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Should ESO be made more casual?

  • ktdotexe
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Edited by ktdotexe on July 11, 2019 4:43PM
  • malicia
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    So this means you did vCraglorn trials. Unless you were (more or less) carried, that hardly qualifies yo uas a casual player.

    Which brings us to the definition of 'casual'. I'm not in a raiding guild, I haven't spent the time to learn vMA's mechanics. I haven't done nSO/vSO enough to get VO daggers. I've never been on a leader board for anything. I'm not chasing scores.

    I don't see casual as implying totally inept. Casual for me means that I'll eventually do all I want to do in the game, but that I'm not in a hurry to do so.
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • neverwalk
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    give us a pvp server, your enemy are your enemy. ESO is way to casual now.
  • MagnusBlackmane
    Goats are awesome.
    In all seriousness, the game is easy even if not played for hours daily. The harder stuff should require higher time commitment.



    "You're trying too hard... do it at 80%, never 100%. Relax." - My sensei.
    Server: EU PC
    Dracart - AD Khajiit, Currently Stamina Nightblade
  • moonio
    I think that if the game progression were structured towards a healthy amount of time spent in game i.e. around 10 hrs per week it would be a good thing.

    In 10 hrs you should be able to farm a complete armour set or progress 10 levels on a new character or complete around a quarter of all quests in particular zone etc etc.

    I think game-makes have a responsibility towards players in advocating a healthy play/life/work balance, especially considering the age range of a majority of players, who are still developing social and emotional life skills.
  • josiahva
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Already hard content is few and far between...why would I want to give up any of the little hard content I still have? Not happy with the unending vet DLC dungeon nerfs?
  • Wifeaggro13
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    most of the game is to easy overland is to easy for some with high cp same with all vet dungeons non-dlc. for a game that doesn't have lvl boundaries the cp system power creep is part of the problem newer dlc dungeons arnt bad where mechanics is important. unlike all base game ones where you can dps and ignore all mechanics and just run 4 dps or 3 dps 1 healer

    this is what happens when you try to base your game design 18 months post-release to be linear progression instead of vertical. when sage and konkel left the writing was on the wall for this game. the game design and post-production completely changed to an online rpg instead of an MMO . not a fan of this design the population is a constant churn and its made the end game community tiny and reclusive. now you have a turn style player base that just plays the leveling content because its easy and when they hit the back end they give up because they never developed the skills or build to do the real content.
  • Kodrac
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    The problem, if you want to call it that, with it being too casual is that it's also very "meta". You can level up/quest/explore in your sleep it's so easy and casual, but once you get to 50 and start on CPs and vet dungeons and such it's min/max or GTFO. There's no middle ground. Hell, even in some trade guilds you either sell min/maxed drops and gold mats or you get booted for not making sales quotas.

    I don't think they need to make it more casual, but they could lessen the "meta" curve at end game. Bring back soft caps, for example.
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Kodrac wrote: »
    I don't think they need to make it more casual, but they could lessen the "meta" curve at end game. Bring back soft caps, for example.

    Interesting points. :) It was because of concerns like this that the devs made many of the changes back in HotR, to try to level the playing field with gear, skills, mundus, etc. The games definitely on the right track in marginalizing the meta, but I can see where it still needs more work.
    PC-NA Goat
  • Dubhliam
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Like, really???

    Not casul-friendly enough?!

    There are currently only a handful of things that is actually challenging, and cannot be beaten by casuals.

    Let me give you my approximation of difficulty for every aspect of the game:

    - overland: 1/10
    - quests: 1/10
    - normal vanilla dungeons: 1/10
    - normal vanilla (Craglorn) trials: 2/10
    - normal Dragonstar Arena: 3/10
    - normal Maelstrom Arena: 3/10
    - normal DLC dungeons: 4/10
    - veteran vanilla dungeons: 5/10
    - normal DLC trials: 5/10
    - veteran Dragonstar Arena: 6/10
    - veteran vanilla (Craglorn) trials: 6/10
    - veteran Maelstrom Arena: 7/10
    - veteran DLC dungeons: 6-8/10
    - veteran DLC trials: 8-10/10

    If you don't have time enough to invest into this game, EVERYTHING is easily available for you to play on normal mode, even the vanilla dungeons on veteran mode.

    If that is not challenging enough for you, and you want to try things on veteran, then you simply need to step up your game.

    Otherwise, you will just come off as entitled, which is exactly why people hate "filthy casuals".
    If you yourself admit you are a casual, why is normal difficulty content not enough for you?
    Edited by Dubhliam on March 15, 2018 8:31PM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Ragnork
    Yes, but in other areas NOT mentioned. (describe in comments below)
    There are many lore books and notes lying around to be read; a lot of the time there has been a great deal of thought and imagination put into crafting a story and history - and sometimes you do not get the chance to read the book, note or scribble before the you are once again thrust back into killing the enemy you have only just killed.

