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PTS Update 16 - Feedback Thread for Transmutation

  • sevomd69
    Feanor wrote: »
    If the guaranteed drops make it to live, 40 honestly is quite ok. Some people would have danced naked in front of Molag Bal while singing "All hail the god of RNG" if it meant a vMA weapon drop in your preferred trait after 40 runs.

    Exactly... I must have run vCoA II at least 200 times before I got my divine helm...If transmutation had been implemented... I would have cut my grinding down 80%...
  • IwakuraLain42
    With the exception of the MSA (which isn't the easiest part of the game) all the sources are group oriented endeavors. How about adding a chance to get these crystals to the daily repeatable quest (Craglorn, Vvardenfell) with a varying drop chance depending on the difficulty of the quests (highest for World Boss quests, mid for delve quest, low for fetch quests) ?
    That way more people will have a chance to get these crystals.
  • Lord_Eomer
    @Hollery, the point is to reduce the grind ... not replace running content for the weapons and gear that you need.

    Lmao, reduce the grind?

    This game has and always will be a grind fest. I've played since launch and I know how players would grind their toons in 2014 when they raised the vet level from vr10 to vr12, a month after launch, then they would grind their toons again later in 2014, when they once again raised the vet level from vr12 to vr14, and once again when they raised it to vr16 in 2015, (even though they said they wouldn't raise it again).

    We grind our "non-main-crafter" toons to get maxed crafting so we can get the "chance" at getting master writs to get exclusive voucher items. We grind our toons to get max cp's so we can run with higher cp players.

    I like to call it "ZOS Busy Work" grandmother would do that to keep her grandchildren busy so they don't complain.

    ZOS knows how many players have their [snip] trait malestrom or master weapons. They know how many players have gone through hundreds or thousands of pledges and keys to get the monster set they wanted. And yet they know players will continue to do this, so why not add something to the game that feels like, you as a player, don't have to grind as much as you normally do.

    And if that doesn't keep the players "busy" and "happy" here's a new re-colored mount in the crown store for just 3000 crowns to make you happy.

    MMORPG involves grind, ESO is not different than othets.

    Stop complaining and do some effort!

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 17, 2017 9:36PM
    I love the disconnect rampant on the "effort reward crowd"

    nobody i have seen is extolling the difficulty of successfully completing a four man vet pledge with a four man group.

    its been described as pretty easy, not that hard, etc and taking say 2-m or less.

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    on the other hand, i suggested questing rewards of one crystal for each main zone main questline (finale and all its pre-cursors to get one crystal) plus one for the main quest finale. So to get 40 crystals from questing would be "not very difficult" either but would take all the time for the main quest plus the 39 zones... oh wait... there are only about what 22 zones or so... so completing all the hours to finish all the main zones (15) each of the DLC zones (about what now 5?) wont get near the same as those 20 hours earning each person of four their 40 crystals.

    Maybe its just me but the "effort" of that much much larger time in play for not much at all a difficulty change should be worth more than *nothing* when it comes to a new sub-system that has a direct effect on the kinds of rewards one can get from that content.

    Nobody seems upset by having "the crystals that can affect the traits of your rewards" be earned by "completing the content that drops the rewards" in the case of vet pledge runs with gangs of four. Why not the same with much longer investments in time for main questlines?

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Lady_Rosabella
    @Hollery, the point is to reduce the grind ... not replace running content for the weapons and gear that you need.

    Lmao, reduce the grind?

    This game has and always will be a grind fest. I've played since launch (ON PC, not PS4) and I know how players would grind their toons in 2014 when they raised the vet level from vr10 to vr12, a month after launch, then they would grind their toons again later in 2014, when they once again raised the vet level from vr12 to vr14, and once again when they raised it to vr16 in 2015, (even though they said they wouldn't raise it again).

    We grind our "non-main-crafter" toons to get maxed crafting so we can get the "chance" at getting master writs to get exclusive voucher items. We grind our toons to get max cp's so we can run with higher cp players.

