Mag blade is too op ( pvp )

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  • Minalan
    Jameliel wrote: »
    Short simplified version = I find it difficult to beat magblades. Since I can't beat them as easily as I like, I think they should be nerfed.

    Op, play another class or take a break from the game. Balance doesn't necessarily mean that every class/build should be able to easily beat another. Normally, archers should do heavy damage against mages. Mages should do huge damage against heavy armor wearers, etc.

    Ha! I *wish* Sorcs did huge damage against heavy armor wearers. That hasn’t been the case since Morrowind dropped, sustain took a nerf, sharpened became near useless, and we haven’t been able to wear penetration sets like Spinner.
  • Seraphayel
    There's a massive combo I already encountered several times in battlegrounds:

    Soul Tether + X + Steel Tornado (2x, 3x)

    It's very efficient and it can kill a group of people if done by a player who knows how to use it.

    I find it hilarious that some here don't see the recent issues with (Stam)Nightblades. Nightblades at the moment are too strong. Point. Let it be damage, sustain, CC or defense/self healing, they're at the top. Both specs. Due to bugs or an amazing toolkit doesn't matter in the end. There will be some adjustments and nerfs in the next patch because it's necessary.
    Edited by Seraphayel on April 1, 2018 5:24AM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • OGLezard

    Cloak is a nice unique skill that i dont want removed i only want damage nerfed because its soo far off compared to other classes. For example why run a sorc or mag warden?
    U wish those classes can pull off 30k in 1-2 seconds

    My sorc can pull it off repeatedly on my gank build and he is not optimized completely. My buddy who runs a similar build can do 35k...... so I don't know why* you say other classes can't do it.

    Edit from where to why*
    Edited by OGLezard on April 1, 2018 5:42AM
  • kyle.wilson

    overload gank is just as bad as a tether relentless impale combo

    100% one shot rate with an overload gank build

    When I'm on my DK, almost every overload ganker ends up dead.
    They don't seem to have the reaction to dodge their own skills.
  • Xsorus
    Am I the only one who finds Impale to be absolute crap?
  • OGLezard

    When I'm on my DK, almost every overload ganker ends up dead.
    They don't seem to have the reaction to dodge their own skills.

    Thats when you know it's a noob sorc ganker :) if you see flaps, I don't even both attempting unless they are distracted
  • Dojohoda
    Magblades are OP? Phhhht

    Cry me a river, maybe you can float out of Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Dojohoda on April 1, 2018 6:56AM
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Dredlord
    Yubarius wrote: »

    You try play magblade, it's not that easy

    Correction, very easy...
  • randomkeyhits
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    How about someone, anyone, everyone uses Magelight or Evil Hunter for its actual purpose rather than just letting it rot on their bars and then QQing about not using a skill they’ve been staring at for 4 years.

    Its true...

    I main a stamblade and have magelight on my bar and I've been in groups which run around a keep like headless chickens.

    I pop magelight and the enemy blade gets revealed and eight times out of ten they can't cope and are taken down easily. With the other two I start stealthing because I'm now a target :*

    In some builds I don't use it but its the work of a moment to slot and then cast it until the blade is dealt with.

    The thing is open field, the advantage is with the blade, they don't have to close to detection distance until ready. In a keep however the advantage is with the other side, the blade is in hostile territory. Like with so many abilities, its all contextual.
    EU PS4
  • Koolio
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Am I the only one who finds Impale to be absolute crap?

    Best execute on paper. But in practice it’s terrible especially open world. Dodgeable cloak able block able reflectable and scales at 25% and is a slow projectile.
  • Subversus
    Koolio wrote: »

    Best execute on paper. But in practice it’s terrible especially open world. Dodgeable cloak able block able reflectable and scales at 25% and is a slow projectile.

    Best execute in this game is the sorc finisher imo.
  • Xsorus
    Koolio wrote: »

    Best execute on paper. But in practice it’s terrible especially open world. Dodgeable cloak able block able reflectable and scales at 25% and is a slow projectile.

    Its so freakin bad....

    I wonder if I still have the video of my Impale being dodged 3 times then hitting a guy at like 10% for 2k damage.....I would of been better off using EVERY single other skill in the game.

    After that happen I just took it off the bar...
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    a timed combo'd burst coming from a magblade is not a problem in my opinion. i wish zenimax would turn down dots/hots effectiveness across the board.
    PS4 NA DC
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn

    @Ihatenightblades Learn to block. Every single class can hit 30k with battle spirit, within two seconds.
    Edited by Judas Helviaryn on April 1, 2018 9:08AM
  • pieratsos

    No they dont dude nobody has equal amount of burst as mag blade if you think so you haven't had enough experience in game.

