars, I'm sick of seeing ads for something I already bought. They can put a line of text on the bottom like they do on on the loading screens for game tips, or send a text message to my chat window if they're that desperate for me to visit the crown store.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • EasyTiger
    ZOS can't respond, too busy bathing in dollar bills
  • Facefister
    ESO+ isn't enough to get rid of the ads it seems.
  • nimander99
    Jaraal wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »

    I believe the reason its so large... And we will all ultimately stop using No, thank you, is because of the Daily Log in rewards that will be in the large empty space below the "news".

    I don't need a huge spam window at log in to remind me to train my mounts, or to do my crafting writs, check the Shadowy Supplier, etc...... so I won't need said window to remind me to open a tab and claim my daily rewards. I don't care if they're offering me a free trip to Mars, I'm sick of seeing ads for something I already bought. They can put a line of text on the bottom like they do on on the loading screens for game tips, or send a text message to my chat window if they're that desperate for me to visit the crown store.

    I agree.

    Still, ZoS… Amyrite?

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Aebaradath
    That gargantuan commercial screen can single-handedly hold off Molag Bal's Planemeld.

    It's unnecessarily huge and annoying how it shows up Every. Single. Time. you log in.
  • theyancey
  • Charliff1966
    Aeslief wrote: »
    I agree with those who feel the new billboard is counterproductive. I do spend crowns in the store and I do want to know about sales and new items. But the poor design of the new billboard quickly trained me to ALT as fast as possible when logging in, and then to install No Thank You. I did not even know that the Barbaric Beauty pack was available because I had already been trained to ignore/dismiss the billboard. The old crown store ad was superior in every way - in size, design, placement, relevance, and frequency.

    I am aware that Daily Rewards will be attached to the billboard when this feature is released. How will those who have turned to No Thank You to streamline our login deal with it then?

    Block the add then dont get the login deal. Your choice to block something which can be clicked away.
  • Elsonso
    Aeslief wrote: »
    I agree with those who feel the new billboard is counterproductive. I do spend crowns in the store and I do want to know about sales and new items. But the poor design of the new billboard quickly trained me to ALT as fast as possible when logging in, and then to install No Thank You. I did not even know that the Barbaric Beauty pack was available because I had already been trained to ignore/dismiss the billboard. The old crown store ad was superior in every way - in size, design, placement, relevance, and frequency.

    I am aware that Daily Rewards will be attached to the billboard when this feature is released. How will those who have turned to No Thank You to streamline our login deal with it then?

    Block the add then dont get the login deal. Your choice to block something which can be clicked away.

    Daily login incentives are also available from the Crown Store. No annoying advertising panel required.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • TheRealPotoroo
    Aeslief wrote: »
    I agree with those who feel the new billboard is counterproductive. I do spend crowns in the store and I do want to know about sales and new items. But the poor design of the new billboard quickly trained me to ALT as fast as possible when logging in, and then to install No Thank You. I did not even know that the Barbaric Beauty pack was available because I had already been trained to ignore/dismiss the billboard. The old crown store ad was superior in every way - in size, design, placement, relevance, and frequency.

    I am aware that Daily Rewards will be attached to the billboard when this feature is released. How will those who have turned to No Thank You to streamline our login deal with it then?

    Block the add then dont get the login deal. Your choice to block something which can be clicked away.

    You can always choose to see it by clicking the (new) Announcements menu link. You'll probably want to do this once per day.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • helediron
    ZOS, learn about the boy who cried wolf.

    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • DarkWombat
    ZOS_JesC wrote: »
    Greetings, we've removed a few comments that contained personal insults directed at other members. Please remember that baiting comments are not permitted as outlined in our forum rules. Posts need to remain constructive and contribute to the conversation in some way. Thank you for your understanding.

    Totally useless, I am sorry it has to be said. You either reply to trivial topics about NPCs you would like to marry and when you post in a a topic that is important it is always when ONE or TWO people act out of line and you IGNORE the other 90% who have good feedback.
  • Iluvrien
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    ZOS_JesC wrote: »
    Greetings, we've removed a few comments that contained personal insults directed at other members. Please remember that baiting comments are not permitted as outlined in our forum rules. Posts need to remain constructive and contribute to the conversation in some way. Thank you for your understanding.

