[PODCAST] Dracast - Episode 6: The Bashening - How to adapt to change.

  • Glory
    Class Representative
    A large portion of your 3rd video discussed how a strong group composition would emphasize running meta class selection (mNB for DD, templar/warden for healer, etc.). You all stayed fairly neutral in your opinion about whether this was a good thing or not, instead focusing on what would be a meta composition.

    Does your guild find frustration with the fact that there isn't much flexibility in a true strong group comp? Do you guys get sick of playing mNB for the last X patches because that's really the only actually optimal setup for DD, etc.?
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Vilestride
    Glory wrote: »
    A large portion of your 3rd video discussed how a strong group composition would emphasize running meta class selection (mNB for DD, templar/warden for healer, etc.). You all stayed fairly neutral in your opinion about whether this was a good thing or not, instead focusing on what would be a meta composition.

    Does your guild find frustration with the fact that there isn't much flexibility in a true strong group comp? Do you guys get sick of playing mNB for the last X patches because that's really the only actually optimal setup for DD, etc.?

    In Short, and obviously I can't speak for everyone. Yes.

    We are working on an episode outlining some changes we would personally make to the game. But I think we have said it a few times before. While we do play the meta, and use the meta, we do acknowledge that having the meta be so definitive and lacking of variety is not healthy for the game. Personally I think a healthy meta would have a much more rock paper scissors balance to it so that it would constantly evolve on it's own rather than be dictated by patches.

    That being said the strength of our raid is our priority and we wouldn't compromise this based on how we would 'like' the game to be.
    Edited by Vilestride on November 26, 2017 1:01AM
  • asneakybanana
    Glory wrote: »
    A large portion of your 3rd video discussed how a strong group composition would emphasize running meta class selection (mNB for DD, templar/warden for healer, etc.). You all stayed fairly neutral in your opinion about whether this was a good thing or not, instead focusing on what would be a meta composition.

    Does your guild find frustration with the fact that there isn't much flexibility in a true strong group comp? Do you guys get sick of playing mNB for the last X patches because that's really the only actually optimal setup for DD, etc.?

    As vile said we can't speak for the rest of the guild but personally I love mag NB and have mained it since thieves guild. I do find it gets stale at times but tbh I find the game gets more stale than the class. That said you say NB is the only optimal when we have players that run other DD classes and they are very competitive with the number of KBs they get as well as their dmg on Sanct's ultimate tracker.

    While running a full raids of mag DKs isn't the most viable thing simply due to mobility I don't in general think it would be that much worse than NB and could even be better than NB in keep fights since the odds of the enemy being in 6m of you is much higher and you'll have that many more roots with talons. We've even tried some Stam setups that have been competitive with dmg and KBs and again while they may suffer if you stack a lot of them, a couple won't hurt. So if someone really wanted to play something else and worked hard to optimize it I think they could potentially play any class and setup.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Interesting opinions guys, I generally agree with your arguments. I exaggerated when I said mNB was the only actually optimal setup to make a point, and you're right that there is some (but less than in the past) flexibility in gearing.

    I personally dislike what I perceive as the PvP realms' utter dependence on ultimate coordination (this goes across all playstyles from solo to large group) and a particular subset of ultimates (which is why almost every PvP video shows similar ultimate usage and trackers i.e. multiple Dawnbreaker stack in small group, destro/negate/remembrance stack in larger etc.). This has always been a thing, but I think it has gotten worse over time (ironically, considering no more dynamic ultimate generation).

    Good to hear you guys are prepping for a suggestions video, as I hear the devs occasionally watch constructive ones :smile:
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Vilestride
    What I hate to see the most is wasted abilities. no abilities or ults and subsequently either of their morphs should be unviable. If they are what is the point of having them in the first place.

    I would love to see more variety in which ults and abilities were viable. Most of all I miss nova.
  • VirtualElizabeth
    Your podcasts gave me a lot of food for thought when it comes to my own goals in Cyrodiil. Sadly though I am still trying to find my nitch after returning to the game a year ago. In terms of group play in Cyrodiil, I think I have defined a few categories of guilds in ESO:

    1. Group-Synergy oriented guilds such as yours. Some might define it as a Zerg but generally your numbers are around 12 or so. You focus on meeting players head on while trying to take keeps etc as an added bonus
    2. Strategy Oriented AKA the loners. They focus on pulling the enemy away from home keeps primarily but often avoid fights in the process.
    3. PUG oriented groups - guilds focused on picking up as many players as possible in order to Rick Roll people across the map. Some people hate them but they are often the guilds that are responsible for the ultimate win at the end of the Campaign.

