Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Pyandonean (Maormer) Motif!

  • Froil
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Since the pages are being added to fishing while fishing within Summerset Isle, what about the style mat for the motif? Will that also be available from fishing? Will the motif now be considered for Master Writs?

    Also, would it be possible to update the base game Maormer armor, like the item sets from Tempest Island, or the disguise from the Seaside Sanctuary in Greenshade, those worn by non-hostile Maormeri NPCs in Khenarthi's Roost, etc.?
    "Best" healer PC/NA
  • Miaura
    So very happy to hear the community was heard on this matter :), restores my faith that feedback can be really heard !
    (Personally had not yet complained about it cause only just learned about it and was about to, but then found out that changes are going to be made.)

    And, fishing is indeed one of those areas in game that needs to be more rewarding, nice and fun lore-friendly way to put the motif in game. Hope the drop rate is decent.

    And hoping feedback continues to affect stuff in the future too; one crowns related thing that I wish was re-looked upon is the pricing of the outfit slots that has a large thread on the crown store forum. Maybe think of something like option for some slots for ingame currency, like storage chests, or giving one account wide for subs.
  • Katahdin
    Hi everyone,

    We appreciate everyone’s continued feedback and thoughts on this topic, and understand the concerns you have. As such, we will add the ability to obtain the Pyandonean Motif Chapters through fishing, as well as in the Psijic Vault Crown Crate. As the Maormer are also known as the Sea Elves, it’s fitting that you’ll find these Motif Chapters while fishing in and around Summerset Isle. The plan is to implement this change in the next week or two on the PTS, so it will be in-game when Update 18 launches and the Pisjic Vault Crown Crates become available to those who pre-purchased the Summerset Chapter.

    Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, everyone, and we’re excited to have you try out the in-game component on the PTS very soon.

    Woot! That was my idea!
    Forget where I posted it a few days ago.

    I haven't commented because so MANY
    others expressed my thoughts. In short, I am vehemently against crown crate exclusive motifs.

    Thank you for giving us another option. I am so happy about this change, I may even buy a pack of crowns in appreciation IF the drop rates arent absolutely abysmal
    Edited by Katahdin on April 25, 2018 6:06PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • BrightOblivion
    eso_nya wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    We appreciate everyone’s continued feedback and thoughts on this topic, and understand the concerns you have. As such, we will add the ability to obtain the Pyandonean Motif Chapters through fishing, as well as in the Psijic Vault Crown Crate. As the Maormer are also known as the Sea Elves, it’s fitting that you’ll find these Motif Chapters while fishing in and around Summerset Isle. The plan is to implement this change in the next week or two on the PTS, so it will be in-game when Update 18 launches and the Pisjic Vault Crown Crates become available to those who pre-purchased the Summerset Chapter.

    Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, everyone, and we’re excited to have you try out the in-game component on the PTS very soon.

    U have a special assignment now: Grab a box of cookies and a can of coffee and bring to whoever made that decision.
    Thank you! <3

    Absolutely! Also give cookies to the person in charge of jewelry crafting.

    ...Then take them away.

    Cookies are for closers.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Sabbathius wrote: »
    See, if players in this game had capacity for critical thought and a spine to follow through on it, this problem would self-resolve. They would release this, and for the next 6 months or however long it takes see store sales suddenly drop to exactly $0.00, after which they would say "Yep, guess we flew too close to the sun." and change their practices to be a little less skeevy. What IS going to happen, however, is that the vocal minority (us) will whine and moan for a while, and then when the patch hits many players (including quite a few of us) will head over the the crown store and pay. And pay, and pay, and pay. And all this will show up on their profit reports, and their marketing department will call it, verifiably and quite correctly, a huge success. And then it'll be the new normal. And this is entirely, 100% players' fault. If you want it to stop, you just have to stop playing the crate game. Enjoy the actual game, not the virtual casino.

    Spot on.

    If that were "spot on" then they wouldn't be even half decent at their marketing jobs.
    We're all human and human nature/behavior is not that hard to predict, but it is hard to control. They are playing on our nature to be addicted to certain things in certain ways. You can't fight human nature very easily at all.