    Totally useless, I am sorry it has to be said. You either reply to trivial topics about NPCs you would like to marry and when you post in a a topic that is important it is always when ONE or TWO people act out of line and you IGNORE the other 90% who have good feedback.

    Of course they won't comment on it.

    There is no reason to have included a large ad with the daily reward pane. So to comment would be to try and defend the indefensible. This would only increase the backlash and prolong the time before the community lapses into apathy.

    And that is what they are waiting for, have no doubt, this isn't being commented on because they want everyone to get bored of posting in these threads and let the issue slide until they can pretend that everything is fine and go back to talking about the next monetization scheme.
    Edited by Iluvrien on May 29, 2018 5:03AM
  • DaveMoeDee
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Rosveen wrote: »
    So here's what happened: using No Thank You, I disabled the window and will never see another crown store ad again. Under the old system, the ad was non-intrusive enough that I left it enabled.

    I doubt this is what ZOS intended.

    Yep, I didn't mind getting the add when new items or changes were made to the CS and the old format was better.

    I believe the reason its so large... And we will all ultimately stop using No, thank you, is because of the Daily Log in rewards that will be in the large empty space below the "news".

    Im guessing... I didn't test Summerset on PTS, I wanted everything to exciting and new. I kinda ruined Morrowind by playing on PTS, ill let others do that for major Chapters in the future lulz.

    Zos gets the last Kek.

    I found the old ad very annoying too. No matter how many times they advertise cosmetics to me, I'm not going to buy them. Just let me play the damn game.

    But, tbh, pressing ALT is darn easy.
  • Lylith
    once IS enough, for some things.

    it's good to know what's actually on sale on a given day, imho.

    i just don't need to see it every login/every character/every account.
  • Pixel_Zealot
    They want to bring the the daily rewards later on, but WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAIL ME THE DAMN REWARDS WHEN I LOG IN.
    Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon?
  • Gythral
    They want to bring the the daily rewards later on, but WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAIL ME THE DAMN REWARDS WHEN I LOG IN.

    Given what was offered on the PTS - why dont they look at the account age,
    if it's over 6 months old simple trash them all directly
    & save most of us 3 key clicks & a load of time :wink:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Mureel
    I think when I've already paid for game/chapters/dlc/crowns adn a sub - please STOP ads to me.

    It feels like a phone game my daughter plays (and those ads don't make me buy anything I wouldn't have bought anyway, either).
  • Meld777
    Very short history of Neverwinter Online (free-to-play) and what might await us in ESO:

    2013.1: "There will never be loot boxes and only cosmetic items in the ZEN store."
    2013.2: "We changed our mind about loot boxes, but everything in there will be BoE, so you can sell/buy it from other players."
    2014.1: "Here's some nice stuff in the ZEN store, so you can craft/level a lot faster."
    2014.2: "Here are some super rare mounts in the loot boxes and other items that are not BoE, so only the lucky few will get it."
    2015.1: "Here's a fat, intrusive ZEN store advertisement every time you log in." --- ESO is here ---
    2015.2: "In order to craft BiS weapons, you will need, besides tons of other ingredients, this small ingredient that you can only buy in ZEN store, which is BoP ofc, and makes your weapon BoP once you craft it."
    2016.1: "Introduction of a new mount that is 30% faster than all other mounts in game (fyi, mount speed plays a HUGE role in NWO's PvP). It can only be found in loot boxes and is the rarest loot box item to date."
    2016.2: "Subscription model: Monthly 10$ subscription that provides you with flat 10% higher stats on everything, i.e. HP, power, everything. Must-have if you want to go PvP, or be taken by anyone into a decent PvE group, because everyone can see if you're a subscriber above your head. No subscriber? Instant votekick from harder dungeon finder content."
    2017.1: "Additional subscription levels: The more you pay, the higher stats you get. When subscribers play together in party, they get even higher stats. Awesome for PvP!"

