Block, which I need to get out the habit of doing as it has to wait for the dismount animation to finish before blocking, so then my "get off fast to use the door" becomes getting off and blocking in front of the door before I can use it.
I give him a gold allowance once a month. Sometimes he goes to the horse bar and comes home with some strange mare. He seems more mellow afterwards, so who am I to judge?
Now to dismount, I generally block.
Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...
Earn it.
IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
Press whatever button you have your mount bound to
I only ride when I don't want to be interrupted. Never ride in town, don't ride when foraging, etc. So using the "H" key to dismount is for when I'm done with riding, which is never in a hurry. If I get ambushed, that sorts itself out, as I'm typically dismounted by the action.
Block, it used to just dismount you but now it forces you to do the block animation too which slows down the process of quick dismounting. I've been looking to break the habit. I hit the mount/dismount button when i can. Into battle I'll try and cast a spell as an opener. Pick a resorce node, ride up and hit E.
When I must pick some ressource or loot a chest, I simply press the "interact with environment" button ('Z' in my case) and the character dismounts by himself, in front of the flower to pick
Otherwise, the mount removes itself when entering a building or water...
I hardly have an example when I'd have to press the mount key bind
Press whatever button you have your mount bound to
Dismount button most of the time. I don't normally want to draw weapons when dismounting - usually to pick flowers. Just activating the flower from the saddle causes my elf to dismount and 50% of the time just stand there / 50% of the time pick the flower and I don't like that unpredictability.
Edited by AcadianPaladin on February 23, 2018 2:51PM
I most of the time press the 'E' button (to pick up flowers or enter door or w/e)
If its for combat, I normally dismount or ligh attack / skill ahead of the fight because i always pre-buff before jumping in so just buffing in the middle of the fight is a bit weird to me.
I use gamepad on PC and it seems the fastest way to dismount without slowing your character down is to double-crouch. Or just crouch if I'm going into sneak mode.
Roll dodge. Used to light attack as it was suggested in the tutorial/tooltip when you first got a horse but then they changed it to actually perform an attack, after hitting a few civilians the guards started to take notice. Silly change IMO but whatever.