A large portion of your 3rd video discussed how a strong group composition would emphasize running meta class selection (mNB for DD, templar/warden for healer, etc.). You all stayed fairly neutral in your opinion about whether this was a good thing or not, instead focusing on what would be a meta composition.
Does your guild find frustration with the fact that there isn't much flexibility in a true strong group comp? Do you guys get sick of playing mNB for the last X patches because that's really the only actually optimal setup for DD, etc.?
A large portion of your 3rd video discussed how a strong group composition would emphasize running meta class selection (mNB for DD, templar/warden for healer, etc.). You all stayed fairly neutral in your opinion about whether this was a good thing or not, instead focusing on what would be a meta composition.
Does your guild find frustration with the fact that there isn't much flexibility in a true strong group comp? Do you guys get sick of playing mNB for the last X patches because that's really the only actually optimal setup for DD, etc.?
Sandman929 wrote: »Finding people willing to make sacrifices to their solo potential for the sake of group synergy is one of the hardest parts of group oriented PvP, IMO. Great videos, and great discussion.
Drummerx04 wrote: »These are pretty honest and accurate podcasts on the state of group PvP, and I've always respected how dangerous your guild is no matter which name it goes by at the time.
The issue surrounding large group play in PvP is rather circular. As guilds leave, the competition that other guilds face drops significantly. With that decline in competition, your guild can literally prevent an entire enemy faction from reclaiming Ash for instance (Episode 1). This is absolutely infuriating for everyone on that receiving end, even for those that successfully avoid your train 99% of the time.
Often what I'm left with is that there is literally nothing I can do:(The bold points are a MASSIVE difference in survivability that cannot be understated)
- I can't root or snare your group because of rapids/purge/partly the new dodge root immunity as well
- Siege doesn't work because of purge/reliable group heals
- Negate doesn't work because of Earthgore and/or rapids to move the group out
- CCing your group doesn't work partly because of purge
- I can't burst you because of the high health (even if I hit you with a perfectly timed unblockable CC combo) unless someone grossly overextends (and it does happen)
- I can't give rapids to the pugs to help them survive because they aren't in my group
- I can't purge them either for the same reason
- Any single target damage is shrugged off by heals
- The pugs often can't read the room, they don't go for the bombs, they don't time ultimates, they don't capitalize on negates, and they don't move out of the way in time. Then they rez each other and you just turn around and kill the rezzers every time and they still can't predict it. So all the above bullets become more pronounced as an issue.
You've drawn a partially reasonable comparison between 1vX and 16v30+. On the surface it seems like a logical comparison, but at the end of the day ONE pretty good player can absolutely wreck any 1vXer and there are quite a few good players to do the deed. The other good guilds that can compete against you are basically non-existent, so the comparison breaks down pretty quick. Most of the time, there is nothing to stop you or even slow you down.
The PvP population just can't support your group style any more (and it's a similar problem with medium group guilds like ANIMOSITY).
A good PvE analogy for your group and this thread would be a thread where Hodor questions why raiding guilds are in a decline with a video backdrop of a 30 minute no death vHoF HM clear and then also claiming that PvE is too easy. The classic response to "PvE is too easy" is to counter with "Then play with noCP or gear."
A similar suggestion can be made for your group. If you truly wanted interesting fights, you could take off Earthgore and run lower health builds while keeping your effective group roles and specializations in tact so there is more of a risk to your survival than, "maybe all our healers will disconnect at the same time." My two cents.
The difference between the suggestions PvE and PvP... your PvE enemies can't get tired of being slaughtered and quit the game leaving you with no one to fight.
Please note: This is meant to be a fairly objective point of discussion. Your group is obviously organized and skilled, so let's not get into a pissing contest on that front. My phasing is typically somewhat combative, but hopefully you see the underlying point.
Vilestride wrote: »
This is a fair concern and we share it. It is literally the reason we make these podcasts to help improve that competition where possible.
I understand there is a population crisis but at the same time what would you have us do? This is the gameplay we love. Should we just stop playing?