    I really want to be a part of a Group-Synergy group that brings back a sense of style to PVP lol. What I mean is those guilds that are skill focused and don't see that ulti bombing is the only way to win. But like someone else who posted earlier...I might have missed the train. Plus I HATE getting yelled at and had horrible experience with a yeller in guild a belonged to in my early days of PVP. Let's face it...I am probably one of those middle of the road players who will never have the time to be Epic lol.

    Keep posting your podcasts...they are very enjoyable.
    Edited by VirtualElizabeth on November 27, 2017 8:00PM
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • Jawasa
    @VirtualElizabeth there are a lot of guilds that need people that are willing to adapt there builds to what is needed and listen both on PC EU and PC na from what i have seen on the forums. Probably on consol too. :smile:
  • MipMip
    Interesting discussion in the podcast and again you generated a good interesting discussion here too! And yes group PvP would be even more interesting if there were more combinations of classes / skills that we could use...
    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • Sandman929
    Finding people willing to make sacrifices to their solo potential for the sake of group synergy is one of the hardest parts of group oriented PvP, IMO. Great videos, and great discussion.
  • Jawasa
    @Sandman929 so true people are very set in there ways. They dont understand that pvp raid comp is just as important as pve raid comp.
  • Vilestride
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Finding people willing to make sacrifices to their solo potential for the sake of group synergy is one of the hardest parts of group oriented PvP, IMO. Great videos, and great discussion.


    I think it helps to be able to offer compromise to. So in our groups for example we raid only a few set days of the week and for set hours, so it's good to be able to say to people, "ok, you can run whatever you what however you like outside of raid, but for these times we need this this or that to be able to play at our best"

    I think it's really important to actually sit down and have a conversation with potential recruits if you are looking to build a serious group to. In this way you will make sure you are getting like minded people. Large group play simply isn't everyones cup of tea and that is fine, but if it is what a guild wants to be participating in you have to sacrifice some individualism.

    In and outside of game, individualism is overrated anyway in my opinion. Much more can usually be accomplished as a collective. Buuuut, we will keep our personal ideologies out of this I guess :P

    Also thanks much for all the feedback guys.

    Edited by Vilestride on November 30, 2017 9:22AM
  • Drummerx04
    These are pretty honest and accurate podcasts on the state of group PvP, and I've always respected how dangerous your guild is no matter which name it goes by at the time.

    The issue surrounding large group play in PvP is rather circular. As guilds leave, the competition that other guilds face drops significantly. With that decline in competition, your guild can literally prevent an entire enemy faction from reclaiming Ash for instance (Episode 1). This is absolutely infuriating for everyone on that receiving end, even for those that successfully avoid your train 99% of the time.

    Often what I'm left with is that there is literally nothing I can do:
    • I can't root or snare your group because of rapids/purge/partly the new dodge root immunity as well
    • Siege doesn't work because of purge/reliable group heals
    • Negate doesn't work because of Earthgore and/or rapids to move the group out
    • CCing your group doesn't work partly because of purge
    • I can't burst you because of the high health (even if I hit you with a perfectly timed unblockable CC combo) unless someone grossly overextends (and it does happen)
    • I can't give rapids to the pugs to help them survive because they aren't in my group
    • I can't purge them either for the same reason
    • Any single target damage is shrugged off by heals
    • The pugs often can't read the room, they don't go for the bombs, they don't time ultimates, they don't capitalize on negates, and they don't move out of the way in time. Then they rez each other and you just turn around and kill the rezzers every time and they still can't predict it. So all the above bullets become more pronounced as an issue.
    (The bold points are a MASSIVE difference in survivability that cannot be understated)

    You've drawn a partially reasonable comparison between 1vX and 16v30+. On the surface it seems like a logical comparison, but at the end of the day ONE pretty good player can absolutely wreck any 1vXer and there are quite a few good players to do the deed. The other good guilds that can compete against you are basically non-existent, so the comparison breaks down pretty quick. Most of the time, there is nothing to stop you or even slow you down.

