Are you happy with the BG CP change?

Edited by Chantclaire on October 17, 2017 9:15PM
Everyone has a plan, until their plan gets nerfed

Apparently the only Stamplar left on PC EU

Are you happy with the BG CP change? 96 votes

No! It should stay No CP
CavalryPKJWillCHSSolarikenwheem_ESOChardeeMacDSigtricMopeyHatMurderMostFoulSnowTheMadDogTryxuskillimandrosb16_ESOklink012sollRohausJohnfred24KartalinNeartheralCinbriTBoisToc de Malsvi 51 votes
Yes! CP is good for the game mode
CheloSanTii.92SorisxylenaEmma_OverloadDk_needs_a_buffjlboozerNelothdirtykdxMonoAlv96 10 votes
I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
Vynnsquidprojectb14_ESODeHeiUlfgardeMasty_SpyAhPook_Is_HereBroanBeast1215ToRelaxgreyloxPaganiniCatchMeTrollingLexxypwnsbrandonv516AlurueHawkeye0099AeremHutch679ChantclairePuzzlenutsBerenhir 35 votes
  • Taylor_MB
    No! It should stay No CP
    See this poll also:
    • 7% agree with the change
    • 34% like the status quo
    • 40% want 3 queues (same separation as Cyrodiil campaigns)

    Edited by Taylor_MB on October 18, 2017 12:39AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    Non-CP and under 300 CP will just be slaughtered.

    Interesting thing is that's basically why I went from WOW to ESO. I had zero chance in WOW battlegrounds unless I had a Max level character. Everyone kept telling me: "Put 1,000 hours into the game and THEN you'll have fun." WTF?

    With CP battlegrounds there really is no reason for a person under CP 400 to buy Morrowind at 4x the price of the Base Game. Unless you just like to spend all your time in battlegrounds respawning.
    Edited by KRBMMO on October 18, 2017 1:20AM
    No! It should stay No CP
    Non CP offers the most competitive environment for BGs. Adding CP is going to litter this cyrodill-safehaven with the same unkillable cancer builds that are all over cyrodill. It’s not good for the game. I hope they relook at this.
  • Sixty5
    No! It should stay No CP
    Tanks are tanky but not unkillable in no-cp, once you reduce their block and break free costs and then throw in all the extra mitigation things just become that much more obnoxious.

    Additionally I don't like the fact that anyone between cp10 to 690 will be grouped together. Right now newbies get spanked for not being very good at PVP, under the new system they will get double spanked by the fact that they don't have access to the additional power that CP brings.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Lexxypwns
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    Choices are good. I prefer no-CP if we can't have a choice tho
    Edited by Lexxypwns on October 19, 2017 3:30AM
  • Chelo
    Yes! CP is good for the game mode
    It’s an MMO, I want to play using all my unlocks. New players better start farming CP, gold and skill points if they want to be competitive...
    Edited by Chelo on October 19, 2017 3:41PM
  • jlboozer
    Yes! CP is good for the game mode
    I earned them, so yes I want to use them
  • Lexxypwns
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    I'm just gonna say, I can't wait to farm the scrubs that think CP are gonna make them good in BGs. When you've got people that build a group comp from the ground up with the CP system you'll be able to do incredibly broken things.

    It'll only last for a while before it gets depopulated again
  • NyassaV
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    I'm sorta indifferent... I think non CP is less fun but it is generally more wholesome. But I like CP becuae that means I can customize my character to my play style, I tend to dodge a lot even on a magikca character, CP enables me to do this without drastically changing my play style
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • ToRelax
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    Hollery wrote: »
    I'm sorta indifferent... I think non CP is less fun but it is generally more wholesome. But I like CP becuae that means I can customize my character to my play style, I tend to dodge a lot even on a magikca character, CP enables me to do this without drastically changing my play style