    I do not want an easier game - in most areas it is already easy enough - I would like a little more space and time to enjoy what has been crafted for us.
  • ecru
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Normal trials and dungeons are total faceroll for max cp players. Mechanics can be ignored, intended group compositions can be ignored, dps can heal and healers, well, you don't even need them. Game is easy enough IMO. Hell, when Scalecaller came out, we ran it with 3 dps and one tank on vet and got the achievement for the speed clear.

    There is no actual content that is inaccessible to lower skilled or lower level/cp players, and this is a good thing IMO.
    This may suprise you but the only real problem I have with this game, right now, is the combat system, and how it's handled.

    It's a minefield of choices and builds and abilities that are somewhat useless. New players making builds that work is a statistical anomoly.

    Right now, the entire game is rotation based. There's no thought, there's no variation, you run what everyone else runs, you memorize the rotation, you git gud at moving when you need to and nothing else matters.

    This isn't any different from any other game. There will always be a meta. I disagree that a new player making a build that works isn't something that happens, what you mean to say is that new players creating a build that parses on par with the meta isn't something that happens. It doesn't take a whole lot of intuition to put a few skills together and do good enough dps to see/clear all of the content on normal in ESO.

    If you think people should be clearing vet content with whatever build they can come up with, then I'm gonna disagree there too, because that would trivialize content for better players using the best builds possible.
    Edited by ecru on March 15, 2018 8:55PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • Hallothiel
    Goats are awesome.
    By 'meta' do you mean the limited builds for vet content? And that you have to go either mag or stam? (No hybrids allowed)

    Because that annoys the hell out of me. You can play any way you like up to level 50 & then bam - a very different game.

    Would like it if there could be much more flexibility in builds for vet. Only really 4/5 viable armour sets out of the numerous ones in the game? And the same rotations as everyone else in that class.

    And no, this is not a call to make endgame easier - just would like the possibility of more diverse builds / skill combos. So cam actually use skills adaptively rather than orderly mashing of buttons.

    And yes, goats are awesome.
  • Yzalirk
    I say other because I truly have not made it most end game activities, like Trials for example. I am a console player and I feel that we should get some add-ones. I would love to have lore books and skyshards marked on the maps because it is extremely annoying to have look back and forth from my phone to my PS4.

    Other than that, I would like for leveling multiple toons to be quicker. I always hear the argument that leveling up is fast but it feels like forever on console. Maybe because you have to take many breaks to look at maps for skyshard locations.

    Maybe if enlightenment worked on non-CP toons except the enlightenment does not work towards CP, if that makes sense. It would be a fair trade off in my opinion.
  • Kodrac
    No, the game is already casual enough.

    Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Bugs me too. It doesn't have to be easier, just more diverse.
  • Jayman1000
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    I don't think it's possible to make it more casual? It's already insanely casual as is.
  • Stovahkiin
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Terrible troll attempt OP
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.
    PC-NA Goat
  • zaria
    Recremen wrote: »
    I think the game is plenty accessible to casual players and they've done a great job keeping the game enjoyable for all audiences. There's normal-mode dungeons and trials, no-CP PvP areas, and basically all the questing is easy as pie. With casual play comes casual rewards, of course, but I think that's how it should be. If you want competitive end-game gear then you're no longer really trying to be casual, are you?
    This, nothing wrong with krag, hurdling rage and briarheart. Or Julianos and mother sorrow.
    And no cp-pvp matches my skill level way better than vivec :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    i did read the op... i think the guy you responded to is right.
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    zaria wrote: »
    Recremen wrote: »
    I think the game is plenty accessible to casual players and they've done a great job keeping the game enjoyable for all audiences. There's normal-mode dungeons and trials, no-CP PvP areas, and basically all the questing is easy as pie. With casual play comes casual rewards, of course, but I think that's how it should be. If you want competitive end-game gear then you're no longer really trying to be casual, are you?
    This, nothing wrong with krag, hurdling rage and briarheart. Or Julianos and mother sorrow.
    And no cp-pvp matches my skill level way better than vivec :)

    No CP Pvp is pretty awesome. Even playing field is important for a fair game (and I'm well over max CP). Makes skill weigh more than numbers.
    PC-NA Goat
  • Stovahkiin
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    I did read the OP, all of it in fact. However, the majority of the game (basically all overland content, minus for world bosses) is very, very easy now. Looking around the forums, you’ll also see several posts here and there that state just that.

