I can't say I agree with you in this, Derra. I personally think small-group is the most toxic kind of gameplay in cyrodiil.
But then I play alone. I can see a large group coming a mile away, easily avoid them, pick at the edges of them get some kills, distract a lot of people for a while. Often I'll make a mistake and die - but that's my fault.
But I see a friendly resource flip or a player or 2 in a distance, head out to engage and then get ganked bey an organised 4-6 man with their timed ulti-dumps, and synergising buffs/heals/tankiness making them indestructible vs one player...
And yes, there are plenty 'small-scale' groups who I see do nothing BUT prey on soloers. They add nothing to the campaign, nothing to their faction - just repeatedly lure out people in their ones and 2's then gang up and dish out a kicking. You especially see them hanging around an enemy keep late at night when population is really low, jumping on anybody who tries to exit said keep. These guys *think* they are the small-scale heroes - but really they are the worst form of zergling there is.
Are you really asking that the people on the receiving-end lose their ability to heal each other, while said toxic farmers get to keep theirs?
Not to mention that it takes a large group - especially when talking pugs - to even think about starting an attack on an enemy keep or opening up a new front. Without large groups, these 'small-scalers' would have no counter. No keeps would get sieged, fights would just run around resources.
I honestly don't know the population demographics in Vivec - but I suspect its maybe 30% large groups, 10% small groups playing alone, 58% soloers/small groups running with the zerg. This would probably make much of the 30% quit - and since the 10% then have no counters - much of the 58% quit too.
Will the smallgrp continue to camp the resource if they have the possibility to participate in large objectives though? From my experience current smallgrp behaviour is a direct result of larger grps just roflstomping them so they only go for sth they can handle.
It´s a hen or the egg kinda question.
I agree on latenight - but when there is no large grp present nothing changes in the first place.
I don´t think randoms need large groups to start a new front - because as you´ve said most zergs are one core with plenty of solo/duo zergsurfers in their wake - so nothing would really change in that regard apart from the core getting smaller (but also the defending numbers).
Also when you say these smallscalers have no counter - what is the current counter to large groups? Exactly another large grp or a real big zerg. Against a smallgrp you´d need another small grp or a smaller zerg. Not much changes there apart from the numbers game making achieving the counter easier.
Vilestride wrote: »...
And to really re-iterate the point, I think we are forgetting the primary reason people play this game. Let's be honest, next to no one is playing this game because it's 'good'. The primary reason for PVP, for myself at least, and I have no doubt many others, is the community and people you get to raid and play with day to day. I just don't see ZoS taking the risk to compromise that.
But, maybe they will and you'll have the cyrodil you envision.
For me, ESO is the only game I know of where I can play without a group - having nobody rely on me (and my sudden AFK's) - yet still be able to take part in large-scale combat and help my team with heals/buffs etc.. Maybe that makes it casual friendly - but its a unique (afaik) feature that I really, really like. Yes - I'm the averaqe 'Random' - but there are quite a lot of us.
Don't be a-trying to break my game!
Vilestride wrote: »
We're obviously not going to agree on matters of group size, which is fine. I just doubt the day is coming where ESO is relegated to a small scale PVP game only. To be frank, there are 1000 better outlets available for 4-8 man tactical PVP out there right now, large group PVP is the only thing ESO has going for it.
Vilestride wrote: »
So, do you not agree that having more meaningful objectives for small scale groups would have a positive affect on smallscale PVP?
or is it that you just don't think objective based gameplay has anything to do ith good smallscale PVP?
Sandman929 wrote: »I'm not sure why everyone is focused on group size. Reading the document, I see a lot of changes to campaign rewards and objective value that I think would definitely revitalize objective based play in Cyrodiil and make campaign rewards meaningful and sought after.
Sandman929 wrote: »I'm not sure why everyone is focused on group size. Reading the document, I see a lot of changes to campaign rewards and objective value that I think would definitely revitalize objective based play in Cyrodiil and make campaign rewards meaningful and sought after.
The problem with this is: On objective based fights the alpha and omega are large organised groups.
The only "counter" to a large organised group is another large organised group.
So these changes would greatly benefit these groups as they´re able to dictate the pvp reality around objectives.
The size of these groups makes it very hard or impossible for casual players to participate in a successful manner - while the groups that already do reap in the new rewards.
Shame upon him who thinks evil upon it.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Basically, the "we know it all" attitude that is being displayed very well here in the quote, shines through. But...thats not how I feel about the game. I don't log for social aspects, I log in for the combat which is still fun and good enough for me to get my PvP fix, preferrably solo.
The problems that are really bothering my personal playing experience are not represented and/or the solutions suggested are clearly coming from someone who isn't experiencing those issues. I personally would not support this agenda, or just parts of it because I tend to think the concept would neither improve my personal playing experience nor the overall quality of gameplay (simple examples for such no-no's: top heavy reward schemes based on AP and stronger NPCs).
Apart from that, Derra has pointed out very well, why PvP is lacking from the POV of a non-largescale-player, I agree with him.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »The problem is that these groups often are not fighting each other because there is no reward to doing so.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »[*] The question is very simple. Do you like what we have now? If they answer is No then we move on to the next, Was there a time which you preferred in ESO? assuming the answer is yes nearer launch then we look at the reasoning behind this, from our discussions these reasons generally revolve around the higher population and more active map as to a greater 'variety' of fights.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »[*] You have said yourself on discord that you don't like for example group map markers because it shows where you have kited stragglers to and that if groups were smaller that wouldn't happen. My response would be that you should be prepared for that and adjust your own play if those are your targets.
So i´m not happy with how it is - i´d be not happy with the changes aswell.
