TheCyberDruid wrote: »The fact that there are no stablemasters in all of Vvardenfell combined with the fact how vast it is... it's really not hard to see what they tried to do there. You can even see that they aimed for more content and just blocked it off in the end. Wrothgar has a great balance between content and space, so it's a bit baffling why Vvardenfell is the big empty.
It wasn't so "Empty" when Morrowind first launched. Now that it's been out a few months, it's just as empty as any other zone.
Lol you seem to not have played the original morrowind talking about getting lost in 2 cantons..The zone is fine, but Viviec City is a pain in the ass to navigate.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »The reason Moronwind feel so sparse is that it was originally slated to be a DLC. Its content and activity density are most similar to either wrothgar or craglorn both of which were DLCs. This was in the era were ZOS told us there were going to be 4 DLC per year. But shortly after promising that, ZOS got this great idea of pretending Moronwind wasn't a DLC, because then they could screw over subscribers and charge more money for the same thing. Tack on a class that was mothballed since beta and BAM you have an expansion.
Now that they have set this precident, they get to choose the biggest DLC, call it something else, and then make more money from it since they don't have to make it free with subscription as originally promised.
But Moronwind was hollow inside and now everyone has seen that. My friend @MisterBigglesworth said it best with one image.
There's a stablemaster right between the Vivec City wayshrine and the silt-strider station, I use him every day.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »The reason Moronwind feel so sparse is that it was originally slated to be a DLC. Its content and activity density are most similar to either wrothgar or craglorn both of which were DLCs. This was in the era were ZOS told us there were going to be 4 DLC per year. But shortly after promising that, ZOS got this great idea of pretending Moronwind wasn't a DLC, because then they could screw over subscribers and charge more money for the same thing. Tack on a class that was mothballed since beta and BAM you have an expansion.
Now that they have set this precident, they get to choose the biggest DLC, call it something else, and then make more money from it since they don't have to make it free with subscription as originally promised.
But Moronwind was hollow inside and now everyone has seen that. My friend @MisterBigglesworth said it best with one image.
It's actually 53% bigger than Wrothgar and 64% bigger than Craglorn, and that's not counting the inaccessible areas. It was the biggest zone in the game, by a wide margin.