LEVELING REWARDS - full list by levels

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  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    @RaddlemanNumber7 Thank you very much, I put the info into the list.
    Do you per chance remeber if you had the bank upgrade option at lvl 16 on this another character again? Iwonder if this is first leveled character only as it is sort of account wide.

    I got the bank upgrade on both characters, but it didn't actually do anything on either occasion. My bank space is still the same as when I started off. It seems bugged.

    PC EU
  • Haquor

    Are the experience scrolls earned as rewards bound to the character or can they be banked?
    Edited by Haquor on January 22, 2018 9:50PM
  • Glockcoma725
    I didn't see an answer to the question on this post, if I have a level 17 and a level 3, if I take the 17 through 25, then switch to the level 3 will he still get the early rewards? Or will the system see me leveling a teen toon and assume I already have the early level rewards?
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Haquor wrote: »

    Are the experience scrolls earned as rewards bound to the character or can they be banked?

    Experience Scrolls are "backpack bind on pickup", meaning they can't be banked.
    PC EU
  • Hunterka71

    That question I'll be able to answer once I have my EU chars on PTS.
  • Zinaroth
    Thanks for the great work on this list!
  • feyii
    I didn't see an answer to the question on this post, if I have a level 17 and a level 3, if I take the 17 through 25, then switch to the level 3 will he still get the early rewards? Or will the system see me leveling a teen toon and assume I already have the early level rewards?

    You should get the rewards. With leveling multiple characters you can even get all the collectibles, so it should not be a problem to get the 18+ rewards with one char, and the rest with another. And only the the collectibles, crowncrates and stuff are once per account, all other rewards every character that's still leveling will get.
    Edited by feyii on January 23, 2018 1:58PM
  • JamuThatsWho
    Got a new character all ready to go when this goes live, good job and thank you everyone for putting this list together!
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2100

    Vasiir-jo - Khajiit Magicka Necromancer, AD

    Sul-Mael Hlarothran - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer, EP

    Ushaar-Ixaht - Argonian Magicka Nightblade, DC

    Rorbakh gro-Khraag - Orc Stamina Templar, AD

    Anduuroon - Altmer Magicka Warden, EP

    Travanius Braelia - Imperial Stamina Dragonknight, DC

    Daeralon - Bosmer Stamina Arcanist, AD
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    After patch 3.3.2, now on a copy of my own EU server account.

    I levelled my brand new 15th character to level 16. The Level Rewards did not include a Bank Space upgrade at all, despite the fact that my bank space is not maxed out.

    So, what the deal is now with any Bank Space upgrade in Level Rewards I don't know. There's nothing about it in the patch notes for 3.3.2.

    My bank space:
    My level reward for Level 16
    PC EU
  • Jayne_Doe
    Mephilis78 wrote: »

    Somewhere in the patch notes it says something about "Veteran players" getting something out of this. I assumed that mean people who have been playing for years and have characters over 50 would get some of the more relevant rewards.

    I mean, otherwise, they're basically trying to convince people like me, who have been playing since beta, to kill off a beloved character to make room for this patch's reward system.

    If that is, indeed, the case, then I suppose the only good things that are coming out of this is Fang Lair (I really want to see an old TES Arena dungeon expressed in modern 3d gaming techniques) and the whole outfit customization thing.

    Unfortunately, at this point, they're still maintaining that none of the account-wide rewards are retroactive, meaning that you have to level a new character. However, you don't have to kill one of your existing ones. Instead, you can spend 1500 Crowns on a brand-new 15th character slot!

    Seriously, while I understand this system is for new players, and I'm fine with missing out on one crown crate and even the cat pet (which I don't have and did pass on when it left the CS - but it still would have been nice to get it for free). What I'm not fine with is the decision to make the storage coffer available at level 18 ONLY available from level-up. When PTS launched, it was available to purchase with TV or WV. As of the most recent patch, it is no longer available to veteran players with max character slots and all characters past level 18 unless they spend 1500 crowns on a new character slot (or delete a character, which is deleting a lot of hard work in most cases). This isn't a cosmetic thing. It's a storage upgrade that arguably veteran players are more in need of than new players.

    As it currently stands, this new base-game FREE update is not free for everyone. And while I understand that the level-up system is designed for new players, there is one reward - additional storage that is much needed for veteran players - that is locked away in this system that veteran players will have to spend money or delete time/effort in order to obtain. Remember, housing storage is a new addition designed for everyone, not just new players, but they've just now locked one of the storage coffers behind another system that's not as readily accessible to veteran players.
  • feyii
    After patch 3.3.2, now on a copy of my own EU server account.

    I levelled my brand new 15th character to level 16. The Level Rewards did not include a Bank Space upgrade at all, despite the fact that my bank space is not maxed out.

    So, what the deal is now with any Bank Space upgrade in Level Rewards I don't know. There's nothing about it in the patch notes for 3.3.2.

    My bank space:
    My level reward for Level 16

    Hmm, maybe you only get it, when you haven't upgraded the bank even a single time? Too bad we can't remove things like bank upgrades from our pts accounts to test such things.

    I can't test it anymore. When the NA characters were copied I upgraded my PTS bank to max before starting to level and now with the EU characters my bank is maxed anyway :/
    Edited by feyii on January 25, 2018 1:15PM
  • Hunterka71
    As I don't have time I couldn't test the bank space reward at lvl 16 that was reported during the previous patch. Does anyone have any data? Was it an intended reward or just a mistake?
    Anyone at @ZOS can give us a hint?
  • bongtokin420insd16
    amazingly nice work. Thanks all.
    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • kind_hero
    I am curios of one thing:

    I have one main char which is now +360cp, but also two alts, lower than level 50. Would they get some of these rewards retroactively?