    The PvP population just can't support your group style any more (and it's a similar problem with medium group guilds like ANIMOSITY).

    A good PvE analogy for your group and this thread would be a thread where Hodor questions why raiding guilds are in a decline with a video backdrop of a 30 minute no death vHoF HM clear and then also claiming that PvE is too easy. The classic response to "PvE is too easy" is to counter with "Then play with noCP or gear."

    A similar suggestion can be made for your group. If you truly wanted interesting fights, you could take off Earthgore and run lower health builds while keeping your effective group roles and specializations in tact so there is more of a risk to your survival than, "maybe all our healers will disconnect at the same time." My two cents.

    The difference between the suggestions PvE and PvP... your PvE enemies can't get tired of being slaughtered and quit the game leaving you with no one to fight.

    Please note: This is meant to be a fairly objective point of discussion. Your group is obviously organized and skilled, so let's not get into a pissing contest on that front. My phasing is typically somewhat combative, but hopefully you see the underlying point.
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • Vilestride
    Drummerx04 wrote: »
    These are pretty honest and accurate podcasts on the state of group PvP, and I've always respected how dangerous your guild is no matter which name it goes by at the time.

    The issue surrounding large group play in PvP is rather circular. As guilds leave, the competition that other guilds face drops significantly. With that decline in competition, your guild can literally prevent an entire enemy faction from reclaiming Ash for instance (Episode 1). This is absolutely infuriating for everyone on that receiving end, even for those that successfully avoid your train 99% of the time.

    Often what I'm left with is that there is literally nothing I can do:
    • I can't root or snare your group because of rapids/purge/partly the new dodge root immunity as well
    • Siege doesn't work because of purge/reliable group heals
    • Negate doesn't work because of Earthgore and/or rapids to move the group out
    • CCing your group doesn't work partly because of purge
    • I can't burst you because of the high health (even if I hit you with a perfectly timed unblockable CC combo) unless someone grossly overextends (and it does happen)
    • I can't give rapids to the pugs to help them survive because they aren't in my group
    • I can't purge them either for the same reason
    • Any single target damage is shrugged off by heals
    • The pugs often can't read the room, they don't go for the bombs, they don't time ultimates, they don't capitalize on negates, and they don't move out of the way in time. Then they rez each other and you just turn around and kill the rezzers every time and they still can't predict it. So all the above bullets become more pronounced as an issue.
    (The bold points are a MASSIVE difference in survivability that cannot be understated)

    You've drawn a partially reasonable comparison between 1vX and 16v30+. On the surface it seems like a logical comparison, but at the end of the day ONE pretty good player can absolutely wreck any 1vXer and there are quite a few good players to do the deed. The other good guilds that can compete against you are basically non-existent, so the comparison breaks down pretty quick. Most of the time, there is nothing to stop you or even slow you down.

    The PvP population just can't support your group style any more (and it's a similar problem with medium group guilds like ANIMOSITY).

    A good PvE analogy for your group and this thread would be a thread where Hodor questions why raiding guilds are in a decline with a video backdrop of a 30 minute no death vHoF HM clear and then also claiming that PvE is too easy. The classic response to "PvE is too easy" is to counter with "Then play with noCP or gear."

    A similar suggestion can be made for your group. If you truly wanted interesting fights, you could take off Earthgore and run lower health builds while keeping your effective group roles and specializations in tact so there is more of a risk to your survival than, "maybe all our healers will disconnect at the same time." My two cents.

    The difference between the suggestions PvE and PvP... your PvE enemies can't get tired of being slaughtered and quit the game leaving you with no one to fight.

    Please note: This is meant to be a fairly objective point of discussion. Your group is obviously organized and skilled, so let's not get into a pissing contest on that front. My phasing is typically somewhat combative, but hopefully you see the underlying point.

    This is a fair concern and we share it. It is literally the reason we make these podcasts to help improve that competition where possible.

    I understand there is a population crisis but at the same time what would you have us do? This is the gameplay we love. Should we just stop playing?

    The idea of weakening ourselves through using sub par builds seems even more disrespectful to our opponents.
    Edited by Vilestride on December 4, 2017 11:31PM
  • Drummerx04
    Vilestride wrote: »

    This is a fair concern and we share it. It is literally the reason we make these podcasts to help improve that competition where possible.

