omg, those throne fireplaces are BRILLIANT! /steals all these ideas for strident springs
Thank you
Of course you are welcome to do so, that is why they are posted.
In the background there is a common slab of stone since the original background of that house is wood, just as in Strident Spring I suppose so it makes sense to add some stone in there, while in houses made of stone there is no need.
So you'll be looking at 6/7 item slots per fireplace. 6 for the first 2 and 7 for the Orchish one ( 2 chests are needed unless you have something else covering the gap between the 2 thrones - in the finished version of the house I've mixed the first one with the last one, as follows:
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Another base would be terrific, I've tried a few but the item slot cost increased. If item slot is not an issue, by all means go wild with it and show us what you did
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
SGT_Wolfe101st wrote: »Question for all of my fellow crafters and decorators. Some of these items I have never seen, do you find the best stuff from the crown store or are you finding the recipes, patterns, etc. in the wild? If the latter where do you find the best places to loot them to be? I search every container I find but wine bottles, all the food and fruit, clutter, etc seem not to be that common. Any response or help would be greatly appreciated.
Check the achievement furniture vendors in every zone, they have some really cool stuff. Also the common furniture vendors sometimes have some cool stuff as well, and their stock varies from zone to zone. Keep an eye on the week-end vendor as well.
To loot recipes, the wild is not the best place. Delves or tombs with urns are - urns are by far the best way to loot recipes . Note that not all delves have urns.
Stealing houses and pick pocketing is also a good source, but not as good as urns.
Also Rollis, the master writ NPC, sells furniture plans for vouchers.
And of course, guild stores. Farm gold and then buy the plans from the people who farm them if you prefer that way
Kyle1983b14_ESO wrote: »Finally made my first one woo
kip_silverwolf wrote: »
Wow! He looks awesome!! I'm going to have to save up those writ vouchers for one!
Just curious, but is he larger than the Dwarf Brass, or about the same size?
kip_silverwolf wrote: »Cool, thanks @Kyle1983b14_ESO for taking the time to do that! It's good to actually see the difference between the two, which will help me decide which one to get first. I appreciate it very much!
As costly as they are, I think I'd rather make it myself as I prefer to keep my Crowns for stuff I can't purchase in-game. Still, good to know they are available via Crowns for those who want that option.
Guess I'm really going to have to work on all those Master writs now!
SGT_Wolfe101st wrote: »Question for all of my fellow crafters and decorators. Some of these items I have never seen, do you find the best stuff from the crown store or are you finding the recipes, patterns, etc. in the wild? If the latter where do you find the best places to loot them to be? I search every container I find but wine bottles, all the food and fruit, clutter, etc seem not to be that common. Any response or help would be greatly appreciated.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Slight update, the new Daedric Doorway, Spiked (crown store only) fits perfectly over the Redguard Bench, Arc to frame the stained glass window.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Slight update, the new Daedric Doorway, Spiked (crown store only) fits perfectly over the Redguard Bench, Arc to frame the stained glass window.
Another tip, if you stack Rough Platform, Stage, you can make a walkable staircase that works like normal stairs.
Another base would be terrific, I've tried a few but the item slot cost increased. If item slot is not an issue, by all means go wild with it and show us what you did
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Slight update, the new Daedric Doorway, Spiked (crown store only) fits perfectly over the Redguard Bench, Arc to frame the stained glass window.
Another tip, if you stack Rough Platform, Stage, you can make a walkable staircase that works like normal stairs.
all right - weeks later, very slightly tweaked fireplace based on your brilliant idea.
I used 3 of the with the middle of the fireplace being front of the throne matched up to the two on either side, and 2 of these tiles side by side, to make the base wider and for the chimney I used 2 of these , layered over each other to create a tapered look that matched the rest of the wallsfinished it off with at the back of the fireplace, so that the walls do not show through
ended up using the khajiiti firepit after all, mainly becasue firelogs looked.. odd in sleek creek house. just.. didn't really fit.
its still not very item slot saving with 9 slots total, but... still.. not too bad, I think
sexyphenix wrote: »My helpful hints I use in all of my homes are completed bathrooms. They all come with a working tub with water handle in the walls -just sink the large Redguard mead barrel in the wall to get the desired effect of a faucet. I also like to add the flat dwemer gear that looks like a tub drain when laid inside the tub. Always add a small commode complete with stacks of paper you all know what that's for hehe.. Just use a chair to get the desired height and then use any type of small box like shape furniture to hide the chair legs, I use small nightstands that I turn around so no handles are showing. To complete the look drop any round pottery bowl that has a dark black inside. I believe the one I use is a white redguard pottery bowl. Just stick that down into the chair for the desired look of a real working commode. Then comes the sinks I just use a large bowl and pitcher set upon an open dresser. I like to add mirrors to either attacked to the dressers or alone in a corner.
You can watch my videos to see the different types of beautiful bathrooms I create. Enjoy
Thanks for the tour of Cliffshade. I have yet to buy it, but it's on my list. The layout I have in mind is very similar. I like what you did with putting counters on the wall as cabinets! Also, what did you use behind the bed upstairs. It looks like some sort of red fabric?
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
sexyphenix wrote: »You can watch my videos to see the different types of beautiful bathrooms I create. Enjoy
all right - weeks later, very slightly tweaked fireplace based on your brilliant idea.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Slight update, the new Daedric Doorway, Spiked (crown store only) fits perfectly over the Redguard Bench, Arc to frame the stained glass window.
Thanks for the tour of Cliffshade. I have yet to buy it, but it's on my list. The layout I have in mind is very similar. I like what you did with putting counters on the wall as cabinets! Also, what did you use behind the bed upstairs. It looks like some sort of red fabric?
sexyphenix wrote: »
I used the large Red Guard awning for porches. You will see it for sale in the Crown Store, again it's the largest one and you need to turn where you won't see the large wooden boards that are connected to it.
All fireplaces look very nice, thank you for ideas! I was struggling with decorating Sleek Creek inside, so this kind of saved me from a headache:) Though I didn't want to risk with not so cheap orcish throne, so I had to use daedric, but in the end with some improvisation I liked result enough to bring it here:all right - weeks later, very slightly tweaked fireplace based on your brilliant idea.Spoiler
Athymhormia wrote: »All fireplaces look very nice, thank you for ideas! I was struggling with decorating Sleek Creek inside, so this kind of saved me from a headache:) Though I didn't want to risk with not so cheap orcish throne, so I had to use daedric, but in the end with some improvisation I liked result enough to bring it here: