Yeah i´m missing the change for grpsize and heals in that because as it reads it´s only about destrotrains continuing their circlesnip party with the new system making it even less attractive to join cyrodiil for players like me.
Cut grpsize to 6. No more aoe heals outside of grp. No more buffs outside of grp.
Get rid of stick to crown training wheels.
Yeah i´m missing the change for grpsize and heals in that because as it reads it´s only about destrotrains continuing their circlesnip party with the new system making it even less attractive to join cyrodiil for players like me.
Cut grpsize to 6. No more aoe heals outside of grp. No more buffs outside of grp.
Get rid of stick to crown training wheels.
jimijac0me wrote: »
Lol, get rid of anything but what you do? Cutting heals to only group will just make bigger groups but you know, you got this. Cutting group size to 6 will counter this in theory but trust me, raids will just have multiple crowns instead Like cutting purge and rapids to only group helped? People need heals outside of group more than they think, just like purge and rapids
Vilestride wrote: »
Sorry to hear you didn't like any of the ideas. I thought we were actually quite mindful to all size groups and their relevance within map play. The entire sections about changing the scoring values and adding more meaning to smaller objectives was all about separating Large groups (zergs) from smaller ones. Creating meaningful map game play for small groups in the hope that it resulted in the opposition for those groups being of a relative size.
It's our thinking that objectives like towns and resources are intended objectives for small co-ordinates teams and that ideally those objectives are where small groups could fight each other. It should be punishing to send a 24 man stack to take a farm in the regard that a 24 man could be more productive taking an objective like a keep.
Yeah i´m missing the change for grpsize and heals in that because as it reads it´s only about destrotrains continuing their circlesnip party with the new system making it even less attractive to join cyrodiil for players like me.
Cut grpsize to 6. No more aoe heals outside of grp. No more buffs outside of grp.
Get rid of stick to crown training wheels.
I liked some of the ideas - but without a change to grpsize and the resulting fights dynamics it just reads as a largegrp want to dominate everything even more than they already do pamphlet.
I´ve stated a few times that some people that never played it seem to misinterpret me disliking large groups as a dislike for largescale pvp.
It´s not. Largescale pvp is what i enjoy tremendously.
I just believe that large groups are directly harmful to enjoyable largescale pvp for anyone but those large groups.
largescale with smallgrp = good
largescale with largegrp = bad
Or, go play battlegrounds if you don't like Openworld Large Scale PvP (Cyrodiil). You are saying that you enjoy large scale PvP but not large groups. Sorry to disappoint you but your scenario of every player doing a 1v1 next to each other is not going to happen. This is not a movie, this is a video game.
Is @ZOS_BrianWheeler still alive and working on PvP?
Lol. This thread takes the account locked campaigns future in that it locks the entire account regardless of campaign to a single faction. Lol.
Good thing Zos already corrected the original error on having us locked to a single faction per campaign long ago and isn’t going to revert and even make it worse. Good try.
usmcjdking wrote: »I actually like the ideas but not in the context that was given. The patch notes, the post and the discussion did not lend to me understanding why more people will go into Cyrodiil to fight.
I'm with Derra on this one. From the outside looking in and not having spent much more than 10 minutes pontificating (so take it for what it's worth) the suggested changes are aimed more towards having the winner win harder and the losers lose more(r?). You are incentivizing people to win the campaign - you are not incentivizing people to fight. Nothing in that discussion makes me want to go fight other players any more or less than I currently do.
The changes you are looking for need to incentivize fighting players.
usmcjdking wrote: »I actually like the ideas but not in the context that was given. The patch notes, the post and the discussion did not lend to me understanding why more people will go into Cyrodiil to fight.
I'm with Derra on this one. From the outside looking in and not having spent much more than 10 minutes pontificating (so take it for what it's worth) the suggested changes are aimed more towards having the winner win harder and the losers lose more(r?). You are incentivizing people to win the campaign - you are not incentivizing people to fight. Nothing in that discussion makes me want to go fight other players any more or less than I currently do.
The changes you are looking for need to incentivize fighting players.
No, he's saying, and I agree 100% with him, that he'd rather have fights spread around the entire map with groups of 5-12 fighting it out instead of 200 people in a keep, with a bomb squad rolling in and farming for 30, while subsequently making the entire server lag because the guild group isn't dying, and the pugs are rezzing.
usmcjdking wrote: »I actually like the ideas but not in the context that was given. The patch notes, the post and the discussion did not lend to me understanding why more people will go into Cyrodiil to fight.