    I understand there is a population crisis but at the same time what would you have us do? This is the gameplay we love. Should we just stop playing?

    The idea of weakening ourselves through using sub par builds seems even more disrespectful to our opponents.

    When you are the fisherman, and the fish is every other player in Cyrodiil, there is such a thing as overfishing.

    Considering a realistic time frame of 2 months for a new guild to form, recruit, schedule raids, gear up, and then actually field and practice... I guess you could just keep rolling over everyone virtually unopposed. It's not like I can do anything to stop you.

    And I don't know dude. How about another analogy?
    If I'm more intelligent than everybody else in the room, I can sit there and loudly boast about how intelligent I am and constantly put everyone in their place, or I can dial it back so I don't make everyone feel bad or just straight *** them off. If I meet another intelligent person, I can have a proper conversation with them.

    Again, I've fought against you with VE, I know exactly what your guild can do... and what most guilds can't do.

    I also very much enjoyed these conversational videos. You bring up a lot of good points, the history was especially fascinating as it was an examination of the evolving metas which basically makes it a one of a kind video.
    Edited by Drummerx04 on December 4, 2017 11:57PM
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO

    Thanks for your feedback, always interesting to hear peoples thoughts on the cast and groups. I'll reply to you fully tomorrow because I feel like there are many points I want to address personally and perhaps we can also cover this sort of question in an upcoming cast to expand on our views via discussion.

    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on December 5, 2017 12:32AM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Drummerx04

    Thanks for your feedback, always interesting to hear peoples thoughts on the cast and groups. I'll reply to you fully tomorrow because I feel like there are many points I want to address personally and perhaps we can also cover this sort of question in an upcoming cast to expand on our views via discussion.

    Awesome. I do understand your position by the way, as I have hopefully drawn with my PvE parallel brought up previously. Basically, "Why gimp my raid or go easy on them when they could just organize and git gud?" Maybe an oversimplification on both ends of the argument in one statement, but you get the idea.

    I have another discussion point as well.

    How much do you think lag contributes to the large group meta? Are certain builds less viable simply because they require better timing, for instance? The idea being that destros and proxy/grothdarr function more or less unimpeded, cast time abilities end up taking 6+ seconds to actually fire, combos don't land properly because skills just don't fire for full seconds (clear and free of negates).
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • Sandman929
    Vilestride wrote: »
    This is a fair concern and we share it. It is literally the reason we make these podcasts to help improve that competition where possible.

    I understand there is a population crisis but at the same time what would you have us do? This is the gameplay we love. Should we just stop playing?

    The idea of weakening ourselves through using sub par builds seems even more disrespectful to our opponents.

    I enjoyed the discussion in Episode 3, but there wasn't much talk about the importance of Support roles in the group, which is something I'm looking to improve on in our own group on X1.
    If you're planning to make more informational episodes, I would love to hear a discussion from the players in the healing and support roles about their ideas for maximizing the effectiveness of their roles.
  • Vilestride
    Sandman929 wrote: »

    I enjoyed the discussion in Episode 3, but there wasn't much talk about the importance of Support roles in the group, which is something I'm looking to improve on in our own group on X1.
    If you're planning to make more informational episodes, I would love to hear a discussion from the players in the healing and support roles about their ideas for maximizing the effectiveness of their roles.

    Heya, we wanted to try to keep the discussion more generalised and about our overall group composition. We have discussed going into depth on specific roles and builds and it is something we want to do. However as we began to talk about it it became clear how lengthy that could be if we broke down each role so what we are going to do is release separate guide type vids for specific roles. I.E healing, Stam support, Mag support ect.

    Appreciate the feedback.
    Drummerx04 wrote: »

    Awesome. I do understand your position by the way, as I have hopefully drawn with my PvE parallel brought up previously. Basically, "Why gimp my raid or go easy on them when they could just organize and git gud?" Maybe an oversimplification on both ends of the argument in one statement, but you get the idea.

    I have another discussion point as well.

    How much do you think lag contributes to the large group meta? Are certain builds less viable simply because they require better timing, for instance? The idea being that destros and proxy/grothdarr function more or less unimpeded, cast time abilities end up taking 6+ seconds to actually fire, combos don't land properly because skills just don't fire for full seconds (clear and free of negates).