    Wellfitted and some stam regen are a lot more effective for that than a couple more CP in the dodge cost star. And on no CP it's actually quite easy to get that stam regen with one of the sets that offer both magicka and stamina regen.
    I understand what you mean, of course. Though I've also got to say that the way the CP system allows for customization really isn't the best one should be able to think of - mostly static bonuses and a big base stat increase on top of that.
    You'd think something that's meant to customize your character to your playstyle would be focused on changing things, maybe giving the better perks some serious drawbacks even, not simply make everyone stronger by increasing the stats they already invest into.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • wheem_ESO
    No! It should stay No CP
    I'm amazed that anyone thinks CP-enabled BGs are a good idea from a long-term perspective. Does the, "I earned my CP, I want to use them!" crowd understand just how long it's going to take a newer player to grind out all the CP necessary to catch up to already-maxed players? If you were primarily/exclusively interested in non-zerg PvP, and had ~200 CP, would you keep playing? I can 100% guarantee that I wouldn't. Requiring that one spend a tremendous amount of time doing an exceedingly boring PvE grind, just so that they can PvP on a somewhat equal footing, is a bad idea.
  • JWillCHS
    No! It should stay No CP
    The premade I ran with last night just made me realize how broken this game can be with CP. It was funny........but not fun at all. :D
    No! It should stay No CP
    I’m really not looking forward to CP enabled BGs for the same reasons stated. I know how broken it is and my build is going to be damn near unkillable while kicking out some nasty damage :/ I know anyone sub 690 is not going to enjoy what they’re up against and probably will kill off any chance of growth BGs might’ve had.

    Unfortunate, really. I’m sure we won’t see any consideration for a reverted changes or choice between NonCP for another major patch. I’ll probably shelf the game out of boredom...
  • Vanzen
    Problem with the new cp cap is that its really now possible to get multiple op passives and high stats all accross the board w/o sacrificing anything.

    690 cp is really a turning point.

    I feel for those with less cp in BG.
  • Solariken
    No! It should stay No CP
    Honestly it's not game-breaking, but ZOS really screwed the pooch with this change.

    Blocktards rule the world; may their reign be short.
    Edited by Solariken on October 24, 2017 11:16PM
  • haakira
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    I'm sure people that are not at cap CP (myself included) would prefer to wait on a longer queue while doing other stuff than wasting 15minutes respawning over and over.

    Both CP and No CP options should be available.
  • DeHei
    I would be happy if we had both CP and no CP BGs
    I like CP more then no CP, but best solution would be to give both.
    But generally i think CP BGs are better to handle with a team of 4 guys.
    DeHei - EP Magicka Templar Allrounder
    De Hei(Youtube)
  • Morgul667
    No! It should stay No CP
    Nop :(
  • Cinbri
    No! It should stay No CP
    Give back no cp. Don't care if it will be depopulated again, cp bgs just disgusting.
  • Qwazzy
    No! It should stay No CP
    I wish the whole game would go no CP in hopes of balance. No CP battlegrounds had been a haven with mostly DPS builds fighting it out.

    Can't wait for the tank/heal groups to be even more unkillable! /s
    Smallscale/Solo player on multiple servers

    PC North America - Characters
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    AD Templar - PvP 33
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    AD Dragonknight - PvP 19
    AD Necromancer - PvP 22
    EP Sorcerer - PvP 20
    EP Templar - PvP 21
    EP Nightblade - PvP 20
    DC Sorcerer - PvP 16
    DC Templar - PvP 24
    DC Nightblade - PvP 18
    Xbox North America - Characters
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 32
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 20
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 14
    AD Templar - PvP 41
    AD Templar - PvP 16
    AD Templar - PvP 14
    AD Warden - PvP 29
    AD Nightblade - PvP 27
    AD Dragonknight - PvP 18
    AD Necromancer - PvP 14
    Xbox Europe - Characters
    AD Sorcerer - PvP 42
    AD Templar - PvP 36
    EP Sorcerer - PvP 16
  • bubbygink
    No! It should stay No CP
    One of the Wardens I typically queue with is like 250 CP. He does very well in no-CP BGs. What is he supposed to do now that he's going to be at such a disadvantage going against players with 400+ more CP than him? Totally unfair in a small-scale PVP environment. In Cyro where things are more dynamic and the victor in a fight is often dependent on the size of your group, it isn't a big deal to have low-CP. But in 4v4v4 it puts your team at serious disadvantage if one of your 3 teammates only has 250 CP. These players will be left in the dust. Such a travesty IMO.