    I'm not familiar with what happened next, as I quit somewhere around the time the must-have loot box mount came out.
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • Túrin_Vidsmidr
    A good solution would be to show this full screen advertisement
    only once a day and only on the first character we log in with.
    Then some of us would maybe read it instead of automatically Xing it off.
    Edited by Túrin_Vidsmidr on May 29, 2018 8:30AM
    The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.
  • Ojustaboo
    From my point of view, on my 2560 x 1440 monitor,

    I log in, I have an advert taking up 3/4 of the screen
    My eyes automatically go to the bottom right to click on the X

    As the actual advert only appears in the top half of the stupidly large ad box and my eyes are looking at the bottom right, I actually don't see what it's advertising at all..

    I would be much more likely to get a glimpse of the add if it was smaller.

    Still, I am now in auto mode when I log on, so it's a simple mouse click and it's gone.
  • smacky
    While I agree with the OP, I am guessing they are putting it there to get us used to it for when the daily rewards start in another week.
  • TheUndeadAmulet
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Very short history of Neverwinter Online (free-to-play) and what might await us in ESO:

    2013.1: "There will never be loot boxes and only cosmetic items in the ZEN store."
    2013.2: "We changed our mind about loot boxes, but everything in there will be BoE, so you can sell/buy it from other players."
    2014.1: "Here's some nice stuff in the ZEN store, so you can craft/level a lot faster."
    2014.2: "Here are some super rare mounts in the loot boxes and other items that are not BoE, so only the lucky few will get it."
    2015.1: "Here's a fat, intrusive ZEN store advertisement every time you log in." --- ESO is here ---
    2015.2: "In order to craft BiS weapons, you will need, besides tons of other ingredients, this small ingredient that you can only buy in ZEN store, which is BoP ofc, and makes your weapon BoP once you craft it."
    2016.1: "Introduction of a new mount that is 30% faster than all other mounts in game (fyi, mount speed plays a HUGE role in NWO's PvP). It can only be found in loot boxes and is the rarest loot box item to date."
    2016.2: "Subscription model: Monthly 10$ subscription that provides you with flat 10% higher stats on everything, i.e. HP, power, everything. Must-have if you want to go PvP, or be taken by anyone into a decent PvE group, because everyone can see if you're a subscriber above your head. No subscriber? Instant votekick from harder dungeon finder content."
    2017.1: "Additional subscription levels: The more you pay, the higher stats you get. When subscribers play together in party, they get even higher stats. Awesome for PvP!"

    I'm not familiar with what happened next, as I quit somewhere around the time the must-have loot box mount came out.

    RIP ESO is gonna die and there is nothing we can do about it ahhhhh the sky is falling!

    But seriously though, the way this game is going, it's gonna be pretty much dead within one or two years. Damm, I was hoping it would last till at least ES6.
    XBOX NA 1000+ CP
    PC NA 400+ CP
    nerf ping please
  • SixVoltCar
    ZOS_JesC wrote: »
    Greetings, we've removed a few comments that contained personal insults directed at other members. Please remember that baiting comments are not permitted as outlined in our forum rules. Posts need to remain constructive and contribute to the conversation in some way. Thank you for your understanding.

    How about you remove the offending ad screen and thereby remove the complaint altogether?
    Edited by SixVoltCar on May 29, 2018 8:49AM
  • DoctorESO
    Don't forget that this window is where you will see your daily login rewards.
  • Meld777
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Very short history of Neverwinter Online (free-to-play) and what might await us in ESO:

