hey what time was that @IxSTALKERxI ? I was out with a group of 12 last night and there were ample AD and EP to fight. i was legit impressed if not somewhat not happy about somethings.
And yet AD had one bar all night, even when EP had 3. Not sure the mission is accomplished just yet.
After the dethrone slide show, I literally could get no one to fight me unless it was at least 4 to 1.Even the stamwardens would run away and come back with a whole group.
And yet AD had one bar all night, even when EP had 3. Not sure the mission is accomplished just yet.
After the dethrone slide show, I literally could get no one to fight me unless it was at least 4 to 1.Even the stamwardens would run away and come back with a whole group.
Yeah it got a little out of hand, a little too much zerg style gameplay. I did see AD hold out at least one wave of attacks by EP and DC when I logged in first so well done there.
What exactly is mission accomplished? If last night was factions at 2 bars, then what exactly do we want?
Vivec was also completely pop locked tonight so we most definitely saw some spill over.
Nice 3-way on Alessia last night for awhile. @Rickter sorry for fighting you guys so much before we realized it was a dethrone situation.
Joshlenoir wrote: »@Rickter don't worry. My Guild mates and I will be most likely homing shor next campaign, so you should have a good group of AD to fight. I know how much you love encountering us in cyrodill
Not sure why youre singling me out. You homing on Shor is proof that Sotha is a carcass of a campaign. You ran all the competition away and you think youre some how not to blame whatsoever. In any case, I'm looking forward to the increase is AD population. They need to the help. Welcome to Shor!
Joshlenoir wrote: »I personally have nothing against you
Joshlenoir wrote: »you seem to think toxicity is more powerful than gate camping.
Joshlenoir wrote: »
If toxicity was worse than gate camping people would start coming back to Sotha seeing as my group and I (It's debatable what the extent of our "toxicity" is) barely play there anymore, However I rest my case. We will just have to agree to disagree.
See you on the battlefield
let’s not turn this into a Sotha thread please. Though sparsely populated Shor has been a place of fairly legit AvAvA fights. It’s only been recently that we’ve seen groups coming in who don’t care about the campaign and just want to “kill some ***” no joke that’s verbatim. I’d like to see more pop, but if it means people coming in and bringing their vivec/Sotha bs I’d rather we just keep a dead campaign.
Joshlenoir wrote: »
Wait what's wrong with coming into a campaign just to "kill some (insert slang word for feces here)" ? Assuming you're talking about players and not killing a campaign.
Campaigns are there for PvP. Which includes battling other players and winning or losing sometimes. That's all that matters to my group anyways. We're here to make AP and get kills, and I have to say we're quite good at it.
No one cares how big your ego is Josh. I’d encourage people to ignore those like you and come to a Shor to have a good time and look beyond simply getting AP and instead foster a fun battle field. There will always be groups like yours who think luring a string of noobs into ult combos makes them good. Nothing we can do about that but let your run off into the distance hoping someone wearing pve gear will follow
Joshlenoir wrote: »
It's always easy to reduce our gameplay to such an oversimplification because you've never had any PvP outside of sitting in a zerg and sieging a keep. However you're probably newer to PvP based on that post so I can't really be hard on you. We have plenty of fun fighting and killing people as well as making AP and we fight mostly veteran, and max CP players anyways. Hopefully I'll see you on the battlefield but I have a feeling we've already come across each other in cyrodill at one point and the result wasn't too much in your favor. Nevertheless, you win some you lose some. If you need any PvP tips I'd be glad to help you, I love helping new players out
Joshlenoir wrote: »If you need any PvP tips I'd be glad to help you, I love helping new players out