    So no, nobody would ever be able to just stop purchasing, nor would they want us to. They make it easy enough to purchase and not everything as horrible so that people can't stop themselves.
    The only people who can stop don't actually like this game that much so it is surprising that they even play this game let alone post on the forums. They may say they love this game but if they truly liked it enough to support it then they would purchase things from time to time, not zero dollars of anything.

    And FYI, we have enough spine and critical thought to stand up for ourselves on the forums rather than try to shame others into not complaining on the forums as if everyone would be better off not complaining and happily eating their Soylent Green like you people.
  • POps75p
    Smaxx wrote: »
    POps75p wrote: »
    i'm not sure if this has been addressed, but if someone is dumb enough to purchase a gambling create, and let's say get 10 helmets, will they be able to see or trade them?

    Most likely not, as otherwise you could basically buy in-game gold with real money, even at a rather horrible conversion rate.

    another good reason to never buy gambling creates.. tks
  • POps75p
    Miaura wrote: »
    So very happy to hear the community was heard on this matter :), restores my faith that feedback can be really heard !
    (Personally had not yet complained about it cause only just learned about it and was about to, but then found out that changes are going to be made.)

    And, fishing is indeed one of those areas in game that needs to be more rewarding, nice and fun lore-friendly way to put the motif in game. Hope the drop rate is decent.

    And hoping feedback continues to affect stuff in the future too; one crowns related thing that I wish was re-looked upon is the pricing of the outfit slots that has a large thread on the crown store forum. Maybe think of something like option for some slots for ingame currency, like storage chests, or giving one account wide for subs.

    never did any finishing in the game..... period, but now that it's getting nice and warm, and i have this small lake behind my house, i'm going to run a net cable to the water get in the boad and play eso, drink some nice cold beer while sitting it my boat and fish.
  • MornaBaine
    So @ZOS_GinaBruno are you going to go the next step and discuss drop rates with us so we can know this isn't an empty gesture but rather a genuine attempt to restore good relations with the player base?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Smaxx
    Let's just wait and see. If you think about it, they can't make that crafting style's drop rate nearly non-existent now. Imagine people fishing for a week and only getting one or no chapter. It would be exposed as a fake excuse, which would be far more worse than a single "we didn't think about making it available in-game" once. They have nothing to gain announcing that and then negating it with an impossible drop rate.
  • MornaBaine
    Smaxx wrote: »
    Let's just wait and see. If you think about it, they can't make that crafting style's drop rate nearly non-existent now. Imagine people fishing for a week and only getting one or no chapter. It would be exposed as a fake excuse, which would be far more worse than a single "we didn't think about making it available in-game" once. They have nothing to gain announcing that and then negating it with an impossible drop rate.

    I think you have too much faith. My money is on it being up there with the Aetherial reagents or, if we're "lucky" Perfect Roe. And I think they are counting on the excitement and all the talk of all the other stuff regarding Summerset to drown out any cries of, "Hey we were duped on this!" regarding the motif. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I would LOVE to have my faith in the company that runs this game restored. So... here's hoping I guess.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • POps75p
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Smaxx wrote: »
    Let's just wait and see. If you think about it, they can't make that crafting style's drop rate nearly non-existent now. Imagine people fishing for a week and only getting one or no chapter. It would be exposed as a fake excuse, which would be far more worse than a single "we didn't think about making it available in-game" once. They have nothing to gain announcing that and then negating it with an impossible drop rate.

    I think you have too much faith. My money is on it being up there with the Aetherial reagents or, if we're "lucky" Perfect Roe. And I think they are counting on the excitement and all the talk of all the other stuff regarding Summerset to drown out any cries of, "Hey we were duped on this!" regarding the motif. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I would LOVE to have my faith in the company that runs this game restored. So... here's hoping I guess.

    sadly, you are correct
  • Aeschere3
    I'm really surprised by this change, and I'm very glad ZOS listened to our complaints! The fishing part is nice thematically. It would also be nice to have it as a possible drop from Maormer enemies. Why would fish have knowledge of Maormer crafting but not actual Maormer, after all?

