ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Battlegrounds
- Battleground queues are now divided into 10-49 and 50. This means you will only have level 50 players playing against other level 50 players.
- The level 50 Battleground queue is now CP-enabled.
Pretty much all of this ^.Terrible idea. If a group of 4 can farm 20 people and not die, then you probably shouldn't put them in a 1 for 1 setting. Just all around a terrible idea. I can't wait until the people who asked for this actually go into BG's and get wrecked. Que the sweaty aids groups.
The issue is probably overall appeal. Just look at Cyrodiil. Significantly more players are interested in the CP campaigns than non-CP. it would make sense BGs would have similar levels of interest.
The issue is probably overall appeal. Just look at Cyrodiil. Significantly more players are interested in the CP campaigns than non-CP. it would make sense BGs would have similar levels of interest.
Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.
Terrible idea. If a group of 4 can farm 20 people and not die, then you probably shouldn't put them in a 1 for 1 setting. Just all around a terrible idea. I can't wait until the people who asked for this actually go into BG's and get wrecked. Que the sweaty aids groups.
Exactly..they won't just reign they're going to be absolutely dominant. Nothing will change with who's at the top of the food chain but it is veteran players pleading, for the sake of competitive play, keep CP out of battlegrounds. It has no place and will disrupt any semblance of balance we currently have in battlegrounds.XxBIGWASS101xX wrote: »
The funny thing about this, is that a lot of the people who asked for this change are people who play cyrodiil in zergs and then step into BG's and get destroyed because they don't have a zerg to hide behind. They for some reason think they're getting beat because they don't have their CP enabled. They'll still get wrecked, lower CP players will have no chance to play and 4-man premades will reign.
I don't believe non-CP play functions well, for this reason. The dev team has attempted to balance the game (some successes, some failures.) They do so by adjusting abilities, gear and CPs. These all relate to one another.
For example, the damage done by the Viper's Sting set has been honed through extensive data mining from CP play. The recent change took into consideration the item's power with CPs invested into mighty and other passives, and took into consideration defensive CPs of the defender/victim. When you eliminate CPs, Viper's Sting is performing in an untested way, and whether that's good or bad is entirely random...this applies to every single ability and set.
Likewise, ability costs and regen are all established with CPs in mind, as well as resource-returning abilities and gear sets. Some classes rely on CPs for resource balance...others get it through class abilities. Classes that rely on CPs are disadvantaged in non-CP play...those who have built in regen via abilities are helped. Example...in non-CP play my two sorcs still get the same advantage from exchange. They're not hit very hard in resource sustain. Other classes that don't have good resource return abilities are hit harder...so they're more disadvantaged than my sorcs in non-CP play.
As a result, non-CP play is a sort of "Wild West" arena of generally imbalanced play. Some classes fare better, and then because the same sets are available players can exploit the lack of CPs to take advantage. This isn't their fault, and it's not the end of the world, but it seems overly complicated to expect the dev team to balance both non-CP and CP play in a game that's already really complex.
I'm inclined to say there should be both options with Battlegrounds...but then I consider the problems this causes and am inclined to say there should only be CP Battlegrounds. If ZOS is going to expend resources trying to balance two systems like this, I'd rather they create a divide between pve and pvp play, not seek to create CP and non-CP play.
Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »CP is garbage.
90% of the population is on the same version of a sheild stacking Sorc or some no death tank build that will take way more than 4 people to kill it.
Davey, question for you and absolutely no offense is meant by this, solely curious. How many BG games have you played or you can see your achievement for BGs won as well?
I ask this because I am curious on your sample size for the game as a whole with these opinions. I have played cyrodill for 2 years and have around 250 BG games under my belt roughly, and have to say, in my experience, NonCP BGs are the most balanced and competitive I've felt in the game. I only play magblade which is far from a "meta class" as well. Again, no disrespect, just curious.
@Lexxypwns Agreed man. Once you start introducing pre-made groups, BG's get much more competitive. I couldn't imagine the types of groups one would run into with CP enabled. I am scared as well, I might have to switch from dps to support / debuff simply to thwart the tanky builds that we would frequently run into.
People need to realize that the Veteran PVP'ers will only perform better with CP enabled, and the skill gap would only increase even more. I found it very refreshing to see sub 660 CP players perform well in BG's, really putting an emphasis on the skill required to participate. With that being said, I have also seen many high ranking 660 CP's get demolished, because they aren't used to fighting outside of their fluffy zergs. This somehow gives the inclination that this magically wouldn't be the case if they had their CPs.
Exactly. As someone with max CP I'm openly campaigning against this decision. It would turn off so many people and create such a terrible environment for people looking for a even playing field and competitive atmosphere. I hate seeing posts like this because I know there are a ton more players in the exact same boat. BGs in live are so much fun and as balanced as it's been in quite some time.bigelle.x3_ESO wrote: »As someone who isnt even close to max cp, this will probably end my battleground days. I like competitive pvp and i already play with a handicap with my gear and skill, or lack thereof. Now i have to go in there and play against people who have massively inflated damage, defense, and sustain stats. Nah. I'm not going to do that, and, quite frankly, i would rather play the new games coming out than attempt the monstrous grind for max cp just so i can be on an even footing in a competitive game mode.
Imagine one soccer team gets to play with cleats and shin guards one without. That'd probably be a bad game.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »BG population isn't big enough to make split CP and non-CP queue.
But changing non-CP to CP what ZoS did, will not help anyhow. BG playerbase will be increased for like two weeks than it will be dead again until 2018 Q1.
Rather focus on increasing BG popularity first, by adding ranking system or tweaking current leaderboards. There isn't competition to keep players playing. Ranked brackets would help a lot.
Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.
And a super fast special flying mount...ok enough with the pipe dreams
I would like to see them do what WoW did and have BG seasons. With a leaderboard over the month(s) the season runs, and specialty gear obtained for gaining rank each season (along with titles you can earn for placing).