    I like to call it "ZOS Busy Work" grandmother would do that to keep her grandchildren busy so they don't complain.

    ZOS knows how many players have their sh** trait malestrom or master weapons. They know how many players have gone through hundreds or thousands of pledges and keys to get the monster set they wanted. And yet they know players will continue to do this, so why not add something to the game that feels like, you as a player, don't have to grind as much as you normally do.

    And if that doesn't keep the players "busy" and "happy" here's a new re-colored mount in the crown store for just 3000 crowns to make you happy.

    MMORPG involves grind, ESO is not different than othets.

    Stop complaining and do some effort!

    I'll have you know I play almost every day and have played since launch, (On PC 2014, not launch of PS4 2015). I have three toons out of 10 that are just mules, stocked full of monster sets and every piece of armor I need in the best of traits. All my toons have BiS armor and weapons and I don't need to rely on this transmutation system. I run a guild and sometimes run pledges three to four times a day, on different toons, to help guild mates complete their pledges. I run PVP groups, vDSA, and Malestrom. I have several toons that have done every quest in the game and have most of the achievements.

    So don't tell me to "stop complaining and do some effort" when I was just stating facts about this game and how it has always been a grind fest. Lmao, Enough said!
    Edited by Lady_Rosabella on September 21, 2017 2:31PM
  • SquareSausage
    STEVIL wrote: »

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    You obv havent Group Findered much.

    Normal GF can be bad as it is if you get a DLC or a vII of some dungeons.

    Let alone an entirely PUG vDungeon with CP 10-100 DPS in a DLC.

    Unless you farm the GF with a premade group, the aquisition time you state will be excruciatingly longer.

    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • cschwingeb14_ESO
    40 crystals can work on a going forward basis. It's a bit high, but having it be high means that they can make it better in the future

    The big problem I see with the current system is that people who have been playing for a while have a Large stockpile of not great trait items (like my decisive Amberplasm inferno staff, and about 50 other set weapons like it)

    We've lived with *** RNG for years. And the PTS system does nothing to fix that.

    ZOS. Seriously consider giving everyone X number of transmutation crystals (at least 40) when this patch drops. I suppose you can make it only for accounts that have been around for a number of months. But the bad RNG has been around forever. Back log this fix for us a little

    Also consider adding a small chance for world bosses to drop a crystal. Not dolmens, as they don't drop any loot that can be retraited. Sure, these bosses die fast, but they are a group activity, and have respawn/travel times that will make them worse to farm than the easier vDungeons
  • Integral1900
    STEVIL wrote: »
    I love the disconnect rampant on the "effort reward crowd"

    nobody i have seen is extolling the difficulty of successfully completing a four man vet pledge with a four man group.

    its been described as pretty easy, not that hard, etc and taking say 2-m or less.

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    on the other hand, i suggested questing rewards of one crystal for each main zone main questline (finale and all its pre-cursors to get one crystal) plus one for the main quest finale. So to get 40 crystals from questing would be "not very difficult" either but would take all the time for the main quest plus the 39 zones... oh wait... there are only about what 22 zones or so... so completing all the hours to finish all the main zones (15) each of the DLC zones (about what now 5?) wont get near the same as those 20 hours earning each person of four their 40 crystals.

    Maybe its just me but the "effort" of that much much larger time in play for not much at all a difficulty change should be worth more than *nothing* when it comes to a new sub-system that has a direct effect on the kinds of rewards one can get from that content.

    Nobody seems upset by having "the crystals that can affect the traits of your rewards" be earned by "completing the content that drops the rewards" in the case of vet pledge runs with gangs of four. Why not the same with much longer investments in time for main questlines?

    Vet dungeon in 2 minutes, lmfao :D

    Post a video or it didn't happen

    2 minutes.... total rubbish
  • rhapsodious
    STEVIL wrote: »
    I love the disconnect rampant on the "effort reward crowd"

    nobody i have seen is extolling the difficulty of successfully completing a four man vet pledge with a four man group.

    its been described as pretty easy, not that hard, etc and taking say 2-m or less.

