phillyproduct wrote: »Even temps had the healing gap closed but dk are still the only tanks 4 end game. Why does no one care about this, nb sorc temp warden all need a buff somewhere in their passives so they can tank more effectivly Any class can tank and tank well.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
The only thing missing from a Sorc tank's arsenal is a pulling ability. Their passives bring ult costs in line with a DK wearing Dragon, Encase is a directional alternative to Talons without the Minor Maim, and Ball of Lightning makes tanking downright phenomenal in large arenas like the Titan in CoA2 and Lord Warden.
But you're right, DKs are definitely optimal. The chain was a huge game changer for me when I started.
The only thing missing from a Sorc tank's arsenal is a pulling ability. Their passives bring ult costs in line with a DK wearing Dragon, Encase is a directional alternative to Talons without the Minor Maim, and Ball of Lightning makes tanking downright phenomenal in large arenas like the Titan in CoA2 and Lord Warden.
But you're right, DKs are definitely optimal. The chain was a huge game changer for me when I started.
I ran with a pug group not too long ago, doing vet dungeons, and the tank was a Sorc. Did a good job too ...
phillyproduct wrote: »Even temps had the healing gap closed but dk are still the only tanks 4 end game. Why does no one care about this, nb sorc temp warden all need a buff somewhere in their passives so they can tank more effectivly
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »The reason why DKs and wardens are considered *the* trials tanks is their superior resource management when you have to permablock. What resource tools does a NB give you when you can't light attack and have to cast a shadow skill every 4 seconds for your armor buff? What resource tools does a templar give you when there are no bodies to repent? What resource tools does a sorc give you when you cannot drop block for a second and a half to dark deal?
There are many vet trial encounters where you have to permablock (first and last boss vhrc, axes, ozara adds, manticoras, last boss vdsa, etc). DKs and wardens give you the tools to do this and other classes do not.
Additionally NB can stack major ward & protection with minor from Mirage, which also grants major evasion - as of next patch no other class has access to that buff in heavy armor, unless using Hist Bark set. So it's quite viable for tanking, not necessarily main tanking trials, but certainly viable as off-tanks, and pretty good for dungeons.Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 6 seconds, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 5280. This duration is increased by 25% for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
VaranisArano wrote: »(Speaking of dungeons here, trials tanks need to be able to do whatever the trial requires of them, obviously.)
All you need to be a tank is to taunt the boss, hold aggro, and don't die.
Now to be a good tank, you need to taunt the boss, hold aggro, don't die, hold the boss more or less still, debuff the boss, buff the group, and provide crowd control.
Any class can manage that. Not with the same skills and gear, not in the same way, maybe not in the most optimized way possible, but every single class can manage everything that's needed to be a good tank in group dungeons, normal and vet.
Now, if you have some special preference or requirement, like you want a particular style or skill from your tanks, I suggest you keep a list of tanks that do that in your friend list and manually queue with them.
Now if you want to talk trials tanks, I think you need to clarify some things. Can classes other that DK not serve as tanks at all for trials? Or are they just not optimal? In either case, what are the requirements for being a trials tank that you feel that sorcs, nbs, templars, and wardens are all lacking in that DKs have better than all the rest to the point of pushing all other classes aside?
Trinity_Is_My_Name wrote: »Huh? I still see Templar Tanks, Sorc Tanks, Nightblade Tanks and Warden Tanks as well as DK Tanks. What are you talking about? As a matter of fact I have DK, Warden and Nightblade Tanks that I use every day.
VaranisArano wrote: »So if that combination doesn't work, how about those classes in combination with another class? Will a nightblade tank, or a sorc tank, or a templar tank never ever be able to complete a vet trial? Or is this just that DKs and Wardens are better tanks and so the trials community prefers them? How can we figure that out?
Let's look at what are the requirements for a trials tank that nightblades, sorcs, and templars can't meet.
Look at my job description for a good group dungeon tank: taunt the boss, hold aggro, don't die, hold the boss more or less still, debuff the boss, buff the group, and provide crowd control
For example, a sorc can use Pierce Armor, Inner Fire or Frost staff, shields to not die, debuff and buff with Elemental Drain, and use encase - doing all of the things a group dungeon tank needs to do. Other classes have their own options. Sorcs and indeed all other classes are viable as good group dungeon tanks when built correctly, though its worth noting that viability is not the same as optimal in all situations.
So, what are the requirements for a trials tank? Do the other classes besides DK and Warden have options to meet those requirements or are they lacking? Let's get specific, because the first step to convincing others that classes are or are not viable in certain roles is to get specific.