Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [IN PROGRESS] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [IN PROGRESS] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Please LOSE the Commercial

  • woufff
    I think this needs to be repeated until the marketing trolls at ZOS gets it:
    Advertisements for products we already bought and paid for, is utterly annoying and very counterproductive.

    Couldn't agree more, this commercial is awful :s and I want it to go PLEASE

    I haven't read all posts, but it does sound strange to me that we need an addon to fix something which simply shouldn't exist but this allow me to express a big thanks to ALL addon writers from my side, you're cool guys B)
    PC/EU&NA - Redguard Nightblade - Grand Master Crafter - Explorer of Tamriel & Skyrim - Playing Starfield (and awaiting TES VI ^^)
  • Dojohoda
    I agree. Seeing that ad on my screen every single time I log on to a Character is TOOOOOO MUCH. It is RIDICULOUS!

    The ad should show ONCE a day at most.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Gargath
    ZOS please understand that I did not buy Summerset for a reason you don't really care, and even your greatest ad can not change that.
    As a subscriber who pays for the game I demand you build in some switch that turns off the ads permanently without the need to see them multiple times a day while reloading 14 characters - it should be possible without any addons!
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Hurbster
    Yeah, it's annoying and quite frankly pissing me off now.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Elsonso
    woufff wrote: »
    it does sound strange to me that we need an addon to fix something which simply shouldn't exist

    There is a theory that, as a cost saving measure, the entire UI design is based upon the assumption that a customer will come along and finish or fix it with an add-on. Meet the player half way, and if they want to, some player will finish it. :smile:

    In any case, both of the add-ons that address this work, but not ideally.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • jeevin
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    I agree. Seeing that ad on my screen every single time I log on to a Character is TOOOOOO MUCH. It is RIDICULOUS!

    The ad should show ONCE a day at most.

    ONCE per day is far too often. Maybe once every couple of weeks or once when they update the store but that's plenty.

    I've been submitting bug reports for nearly every log in. We've got to let them know through every channel available to us that this is unacceptable behavior.
  • ecru
    I feel like this is counterproductive. Before I would check the popup when I logged in because if it popped up, most of the time it meant that there was something new in the store.

    Now I just close it. I didn't actually know the new hairstyle pack was in the store until I saw it on someone because of this. Had the old system been in place, I would have checked what was new and noticed it as soon as it was added.
    Gryphon Heart
  • Numerikuu
    If you're on the PC version, use the No, Thank You! addon. It blocks that *** ad.
  • Rawkan
    That window makes the game unplayable for sure. Wasting two seconds of my precious time. I'm outraged and demand 10000 crowns in reparations.
    Edited by Rawkan on May 27, 2018 12:22PM
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Earthewen wrote: »
    ZOS, Please remove the commercial from my experience. The last thing I want to see when I first log on is a commercial blocking my entire screen. I mean, if I want to see what's in the crown store, I'll look in the crown store. The advertisement is annoying at best and infuriating at the worst. This new addition to my gaming experience is OVERKILL as ads go and very unwanted.


    One sure way to keep from getting upset, dont turn it on and move on.
  • trem3c
    Please just make it so that you see the ads once and then can click "Don't show this to me again" and never see it again. We should not have to use an add-on to block your free marketing nonsense.
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    It doesnt fill my screen
    Edited by Pops_ND_Irish on May 27, 2018 12:34PM
  • Nelson_Rebel
    I agree still infuriating
  • VaranisArano
    MoTeets wrote: »
    It doesnt fill my screen

    Mine neither. The two inches of my screen showing on either side of the ad are super useful...

    Okay, the ad doesn't block my minimap. Otherwise, it effectively blocks every part of my screen I use to play which is why I now close the ad without ever looking at what its trying to sell me.
  • Shadowshire
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    I can't wait to get disconnected from PVP, get lucky enough to log back into the keep I was at, and die to an enemy player while trying to exit the advertisement screen.

    Because hitting "alt" is hard. But seriously. ONCE a day/account would be acceptable. (I assume they will use this as the login rewards screen).
    Frankly, I would never expect anything from ZOS other than more commercialization in-game.

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • Jaraal
    ecru wrote: »
    Now I just close it. I didn't actually know the new hairstyle pack was in the store until I saw it on someone because of this. Had the old system been in place, I would have checked what was new and noticed it as soon as it was added.

    Same. I didn't know about it until I saw someone mention it. When I'm logging into a laggy dungeon and mobs start beating on me, last thing I want is a full page ad blocking my view. I instinctively hit the ESC key the moment my character appears in the world now to avoid the window.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • jrodriguez
    OMFG is it really that hard to close the windows. WTF.
  • Dojohoda
    It's spam.

    Seeing it around 20+ times a day means that I will close it instantly. I won't look through it and buy stuff because it is annoying. This is human nature to do so, which makes it a poor decision of zos to Spam the customer base.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Elsonso
    jrodriguez wrote: »
    OMFG is it really that hard to close the windows. WTF.

