IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
And other classes won't generate ults if they don't weave in normal circumstances which consists of a fair portion of their killing power as well. NBs just have icing on top of it. Which is probably why the NBs are the best pve DPS as well while other classes lack extra utility from certain amount of weaving. So. Yes, my point that every other classes have to do weaving like robots as well still stands.
i would like not being hit by 6k subterrenean assaults in heavy armor too.
Becouse cloak to a magblade is so unrieliable. I'd have streak anytime
You try play magblade, it's not that easy
Micah_Bayer wrote: »
I'd rather have cloak. Let's trade lol. First off as a sorc, I don't want my escape to double in cost everytime I use it..second of all. I don't want my escape to me dump me 5 feet away from my opponent so they can just gap close me to death...third...i want to go the direction my character is facing which you can't do with streak...So please..i want cloak
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Take this from a player thats known for being best magdk and best magplar xbox na - relentless focus soultether. Plus this combo is almost unblockable damage from someone who knows how to time it right. Its ok man your a youngster im guessing who hasnt had enough experience to know the difference between op and balanced. Maybe in a few years you will get there.
Well he did it and that person wasn't a nake cp 200.Your build is just bad make a new one and stop making a nerf thread.
I haven't played my stamblade in almost a year been playing stamplar and warden have had no issues with stamNB or magblade.If your having a problem or getting burst for 30k from a easily dodgeable combo your build is bad.Only thing broken about Nb is that Fear can't be broken at times when the game is laggy and that's issues with the game.Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Nightblade is overpowered. Period. No discussion or argument required. If nb doesn't nerf in future PvP is done for good. Why don't noob nb l2p other classes rather commenting on others? Let's every one play that stupid god broken class. Problem solved. Nb is broken class. It's only a matter of time everyone in cyrodil are nb. I already switched to nb for pvp long time ago rather than arguing with Nb. Most of the NB are just exploiting broken class. All should have done the same instead of complaining.
I haven't played my stamblade in almost a year been playing stamplar and warden have had no issues with stamNB or magblade.If your having a problem or getting burst for 30k from a easily dodgeable combo your build is bad.Only thing broken about Nb is that Fear can't be broken at times when the game is laggy and that's issues with the game.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Nightblade is overpowered. Period. No discussion or argument required. If nb doesn't nerf in future PvP is done for good. Why don't noob nb l2p other classes rather commenting on others? Let's every one play that stupid god broken class. Problem solved. Nb is broken class. It's only a matter of time everyone in cyrodil are nb. I already switched to nb for pvp long time ago rather than arguing with Nb. Most of the NB are just exploiting broken class. All should have done the same instead of complaining.
Tf are you talking about you make no sense.Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Oh yes, Do it in DK , Sorc & Templar with a CC ? No one stops you. You can teach others how to l2p in other classes.
Only warden can do it , but its without a CC and can be dodged. I am sticking with NB for PVP until its nerfed. You can create 8 characters. Why cant everyone create on different factions with different races when everyone know what OP Classes are rather than complaining in forum ? Once crossed leveled 50 every character is same with 75 skill points minimum. Only thing is you have level up alchemy , provisioning for food & potion buffs.
Tf are you talking about you make no sense.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
Explain how that combo is any more potent than Wrecking Blow+Sub Assault+Dawnbreaker or Curse+Frags+Meteor+Rune Cage
What you make no sense.Priyasekarssk wrote: »
What I am telling does makes sense. Why cant everyone take NB , rather than complaining in forums. Its wasting everyone time. NB is OP. No sane person will deny. But, rather too lazy, create separate PVP characters ? Stick character you love with PVE. Rather than complaining a broken class , lets everyone play it . Lets all be NB in cyrodil. When NB can mark target another NB and prevent from stealth, and only a NB can counter another NB , why the hell sticking other class character in PVP. Leveling a NB character to 50 hardly few days. Hardly you need 75 skill points for PVP with alchemy, provision & war skill leveled. Lets all play hide and seek with snipes and mark target.
What you make no sense.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Night blade has CC. Whatever you mentioned can kill skeevers & noobs who dont know how to dodge . Except dawnbreaker of smithing that too if you have enough ultimate , it can be dodged. When NB comes out and CC a person you cannot be dodged. Its no way near the multiple CC & defiles NB can provide to kill a player. Good luck with these skills for killing a NB sniping from 35 m. Only NB can counter a NB with piercing mark target. They should have given mark target to other classes via mage guild instead of that useless mage light. Its useless skill good for nothing in detecting anything. Instead all NB are using it for their snipes. lol.
I dont know why ZOs is so biased in class balance. Until then NB is OP and reign in all PVPs. Its all switch to NB for PVP, dont waste time. I did it long time back. Climb a rock , snipe all those other class noobs travelling in horse or any noobs going that way . Kill all other class idiots until you get bored. Kill anything that moves.
Mark target 50m range lol , 2 snipes with poison injection 35M range, have good set for an archer . Only a tank can survive. Enemy cannot hide , nor escape , because no one know where you are. For other classes you can escape by just going in stealth after first snipe. If NB pray god and laugh about the idiotic broken class , ZOs total bias for NB & die.
Never in ESO history a class is completely broken and so OP. NB is such a laughing class. There are so many OP strategies , that NB can do that can never be countered. I just given just one example. All switch to NBs . Its high time to switch to NB for PVP. NB is such a laughable PVP god class.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »Name me a class that can pull off 30k damage ( pvp ) in 2 seconds. Il wait....
( tether - relentless - impale ) All while wearing you down with heal debuffs snares immobilizations etc. too op
Murador178 wrote: »
There is just no decent PvP player getting hit from soultether+will or incap+will. Simple rule for dealing with it- u get hit by a tether/incap --> breakfree rolldodge <--- u will not get hit
if someone uses will on u and because u screwed up and reacted bad u didnt block/ roll it - just block now if its a mag nb and u fear to be tethered if its a stam nb its time to do a roll now.
If u cant do that ur probably the standard guy typing lfg when entering cyrodil.
And im not only playing nbs.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Please dont blah blah. You cannot and never counter my NB strategies, even for argument sake. You are a socrere/templar in a horse. Even pretend you are not in a horse. I am an NB in a rock cloaked. I mark target you , pull 2 lethal arrows and 1 poison injection in 2 seconds from 35M range . You have 25k healrh. Atleast 1 snipe crits with 15k. How will you counter ?
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Please dont blah blah. You cannot and never counter my NB strategies, even for argument sake. You are a socrere/templar in a horse. Even pretend you are not in a horse. I am an NB in a rock cloaked. I mark target you , pull 2 lethal arrows and 1 poison injection in 2 seconds from 35M range . You have 25k healrh. Atleast 1 snipe crits with 15k. How will you counter ?
Murador178 wrote: »
thats the poor man's snipe build - everybody would go with snipe bombard with asylum bow - for insta kill - ur version gets countered by having sound and being fast - there is no way the 2nd snipes hits u if u are fast.
As long as u dont fall of the horse on the first snipe
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
LOl.How will you counter ? Another like other one roll dodge forever ? Go in hide when mark target on? rofl. You didnt answer my question. Same blah blah . 2 lethal arrows come in 2 seconds. I pull 1 more extra for overkill.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
OMG. I told you are a Templar or sorcerer for argument not NB. We can play hide and seek whenever we want.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
LOl.How will you counter ? Another like other one roll dodge forever ? Go in hide when mark target on? rofl. You didnt answer my question. Same blah blah . 2 lethal arrows come in 2 seconds. I pull 1 more extra for overkill.