    2013.1: "There will never be loot boxes and only cosmetic items in the ZEN store."
    2013.2: "We changed our mind about loot boxes, but everything in there will be BoE, so you can sell/buy it from other players."
    2014.1: "Here's some nice stuff in the ZEN store, so you can craft/level a lot faster."
    2014.2: "Here are some super rare mounts in the loot boxes and other items that are not BoE, so only the lucky few will get it."
    2015.1: "Here's a fat, intrusive ZEN store advertisement every time you log in." --- ESO is here ---
    2015.2: "In order to craft BiS weapons, you will need, besides tons of other ingredients, this small ingredient that you can only buy in ZEN store, which is BoP ofc, and makes your weapon BoP once you craft it."
    2016.1: "Introduction of a new mount that is 30% faster than all other mounts in game (fyi, mount speed plays a HUGE role in NWO's PvP). It can only be found in loot boxes and is the rarest loot box item to date."
    2016.2: "Subscription model: Monthly 10$ subscription that provides you with flat 10% higher stats on everything, i.e. HP, power, everything. Must-have if you want to go PvP, or be taken by anyone into a decent PvE group, because everyone can see if you're a subscriber above your head. No subscriber? Instant votekick from harder dungeon finder content."
    2017.1: "Additional subscription levels: The more you pay, the higher stats you get. When subscribers play together in party, they get even higher stats. Awesome for PvP!"

    I'm not familiar with what happened next, as I quit somewhere around the time the must-have loot box mount came out.

    RIP ESO is gonna die and there is nothing we can do about it ahhhhh the sky is falling!

    But seriously though, the way this game is going, it's gonna be pretty much dead within one or two years. Damm, I was hoping it would last till at least ES6.

    Well, NWO is F2P. They have one server and 15 Million players. Though, most of those people are probably not playing anymore, every city/zone is packed and has 100+ instances. On PC EU, Undaunted zones have 2, maybe 3 instances during prime time. So NWO need to make money somehow. Also, they're bringing out their 13th Module ("DLC") now, which, same as all other Modules, are fully F2P. Devs need to be paid.

    ESO has some steady income from DLC/Chapter sales. Plus, it's B2P.
    Edited by Meld777 on May 29, 2018 8:53AM
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • lostcloud
    Every single login is just too much, I just click it off straight away.

    Yet when it popped up every once in a while I would actually take my time to see if there was anything new, but now its just annoying and in my face every login so just gets clicked out of the way.
    Nocturnal (AD AvA Oceanic guild, still kicking after 5 years) Formed in 1999 DAoC Beta now in our 21st year.
  • Pixel_Zealot
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Very short history of Neverwinter Online (free-to-play) and what might await us in ESO:

    2013.1: "There will never be loot boxes and only cosmetic items in the ZEN store."
    2013.2: "We changed our mind about loot boxes, but everything in there will be BoE, so you can sell/buy it from other players."
    2014.1: "Here's some nice stuff in the ZEN store, so you can craft/level a lot faster."
    2014.2: "Here are some super rare mounts in the loot boxes and other items that are not BoE, so only the lucky few will get it."
    2015.1: "Here's a fat, intrusive ZEN store advertisement every time you log in." --- ESO is here ---
    2015.2: "In order to craft BiS weapons, you will need, besides tons of other ingredients, this small ingredient that you can only buy in ZEN store, which is BoP ofc, and makes your weapon BoP once you craft it."
    2016.1: "Introduction of a new mount that is 30% faster than all other mounts in game (fyi, mount speed plays a HUGE role in NWO's PvP). It can only be found in loot boxes and is the rarest loot box item to date."
    2016.2: "Subscription model: Monthly 10$ subscription that provides you with flat 10% higher stats on everything, i.e. HP, power, everything. Must-have if you want to go PvP, or be taken by anyone into a decent PvE group, because everyone can see if you're a subscriber above your head. No subscriber? Instant votekick from harder dungeon finder content."
    2017.1: "Additional subscription levels: The more you pay, the higher stats you get. When subscribers play together in party, they get even higher stats. Awesome for PvP!"

    I'm not familiar with what happened next, as I quit somewhere around the time the must-have loot box mount came out.

    RIP ESO is gonna die and there is nothing we can do about it ahhhhh the sky is falling!

    But seriously though, the way this game is going, it's gonna be pretty much dead within one or two years. Damm, I was hoping it would last till at least ES6.

    Yeah, I saw the same thing happen to Trion's Rift. Not exactly in that order, but now they made a new game, which is the same game, 5 years ago before they messed it up.
    Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon?
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