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    on the other hand, i suggested questing rewards of one crystal for each main zone main questline (finale and all its pre-cursors to get one crystal) plus one for the main quest finale. So to get 40 crystals from questing would be "not very difficult" either but would take all the time for the main quest plus the 39 zones... oh wait... there are only about what 22 zones or so... so completing all the hours to finish all the main zones (15) each of the DLC zones (about what now 5?) wont get near the same as those 20 hours earning each person of four their 40 crystals.

    Maybe its just me but the "effort" of that much much larger time in play for not much at all a difficulty change should be worth more than *nothing* when it comes to a new sub-system that has a direct effect on the kinds of rewards one can get from that content.

    Nobody seems upset by having "the crystals that can affect the traits of your rewards" be earned by "completing the content that drops the rewards" in the case of vet pledge runs with gangs of four. Why not the same with much longer investments in time for main questlines?

    Vet dungeon in 2 minutes, lmfao :D

    Post a video or it didn't happen

    2 minutes.... total rubbish

    - is next to 0 on English keyboards so I assume he meant 20 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Jayne_Doe
    I just love how so many people on this feedback thread like to tell others that they don't need to transmute items or that they don't play enough to need BiS armor or weapons.

    What gives you (anyone) the right to tell other players that they should not be concerned about this system or that they don't play enough to want or need BiS armor or weapons?

    And before you try to put me in your category of who this system is for and not for, I have been playing since launch, been subscribed and pay every six months for my membership since launch. I am an active PVP and PVE player, and yes all ten of my characters are maxed crafters, maxed leveled, and maxed cp's. But as a guild leader, there are members in my guild who can not or do not choose to play the game 20+ hours a week or play the game the way that I do. That doesn't mean the new transmutation system is not geared toward these players. Most, if not all these player subscribe each month and pay for the benefits of being a Plus member, even if they only get in game 3-4 hours a week. And if they want the ability to transmute a piece of their overland gear to make their limited time playing more enjoyable then that is their right. Maybe because they can only get in game once or twice a week to run pledges with other friends or guildies, but would like the one piece of, say training spriggans to be infused or divines. Why should they have to wait the next few months to get up 40 crystals to do that?
    This system should not punish their players for not living their entire life playing ESO and can only play a few hours a week. And no one has the right to tell other players that this new system of transmutation doesn't apply to them.

    I always tell the members of my guild, "This is YOUR game and you play it the way YOU want to play it." I pay every six months to renew my membership and no one will tell me how to play this game or that a new system that the developers has put into this game is not geared toward me.

    While I agree with you on one level - that I would like the transmutation system open to more players, clearly, the developers have said otherwise. Simply through the means of obtaining these crystals, they have clearly said who this system is for. This system - as it is currently designed - is for serious end-game players (veteran PVE and serious PVP). Whether it should be or not, is debatable, but as it's currently implemented, yes, it leaves out lots of players.

    And, I am saying this as a player who doesn't even do normal dungeons or trials, has never set foot in MA or DSA, and has only been in Cyro to do the intro quests for a couple easy SPs, and in IC to complete a 257 voucher MW. Would I like to be able to participate in this system? Yes. Do I really even need it - absolutely not. I wear crafted gear mostly. I've used a couple of dropped sets and yes, would probably use them more if I could participate in the system,
  • Jayne_Doe
    joshcrum wrote: »
    I just love how so many people on this feedback thread like to tell others that they don't need to transmute items or that they don't play enough to need BiS armor or weapons.

    What gives you (anyone) the right to tell other players that they should not be concerned about this system or that they don't play enough to want or need BiS armor or weapons?

