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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Just for fun: What would an ideal ESO 2 look like?

  • Minyassa
    I have a better idea!
    My dream game would be just exactly like ESO but with no PvP whatsoever.
  • Uviryth
    Good ideas but would like to see them in current build
    That's fine but how is the existence of consoles bothering you? In what why has that diminished the game? Who wants a 10 action bar?
    Every PC-mmorpgplayer in existence?

  • Calsifer
    Since we are draming and just for fun.

    · NOT done by ZOS, But by Bethesda Game Studios

    · Different Era

    · VERY SIMILAR maps as in existing stand alone Elder Scrolls games, with exceptions for the older Elder Scrolls games before Morrowind. The differences between ESO and Skyrim . . . just sloppy, especially since they did good enough work with Vvardenfell

    · Character transfer from PS4 to PS5, and from Xbox to PS5. lol sorry Microsoft =P

    · Vampire characters have the option to look VERY similar to the existing character. . . None of those UGLY Skyrim elves.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Better graphics and bigger/more detailed world. I'd take fewer zones (maybe one for each faction), but make them several times bigger than the current ones, and with more detail (i.e. actual forests, cities, etc.).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on January 17, 2018 10:00AM
  • Reistoph
    Planes of Oblivion and/or Ruined Tamriel
    If me, I want Zenimax working with From Software to create Elder Souls.

    The setting :
    - The Void, Sithis, manage to overthrow Nirn and their Gods, Aedra and Daedra and enter the Era of Darkness, or Ages of Dark.
    - Due to Gods battle with Sithis, Sithis wounded, unable to destroy Nirn and universe completely. As a result, the eras and ages in Nirn, including Gods, is messed in timeline, creating a bizarre universe with mixing from early ages until the future ages, means the time is distorted.
    - This world will brought up the Heroes of Olds such as Alessia, Septims, and others into the world.
    - Means the E.Scrolls 1 until latest E.Scrolls to mixed in one universe.
    - Mad God Sheogorath, changed into Jygallag, will lead the battle to fight Sithis and Assassin Brotherhood. However, he also badly wounded when battle with Sithis before, as a result, his souls splitted throughout bizarre universe.

    Story :
    - You were born at the Forgotten Cemetery, where all new players begin their journey. you will be greet by Lorkhan, in human form, and his memory were before Nirn existed.
    - Your background story is either from any E.Scrolls series heroes, but ony remember a lil bit.
    - U and Lorkhan together escape the Forgotten Cemetery.
    - Lorkhan explain that our mission is to find the fragments of Jygallag, and fuse it back at the Altar of Gods, before Sithis recovered.
    - There's even a dwarves!

    - Wield any weapons, leveling is like Skyrim, using swords will increase ur swords skillls and strength, while taking hits will level up ur endurance and specific armors u r wearing.
    - Each part of player body has its own stats, that is, Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, probally more.

    Each time u die, u lost partially of ur souls, means sanity, and after u exhausted all ur souls, ur body will becomes Hollow, attack anybody on sight. Other players can perform ablution ritual if Restoration Skills is high and required some of his/her own soul to regained the Hollow-state player sanity. If not, after, a Hollow-State player dies, all of his belonging on his bags will be looted by anyone, and his/her souls will be sent back to Forgotten Cemetery. The stats will not be lowered at all. Dont worry, items store in bank are safe.

    - U can chug ur potion repeated with no cooldown, but it will have animation potion drinking which will required a bit of time, maybe 5 secs, like Estus, until potions drink completely.
  • Kanar
    Planes of Oblivion and/or Ruined Tamriel
    Different era, and different scale. Every zone should be truly huge (like cyrodiil size) and also full of interesting things, places, npcs. Cities should really feel huge, like you can get lost in them and they are zones in their own right with enemies and quests.

    No invisible walls. Fix the server-client design to resolve the performance issues.
  • p00tx
    Planes of Oblivion and/or Ruined Tamriel
    I like the ruined Tamriel idea. Maybe have one big ruined map where Daedric stuff is leaking through but it's primarily the normal light world, but you can also enter a "dark reflection" of that map which is entirely overrun by Daedra, and PvP is unlocked everywhere (in the dark reflection). Sort of like a parallel version. Create events where the dark leaks through so much in the light world that PvP is temporarily enabled there, until the dark retreats. Maybe certain areas were preserved from the ruin, so you could have havens of safety.

