generalmyrick wrote: »I have 5000 crowns...i don't like costumes and personalities that much...
The banker...can someone give me some insight? How Valuable is the banker? Is the merchant better?
rotaugen454 wrote: »I used the banker to get a character to level 50 in the Wailing Prison. Would put in crafted full sets of training armor for every 10 levels.
In case anyone asks: this is what I was talking about.
generalmyrick wrote: »In case anyone asks: this is what I was talking about.
WHEN are these coming out???
generalmyrick wrote: »i dont want to get this banker and then be mad i can't get the different looking banker that does the exact same thing!
The look of the banker is the last reason I would delay in getting one. I mean you call the thing up, do your deposit/withdrawal then send it away. It can look like a pile of steaming whatever for all that it matters. As long as it takes my stuff, and gives me what I ask for, I am good.
Besides, my beast race characters love summoning a Dark Elf to do their bidding.