Best execute on paper. But in practice it’s terrible especially open world. Dodgeable cloak able block able reflectable and scales at 25% and is a slow projectile.
it's not ani cancel, he just uses light attack after firing the frags, that's common. But it has two projectiles just like a heavy attack, the light attack has just one projectile visual
Nelson_Rebel wrote: »NB's do need to be looked at in general
They are the top of all PvE and PvP damage specs with multiple variations (Gankblade, bomblade, battleblade heavy blur build)
Sorcs cant even match their parses in PvE
I'm not saying nerf NB's, but perhaps buff the other classes that need it to be on-par with them
Considering the have the most difficult rotation, and they are naturally one of the squishiest classes they need to be at the top in terms of DPS. It wouldn't be balanced otherwise.
Nelson_Rebel wrote: »
They do not have the most difficult rotation lol
That title goes to magic Dk's, who are also the lowest dps ingame
And what fairy tale told you nb's are squishy? You realize the only squishy nb is one who is a full on gank build with no self heal
Its so freakin bad....
I wonder if I still have the video of my Impale being dodged 3 times then hitting a guy at like 10% for 2k damage.....I would of been better off using EVERY single other skill in the game.
After that happen I just took it off the bar...
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »a timed combo'd burst coming from a magblade is not a problem in my opinion. i wish zenimax would turn down dots/hots effectiveness across the board.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
The problem is i have a magblade too and i dnt want this much unbalance in pvp even if my main class is beneficial from it. Magblade is untouchable right now especially in 1v1. I understand there will always he a best class for this or that. But the margin shouldnt be by this much.
For example what chance on earthhhhh does a mag warden have against a magblade?? ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOO CHANCE.
If thats not a problem for you then keep carrying on i guess..
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Too bad bow uptime is literaly like 80% of the fight its ready so ya stick to basic pve bro this goes
Much deeper than "just block" the bow will hit u before at same time u break free so no matter what u still gonna get it. The problem is the counter yes theres some counters. But why should 1 class have 50% more damage than every other class by a long shot.
Magblades even got great healing the health literally gets topped off after every swallow soul and weave boom 2k health every second plus siphoning oh man. This class is the most op thing this game has ever had atm. Period. Cloak siphoning soul harvesr soul tether relentless impale along with greaaaat passives this class is the king right now by far.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »
First off, the person in the video is me. Second, the heavy attack animation was cancelled, and lit off early, which results in a medium attack. Medium attacks have the appearance of a heavy attack without the full damage or resource restoration a heavy attack gives you.
It's not an exploit, and I doubt very highly that I'm the first person to ever do this, much less seen by you.
Peekachu99 wrote: »How about someone, anyone, everyone uses Magelight or Evil Hunter for its actual purpose rather than just letting it rot on their bars and then QQing about not using a skill they’ve been staring at for 4 years.
don't know what exploit is in that video, but that guy threw a flame staff heavy attack in 0.1 seconds after firing the frags.
All I'm saying was going towards a keep lasr night NB tired to get me and a random ran past start spamming flare founs his but.MalakithAlamahdi wrote: »
All things aside, both of these skills are a joke when you use it for revealing people in cloak. The NB is an idiot if this spots him. The old radiant magelight had a nice 50% reduced damage from stealth and no stun but they removed that so yea.
mDKs are trash because they cant sustain their rotation which is what makes the rotation "difficult". But in terms of actual difficulty the NB rotation is the most demanding cause they have to weave like robots.
All I'm saying was going towards a keep lasr night NB tired to get me and a random ran past start spamming flare founs his but.
Another kid while running into a keep throw flares at the door revealed 8 NB coming through.
mDKs are trash because they cant sustain their rotation which is what makes the rotation "difficult". But in terms of actual difficulty the NB rotation is the most demanding cause they have to weave like robots.
Savos_Saren wrote: »
Considering that mDKs are the "DoT class"- we'll never hit 30k in two seconds... unless somehow we can Leap twice? Then again... with the state of PVP and the current issue with Cloak negating DoTs or crit healing through them while stealthed... mDKs have more issues to worry about.
I guess we could always Leap and then use our execu.... nevermind.
Best execute in this game is the sorc finisher imo.
IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
And what other magicka class don't have to weave like robots? DKs also have to do weaving like robots and find time to heavy attack to sustain their resources, so does other classes. Even wardens do weaves. Every magicka class does it. NB does not have extra complicated rotation.
Peekachu99 wrote: »How about someone, anyone, everyone uses Magelight or Evil Hunter for its actual purpose rather than just letting it rot on their bars and then QQing about not using a skill they’ve been staring at for 4 years.
I don't mind that Magblade is slippery, I feel like that is their class identity.
Stamblades get a little ridiculous with Cloak, Shadow Image, Roll dodge, force crit Heals, and Blur/Shuffle giving one of the best defensive toolkits in the game. Anyone that says nightblades are squishy are the real L2P.
Main nerf I think needs to happen is the Defile from Incap should be reduced to 3 secs to match the stun duration, instead of the 6 secs currently. This would still make it an awesome finisher but reduce the ability to keep someone from recovering if it is used as an opener.
This wouldn't affect PVE, unlike a cost increase/damage reduction/etc.
I can pull 30k on mag sorc in 1 second. Overload build.Ihatenightblades wrote: »Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....
( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op
I dont think you understand. No, its not the same. Weaving on magblade is far more important. If your weaves are not on point with other classes sure you will lose some dmg but its really not the end of the world. If your weaves are not on point on magblade, ur DPS is making a free fall. Light attacks and spectral bow procs which need light attacks to proc are their 2 highest sources of dmg. They are like 35% of their overall DPS. If you cant weave properly then you may as well not play magblade at all cause at that point you'll probably get higher numbers with other classes. So yeah, their rotation is far more demanding and they literally need to weave like robots.
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »Name me a class who's main defensive mechanic has hard counters. I'll wait.
I don't mind that Magblade is slippery, I feel like that is their class identity.
Stamblades get a little ridiculous with Cloak, Shadow Image, Roll dodge, force crit Heals, and Blur/Shuffle giving one of the best defensive toolkits in the game. Anyone that says nightblades are squishy are the real L2P.
Main nerf I think needs to happen is the Defile from Incap should be reduced to 3 secs to match the stun duration, instead of the 6 secs currently. This would still make it an awesome finisher but reduce the ability to keep someone from recovering if it is used as an opener.
This wouldn't affect PVE, unlike a cost increase/damage reduction/etc.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
A 30k overload in pve is actually weak. I hit 60k overload with elegant and netches and 2 kena. But again you seem confused im talkin pvp bud. Pvp damage is cut in half atleast. If not more. For example that 30k overload wouldnt even do 10k on a player. So ya. No