I'm with Derra on this one. From the outside looking in and not having spent much more than 10 minutes pontificating (so take it for what it's worth) the suggested changes are aimed more towards having the winner win harder and the losers lose more(r?). You are incentivizing people to win the campaign - you are not incentivizing people to fight. Nothing in that discussion makes me want to go fight other players any more or less than I currently do.
The changes you are looking for need to incentivize fighting players.
Or, go play battlegrounds if you don't like Openworld Large Scale PvP (Cyrodiil). You are saying that you enjoy large scale PvP but not large groups. Sorry to disappoint you but your scenario of every player doing a 1v1 next to each other is not going to happen. This is not a movie, this is a video game.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
The changes actually give an incentive to spreading fights around the map as resources have a real impact and take time to regain their points value. Additionally if players focus on one keep too much they will lose others leading to further loss of points. Campaign play has always been the way to spread fights out more. The only reason people turtle into keeps is to get the tick / because they don't know any better. If you look at the topics we covered the general aims are 1) focusing on giving a reason to care about the campaign score because that promotes a lot of good gameplay. 2) giving less impact to numbers and nightcapping and 3) more depth of mechanics. By definition incentivising winning the campaign promotes fighting especially with a shorter timer (5m during primetime) players would have to fight and hold keeps and resources to make score.
With the group size argument, i'd say that comes more under combat balancing which we haven't covered. I can agree with some points that group size could potentially be due a change however the only really strong argument for this in my eyes is because of the server population being lower now then it was at launch. 24 man is a larger % of the overall population thus in order to spread fights out smaller groups may be beneficial. I would argue that lower than 12 would be fairly detrimental imo. I disagree completely with limiting healing and support to within groups personally because I feel like that would put the majority of players at an overall disadvantage.
usmcjdking wrote: »
I mean I see what you guys are saying.
I also think you are either discounting or unaware of the impact this will have on your average garden variety farmed pugvegetable. The average cyro pug will not see a spread out map. They will see multiple guild groups running over pugs uncontested because no one can effectively mass enough forces in a single location without paying a huge price.
And because of that, guilds and coordinated groups have a much more lasting and pronounced effect against an enemy faction while the pug's primary effect has been whittled down significantly.
I'm reading this as more available space to destrofarm ungrouped players, not provide more engaging & competetive fights across the map.
What you described is exactly what is discussed in the video. Spreading out the fight.
There is no incentive for soloers and smallgroups to try to spread people out when every engagement if you poke a zerg or take a resource results in (semi)organized groups of 20 coming at you - or nobody coming.
Vilestride wrote: »
This is specifically one of the problems we acknowledge and addressed. I agree it's frustrating to get zerged down on an objective like a resource. But the answer isn't just delete large groups from the game, Do you disagree that a fairer and more effective solution is to simply better define the objective roles of varying sized groups?
Vilestride wrote: »I'm curious, explain to me exactly how you envision cyrodil to be if there was say an 8 man group cap. Do you think population would grow and we could in turn eventually re-increase the population caps?
Also, remaining on the objectives topic. Do you think the proposed system is better or worse than the current one?
For one it would decrease the barrier of participation for smaller guilds - it´s easier to maintain a semi competetive 8 man roster than it is to do the same for 24. It atleast becomes theoretically easier to compete for small to medium sized social pvp guilds (those that had 6 to 15 man rosters and basically all died out in zos futile attempts to nerf ballgroups).
It would also make larger groups more vulnerable - even if you stack 2 or 3 8mans these are more vulnerable if you restrict aoe heals to group. It would be harder (basically impossible) to fit backup rapids, purgebots, heals and damagedealers into one group - if you loose a vital part of one grp the whole grp dies.
It would create situations where when you poke the back of a zerg not 20 players get notified that and where you killed their mate but instead only 7.
In large fights the reduced grpcap would create more chaotic fights as 20 people following 3 leaders is far harder than 20 following one crown. Even the top end guilds currently are carrying a few just average players because numbers matter most - for pugs it might become outright impossible.
I do believe some of your proposed changes are better, some i´m indifferent about and some for me atleast just point towards wanting to create even more absolute unrivaled largegrp superiority (if that´s even possible).
I do also think that most of your changes would make hardly any difference for anyone but large groups in everyday cyrodiil because of the established largegrp and resulting zerging dynamics.
I do like the objective changes - i just don´t think it would matter much.
I don´t have a clear vision - i just think that a situation where 1 group can create an hourlong fight and occupy 50% of the total pvp population in one spot is not desireable. You won´t resolve that without cutting groupsize in a way that that these kind of numbers become unhandable (or nerfing things even more but that would hurt everyone equally and i´m not a fan of that).