    I know next to nothing about the lore though, and I'm super biased toward PvP, so take this for what it's worth.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • Strider__Roshin
    Different Era
    Better graphics, more visceral combat.
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Kiara wrote: »
    Let us focus on TES VI!

    Also, new continent idea, which is awesome on its core, would be lore breaking because of few reasons like "kalpas" or simple fact Beth never made any game on different continent leaving it as total mystery.

    Buuut, what would you think about this daedric realms idea? We could play as different varietes of daedra (which btw would explain immortality of our character) and see how these things work from their point of view.

    But no ESO 2. Just another single player game, or some spin-off please ^.^
    My #1 dream is to play as a Daedra-

  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    -same world with access to the REST of the Cyrodill crap but OVERLAND PVP! and CONTESTED TERITORIES with perfect lag-free environment and 80% balanced classes
    -Complete REMOVAL of Crown Crates(the store is good the crates are not.)
    -solid PvE progression
    -PvP rank ups with Ranked Arenas starting from 1v1 up to 5vs5 with a PvP specific reward system and "rewards"(sets/weapons/etc...)
    -farming or plantations(green houses similar to what we had in skyrim?, if I could actually plant and grow my own weeds I would buy a house but so far just to overstuff it with furniture nobody is going to see I don't see a point...but the ability to actually plant and grow weeds? that I would pay good money for it...would I use it to grow moonsugar plants? well of course!...Khajiit uses moonsugar as a spice, this one is honest! *slowly hiding the skooma bubblers*)
    -"more" GORE( aka brutality pack specified in countless threads)
    -sailing(boat building?)
    -diving(yes, argonians rejoice.)
    -Piracy( yargh!)
    -no more excesive amount of wayshrines(beautiful world ignored by the milion of wayshrines every 100 meters...mounts got fat in our stables for no purpose at all)
    -obviously no flying mounts(Unless Sotha Sil pumps up evolution to provide me with AA batteries or Flak Cannons so I can shoot them down whenever I see make it rain with blood and nourish the land we walk upon.)*yes that much hate for flying mounts*
    -no more 3958395839859385 loading sequences between small stuff like entering a house or a bank...stuff like that(yes I know the void plane of most stuff which makes the current E$O space so deep...probably id love to have a house that's inside the actual walls instead of a borehole 500m beneath the earth surface as it is now...*check rawl'kha bank if you need ez proof*)
    -no more zone loading boxes ( yes its frustrating as it is...but the world shouldn't be locked by damn stupid loading screens)
    -no more phases(1st step was already done by removing the things we had on launch...time to fully remove it)
    -current+new weapon types(crossbows/fist weapons/polearms and more that should had been in to the game and also countless other posts and threads been made and demanded since 4 years ago)
    -x2 ignore list (ha who wouldn't?)
    -no more consoles(we have suffered enough for it already)
    -wider access to skill bars
    -reworked class skill lines+skills
    -additional class skills
    -more and better passive skills
    -trading caravans
    -player bounties in region( adding up to the overland pvp...oh yeah the most wanted cat to ever walk on nirn...still dreaming)
    -skyrim animation for vampire feeding(yes still disappointed with the current draining thing...common that's not how we feed people!)
    -wider option variation for graphic tweaks(so we can have people able to run this game on toasters if they want and those who can afford to run it on nuclear power plants while benefitting from it)
    -even better graphics
    -removing the far away fog(really...everyone walking on Nirn suffers from myopia since we cant see whats farther than 200 meters but a white dense fog? =.=)
    -advanced character creation variables
    -voice acting player character( its getting old with the current "select ur answer and the npc u talk with starts to reply...we want to hear our voice)
    -voice acted player emotes/jokes and such(the only thing we hear right now from our character are screams and whimpers...people...I think we have already developed the ability to use vocal sounds known as "WORDS" in order to comunicate with each other...right now...we are some clobbering troglodytes..."
    -Mounted combat(wtf why not)
    -Horse Racing(mounted racing w/e)
    -War Banners (Dro'm-Athra can why cant we?)
    -Race-sub species(hello? khajiit breeds? argonian strains? pretty sure you can find stuff for the lesser beings as well known as men and mer.)
    -Daedric Princes allegiance/worship (with pros and cons ofc...)
    -put back soft/hard caps
    -improved siege weapons/possible skill lines/experience?
    -kids(fine...why not at this point...the world wont fill itself.)
    -the ability to assassinate kids(blade of woe not included.)
    -Custom character Description( yeah...I would love to be able to write my own character description/story/past etc...)
    -Inspect Options
    -Achievement Compare option(noobs/fakers begone!)
    -Ability to walk while holding a torch(really zo$...we can save the world but we still cant walk while holding a torch?)
    -Better Grouping Tool
    -No more trial/dungeon fast travel(move ur arses, its gona do good to ur legs)
    -Better Death Animations...
    -no more floating trees and bushes...(no there are no planes no there are no UFO's they are bushes!)
    -edge climbing
    -ladder climbing animation
    -probably more but im kind of tired now of all this dreaming..
    . :(
    Signed by your friendly Xenomorph.