    I think that undoubtedly some things preform better than others in laggier circumstances, however I don't think that it would ever be something you would build for, I think in any example of where one might do this there would be other reasons why ability X would be better than ability Y that would take priority regardless.

  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Drummerx04 wrote: »

    When you are the fisherman, and the fish is every other player in Cyrodiil, there is such a thing as overfishing.

    Considering a realistic time frame of 2 months for a new guild to form, recruit, schedule raids, gear up, and then actually field and practice... I guess you could just keep rolling over everyone virtually unopposed. It's not like I can do anything to stop you.

    And I don't know dude. How about another analogy?
    If I'm more intelligent than everybody else in the room, I can sit there and loudly boast about how intelligent I am and constantly put everyone in their place, or I can dial it back so I don't make everyone feel bad or just straight *** them off. If I meet another intelligent person, I can have a proper conversation with them.

    Again, I've fought against you with VE, I know exactly what your guild can do... and what most guilds can't do.

    I also very much enjoyed these conversational videos. You bring up a lot of good points, the history was especially fascinating as it was an examination of the evolving metas which basically makes it a one of a kind video.


    In reply to both your posts, know that none of this is personal to any guilds or players just the way I see things.

    Guilds leaving always makes a big impact, especially if they are large. I don't deny that groups you can't kill are frustrating but my response to that frustration is normally to try and do something to change the situation not just quit or complain. for example make your own group of a few people and coordinate ulti drops at the very least.

    I always feel like competition should promote development. If you see a challenge you should acknowledge it and try to overcome it.

    Your bullet list of what you can't do to our group. Our builds and playstyle is designed to fight in overwhelming situations, we don't build to fight specifically gvg. You can catch people off guard occasionally but yes its always going to be harder to kill us if you are part of the pug zerg rather than part of an organised group. Its like a 1vX build dueling a 1v1 build in that sense. If you have a group specialised in fighting other groups you are going to be able to kill us if we have a lot of pugs on us.

    If you consider your self alone then perhaps you are right, although players can always make a difference if they read the fights well, but more so as part of a group.

    I completely agree about reverting the purge and rapids changes though. I think that hurt group gameplay more than anything else.

    Regarding "The PvP population just can't support your group style any more (and it's a similar problem with medium group guilds like ANIMOSITY)." I disagree with you. the PVP population could very well fight us (and does very often), we very rarely end a night on 0 deaths, in fact it only happened once that I was 600:0 after a raid night. That being said there were other groups in the past who acknowledged that they are 'dinosaurs' and have no real equal numbered/guild style competition any more yet still kept playing their same style and thought nothing of it. ;)

    Running without 3-4 earthgore and with low health builds doesn't serve either side.
    We already weaken ourselves by fighting with 12-16 players (sometimes less even). The Ash fight you mentioned in Episode 1 is pre-earthgore. Having extra health weakens our damage at a boost to our survivability. This is all a balance.
    A bad thing to do would be to have a group like ours running 24m or even more stacking with others.

    When I used to PVE a little bit in eso we would go do raids as 3 or 4 man for the challenge, (again weakening our numbers to allow ourselves to make more of a difference). 3 man DSA and 2 man Manticora was a real challenge back then.
    So I think having fewer numbers provided more a difference and challenge rather than weakening your build because having a weak build and not performing a your personal best can make players feel worse about their performance.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Episode 4 is now available.

    Leading 101:
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Abram
    Episode 4 is now available.

    Leading 101:

    Loved it - lots of great tips in here.

    As a player who typically plays a support role in raid, I think its worth adding that a very important trait for a leader to have is being fair/equal with their expectations. It can be very frustrating for support members in a raid to feel that they have to carry more weight than others because that person doesn't want to purge or rapids as much and would rather focus on doing damage, being more tanky, etc. Going into a raid knowing that a leader is going to demand the same level of performance and focus for all its members is a tremendous relief and encourages more participation and, in my opinion, promotes member loyalty and longevity.
  • Vilestride
    Abram wrote: »

    Loved it - lots of great tips in here.