    The point is: we shouldn't have to.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Belegnole
    Thanks for the suggested add-ons, no more ads....
  • Gythral
    jrodriguez wrote: »
    OMFG is it really that hard to close the windows. WTF.

    Much easier to just not open it in the first place!

    Voted with my Add-ons, but would prefer a native solution, like it not existing in the first place, but I guess that's too much to ask in a game I bought and subscribe to
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Davor
    Chufu wrote: »
    Yes I agree to the first post, the big screen with every login (even with multiple characters) is not very nice.

    I don't think ESO has to have that to make money...

    Tin foil hat on. Maybe they do. This seems so desperate that it SCREAMS "BUY FROM ME!". All I know it's like commercials now just ignore them.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Davor
    Iselin wrote: »
    Apparently someone in ESO marketing believes that increasingly annoying us with ads, time-limited sales, over-priced crown shop houses, etc., has no impact on the bottom line.

    I said it before, I will say it again. Zenimax should talk to Games Workshop. They will tell you how listening to your customers, treating them with respect and giving them what THEY WANT increases the bottom line.

    Zenimax is a publicly traded company correct? Only way to get them to do anything is talk to the share holders and let them know how much more money they could be making but are not and only making limited money.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Gythral
    Davor wrote: »
    Chufu wrote: »
    Yes I agree to the first post, the big screen with every login (even with multiple characters) is not very nice.

    I don't think ESO has to have that to make money...

    Tin foil hat on. Maybe they do. This seems so desperate that it SCREAMS "BUY FROM ME!". All I know it's like commercials now just ignore them.

    And all of us that can never see it (and at least one add-on stops it opening ever), & not filtering what people own is just going to drive more to close it (one way or another) without ever looking at it
    Which will end up with less revenue not more but hey everyone does just the same - you bought x yesterday, buy y's version today
    not even you bought x so here's accessories and consumables for it, but the rivals version

    Just how stupid are Marketing Depts.?
    Edited by Gythral on May 27, 2018 6:53PM
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Vaoh
    186 agrees on one post!!!!!!! :o

    I know ZOS is very poor when it comes to communicating with the community but wow they should respond to this.
  • MarkusP72
    The sad truth is that ZOS will continue to squeeze even more money from us players:
  • TheRealPotoroo
    MarkusP72 wrote: »
    The sad truth is that ZOS will continue to squeeze even more money from us players:

    That explains so much. In the absence of a professional, full time Monetization Designer ZoS have been letting the work experience kid do it.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • idrankyourbeer
    Reverb wrote: »
    Earthewen wrote: »
    Reverb wrote: »
    Thanks Zeni, my wallet thanks you for your ambush marketing tactics.I had no problem with the market announcements before, they weren't too frequent, and on multiple occasions were the reason I saw and purchased something. The new ads are way too aggressive. I got so tired of having it shoved down my throat 10-12 times a day that I now use an add-on to suppress them. Now I'll never see an ad, and never make an impulse crown store purchase.

    What addon is it? I'm looking for one that actually works right now.

    No, Thank You, in the settings under Crown Store, Hide Market Announcement.

    khajit gives much thanks. i got the addon and it works. Good Riddance!

    seems pretty handy for other stuff too. i had like 50 mail items to mass redeem from all my hirelings on all my alts and it no longer gives the dumb popup asking to confirm if i want to delete this mail. that alone is going to save me some extra time everyday, and it all adds up.

    it looks like this addon can do all kinds of neat little things. but since it also works for disabling the intrusive and over-aggressive crown store and summerset spam, i'll bet ZoS is working around the clock to make a fix to disable this addon for the next patch, while working on a way to implement 30 second long crown store commercials during loading screens.

    somehow the guys in suits must have thought this would be a great idea to try to catch a few more whales, but i'll bet that the only thing its doing is annoying and turning away their own playerbase, which is their potential customers to begin with.

    once a week on one account would be fine. nobody complained how it was before. but once every time i sign in with every character is a little too much. getting spammed 10 times in 3 and a half minutes just to collect off my hirelings is a little over the top.
    Edited by idrankyourbeer on May 27, 2018 8:18PM
  • Elsonso
    Davor wrote: »
    Chufu wrote: »
    Yes I agree to the first post, the big screen with every login (even with multiple characters) is not very nice.

    I don't think ESO has to have that to make money...

    Tin foil hat on. Maybe they do. This seems so desperate that it SCREAMS "BUY FROM ME!". All I know it's like commercials now just ignore them.

    You can take the tin foil hat off. Don't overthink this.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • zaria
    woufff wrote: »
    I think this needs to be repeated until the marketing trolls at ZOS gets it:
    Advertisements for products we already bought and paid for, is utterly annoying and very counterproductive.

    Couldn't agree more, this commercial is awful :s and I want it to go PLEASE

    I haven't read all posts, but it does sound strange to me that we need an addon to fix something which simply shouldn't exist but this allow me to express a big thanks to ALL addon writers from my side, you're cool guys B)
    This, unlike the old adds its also don't show news in the crown stores up front like the barbarian pack unless you page trough pages of summerset stuff.
    Face it all who play eso know about summerset
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
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