    And before you try to put me in your category of who this system is for and not for, I have been playing since launch, been subscribed and pay every six months for my membership since launch. I am an active PVP and PVE player, and yes all ten of my characters are maxed crafters, maxed leveled, and maxed cp's. But as a guild leader, there are members in my guild who can not or do not choose to play the game 20+ hours a week or play the game the way that I do. That doesn't mean the new transmutation system is not geared toward these players. Most, if not all these player subscribe each month and pay for the benefits of being a Plus member, even if they only get in game 3-4 hours a week. And if they want the ability to transmute a piece of their overland gear to make their limited time playing more enjoyable then that is their right. Maybe because they can only get in game once or twice a week to run pledges with other friends or guildies, but would like the one piece of, say training spriggans to be infused or divines. Why should they have to wait the next few months to get up 40 crystals to do that?
    This system should not punish their players for not living their entire life playing ESO and can only play a few hours a week. And no one has the right to tell other players that this new system of transmutation doesn't apply to them.

    I always tell the members of my guild, "This is YOUR game and you play it the way YOU want to play it." I pay every six months to renew my membership and no one will tell me how to play this game or that a new system that the developers has put into this game is not geared toward me.

    It doesn't punish anyone! Where would those same players be without this system? What would they do to get that piece of training spriggans to infused or divines? Answer that one real quick.

    If you would have read my post, you would have known it was primarily geared toward people who have commented that, because of the game content other's play or the amount of hours players put into the game a week, that this system is not geared toward them. Also, that I feel that for those players who cannot put in the time every day to grind for these crystals should not be punished because of the fact they can't or don't have the time to run 40 pledges, vet dungeons, pvp content, etc,... to get 40 crystals to transmute one item. In my honest opinion, 40 crystals is too many and only rewards people who play constantly and not the players (also loyal to the game), who cannot play more than a few hours a week.

    This is my opinion and like they always say, "opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one,"

    You forgot the last part "and most of them stink" :)

    Just read a follow-up post by you where I see you're more advocating for others. I think that it would be good for the system to be open to more players, but people saying that it's designed for the top-tier players is because it is, the way the system is currently implemented. In any event, you have some good points that maybe ZOS will listen to and they will adjust the system. I suspect that won't happen, though, as it does seem clear that they've designed this system to be a way to reduce the grind for players running end-game content.

    However, you can probably rest assured that we will all be included once these are available for purchase in the Crown Store! ;)
  • Lady_Rosabella
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    joshcrum wrote: »
    I just love how so many people on this feedback thread like to tell others that they don't need to transmute items or that they don't play enough to need BiS armor or weapons.

    What gives you (anyone) the right to tell other players that they should not be concerned about this system or that they don't play enough to want or need BiS armor or weapons?

    And before you try to put me in your category of who this system is for and not for, I have been playing since launch, been subscribed and pay every six months for my membership since launch. I am an active PVP and PVE player, and yes all ten of my characters are maxed crafters, maxed leveled, and maxed cp's. But as a guild leader, there are members in my guild who can not or do not choose to play the game 20+ hours a week or play the game the way that I do. That doesn't mean the new transmutation system is not geared toward these players. Most, if not all these player subscribe each month and pay for the benefits of being a Plus member, even if they only get in game 3-4 hours a week. And if they want the ability to transmute a piece of their overland gear to make their limited time playing more enjoyable then that is their right. Maybe because they can only get in game once or twice a week to run pledges with other friends or guildies, but would like the one piece of, say training spriggans to be infused or divines. Why should they have to wait the next few months to get up 40 crystals to do that?
    This system should not punish their players for not living their entire life playing ESO and can only play a few hours a week. And no one has the right to tell other players that this new system of transmutation doesn't apply to them.

    I always tell the members of my guild, "This is YOUR game and you play it the way YOU want to play it." I pay every six months to renew my membership and no one will tell me how to play this game or that a new system that the developers has put into this game is not geared toward me.

    It doesn't punish anyone! Where would those same players be without this system? What would they do to get that piece of training spriggans to infused or divines? Answer that one real quick.