Higher population is something that would help alleviate the current issues large groups present (being able to fight too high of a %age of the total population).
However what speaks against this is performance. The game can´t handle the current status quo.
Which suggests that decreasing numbers in engagements while trying to spread out players and keeping total numbers would be a preferable solution to keeping numbers in engangements the same while increasing total numbers of players.
Also largegroups still present a participation hinderance for anyone not in such a grp that´s not desireable imo.
I firmly do not believe in different objectives for different groupsizes. I believe in objectives creating scenarios with chances for participation for all players in their vicinity. Currently with large groups as they are this couldn´t be further from ingame reality.
It´s kinda futile to argue with players that enjoy largegrp play as much as you do though.
It´s like arguing with a king about creating democratic structures instead of his totalitarianism.
I don´t blame anyone for wanting to keep a status quo they enjoy and pushing for changes that would reinforce their position as godkings of pvp.
I just think labeling this as having everyone best interest in mind is a little far fetched.
Adjusting to that would precisely end in what i think is problematic in current eso pvp: Bring more people.
You kinda proved my point for me there
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
The question you would need to ask yourself is that if you are not happy now and you still wouldnt be happy after these changes. Is the situation better, worse or no different?
These changes in our opinion would improve gameplay by offering you more fights where you could participate in the type of engagements you enjoy as well as rewarding you better for them.
I'm sure there are a set of changes (for example reducing group size might be one of them) which would specifically enhance your preferred area of play and we can of course discuss them but it shouldn't take away from the others it should add to it.
Unfortunately this isn't the case. The answer "Bring more people" isn't always the solution to a problem. For example, knowing that you might fight vastly outnumbered you can alter many things, for example: Build, Roles, Environment. Bringing more is certainly one factor but its no more valid then any of the others.
I think the thing it comes down to is expectations. The vast majority of players seem to think that they should always be able to win a fight by having a 1vX setup with an AOE ulti that they can coordinate. This isn't always the case.
One such change if you were constantly being zerged down would be to bring a nb bomber instead of a different class (as an example).
Another example might be having a dedicated healer instead of someone else to account for the times where your own defences are overwhelmed and you cannot be supported by simply another hybrid damage dealer.
Moving the fight to terrain which favours you, places you can streak or kite around and reduce the numbers allowing you to pick off ones and twos etc.
For me the argument there lies on the fact that you consider the answer to only be "bring more" is more likely to be the reason why you struggle in that scenario then the fact you are overwhelmed.
Its like groups who say "oh my god we got zerged" and complain about it, what were you aiming to fight by going to faregyl as a back keep (just an example).
What happens if we are 4 new players trying pvp for the time in the group format that dungeons taught us? What happens when we end up facing a 20 man group? That's when the answer picked is most likely to be "bring more people".
In our case, as a 4 man group that can take on about 4 times our numbers usually (granted they aren't of similar skill of course), if we wipe to such numbers yeah we usually try to figure out what went wrong, we didn't move back fast enough, we should have that that skill slotted, or this set would be more appropriate, let's go farm it. But we're all veteran players.
What happens if we are 4 new players trying pvp for the time in the group format that dungeons taught us? What happens when we end up facing a 20 man group? That's when the answer picked is most likely to be "bring more people".
And "bring more people" is definitely the choice that most players choose when they face us and wipe. I remember loads of fight where the pugs we killed 3 min ago come back with 10 more people, but I have almost no recollection of any group coming back and trying a different approach against us.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Unfortunately this isn't the case. The answer "Bring more people" isn't always the solution to a problem. For example, knowing that you might fight vastly outnumbered you can alter many things, for example: Build, Roles, Environment. Bringing more is certainly one factor but its no more valid then any of the others.
I think the thing it comes down to is expectations. The vast majority of players seem to think that they should always be able to win a fight by having a 1vX setup with an AOE ulti that they can coordinate. This isn't always the case.
One such change if you were constantly being zerged down would be to bring a nb bomber instead of a different class (as an example).
Another example might be having a dedicated healer instead of someone else to account for the times where your own defences are overwhelmed and you cannot be supported by simply another hybrid damage dealer.
Moving the fight to terrain which favours you, places you can streak or kite around and reduce the numbers allowing you to pick off ones and twos etc.
For me the argument there lies on the fact that you consider the answer to only be "bring more" is more likely to be the reason why you struggle in that scenario then the fact you are overwhelmed.
Its like groups who say "oh my god we got zerged" and complain about it, what were you aiming to fight by going to faregyl as a back keep (just an example).
This is the equivalent of me trying to lecture sanct about largegrp pvp.
Sometimes you just better say nothing at all.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
I think you have answered your own point here.
If a new player is coming into the game and trying to only apply what they have learnt in dungeons to PVP then they need assistance and they should be joining more players to help them with that until they have the experience to choose for themselves which playstyle is for the best from an informed point.
The same would be the case if the same 4 man went into AA or Hel ra and expected to be performing as well as a 12m yet i've been in and tried to 3-4 man mantikora back in the day because we wanted the challenge (from a point of knowledge).
Comparing content simply doesn't work well in this example.
Vilestride wrote: »Alright, well moving along from group size, anyone have thoughts on perhaps the competitive campaign mode 'Dovahkiin'? Under the second heading 'campaigns'
When I used to play CoD all season there would be an open ladder and then for the end X period of the season there would be an invite league where certain teams were selected to compete in a more prestigious series. It was basically the competition where all the hype was at and I think it would be cool to great this sort of feeling within ESO if possible.
The other benefit is that it could perhaps be a great way of encouraging top tier players to compete against other top teir players not just farm pugs. That is the rationale anyway.
Criticisms and feedback?