From the ESO live stream. See twitch clip
HERE or watch the entire Bummerset teaser
HERE. Jewelry Crafting discussion starts at 25minutes in.
The Details:
- "Jewelry Crafting works like the other durable crafting skill-lines" (e.g. Woodworking, Clothing, Blacksmithing)
- Allows you to both craft and upgrade Jewelry
- You can make Jewelry for crafted sets
- 6 new traits will be added to Jewelry (in addition to Healthy, Robust, and Arcane)
- One of those traits will be called "Bloodthirsty" - do more damage to low health targets
The implications.
- Can Jewelry traits be transmuted with the existing transmute system? Not Confirmed.
- Will all rings drop in all 9 traits now? Imagine farming the Burning spellweave necklace if it can drop in 9 traits and only one is BIS with no transmute. Get ready to grind!
- If jewelry crafting works like armor crafting, then new traits will have to be researched. Remember how long it took to research 9 traits for all armor? Good thing there are research scrolls in the crown store now
Cant wait for the P2W cries. People who buy research will have access to the new system faster.
- New powerful double crafted set combinations. Can't wait for some twitch streamer to "invent" Histbark/Tava's/Bloodspawn. No, you didn't think of it first, I didn't either. It's obvious.
- If Jewelry can be transmuted. There are some strong sets that will get even stronger if you can change the trait. (I'm thinking heavy sets like ravager, fury, soulshine, elfbane)
Impacts on the economy for crafting
- People will need donor rings for research. Will the 6 new traits drop in ALL zones on jewelry? If I was in the ESO marketing department, I'd know the obvious answer.
- The new materials (jewelry upgrade tempers, trait stones, raw and base material) will be hoarded and price spiked by all those lovely people that just play this game to abuse the economy.
- If you can deconstruct existing rings for tempers get ready for speculators to start hoarding rings now, especially gold ones.
- How many legendary tempers will it take to upgrade a ring to gold? Does ZOS stick with the standard 8 or increase the grind?
- There will have to be a raw material to craft rings from, I wonder how grindy it will be to get it. Inb4 gather 100pcs of flyspec, and refine into 1 glipglop, then combine 100 glipglops into 1 flipflop, etc.
Endgame Implications
- Gold Jewelry is currently only available from completing Hardmode content and from top 2% PvP leaderboards.
- There are concerns that the increased availability of gold Jewelry will decrease interest in endgame content.
If anyone can think of more gameplay, balance, crafting or economy implications, add them below and I will add them to this list.
Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on March 22, 2018 12:23AM