    If you would have read my post, you would have known it was primarily geared toward people who have commented that, because of the game content other's play or the amount of hours players put into the game a week, that this system is not geared toward them. Also, that I feel that for those players who cannot put in the time every day to grind for these crystals should not be punished because of the fact they can't or don't have the time to run 40 pledges, vet dungeons, pvp content, etc,... to get 40 crystals to transmute one item. In my honest opinion, 40 crystals is too many and only rewards people who play constantly and not the players (also loyal to the game), who cannot play more than a few hours a week.

    This is my opinion and like they always say, "opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one,"

    You forgot the last part "and most of them stink" :)

    Just read a follow-up post by you where I see you're more advocating for others. I think that it would be good for the system to be open to more players, but people saying that it's designed for the top-tier players is because it is, the way the system is currently implemented. In any event, you have some good points that maybe ZOS will listen to and they will adjust the system. I suspect that won't happen, though, as it does seem clear that they've designed this system to be a way to reduce the grind for players running end-game content.

    However, you can probably rest assured that we will all be included once these are available for purchase in the Crown Store! ;)

    Thank you Jane. And yes I'm mostly advocating for others. Our guild has a Facebook page and, for the most part I put posts up to let our members know of upcoming events with ESO, including today when I posted about the Reaper's Harvest and the Free Crown Crate Weekend I post links to Patch Notes and also any News (such as Crown Store Showcase). Because not everyone is aware of when these events are posted. Our guild also knows that myself and several of our members play every PTS and those that can't play the PTS, look to us for input on how it is. I also make videos, like the one I made yesterday of the Clockwork City house, furnished, so they can get an idea of if they would want to purchase the houses and can start saving for them. I will be making a video for my guild of the Wrothgar house today.

    But getting back to advocating for others. When I either post links of patch notes or go onto the PTS to try things out, (like the transmutation system) and relay back to our members how things work, they convey to me their concerns. And I try to relay the concerns back on the PTS Feedback pages.

    For instance, our guild has several military members who can't play as often as others, sometimes being deployed for months at a time. We have single parents who, can't play as often as they like, but play as much as they can. We also have a couple members with medical issues such as undergoing cancer treatment and/or having surgeries. But when they can play ESO, they spend most of their time grinding for gear. Not because they play vet content or PVP all the time but mostly because our guild runs Trial or PVP/IC Groups and, when these player can be there to run with us, they want to have the best gear to benefit their run as well as help other members of the group out. Just because they don't or can't play all the time doesn't make them any less worthy of a system to help them get their BiS gear. I just believe this system could be a little more considerate of those that can't play 20+ hours a week.

    And yes, as you might have seen my post earlier about the crystals being in the Crown Store soon, I'm sure they will be available. Just stinks that most will probably not be able to afford to buy them.
    Edited by Lady_Rosabella on September 21, 2017 8:01PM
    STEVIL wrote: »

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    You obv havent Group Findered much.

    Normal GF can be bad as it is if you get a DLC or a vII of some dungeons.

    Let alone an entirely PUG vDungeon with CP 10-100 DPS in a DLC.

    Unless you farm the GF with a premade group, the aquisition time you state will be excruciatingly longer.

    Ever hear of veteran undaunted pledge? No group fonder needed, just you and some buddies. But, you knew that.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

    STEVIL wrote: »
    I love the disconnect rampant on the "effort reward crowd"

    nobody i have seen is extolling the difficulty of successfully completing a four man vet pledge with a four man group.

    its been described as pretty easy, not that hard, etc and taking say 2-m or less.

    So, if i assume 30m per thats playtime of about 20 hours for four different folks to get 40 crystals each.

    on the other hand, i suggested questing rewards of one crystal for each main zone main questline (finale and all its pre-cursors to get one crystal) plus one for the main quest finale. So to get 40 crystals from questing would be "not very difficult" either but would take all the time for the main quest plus the 39 zones... oh wait... there are only about what 22 zones or so... so completing all the hours to finish all the main zones (15) each of the DLC zones (about what now 5?) wont get near the same as those 20 hours earning each person of four their 40 crystals.

    Maybe its just me but the "effort" of that much much larger time in play for not much at all a difficulty change should be worth more than *nothing* when it comes to a new sub-system that has a direct effect on the kinds of rewards one can get from that content.