    I’ve already seen several MMOs have their difficulty nerfed into the ground, including this one, so it baffles me when I see people asking for even more difficulty nerfs .
    Edited by Stovahkiin on March 15, 2018 10:46PM
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    i did read the op... i think the guy you responded to is right.

    K well, I can't explain any clearer than I already have. Usually the one crying troll is the actual troll.

    So, door is over there. Don't let it smack you on the way out.
    PC-NA Goat
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    I did read the OP, all of it in fact. However, the majority of the game (basically all overland content, minus for world bosses) is very, very easy now. Looking around the forums, you’ll also see several posts here and there that state just that.

    I’ve already seen several MMOs have their difficulty nerfed into the ground, including this one, so it baffles me when I see people asking for even more difficulty nerfs .

    Did you read the first comment? Nope.

    I'm not asking for jack. I made an impartial, unbiased poll, as best as I could.

    Separate from my personal feelings, to gauge where other people land.

    In other words, a poll.

    Vote, don't vote. But don't question my intentions when they were crystal clear from the start.
    PC-NA Goat
  • Stovahkiin
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Phage wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    i did read the op... i think the guy you responded to is right.

    Usually the one crying troll is the actual troll.

    So.. if you’re saying I’m probably the actual troll here, does that mean that you’re the troll now? :x

    Well, okay, *now* I am being the troll, but I stand with my previous post.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • AlienatedGoat
    No, the game is already casual enough.
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Terrible troll attempt OP

    Uh, wasn't a troll. It's a poll in response to recent threads. If you bother to read the OP you'd know that.

    i did read the op... i think the guy you responded to is right.

    Usually the one crying troll is the actual troll.

    So.. if you’re saying I’m probably the actual troll here, does that mean that you’re the troll now? :x

    Well, okay, *now* I am being the troll, but I stand with my previous post.

    You're acting like a fool then. Literally every one of my posts has my vote at the top. It's very transparent where I stand.

    If I wanted to make the game more casual, I'm doing a pretty *** job. B)
    PC-NA Goat
  • Klixen
    Yes, but only in hard content.
    For all of you who say this game is too easy, are we playing the same game? How are you doing it?

    I'm not being funny, I'm dead serious. ESO is the hardest game I've ever played. I don't know how much longer I can keep playing (and I'm really trying).

    But I'm having to skip content everyday. I've had to accept the fact that I'm never going to to be able to finish the main story quest (The Harborage) or the Mage's and Fighter's guild quests. In fact, I can't do any solo content at all.

    But even the normal faction quests are a struggle for me. The Quest Bosses are brutal!

    So how are you doing it? How are you finding it so easy?

    Is it because you all have good gear and champion points? Are you playing in groups? What is it? What is your secret super power?

    This is a very serious question, because I've been laboring under the impression that if I can just get a good 'set' of armor, I'll be ok and I'll be able to play like the rest of you.

    But if this is not the case, if the rest of you can waltz through the game completely naked and kill everything in your path with nothing more than a stern gaze. Then I think I'll give up now and move on, because it looks like I'm never going to be able to play this game :(
  • Hippie4927
    Goats are awesome.
    Klixen wrote: »
    For all of you who say this game is too easy, are we playing the same game? How are you doing it?

    I'm not being funny, I'm dead serious. ESO is the hardest game I've ever played. I don't know how much longer I can keep playing (and I'm really trying).

    But I'm having to skip content everyday. I've had to accept the fact that I'm never going to to be able to finish the main story quest (The Harborage) or the Mage's and Fighter's guild quests. In fact, I can't do any solo content at all.

    But even the normal faction quests are a struggle for me. The Quest Bosses are brutal!

    So how are you doing it? How are you finding it so easy?

    Is it because you all have good gear and champion points? Are you playing in groups? What is it? What is your secret super power?

    This is a very serious question, because I've been laboring under the impression that if I can just get a good 'set' of armor, I'll be ok and I'll be able to play like the rest of you.

    But if this is not the case, if the rest of you can waltz through the game completely naked and kill everything in your path with nothing more than a stern gaze. Then I think I'll give up now and move on, because it looks like I'm never going to be able to play this game :(

    Hi, @Klixen
    What server do you play on? I am on PC/NA and have a master crafter. If you are on the NA server, we could play together and I can help you. I can craft you some decent armor. I will be on tomorrow at about 7am EST. Look me up @Hippie4927
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Mozsta69
    Goats are awesome.
    Im fine with the current goats in the game .
  • Fermian
    Im a casual player who likes hard content. A lot of casual players have years of mmo experience and arent looking for easy mode.
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