    Lootboxes should still be illegal for people under 21, though.
    ZOS please give Maormer skin
  • Smaxx
    @Aeschere3 Just a few days ago Belgian authorities ruled that loot boxes violate local gambling laws, even those you can't cash out (like Overwatch). Give it some time. :)
  • Mureel
    Donari wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    But what did kind of bug me about them was the "effects" that disappeared from weapons like the black glow with moondancer/alkosh weapons that ZoS said was not intended and they'd look at and hasn't gotten fixed.... well, would you look at that! These new weapon styles you can buy come with those sort of effects! What a coincidence.

    Actually, check the patch notes under Crafting & Economy > Outfit System:
    "Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fail to display the visual effects for their enchants when part of an outfit."

    I don't know that it -is- fixed, as I haven't got any moondancer or alkosh, but they claim it is fixed. Maybe they needed to fix it to make sure their new skins would work, but regardless, this part doesn't seem to be a money grab.

    Individual pages in crown crates, though, yeah. I sure hope this is a misunderstanding and not actually the only way to get the motif set.

    But does that count on the alkosh/mender/moondancer? Mender staves have a cool effect when you wep swap if you have five piece.
  • Smaxx
    Mureel wrote: »
    But does that count on the alkosh/mender/moondancer? Mender staves have a cool effect when you wep swap if you have five piece.

    Just try it yourself. Create a templated character and you'll find all the sets in bags within their inventory.
  • VerboseQuips
    Hi everyone,

    We appreciate everyone’s continued feedback and thoughts on this topic, and understand the concerns you have. As such, we will add the ability to obtain the Pyandonean Motif Chapters through fishing, as well as in the Psijic Vault Crown Crate. As the Maormer are also known as the Sea Elves, it’s fitting that you’ll find these Motif Chapters while fishing in and around Summerset Isle. The plan is to implement this change in the next week or two on the PTS, so it will be in-game when Update 18 launches and the Pisjic Vault Crown Crates become available to those who pre-purchased the Summerset Chapter.

    Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, everyone, and we’re excited to have you try out the in-game component on the PTS very soon.

    I am just noticing that now, because I had been away from the forums for a few days, but that is awesome. Thank you for hearing us. It will make fishing more interesting! It's a wonderful decision :smile:
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • Wayshuba
    Haha haha.

    Most still haven't figured out you are STILL being played.

    Hey guys, we heard your concerns and we put them in fishing in Summerset....


    We are STILL introducing individual motif pages to Crown Crates now, instead of the full motif.


    Since you accepted us putting individual pages into the Crown Crates, our new change is to not make a way to get them in game.

    Man, you are being played. Thank goodness I don't buy these rip-offs.
    Edited by Wayshuba on May 10, 2018 12:01PM
  • Orticia
    More so then a motif being in a crown crate page by page in itself, is the fact that it bothers me that I assume most if not all of the blue category in a crate will be taken up by them.

    It's the only category viable where I save up gems (16) for to get something from without spending more on crown crates then I want/will do. Separate pages of a motif are not and never will be rewards where I will spend gems/money on. I will for standalone items like a pet or costume. A single motif page in most cases is pretty pointless (except maybe an awesome weapon skin or whatever). Obviously that's my opinion. Some might put way more value on a single page then I do, and thus find it a better reward then I do.

    Besides that it also needs the outfit system to be used too and I have just one outfit slot as extra slots are ridiculously expensive.
    Edited by Orticia on May 11, 2018 9:57AM
  • Wayshuba
    Orticia wrote: »
    More so then a motif being in a crown crate page by page in itself, is the fact that it bothers me that I assume most if not all of the blue category in a crate will be taken up by them.

    It's the only category viable where I save up gems (16) for to get something from without spending more on crown crates then I want/will do. Separate pages of a motif are not and never will be rewards where I will spend gems/money on. I will for standalone items like a pet or costume. A single motif page in most cases is pretty pointless (except maybe an awesome weapon skin or whatever). Obviously that's my opinion. Some might put way more value on a single page then I do, and thus find it a better reward then I do.

    Besides that it also needs the outfit system to be used too and I have just one outfit slot as extra slots are ridiculously expensive.