    Nobody seems upset by having "the crystals that can affect the traits of your rewards" be earned by "completing the content that drops the rewards" in the case of vet pledge runs with gangs of four. Why not the same with much longer investments in time for main questlines?

    Vet dungeon in 2 minutes, lmfao :D

    Post a video or it didn't happen

    2 minutes.... total rubbish

    Nicely done.

    It was a typo so... Chill or not, up to you.

    Notice the comparison that followed the typo assumed 30m per dungeon?

    But, yay, somebody spotted a typo and called rubbish.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • VirtualElizabeth
    I guess I was confused. I thought you were given a crystal after each successful completion of a vet level group event. So this is not the case? If so what is the drop rate those of you on the PTS have seen so far? Thanks!!
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • Lady_Rosabella
    The new Transmutation system is intended as a way to assist you in obtaining the trait you desire for your gear as you play, but not be the primary way to obtain it. You'll obtain Transmutation Crystals as you play the content you're already participating in, but it isn't meant to be something you get immediately. We want you to feel like you have a way to eventually get the trait you want.

    As for the current drop rates (which are subject to change since we're on the PTS), you're guaranteed to receive Crystal(s) from the following sources:
    • Veteran Undaunted Pledge
    • Your first completed random Veteran dungeon through the Grouping Tool per day
    • Trial Weekly Quests
    • Leaderboards (AvA, Trials, Arenas, and Battlegrounds)
    • End of Campaign Rewards (both 7-day and 30-day)
    • Veteran Maelstrom Arena
    • Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Additionally, you also have a chance at obtaining Crystals from these sources:
    • Completing additional random Veteran dungeons through the Grouping Tool
    • Final bosses from Normal and Veteran dungeons
    • Rewards for the Worthy

    Hope this helps clarify how this system works. Again, remember that we've only been on the PTS with this system for less than 24 hours, so we may further tweak everything before it goes live. Thanks for all the feedback thus far, and keep it coming!

    @VirtualElizabeth For every pledge my group has run every day since it went on PTS, we have gotten 1 crystal in each geode upon turning in the pledge.
    Edited by Lady_Rosabella on September 21, 2017 9:09PM
    Ugh 1 crystal per drop :( I have so much invigorating and training to replace, 29 set pieces, only my monster pieces at 40 crystals each is 1160 crystals. Am I going to use all those pieces? Not likely but i'd still want decent traits for them.
  • Lunachik
    This is the official feedback thread for Transmutation. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    Were you able to easily find the Transmutation Station? Yes, and was happy with the ease in which it was accessible.
    • Did you successfully obtain the new currency, Transmutation Crystals? Not yet. I used the ones I was given, but havent found any doing content.
    • Was the interface easy to understand when transmutating a piece of equipment? Yes, very user friendly.
    • Was it clear that you needed to have your target trait researched? Yes. No issues.
    • Did you purchase a Transmutation Station from the Master Writ Merchant to put in your home? I did. I am a crafter and have other crafting stations in my home. I love the look of it. and as a furnishing it is very desirable! However, It would take me forever to gather the number of vouchers required at the rate Master Writs currently drop, and the voucher value of same. I think it should require significantly fewer vouchers to obtain, since the results are bound to account, and not researchable, and for folks to obtain one without the dlc shouldn't be this hard imo considering what you are actually able to do is very limited, and cannot be exploited/monetized.
    • Was it clear when an item had been successfully transmutated? Yes.
    • Do you have any other general feedback? I do think it's great that there is no chance for failure, that would be horrible. I think 40 stones is a bit much. I also agree with others who have said, why take a crafting related system away from um, crafting? Adding the stones to crafting writs for those who don't run a ton of vet content would be nice. And last but not least, only crafters who can do Master Writs can earn these crafting stations. I"m guessing that if you are in a large guild, which I am, you might want to get one for your guild to use. Is this why the number of vouchers is so high? Because one of them can be used by 500 folks who have access to a guildmate's house? If so that is really not very fair to the *singular crafter* who has to work so hard to earn those vouchers, since guildmates can't help out by pooling their vouchers . I suppose they could buy writs from a Trader for their guild crafter if they were very generous about tossing away tons of gold, but I guess the idea has very little appeal to me. I would rather just have the dlc, which I will, because I have ESO+ , and hop to station in the Brass City, and that makes me sad for my guildmates who may not have access otherwise. This system would need some tweaking before I really get excited by it.