    Those of you saying "I want to use the CP I've earned" are being so short-sighted. You won't be able to use "the CP you've earned" at all when BGs are a total wasteland because all the non-max CP players quiet them.

    Edited by bubbygink on October 25, 2017 6:43PM
  • TarrNokk
    No! It should stay No CP
    After playing about 30 BG games since yesterday I feel bad with CP implemented. For me it's no more fun. Bye bye BG minigames.
  • MopeyHat
    No! It should stay No CP
    Casual battlegrounding is pretty much dead.

    Played 3 battlegrounds today, each a different mode. The same all-tank, two-templar premade won all three, with the only real competition being in the Capture the Relic game. Deathmatch and Chaosball were a joke.

    Used to be even a random group would have a good chance against these people. Now they have complete statistical advantage. And there's not many people queuing so you end up against the same *** every time.

    No point anymore.
  • Sylosi
    bubbygink wrote: »
    One of the Wardens I typically queue with is like 250 CP. He does very well in no-CP BGs. What is he supposed to do now that he's going to be at such a disadvantage going against players with 400+ more CP than him? Totally unfair in a small-scale PVP environment. In Cyro where things are more dynamic and the victor in a fight is often dependent on the size of your group, it isn't a big deal to have low-CP. But in 4v4v4 it puts your team at serious disadvantage if one of your 3 teammates only has 250 CP. These players will be left in the dust. Such a travesty IMO.

    Those of you saying "I want to use the CP I've earned" are being so short-sighted. You won't be able to use "the CP you've earned" at all when BGs are a total wasteland because all the non-max CP players quiet them.

    They should simply take a page out of the only MMORPG that has got even near competent instanced PvP (GW2) and give every player max CP for BG.

    Edited by Sylosi on October 27, 2017 1:25PM
  • Drakkdjinn
    No! It should stay No CP
    Sylosi wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    One of the Wardens I typically queue with is like 250 CP. He does very well in no-CP BGs. What is he supposed to do now that he's going to be at such a disadvantage going against players with 400+ more CP than him? Totally unfair in a small-scale PVP environment. In Cyro where things are more dynamic and the victor in a fight is often dependent on the size of your group, it isn't a big deal to have low-CP. But in 4v4v4 it puts your team at serious disadvantage if one of your 3 teammates only has 250 CP. These players will be left in the dust. Such a travesty IMO.

    Those of you saying "I want to use the CP I've earned" are being so short-sighted. You won't be able to use "the CP you've earned" at all when BGs are a total wasteland because all the non-max CP players quiet them.

    They should simply take a page out of the only MMORPG that has got even near competent instanced PvP (GW2) and give every player max CP for BG.

    Lol - they could've left it noCP too, zero crutch = zero crutch.
  • JWillCHS
    No! It should stay No CP
    MopeyHat wrote: »
    Casual battlegrounding is pretty much dead.

    Played 3 battlegrounds today, each a different mode. The same all-tank, two-templar premade won all three, with the only real competition being in the Capture the Relic game. Deathmatch and Chaosball were a joke.

    Used to be even a random group would have a good chance against these people. Now they have complete statistical advantage. And there's not many people queuing so you end up against the same *** every time.

    No point anymore.

    Yeah. The populations did not see a dramatic increase. I was watching Jules solo queue in BGs while playing them myself. Played in 5 back to back games with her, Noble, and a few others.
    Edited by JWillCHS on October 27, 2017 6:35PM
  • Strider__Roshin
    No one asked for CP Battlegrounds. We asked to select game type. It's like they hear what they want to hear.
  • Morgul667
    No! It should stay No CP
    CP BG is just boring and no fun :/
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