    I was on board with most of your list but you had to be an ass and say "no more consoles"... Why? 2/3 of the player base is on console, we fund the game you love just as much as PC does, if not more. If this were a purely PC title it wouldn't be nearly what it is today. If you so hung up on PC only titles go play one of the hundreds that are available.
    This, and god forbid no overworld PvP. I don’t want to play a game like Wildstar that caters to the PvP elitists and ignores a majority of the players who dislike PvP.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    It would look like a patch for ESO.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • qbit
    Might not be a bad idea to not support consoles or free to play. Seems to cause more headache than it’s worth. At least on the forums.

    In before: if you’re not subbing, you’re free to play in my book. Don’t care if you bought the game four years ago or four months ago for $10. You bought a paid demo and are running in free to play mode. MMOs require a constant and predictable revenue stream to maintain the persistent world everyone enjoys. Not having that from all players has probably contributed to the issues we have with the game today. At least from a financial and scalability standpoint.
  • qbit
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    PRIVATE SERVERS and a Sandbox format. Give me the world and the races of Tamriel and let me build in it as I see fit and play only with those players I enjoy playing with. This would also open the game up to MODS!

    And cheaters. You’d have less integrity and more fragmentation than you have today. Your private servers would have too few players. It would be great until you couldn’t sell anything or find groups. And when you move to another server... how do you transfer your character and progress? You couldn’t. Could not verify the integrity of that character while you were in control of the server back end.
    Edited by qbit on October 19, 2018 8:11PM
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    qbit wrote: »
    Might not be a bad idea to not support consoles or free to play. Seems to cause more headache than it’s worth. At least on the forums.

    In before: if you’re not subbing, you’re free to play in my book. Don’t care if you bought the game four years ago or four months ago for $10. You bought a paid demo and are running in free to play mode. MMOs require a constant and predictable revenue stream to maintain the persistent world everyone enjoys. Not having that from all players has probably contributed to the issues we have with the game today. At least from a financial and scalability standpoint.
    Wow, ignore 2/3 of the fan base. Way to be a self entitled jerk.

  • LadyLavina
    How would an ideal one look?

    PC - NA @LadyLavina 1800+ CP PvP Tank and PvP Healer
  • rfennell_ESO
    Different Era
    Mangybeard wrote: »
    Just for fun: What would an ideal ESO 2 look like?

    Different Era for sure.

    Many of the current limitations might be things of the past... talking hardware-wise.

    Graphics cards (and processors) are already way ahead of development of titles (it used to not be the case, if a new cutting edge game came out you would be looking at new cpu and vid card to even run it properly).

    A living breathing Tamriel more like Elder Scrolls and less like Eso (with all the zoning and the rather tiny zones). Weather, Seasons... adventuring tied to those things and the stars and events.