    As a player who typically plays a support role in raid, I think its worth adding that a very important trait for a leader to have is being fair/equal with their expectations. It can be very frustrating for support members in a raid to feel that they have to carry more weight than others because that person doesn't want to purge or rapids as much and would rather focus on doing damage, being more tanky, etc. Going into a raid knowing that a leader is going to demand the same level of performance and focus for all its members is a tremendous relief and encourages more participation and, in my opinion, promotes member loyalty and longevity.

  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Dracast Episode 5 is now (finally) available - Sorry for the long delay its been almost ready for the last 3 months and just had some issues getting it finished.

    We did something a little different with this one and took a look at what we would change within Cyrodiil within the short term 3-6 months in order to bring some of the 'fight' back into Cyrodiil.

    Huge thanks to @Rin_Senya for working on making the Patch notes look great.


    Patchnotes (Click here to see them fullscreen):
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on March 19, 2018 11:58PM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • NyassaV
    I see a few issues but most could be worked out. I like it, make moar! <3
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    @NyassaV thanks for the support. Interested to hear which parts you think might cause issues as it might help start a discussion over those particular areas.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Ishammael
    I am seeing this thread 6 months after. Note that I no longer play ESO (although I know most everyone that has commented in this thread), so take it for what its worth.

    Couple of comments:
    1. The issues/suggestions raised in the first post are good. Unfortunately, various forms of the same ideas have been proposed over the years. They have not been implemented.
    2. Near the end of my time playing, I knew a huge range of players across all PvP factions. I played on all sides. It was good and bad. Certainly it helped reinforce how small the ESO PvP community really was.
    3. As was predicted when the Crown Store launched... ESO is the Crown Store now. Because it is their sole source of revenue, they must focus on it. Obviously this is detrimental to the game (as has been demonstrated across many many games over the last two decades).
    4. I still linger and look for stuff like this (and some form of response) because ESO is a phenomenal PvP game. My hope always was that they would expand and continue adding new features. New PvP stuff only goes in once or so per year.

    Anyway, always enjoy your videos. Best of luck.

    (Now I'm off to go watch @Etaniel famous "Lords of Cyrodiil" and "Genocide" videos and relive the glory days)
  • Vilestride
    Ishammael wrote: »
    I am seeing this thread 6 months after. Note that I no longer play ESO (although I know most everyone that has commented in this thread), so take it for what its worth.

    Couple of comments:
    1. The issues/suggestions raised in the first post are good. Unfortunately, various forms of the same ideas have been proposed over the years. They have not been implemented.
    2. Near the end of my time playing, I knew a huge range of players across all PvP factions. I played on all sides. It was good and bad. Certainly it helped reinforce how small the ESO PvP community really was.
    3. As was predicted when the Crown Store launched... ESO is the Crown Store now. Because it is their sole source of revenue, they must focus on it. Obviously this is detrimental to the game (as has been demonstrated across many many games over the last two decades).
    4. I still linger and look for stuff like this (and some form of response) because ESO is a phenomenal PvP game. My hope always was that they would expand and continue adding new features. New PvP stuff only goes in once or so per year.

    Anyway, always enjoy your videos. Best of luck.

    (Now I'm off to go watch @Etaniel famous "Lords of Cyrodiil" and "Genocide" videos and relive the glory days)

    Don't forget baguette news.
  • vane000
    Soul Shriven
    I like the ideas you guys brought forward. I would really like to see them implemented in the game. Nice work.
    Panda Force (previously known as Artem Deorum)
    AD - MagDK - Empress Alessía
    AD - Bomblade - Wasnt Vd you just suck
    AD - MagSorc - Archmage Alessia
    AD - StamSorc - I Give Rapids
    AD - Stamden - Watch For The Dawnbreaker
    AD - Magden - Warden Alessia
    AD - Magplar - Alessia the Dawnbreaker
    AD - Magblade - Alessia Ravenclaw

    Former Vivec Emporer
    Lots of good ideas, @ZOS_GinaBruno forward this to the dudes in charge please !
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

  • Derra
    Yeah i´m missing the change for grpsize and heals in that because as it reads it´s only about destrotrains continuing their circlesnip party with the new system making it even less attractive to join cyrodiil for players like me.

    Cut grpsize to 6. No more aoe heals outside of grp. No more buffs outside of grp.

    Get rid of stick to crown training wheels.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

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