    More than likely, these thing will probably go for 40 a page. Needing 19 pages for a set means 640 gems for the entire thing instead of the 200 for a whole book as today. Typically ZoS.
  • supaskrub
    and so the big question is........ has anyone caught one of these chapters while fishing yet?. are they bound...?
  • Orticia
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    Orticia wrote: »
    More so then a motif being in a crown crate page by page in itself, is the fact that it bothers me that I assume most if not all of the blue category in a crate will be taken up by them.

    It's the only category viable where I save up gems (16) for to get something from without spending more on crown crates then I want/will do. Separate pages of a motif are not and never will be rewards where I will spend gems/money on. I will for standalone items like a pet or costume. A single motif page in most cases is pretty pointless (except maybe an awesome weapon skin or whatever). Obviously that's my opinion. Some might put way more value on a single page then I do, and thus find it a better reward then I do.

    Besides that it also needs the outfit system to be used too and I have just one outfit slot as extra slots are ridiculously expensive.

    More than likely, these thing will probably go for 40 a page. Needing 19 pages for a set means 640 gems for the entire thing instead of the 200 for a whole book as today. Typically ZoS.

    40 would mean they should be in the purple category, those are 40 gems, they stated it would be in blue (16 gems) somewhere. Can't recall exactly where I read it. Granted motif books are twice as much as the rest in the category too, 200 instead of 100. But there is no separate 200 gems color category. Then again blue makes it so doubles only give back 5 gems. I wish I could say otherwise but experience so far with how ZoS handles these things.... I am starting to fear more and ore 40 might actually be possible. Would tick off the playerbase even more then it already is though I recon.
    Edited by Orticia on May 11, 2018 4:01PM
  • Leandor
    Whoopsie post.
    Edited by Leandor on May 11, 2018 4:00PM
  • MornaBaine
    They never have told us what the rarity will be in game remember. My guess is it'll be up there with aetherial dust.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Delpi
    You'll get 10 perfect roe before a single motif page... mark my words.
    "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee..."
  • TheRealPotoroo
    Delpi wrote: »
    You'll get 10 perfect roe before a single motif page... mark my words.

    Players with Master Fisher should get improved odds of getting a motif page.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • Adernath
    So, with Summerset being out a couple of weeks now, can any fishermen tell me what are the chances to get one of the pages?
  • DuskMarine
    Hi everyone,

    We appreciate everyone’s continued feedback and thoughts on this topic, and understand the concerns you have. As such, we will add the ability to obtain the Pyandonean Motif Chapters through fishing, as well as in the Psijic Vault Crown Crate. As the Maormer are also known as the Sea Elves, it’s fitting that you’ll find these Motif Chapters while fishing in and around Summerset Isle. The plan is to implement this change in the next week or two on the PTS, so it will be in-game when Update 18 launches and the Pisjic Vault Crown Crates become available to those who pre-purchased the Summerset Chapter.

    Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, everyone, and we’re excited to have you try out the in-game component on the PTS very soon.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno why not take out the consumables and make it where we have more legendary items we could get??? the consumables at max level are useless and its what always comes out of the crates 99.99% of the time.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Adernath wrote: »
    So, with Summerset being out a couple of weeks now, can any fishermen tell me what are the chances to get one of the pages?

    I'm no fisherman, but based on the prices I've been seeing on guild stores, it's 50-75% the price of BA. So... presumably a bit more common than that.
  • Fiedelstrich
    Adernath wrote: »
    So, with Summerset being out a couple of weeks now, can any fishermen tell me what are the chances to get one of the pages?

    was fishing the last three days for 2 hours each

    day 1 - 2 pages
    day 2 - 1 page
    day 3 - 2 pages (1 dublicate)

    It's not that bad - rare but fair I would say. It also makes me want to go out fishing, so I'm happy with how it is right now.

    Will count the total flasks and fish I got next time.
  • Adernath
    Adernath wrote: »
    So, with Summerset being out a couple of weeks now, can any fishermen tell me what are the chances to get one of the pages?

    was fishing the last three days for 2 hours each

    day 1 - 2 pages
    day 2 - 1 page
    day 3 - 2 pages (1 dublicate)

    It's not that bad - rare but fair I would say. It also makes me want to go out fishing, so I'm happy with how it is right now.

    Will count the total flasks and fish I got next time.

    :+1: Many thanks, its still a small sample period of time but it looks pretty fair to me.
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