    Most MMO's are static with the illusion of variability. Eventually that will change.
  • Rungar
    eso battlefront

    the game would be divided into two sections. Behind the battlefront is the pve section and the other side is pve/pvp. This front can be changed by the players to move the battlefront and reinforce and fortify it.

    once a land has been liberated it will stay that way unless the fortifications fall to waves of pve invaders that come periodically and also randomly to different sections of the front.

    rather than player guilds the game will have npc lead guilds you can join. Players can work on alliances with other guilds (fighters guild, mages guild, etc ) and in pvp areas your enemies become those not in your guild or alliance.

    at certain periods the guilds will have story like activities which advance the plot over the course of the game.

    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • JinMori
    How about, first they fix this game?

    There are bugs around from years ago, low performance, problems everywhere, but i guess it's all fine as long as you make a profit right? Who cares about player experience?
  • Androconium
    I have a better idea!
    JinMori wrote: »
    How about, first they fix this game?

    There are bugs around from years ago, low performance, problems everywhere, but i guess it's all fine as long as you make a profit right? Who cares about player experience?

    In order to correctly fix the current game, it would need to be a whole new release.
    That's why we get new "versions" of anything. It's the basics of the game that don't work.

    I won't be paying for it though.
  • Alchemical
    I have a better idea!
    In the distant future I want full body immersion MMOs and if you stand in an avoidable telegraph you die in real life.
  • maboleth
    Please no ESO 2. Just NO.
  • Itacira
    I have a better idea!
    A true "play the way you like" system where I can actually play a hybrid build
    PC/EU - PVE 2H stam orc petsorc (meta, what meta?) ww - terrible dps - mediocre player - fun times - free ww bites to whomever asks so don't be shy if interested
  • EvilCroc
    Everything the same, but with BDO combat.
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
    Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
    Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
    Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
    Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
    Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
    Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
    Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

    Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
    PC/NA - CP 2320+
  • iiYuki
    Vimora wrote: »
    Different devs.

    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song:
  • Peekachu99
    You people saying this wouldn’t happen soon are ignoring Destiny and the Division 2, which happened without much warning. These “games as a service” things don’t have traditional product cycles.

    Question is: how much—if anything—will they let us bring into the next iteration?

    It might actually be better for the series given the issues this current engine has.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I have a better idea!
    Ideal? Very subjective of course so I'm naturally only talking about my own preferences:

    Single player. As a result, no PvP vs PvE, no balance nerfs, no spammy chatbox, no crowds, no bots, you could keep your horse around after dismounting, recruit companions . . . . I confess I play ESO for its mass, scale, pretty good combat system and beauty. That it is multiplayer has always been a drawback to me. And yes, I always have my eyes open for a single player game that meets my needs. My elf has outgrown plenty of single player games (including the TES ones) so she really wants the open world/massive scale that a game the size of ESO has.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Nerouyn
    I have a better idea!
    I'd like to see ELDER SCROLLS Online.

    No classes. Open character development allowing us to learn and master all skills and spells.

    No that wouldn't make everyone gods. As in ESO limit how many active abilities you can equip at a time. As in ESO have equipment, enchants and buffs which favour some abilities over others. Not as in ESO, maybe also limit the number of passive skills in effect at any one time.

    Also spellcrafting thank you very much.

    That would be glorious.
    Banana wrote: »
    No more megaservers.

    That's one of the things I do like about ESO.

    It can be a major pain in the butt in some other games hooking up with friends across different servers.
  • Ragnarock41
    less lag, better netcode, and a new combat team , preferably an asian mastermind that can balance without sucking the fun and life out of the game in the long run. (heck I might aswell play another game lmao, but seriously, the core combat system of ESO is super fun. Its just everything else that sucks)

    As far as casual experience goes, I would appreciate a better quest design that could get rid of the text walls. Even with voice acting, a text wall is still a text wall and all quests in this game have text walls. This combined with the grindy nature of MMOs, quickly kills any immersion a player could have from it.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on October 20, 2018 12:26AM
  • OrphanHelgen
    I have a better idea!
    Different developers
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
This discussion has been closed.