    Every single class in the game magicka or stamina can get a 30k burst if you just look at tooltips.
    Edited by pieratsos on April 1, 2018 10:00AM
  • Qbiken
    I´ve started to use detection pots more often since nightblades became more popular again. Made my life so much easier. I still die to good nightblades 1v1, but I´m surprised how many nigthblade that starts to panic once they can´t reset the fight with cloak.
  • Ragnaroek93
    Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....

    ( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op

    Break free from the CC from tether and roll/block Relentless. You can do this and avoid the hit from Relentless as long as your reaction time is faster than the ingame mailbox system.
    time to kill for sure is too low right now...damage is so high

    Time to kill is too low in ESO, good joke mate :joy: It's time to adapt, I'm glad that you don't get imunity against death when wearing heavy armor anymore :)
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Sergykid

    don't know what exploit is in that video, but that guy threw a flame staff heavy attack in 0.1 seconds after firing the frags.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • pieratsos
    Time to kill is too low in ESO, good joke mate :joy: It's time to adapt, I'm glad that you don't get imunity against death when wearing heavy armor anymore :)

    Well thats the thing. Balance is so screwed up that time to kill is way too high and way too low at the same time. You can one shot one guy without even using an ult but tickle the next guy with a full combo and lucky crits. I think its time to bring some sort of softcaps back.
  • Skander

    Break free from the CC from tether and roll/block Relentless. You can do this and avoid the hit from Relentless as long as your reaction time is faster than the ingame mailbox system.

    Time to kill is too low in ESO, good joke mate :joy: It's time to adapt, I'm glad that you don't get imunity against death when wearing heavy armor anymore :)

    i would like not being hit by 6k subterrenean assaults in heavy armor too.
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • Murador178
    Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....

    ( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op

    u know u can CC break into rolldodge... . Except its lagging as hell any decent player will cc- break block or cc break and roll. Nb is the best pug stomping class so, but all nightblade burst is very telegraphed and easy to avoid. But calling others casual - in a casual game -and not being able to cc break fast - maybe we can find the mistake there hmmmm...

    A harder to pull of higher dmg combo on sorc:

    curse -meteor -frags- unblockable CC - frags curse and meteor hit same time and are completely uncounterable if timed correct - this is a way to kill medium armor players without giving them a way to counter it.

    mag warden: ground aoe - cliffrace - bear ult

    stamplar- PoL - jabs - dbos- execute

    There are hard hitting combos out there. Mag nightblade for sure doesnt shine at duels only bc of burst - its all about cripple/shadow image kiting - disabling people from getting to you.
    But why do i discuss even with a clear troll probably new to the game that got burst by a mag nb and made a forum post.
    Edited by Murador178 on April 1, 2018 10:20AM
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
  • CapuchinSeven
    Every class in the game can hit 30k damage in 2-4 secounds.
  • arkansas_ESO
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Am I the only one who finds Impale to be absolute crap?

    Definitely. Going back to Impale after playing a sorc with Endless Fury felt like I was giving up my car to drive one of the Power Wheels kids play with:

    Edited by arkansas_ESO on April 1, 2018 11:53AM

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • KingJ
    Armatesz wrote: »

    There are certain abilities that can one hit someone. Inevitable detonation is one such ability. Although that more relies on enemy zergs being present and in close proximity.
    Proxy will only 1 shot surrounded by other players plus you need VD and a ultimate by his self way different.
  • GreenhaloX
    Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....

    ( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op

    As long as I have been PvPing, I have never seen or don't recall those high numbers in any of my deathcap; particularly from a MagBlade. When I was playing a MagBlade, I also never seen those numbers of damages going out. Must be some squishy build to have received those high hits from a MagBlade, or something fishy going on there with that toon. Although.. with the AOE cap gone, and the MagBlade spamming Sap Essence with the Eye of the Storm, yeah, you can surely disintegrate fairly quick, if you're not careful.
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Sergykid wrote: »

    don't know what exploit is in that video, but that guy threw a flame staff heavy attack in 0.1 seconds after firing the frags.

    It's a medium attack, and that's ACing, my friend.
    Edited by Judas Helviaryn on April 1, 2018 4:37PM
  • FleetwoodSmack

    It's a medium attack, and that's ACing, my friend.

    It's ironic, considering their signature.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Sergykid

    It's a medium attack, and that's ACing, my friend.

    it's not ani cancel, he just uses light attack after firing the frags, that's common. But it has two projectiles just like a heavy attack, the light attack has just one projectile visual
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Nelson_Rebel
    NB's do need to be looked at in general

    They are the top of all PvE and PvP damage specs with multiple variations (Gankblade, bomblade, battleblade heavy blur build)

    Sorcs cant even match their parses in PvE

    I'm not saying nerf NB's, but perhaps buff the other classes that need it to be on-par with them
    Edited by Nelson_Rebel on April 1, 2018 8:32PM
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