Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Peekachu99 wrote: »Shad0wfire99 wrote: »The practice time is nice, but the biggest advantage they get is the ability to pull whatever set piece they want out of the container of All The Sets That Exist.
Wanna try dual wielding master swords? Just pull them out of the bag. Sword and mace? In the bag. Mace and axe? In the bag. Different traits? In the bag.
They never need to farm for the items they want to use in their practice and experiences. So they never end up spending time getting items that do not work as well as expected.
The pre-release practice time already calls into question the value of “first”, but having god mode for gear makes the first clear on the test server still have a credibility issue.
You know that "god mode" bag of goodies isn't on the live server, right?
The point he was making was that it’s eliminating trial/ error and failure times. That’s why people are discrediting the declaration of “world first” when Hodor’s actual “world first” was whenever they first did it on PTS—with caveats regarding gear optimization on the fly. I mean you can do the Trial sets WITH the Trial sets on PTS without having to farm any of them, can’t you? I didn’t check it out this cycle PTS but I think that’s the case.
Love Wizard wrote: »Something doesn't sit right with me that content released just this morning was beaten because people got to play it and practice for a month on the PTS.
Pretty sure that's not what it's there for,.
Grats on your self proclaimed "Worlds first" title. Feels good?
It does feel good, thank you! We're also not pleased with how the PTS system is, but as it stands, zenimax doesnt have a proper QA team to test these trials, so its either this or release bugged and flawed content.Hodor making bad people cry about things they'll never achieve anyway
Gz on speedrun
What was the group composition, 8 magnbs?
3 DK's, 1 Templar, 1 Warden, 1 Sorcerer, and 6 Nightblades, all magicka ofcourse.The amount of salt in this thread. MMO communities never cease to surprise me. If you think this proves the content is easy, go in there and do the same thing and let people enjoy things.
Congrats for the clear!
I agree, the salt in these threads never ceases to amuse me.
congrats on your achievement but don't you think the fact that you all ended up stacking nighblades for your clear other then tank/healer essentials - is ALSO flawed?
not trying to put it all on you, its on ZoS to balance classes, just mean... if the purpose of you all testing it on pts is to make sure that content is not released in flawed state... seems like its not really serving its purpose anyways.
GreenhaloX wrote: »Oh sure.. nice.. congrats as always, but l'm beginning to to realize that Hodor are really the Bethesda and/or ZOS developers. No way these are otherwise normal players with full-time jobs and life. Ha ha
Almost no death on release day lol, man really where is my full trial, it’s hard to pass this off as hardest content to date
I’m salty it isn’t a full trial for a chapter instead it’s a mini trial that almost got beat completely on day one
Congrats on again claiming to have a genuine World's First after taking advantage of early access and timezones.
folks. folks.
just because a very good guild with VERY good players beat a trial on live after month worth of practice on pts... does not make that content easy. if they did it on pts on a first try? or didn't have a chance to practice and still manage to do it on a first try? THEN there would be cause for complaints over difficulty.
What sets were the magblades running?
Love Wizard wrote: »
I'm surprised first 4-5 comments after thread being posted are NOT other members congratulating one another after thread being posted. Something new, usually after thread is posted you can skip first few comments because it's just the rest of the group patting each other's backs.
I don't get it - why it's called MINI trial if it take 45 minutes of super professional team to beat? And this 45 minutes was actually a speedrunWhat about average team? Two hours of MINI trial? )
Peekachu99 wrote: »Shad0wfire99 wrote: »The practice time is nice, but the biggest advantage they get is the ability to pull whatever set piece they want out of the container of All The Sets That Exist.
Wanna try dual wielding master swords? Just pull them out of the bag. Sword and mace? In the bag. Mace and axe? In the bag. Different traits? In the bag.
They never need to farm for the items they want to use in their practice and experiences. So they never end up spending time getting items that do not work as well as expected.
The pre-release practice time already calls into question the value of “first”, but having god mode for gear makes the first clear on the test server still have a credibility issue.
You know that "god mode" bag of goodies isn't on the live server, right?
The point he was making was that it’s eliminating trial/ error and failure times. That’s why people are discrediting the declaration of “world first” when Hodor’s actual “world first” was whenever they first did it on PTS—with caveats regarding gear optimization on the fly. I mean you can do the Trial sets WITH the Trial sets on PTS without having to farm any of them, can’t you? I didn’t check it out this cycle PTS but I think that’s the case.
About being able to practice the trial with the best gear the trial drops, I forgot about that.
It was that way for clockwork. Upon login, there’s the template. Make a template character, theres all the perfected asylum weapons in all the useful traits, even though you haven’t figured out where on the map the city even was.
Put all the perfected weapons from the template into the bank, and there you go. Testing which perfected weapon worked best for your play style and rotation.
Same process for your attempt on live: make a template character and pull all the stuff you want to test from the bags marked Overland Sets or Dungeon Sets etc. Want an odd trait? Use the transmutation table with the Infinite Transmutation Crystal.
God mode for gear means having a cost-free guide to map out exactly what needs to be farmed on live. So even the first test server clear isn’t dependable because of that God Mode For Gear.
Love Wizard wrote: »How many stam DDs in group?
None.I just wanna know how many practice runs were done on the PTS before the live run. With a speed run like that, I imagine quite a few. Congrats on the achievement.
Been raiding on PTS since it got out, three times a week and sometimes more.
Very nice, dedication often reaps in great rewards, congratulations once again!
LioraValkyrie wrote: »Meanwhile, back in reality...
Also, gg XD
gethemshauna wrote: »Gz guys!!
Valen_Byte wrote: »Lame, do this *** without running through it a million times first. Its bs tbh.
Not a single person should see the inside of a Trial before it goes live. All testing should be done internally for any area of the game that has achievements and leader boards. Otherwise, your achievements, Hodor, are meaningless.