Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »I've been hearing more and more about this.
StrawberryKitsune wrote: »I can confirm this happened to me on PC EU last weekend just gone when I finished it on a second character. Totally anticlimactic.
ztyhurstub17_ESO wrote: »Remember the naked jumps off the pillar to your death to try and light the brazier and open the gate? There were posts on where exactly to stand and which direction you had to jump and press "E" to light it before you died. Good times...
I haven't done this part of the quest in a long time, but it actually doesn't surprise me that it is bugged. I've considered doing it again just for fun, but I will wait until they fix it now.
Yeah, I had this happen to me earlier this week while leveling an alt. I was taking zero damage from any of his abilities and the intro to the fight was all kinds of bugged out. You still finish the quest, so it doesn't really effect anything.
I'm just writing something so I can find this thread in the future. The bug sucks, but watching the video still gave me the feels (it must be at least 2 years since I played that bit, and it is/should be completely epic; full of tension, achievement and fore-shadowing) so I will want to watch it again. Thanks for recording it and posting it.
Shadowshire wrote: »@TheValar85 : Thank-you for posting the video. Personally, I've always chosen The Prophet for the sacrifice, because I don't want to deprive Sai Sahan and Lily Titanborn of one another's companionship.So I've always wondered what would happen afterward if I chose one of them instead.
Aside from the evident flaws, at least your character could complete the quest. If I recall correctly, then I have read reports in the past that some player characters could not complete it because of flaws in the software, including the game client crashing.
Both of my two Sorcerer characters finished the Main Quest. For each one, the encounter with Molag Bal was different, not only from what your video shows, but also different from one another. So each fight has been "unique". Perhaps, in some respects, that should or could be acceptable, but what we've seen on your video most definitely is simply and obviously wrong.
@ZOS_Wrobel : The one thing common in my respective experiences has been similar to that of the character in the video, namely, when Molag Bal seizes the character in one hand and lifts the Vestige into the air as if to examine the character. The outcome of that event is unpredictable, as is the outcome of returning the Vestige to the ground to fight Molag Bal in his actual embodiment.
Unlike in the video, Molag Bal's attacks definintely reduced the Health of my characters. One was killed during the first fight and, after resurrection, resumed from the point at which he is on the ground where Molag Bal appears to begin the fight.
It would not surprise me if the ZOS development team has received numerous player complaints about the way that the fight played-out in their respective experiences. Perhaps the team adopted the expedient of making Molag Bal's attacks ineffective, instead of rectifying the fundamental issues with the design and implementation of the apex of the Main Quest. If that is so, then it seems to me, personally, that ZOS would rather have the core experience of the Main Quest become a charade, a mockery, than enable the players to enjoy a well-earned and satisfying experience. So what else is new?
^ That could be true.
It makes me sad, but a lot of casual players with zero experience or initiative to master the game are quite vocal and think they have the right to moan, change or request something just because they paid for the game. If there was many of them complaining, I wouldn't be surprised if ZOS changed the main quest fight on purpose to suit those ignorant casuals.
Still I'd like to hear an official explanation - is this functioning as intended or is a bug? @ZOS_GinaBruno
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Lots of bugs with the entire end of the quest chain. You do get some funny stuff like this though;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTfTsyo2AJk
Wow! I don't recall Lyris Titanborn destroying the gigantine Molag Bal after he grabs the Vestige. If I recall correctly, he simply released the Vestige from his grip so that Molag Bal can confront the Vestige in a "normal" battle on the ground.Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Lots of bugs with the entire end of the quest chain. You do get some funny stuff like this though;
(video link deleted)
Shadowshire wrote: »Wow! I don't recall Lyris Titanborn destroying the gigantine Molag Bal after he grabs the Vestige. If I recall correctly, he simply released the Vestige from his grip so that Molag Bal can confront the Vestige in a "normal" battle on the ground.
Yes, there are some flaws evident in the course of that part of the encounter as it is recorded in your video. It also seems that some events which occurred during the course of the battle that I've seen in other videos (such as in the OP), and in my own experiences, are missing from your recording. Did you edit it to remove anything before Molag Bal loses his head?
With each of my two Sorcerers, the decapitation of Molag Bal was different, with the second Sorcerer doing it pretty much like it is shown in your video. Nonetheless, there was also some glitch that became evident while that ending transpired. At the time I thought that the game client had crashed after displaying some mangled output, but it continued after a pause. I didn't see that occur in your video.
On the face of it, it seems that the ZOS developers have continued to work on the God of Schemes quest.
For some time, there was a nefarious bug in the early part of the quest which @ztyhurstub17_ESO mentions in Reply #8 of this discussion. A form of that bug still existed when my first Sorcerer engaged in the quest, but ZOS fixed it quickly in the next weekly patch maintenance. So I could do as they had intended, and the first Sorcerer proceeded to complete the quest eventually.
Perhaps the ZOS developers have also changed the ending significantly, too -- if only because it can be rather difficult, as well as time-consuming, to identify the cause of any particular flaw in the software output. Sometimes the best resolution is to replace an existing part of a continuing series of events. That is, just to re-design the output and write new source code to implement it.