      Summary: My personal feeling is it needs to be less labor intensive to obtain the device, and stones, because the benefits in my opinion, are not equal to the work involved in acquiring it. I fear if Transmog is in the works, it will also cost too much to be practical.

    Edited by Lunachik on September 21, 2017 11:57PM
    **Mara's Moxie * The Sidekick Order * Azura's Guidance *Hallowed Holes of Tamriel **
  • JHartEllis
    Were you able to easily find the Transmutation Station?

    Yes, in the Brass Fortress and from the Crown Store--very easy.

    Did you successfully obtain the new currency, Transmutation Crystals?

    Yes, 199 from the Clockwork template char and 5 from a Rewards for the Worthy geode.

    Was the interface easy to understand when transmutating a piece of equipment?

    Pretty intuitive, and the confirmation prompt makes it obvious which trait you are going with.

    Was it clear that you needed to have your target trait researched?

    Having everything researched, I didn't see anything about research (or it was easy to look past)

    Did you purchase a Transmutation Station from the Master Writ Merchant to put in your home?

    No, but I did with Crowns.

    Was it clear when an item had been successfully transmutated?

    Yes, the icon is distinctive.

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    The geodes give WAY too many crystals. Getting 1/8 of a transmutation from a Rewards for the Worthy mail (even if it's only once in a while) means PVPers are going to have more crystals than they know what to do with, especially with the low cap of 200. The End of Campaign and Leaderboard geodes compound this.

    The abundance of crystals are going to kill the already weak tradeable gear market, which is maybe fine if the goal is to move players from grinding gear to playing more PVP; otherwise, crystals shouldn't be rewarded in such large quantities or the overland set drop rates should be revisited. It's also going to leave people with little reason to rerun dungeons/trials for Bind-on-Pickup pieces inasmuch as gear will be 8x easier to get so long as you don't care which trait. As is, I anticipate it becoming difficult to find trial groups with this substantial change.

    It's weird that the geodes can't be banked--people will be able to hold them in their inventory to get around the crystals cap, but then each character has to have up to 5 different types of geodes taking up inventory space. It would be nice if the geodes could be banked to avoid this.
    Edited by JHartEllis on September 22, 2017 1:12AM
    Guild leader of Spicy Economics and Spicy Life on PC/NA
    ESO Stream Team Partner on Twitch:
  • Aeolwind
    The process for acquiring crystals needs to shift from dungeons & pledges to daily crafting writs. It is far more thematic. It is a passive process to coexist alongside the active grind process of acquiring gear.

    Dealing with PUG's on the DLC dungeons and random vets is an artificial level of difficulty that rivals insanity. Whoever chose the pledge route as the process for acquiring transmutation crystals, and anyone that agreed with them, is so far off base that people in the cheap seats have to turn around to face the parking lot to see them.

    Requiring players to repeat content again that has no longevity with regard to 'fun' or conscience when it comes to RNG is nearing cruelty. I spent nearly 200 runs in Banished Cells looking for a divines sanctuary chest (among other pieces) to never see a divines chest piece of ANY set. Encouraging 'me' to continue to do pledges & artificially limiting 'me' to two because of bad pugs is asinine.

    If this transmutation system is your answer to the horrible RNG system that was implemented with regard to loot just to assuage your conscience, I'm really disappointed. A better system for dungeon gear would be to allow the quest for the dungeon to be repeatable when it is a pledge and allow you to choose 1 piece of gear dropped in that dungeon as the reward for completing the dungeon quest again.