The idea of weakening ourselves through using sub par builds seems even more disrespectful to our opponents.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »@Drummerx04
Thanks for your feedback, always interesting to hear peoples thoughts on the cast and groups. I'll reply to you fully tomorrow because I feel like there are many points I want to address personally and perhaps we can also cover this sort of question in an upcoming cast to expand on our views via discussion.
Vilestride wrote: »This is a fair concern and we share it. It is literally the reason we make these podcasts to help improve that competition where possible.
I understand there is a population crisis but at the same time what would you have us do? This is the gameplay we love. Should we just stop playing?
The idea of weakening ourselves through using sub par builds seems even more disrespectful to our opponents.
Sandman929 wrote: »
I enjoyed the discussion in Episode 3, but there wasn't much talk about the importance of Support roles in the group, which is something I'm looking to improve on in our own group on X1.
If you're planning to make more informational episodes, I would love to hear a discussion from the players in the healing and support roles about their ideas for maximizing the effectiveness of their roles.
Drummerx04 wrote: »
Awesome. I do understand your position by the way, as I have hopefully drawn with my PvE parallel brought up previously. Basically, "Why gimp my raid or go easy on them when they could just organize and git gud?" Maybe an oversimplification on both ends of the argument in one statement, but you get the idea.
I have another discussion point as well.
How much do you think lag contributes to the large group meta? Are certain builds less viable simply because they require better timing, for instance? The idea being that destros and proxy/grothdarr function more or less unimpeded, cast time abilities end up taking 6+ seconds to actually fire, combos don't land properly because skills just don't fire for full seconds (clear and free of negates).
Drummerx04 wrote: »
When you are the fisherman, and the fish is every other player in Cyrodiil, there is such a thing as overfishing.
Considering a realistic time frame of 2 months for a new guild to form, recruit, schedule raids, gear up, and then actually field and practice... I guess you could just keep rolling over everyone virtually unopposed. It's not like I can do anything to stop you.
And I don't know dude. How about another analogy?
If I'm more intelligent than everybody else in the room, I can sit there and loudly boast about how intelligent I am and constantly put everyone in their place, or I can dial it back so I don't make everyone feel bad or just straight *** them off. If I meet another intelligent person, I can have a proper conversation with them.
Again, I've fought against you with VE, I know exactly what your guild can do... and what most guilds can't do.
I also very much enjoyed these conversational videos. You bring up a lot of good points, the history was especially fascinating as it was an examination of the evolving metas which basically makes it a one of a kind video.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Loved it - lots of great tips in here.
As a player who typically plays a support role in raid, I think its worth adding that a very important trait for a leader to have is being fair/equal with their expectations. It can be very frustrating for support members in a raid to feel that they have to carry more weight than others because that person doesn't want to purge or rapids as much and would rather focus on doing damage, being more tanky, etc. Going into a raid knowing that a leader is going to demand the same level of performance and focus for all its members is a tremendous relief and encourages more participation and, in my opinion, promotes member loyalty and longevity.
I am seeing this thread 6 months after. Note that I no longer play ESO (although I know most everyone that has commented in this thread), so take it for what its worth.
Couple of comments:
1. The issues/suggestions raised in the first post are good. Unfortunately, various forms of the same ideas have been proposed over the years. They have not been implemented.
2. Near the end of my time playing, I knew a huge range of players across all PvP factions. I played on all sides. It was good and bad. Certainly it helped reinforce how small the ESO PvP community really was.
3. As was predicted when the Crown Store launched... ESO is the Crown Store now. Because it is their sole source of revenue, they must focus on it. Obviously this is detrimental to the game (as has been demonstrated across many many games over the last two decades).
4. I still linger and look for stuff like this (and some form of response) because ESO is a phenomenal PvP game. My hope always was that they would expand and continue adding new features. New PvP stuff only goes in once or so per year.
Anyway, always enjoy your videos. Best of luck.
(Now I'm off to go watch @Etaniel famous "Lords of Cyrodiil" and "Genocide" videos and relive the glory days)