TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Of course, along similar lines of thought: Do not take part in a conversation if you have nothing constructive to add. Why go through all the trouble to respond if it's only to be negative?
If it's all been said and done before, what's the purpose of anything?
Maybe you could summarize the previous arguments.
Apologies, last time I raised an old thread the moderator closed it for necromancy, or ***, or necrosis, or whatever.
Since I felt it was a topic of some importance I thought it'd be okay to refresh the conversation.
Bladerunner1 wrote: »Well I haven't taken part in this discussion before so here's a new piece of never-before heard input.
Grappling and close-quarters can be fun, but I miss being able to lob fireballs while slashing at things with a one-handed weapon like in the other ES games. However DPS would be gimped terribly under the current combat system that punishes Hybrids, so I'd happily take the green goblin path and let green poison balls and green poison gas spew forth from my off-hand if it means I can essentially get the same experience.
Either they should make the skill line all stamina skills, or find a non-punishing way to wield a sword as a mage.
Bladerunner1 wrote: »Well I haven't taken part in this discussion before so here's a new piece of never-before heard input.
Grappling and close-quarters can be fun, but I miss being able to lob fireballs while slashing at things with a one-handed weapon like in the other ES games. However DPS would be gimped terribly under the current combat system that punishes Hybrids, so I'd happily take the green goblin path and let green poison balls and green poison gas spew forth from my off-hand if it means I can essentially get the same experience.
Either they should make the skill line all stamina skills, or find a non-punishing way to wield a sword as a mage.
So one of the formerly discussed ideas (and rumours that eventually turned out to be nothing but myth) was to have a "one handed sword and rune" skill line. Before Morrowind was released, there was official artwork that portrayed it (a swordsman with a sword in one hand and wielding magic in the other), but was debunked as just conceptual and not at all reflective of a new skill line.
It's been said before.
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
Anyone with half the wit of a spoon would know that I'm referring to certain subjects that have just been brought up far too many times, far too recently.
And then there are people like you.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »1 handed skill-line i hope would be bis for ganking. including a parry.
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
Anyone with half the wit of a spoon would know that I'm referring to certain subjects that have just been brought up far too many times, far too recently.
And then there are people like you.
Wow, I don't think you're getting the point.
Here's a simple idea: if a topic keeps getting brought up, maybe it's valid? I am reminded of my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid because she had to tell me stuff three times. Should I have just said that she'd brought it up before so I could continue to ignore her? I probably did say that and had to pay when my dad got home...
What harm is there in discussing ideas, not matter how improbable their realization? How easy it is to just shrug and say: It ain't gonna happen so shut up... See, I am old school: I think the shruggers should shut up and listen, or ignore and get out of the way.
Me, I would love to see a game get some more immersive attacks, like single wielding. All my knife training only uses a single knife. Dual-wielding daggers seems kinda silly to me and dual-wielding full-sized swords is even worse. Yeah I know, there ain't no room for reality here.
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
Anyone with half the wit of a spoon would know that I'm referring to certain subjects that have just been brought up far too many times, far too recently.
And then there are people like you.
Wow, I don't think you're getting the point.
Here's a simple idea: if a topic keeps getting brought up, maybe it's valid? I am reminded of my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid because she had to tell me stuff three times. Should I have just said that she'd brought it up before so I could continue to ignore her? I probably did say that and had to pay when my dad got home...
What harm is there in discussing ideas, not matter how improbable their realization? How easy it is to just shrug and say: It ain't gonna happen so shut up... See, I am old school: I think the shruggers should shut up and listen, or ignore and get out of the way.
Me, I would love to see a game get some more immersive attacks, like single wielding. All my knife training only uses a single knife. Dual-wielding daggers seems kinda silly to me and dual-wielding full-sized swords is even worse. Yeah I know, there ain't no room for reality here.
Validity? No. Validity implies the presence of importance in terms of game play. Posting again and again about a bug would be valid. Posting again and again "I want this" is not.
So going with your logic, where's the harm in pointing out that what you've said has been said a hundred times before?
Yeah we should also get a melee staff tree cause my bo staff fighting training makes shooting lightning and fireballs out of my staves seem really silly to me. /s
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
Anyone with half the wit of a spoon would know that I'm referring to certain subjects that have just been brought up far too many times, far too recently.
And then there are people like you.
Wow, I don't think you're getting the point.
Here's a simple idea: if a topic keeps getting brought up, maybe it's valid? I am reminded of my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid because she had to tell me stuff three times. Should I have just said that she'd brought it up before so I could continue to ignore her? I probably did say that and had to pay when my dad got home...
What harm is there in discussing ideas, not matter how improbable their realization? How easy it is to just shrug and say: It ain't gonna happen so shut up... See, I am old school: I think the shruggers should shut up and listen, or ignore and get out of the way.
Me, I would love to see a game get some more immersive attacks, like single wielding. All my knife training only uses a single knife. Dual-wielding daggers seems kinda silly to me and dual-wielding full-sized swords is even worse. Yeah I know, there ain't no room for reality here.
Validity? No. Validity implies the presence of importance in terms of game play. Posting again and again about a bug would be valid. Posting again and again "I want this" is not.
So going with your logic, where's the harm in pointing out that what you've said has been said a hundred times before?