    Leave transmutation as the retrait option for monster shoulders and trial gear. That way you can trade pledge keys for crystals, or get them from the end trial boss.
  • Darlon
    Aeolwind wrote: »
    The process for acquiring crystals needs to shift from dungeons & pledges to daily crafting writs. It is far more thematic. It is a passive process to coexist alongside the active grind process of acquiring gear.

    Crafting writs sounds excellent, I would limit it to the max level ones though... or maybe from master writs...
  • LadyNalcarya
    As someone who farmed vMA fire staff back in the days, I'm really happy to see this system.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

    Darlon wrote: »
    Aeolwind wrote: »
    The process for acquiring crystals needs to shift from dungeons & pledges to daily crafting writs. It is far more thematic. It is a passive process to coexist alongside the active grind process of acquiring gear.

    Crafting writs sounds excellent, I would limit it to the max level ones though... or maybe from master writs...

    one of my first thoughts when the system was described was "i wonder how many writ vouchers each crystal will sell for" so, yeah, excluding crafters from the fuel is a terrible idea, especially since "trait control" is a thing crafters had going for them, one of the few left, and this new change diminishes that quite a bit by their being unnecessary to the process.

    its just another "empower drops" addition as it stands now.

    Sell crystals for 10 writ vouchers each and you have 400 vouchers be a single re-trait. Given the price of vouchers thse days thats at least 200k per pop. Doubt that would be game breaking.

    Alternatively you could have a token special material sold for more vouchers that reduced the crystals needed for a single re-trait by half but only one per re-trait. let that token be sellable and tradeable and voucherable.

    there are many many ways crafters could have been and still could be made relevant to this new subsystem.

    instead they will likely get new furniture to make!!!!
    And some new almost worth noticing sets to craft but fewer than are added for the drop siders.


    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Trashs1
    i think they ll sell them from crown store...

    i hope im wrong
    Dolche des Königs (DDK); EuPC, DC, Sotha Sil,
  • SantieClaws
    They have said they have none of the plans to sell them in the crown store.

    That doesn't mean that sometimes plans they do not change no but that is what has been said.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Elsonso
    They have said they have none of the plans to sell them in the crown store.

    That doesn't mean that sometimes plans they do not change no but that is what has been said.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I don't think they will change their mind. They can create a Crown token to retrait a single item (whether the target trait is known or not). That will be much more reliable and fits better with one of the goals of the Crown Store, namely to bypass the insane grinds they put into the game that drive people crazy.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Feanor
    I don't think they will. The P2W [snip] would be unbelievable.

    [Edited to remove profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 17, 2017 9:36PM
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
    i dont expect they will sell the crystal **as is** in the store.
    We do see believe at this point the station is planned to sell in the store for crowns - instead of its amazingly high 1250 voucher cost.
    But is is week one of playtest so everything is subject to change.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Lady_Rosabella

    STEVIL wrote: »
    i dont expect they will sell the crystal **as is** in the store.
    We do see believe at this point the station is planned to sell in the store for crowns - instead of its amazingly high 1250 voucher cost.
    But is is week one of playtest so everything is subject to change.

    Yes, i purchased the station with crowns from the housing editor last night.
  • rhapsodious
    Aeolwind wrote: »
    The process for acquiring crystals needs to shift from dungeons & pledges to daily crafting writs. It is far more thematic. It is a passive process to coexist alongside the active grind process of acquiring gear.

    They're not crafting items, though. They're meant to improve gear that can't be crafted - you could use them on crafted gear, there's nothing stopping you, but why run Fungal Grotto until your eyes bleed to re-trait an item you can just remake with an investment of <70k? (which you could probably earn in that time, if you're smart about it, not to mention the stockpile of gold mats people who run writs daily have).

    It totally makes sense for them to drop from dungeons/trials - they're meant to be a consolation prize for that eighth decisive Vicious Ophidian Frost Staff you got. Get enough of them, and you can make your charged VO Dagger useful.
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