    Also I have a friend who just started playing but she passed level 10 (is level 17 now). Would she get the level 10 reward mount?

    As a veteran player I don't really need all the rewards, but some of them would be nice to get, like costumes or storage box.

    Thanks to all the people who did this on the test server!
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • EvilCroc
    No retroactive rewards for anybody.
  • Hunterka71

    No rewards are going to be given retroactively. The whole system is meant for new players.

    Your friend can freeze her character now and go play chess till 12th February :wink: or go on, then on February 13th, or better a week later, when all the bugs are caught, create a new character, level it to catch up with the main, and get the horse and other missed rewards.
    If you read the thread carefuly you'll see that as a new player its good to level 2 or 3 charcters, at least for a while, cause you get to choose dog or cat, when you choose dog pet on one character the second one will still have a chance for the cat. There are 3 costumes at lvl 20 and 2 pets at level 24, so maybe your friend should slow down, spend time stealing or something? :smile:
    The horse is going away from stable buying options with the update, so if you don't have it and don't plan on leveling another char better get it now. All your below lvl 50 chars will get the rewards with new levels, but not the past levels ones.
  • Sabbathius
    Does anyone feel the lvl 47 reward of 50 Transmute Crystals may become the new best way of getting them? I haven't timed my last power-level, but I think it was around 6 hrs total. Following the change of PvP Worthy mail, might this become the quickest way to get the crystals? Just power-level to 47, get crystals, delete, repeat?
  • Moorqueen
    Except you can only get the rewards once. I made a character to level 5 and claimed those rewards and then made another new character and there were no rewards when I leveled.
  • heaven13
    Not sure if this has been asked, but for the potions and stuff (like the Gold Coast elixir) that you can get from crates...can they be converted to gems?
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
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    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    heaven13 wrote: »
    Not sure if this has been asked, but for the potions and stuff (like the Gold Coast elixir) that you can get from crates...can they be converted to gems?

    The only things you can swap for gems is the stuff you get out of the 3 actual crown crates.

    All the loose potions, food, scrolls, etc. are crown store stuff, not crown crate stuff. So, no you can't swap them for gems. They are all character bound. You can't bank them, sell them or even give them away. You must either use them or delete them.

    PC EU
  • heaven13

    The only things you can swap for gems is the stuff you get out of the 3 actual crown crates.

    All the loose potions, food, scrolls, etc. are crown store stuff, not crown crate stuff. So, no you can't swap them for gems. They are all character bound. You can't bank them, sell them or even give them away. You must either use them or delete them.

    Ugh, that's what I was afraid of. I got a slew of them in the free crates last month. Having it been the first time I had crates, I closed the window when I was done with my 6 and then was upset that I had all that junk clogging up my inventory space. Luckily, a guildie told me I could open the window again used the keybind (which I had not bound because I have 0 interest in crates generally).

    Oh well. Will just delete them then. Thank you for the answer. :)
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • ookami007
    Any word on the bank upgrade. Is it ONLY for the first bank upgrade or if you've upgraded your bank a few times will you simply get the next upgrade?

    It seems the backpack works that way... up your backpack to the second to last upgrade and use the free one for that final upgrade but it seems the bank is either bugged or only works on the first upgrade - which most people already have.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    ookami007 wrote: »
    Any word on the bank upgrade. Is it ONLY for the first bank upgrade or if you've upgraded your bank a few times will you simply get the next upgrade?

    It seems the backpack works that way... up your backpack to the second to last upgrade and use the free one for that final upgrade but it seems the bank is either bugged or only works on the first upgrade - which most people already have.

    I just finished levelling up from 1 to 50 under v3.3.4. I didn't see any sign of any bank upgrade in the Level Rewards this time. That was on my copy EU account with the bank space already expanded to 100 (200 with ESO+).

    I think the bank upgrade isn't going to make it into the live release, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
    PC EU
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    These are the changes I found to Level Rewards with patch 3.3.4...

    Level 4, as per the patch notes...


    I'd like to say that this reward is just pants, but you do get a glyph as well :)

    The Level 40 reward includes the "Ragged Style Box" containing the Prisoner's Rags motif pieces. It works OK now.

    PC EU
  • Hunterka71
    Thanks @RaddlemanNumber7 :smile:
    It does seem the bank upgrade didn't make it, so I removed it from the list.
  • Mannix1958
    feyii wrote: »

    No, you have to level a new character to get it.

    So I have to purchase a slot to get one of the crates....nice reward for supporting the game since beta.
    Edited by Mannix1958 on February 12, 2018 10:40AM
  • The_Old_Goat
    Just wanted to say thanks for those that compiled the list.
  • QuebraRegra
    Hmmm. So what happens if you already have the hound and the cat? You get nothing? Which equates to them now giving away stuff free that some of us have paid money for? Not very sporting that.

    If this is indeed the case they should have made new rewards instead of being lazy and using older stuff.

    quote ZOS: "F U veteran player, we already got yer money"
  • code65536
    @Linaleah @feyii Has anyone tested the bag upgrade on Live?

    I just leveled a character to 7, but purchased five bag upgrades ahead of time. Didn't get a bag upgrade at level 7 (I had not maxed the bags). So it would appear that the upgrade is not eligible if you had already done some bag upgrades. Could anyone confirm this behavior?
    Edited by code65536 on February 16, 2018 9:18PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • feyii
    I haven't it tested it yet. I've only leveled a character who was already level 10 when the update went live. But I have a level 5 waiting as well, so I can try it quickly.

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