Yeah we should also get a melee staff tree cause my bo staff fighting training makes shooting lightning and fireballs out of my staves seem really silly to me. /s
"Validity implies the presence of importance"
I get it. You don't think game cosmetics and mechanics are important. Bug killing is a higher priority, sure. But that's an opinion, and obviously important to you. I am sorry that my opinion differs and obviously offends you on some level. I would point out that there are endless posts concerning game bugs too. Some have been brought up ad nauseum as well.
I would advise that you avoid threads that offend you, threads on which you don't want to offer, in my opinion, valid input.
And I agree that the staff animations are silly. "Look: I got a stick that farts!" But I've never been a fan of playing caster classes...
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Oh, noes..! Something has been discussed by different people before! However shall I not participate?
TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
People want it though, and still do.
Remember prior to Morrowind's release the 1H and rune outburst?
ZoS has a lot of opportunities and ideas to work with which have been kind of a lack in terms of combat for well... Ever.
I could play the new Warden class (and I do) but I really would like to see some other layer of character development or something expanded for the classes we already have.
Paying 50$ for an expansion just to have new skill sets which are isolated to that class is not how to go about this, it's against the Elder Scroll tradition when it comes to DLCs.
I sure as heck hate having 12 toons just to spice up gameplay, perhaps that is bias because it's not what I am use to in; Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim but I know I am not alone so there must be some profit for ZoS.
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »TheAngelofDeath99 wrote: »
Maybe because it has been adressed a few times in the past years already:
These are only the resultss of the first 4 pages after I entered "one hand" in the search bar. I'm sure more can be found when using different search criteria.
People complain and say "use search" when you post a thread of a an already discussed topic.
People complain if you search the forum and Necro a thread of the same topic.
What to do?
Not post at all because everything would have already been said before.
Why don't we all just never talk at all if every subject in life has been brought up before?
Why don't we just abolish conversation altogether?
You start please.
Anyone with half the wit of a spoon would know that I'm referring to certain subjects that have just been brought up far too many times, far too recently.
And then there are people like you.
Wow, I don't think you're getting the point.
Here's a simple idea: if a topic keeps getting brought up, maybe it's valid? I am reminded of my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid because she had to tell me stuff three times. Should I have just said that she'd brought it up before so I could continue to ignore her? I probably did say that and had to pay when my dad got home...
What harm is there in discussing ideas, not matter how improbable their realization? How easy it is to just shrug and say: It ain't gonna happen so shut up... See, I am old school: I think the shruggers should shut up and listen, or ignore and get out of the way.
Me, I would love to see a game get some more immersive attacks, like single wielding. All my knife training only uses a single knife. Dual-wielding daggers seems kinda silly to me and dual-wielding full-sized swords is even worse. Yeah I know, there ain't no room for reality here.
Validity? No. Validity implies the presence of importance in terms of game play. Posting again and again about a bug would be valid. Posting again and again "I want this" is not.
So going with your logic, where's the harm in pointing out that what you've said has been said a hundred times before?
Yeah we should also get a melee staff tree cause my bo staff fighting training makes shooting lightning and fireballs out of my staves seem really silly to me. /s
"Validity implies the presence of importance"
I get it. You don't think game cosmetics and mechanics are important. Bug killing is a higher priority, sure. But that's an opinion, and obviously important to you. I am sorry that my opinion differs and obviously offends you on some level. I would point out that there are endless posts concerning game bugs too. Some have been brought up ad nauseum as well.
I would advise that you avoid threads that offend you, threads on which you don't want to offer, in my opinion, valid input.
And I agree that the staff animations are silly. "Look: I got a stick that farts!" But I've never been a fan of playing caster classes...
On the contrary, cosmetics are a big part of the game to me. A large reason why I use crafted armor is because I get to control how my armor looks.
Clearly the point has flown past your head. By importance in terms of game play I was referring to topics that actually affected the running of the game (e.g. game breaking bugs), which are objectively important and valid, not subjective topics like cosmetics vs mechanics.
I would advise the same. Don't create threads in which you don't want to offer, in my opinion, any valid input.
It's funny, because my admission of subjectivity was a direct copy of your admission of subjectivity. If you think that I am invalidating other opinions, perhaps you should take a good look at yourself.Please, sir, give the list of topics that you deem worthy to discuss? You admit that it is your opinion, but then invalidate other opinions?
Talking about cosmetics was a point on subjectivity, which did not hold any implications that the skill line in question was purely cosmetic.Then later, you admit that it you agree with the idea but you disagree with how it is presented. Is a new weapon skill not a mechanic? Purely it wouldn't be purely cosmetic?
It would seem that several points have flown over your head.I am confused, sir. Your point had flown over my head indeed.
Just as you feel entitled to readdressing your points, I bear the same entitlement to readdress mine, do I not?I think that I am entirely correct in readdressing, ad nauseum if I wish to spend the time doing so, a previously made point on these forums. Like so many other topics, it is obvious that some would enjoy discussing them further. If you think it is such a waste of time, why are you hijacking the thread with your conflicted points?
Oh wait, since I waited a few weeks to reply, because I did not check them every day for hours at a time, I am obviously necro-ing an old thread. Well the mods will close me down then!
I personally would like this game to become better. Yes, bug fixes would be nice, though I am plagued by only a few and find them not much of a bother. I would also like to see this game fill out and become more sophisticated. More weapon lines would be a significant step and easier to manage than a whole new class.