Are you people creating accounts just to spread class hate? I mean look at the OP's name
Ihatenightblades wrote: »Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....
( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op
Avran_Sylt wrote: »
LukosCreyden wrote: »Why are people taking this thread seriously? It is clearly a parody thread...
Nelson_Rebel wrote: »
Because NB's currently hold the top damage parses in PvE
And in PvP are by and far the most powerful setup in 1v1's and 1vx's
No class can take out a group like a magblade bomber will
And no class will ever be able to match the burst combination of Fear+Incap
The class has arguably the best sustain and can be tanky with heavy armor while being the only class to be able to wear heavy armor and have major evasion with Blur
Ihatenightblades wrote: »Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....
( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op
DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »stamblades are the problem, not magblades
Yea he does ask to nerf purge for templars,Zaan,NB templars Dk as the supposedly best player om xbox he make a lot of nerfs threads.He aslo duck duel challeneges so as the best he sounds like a really bad player.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Stam blades too but they are atleast squishy. Magblades can teleport back and forth just spamming range attacks then boom 30k
Combo outa nowhere. Its broken
Ectheliontnacil wrote: »Sorc: curse>endless fury>dawnbreaker>frags
If all those land were looking at 50k or more dmg here.
And tether-relentless-impale doesn't exist. If anything it's merciless...just shows that OP doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
Unfadingsilence wrote: »
I do the same thing with mag sorc, and mag dk as well tho 24k leap OP and the new meta sorc 2 shot with overload is OP as well
Says the person who was hit for 30k by two none ultimate abilities. Yea your build sucks donkey balls and you should feel bad.Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Ya dude you must be low cp with low resistance i never get hit that hard by leap you doin something wrong.
The problem is with magblades you can have a full tanky build and it won't matter. Thats the difference
Says the person who was hit for 30k by two none ultimate abilities. Yea your build sucks donkey balls and you should feel bad.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
I have been hit with that combo plenty times its nowhere near the magblade burst it might hit u 50k but not my build lol.
IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
Dayum look at you assuming everyone dying to NBs are bad. NBs are strong enough to tear apart tanks that survive the other class burst builds. You are as biased as the OP.
I don't think a sorc can do that much anymore even with 0 impen target though with dbos. Meteor would make it possible for sure.
thankyourat wrote: »
Theoretically the sorc burst is higher and if you get hit with all of that stuff in one GCD you'll going to just evaporate. The only problem is human error and also your opponents skill level it's hard to get everything to land as soon as curse explodes you are basically trying to time 4 abilities to go off at once while as a magblade you only need 2. But if you just look at tooltip damage frag actually has a higher tooltip damage than incap while curse and dbos smiting together has a higher tooltip than merciless. Combined with wrath the sorc combo is actually harder hitting but not very practical... The magblade combo can be counterd. Because the spectral bow is a projectile you can actually cc break from incap or soul tether and block the bow before you take any damage even if it's fired at point blank range. Most players don't cc break that fast though and unless you are fighting duelist most players don't even know you can do this
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Too bad bow uptime is literaly like 80% of the fight its ready so ya stick to basic pve bro this goes
Much deeper than "just block" the bow will hit u before at same time u break free so no matter what u still gonna get it. The problem is the counter yes theres some counters. But why should 1 class have 50% more damage than every other class by a long shot.