Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

I dont need your help !!!

  • stewhead2ub17_ESO
    Quit your crying or stick to single player games.
  • dmnqwk
    I can understand your viewpoint on this matter Mague, but essentially you are declaring that people are not allowed to kill your mobs.

    This is wrong, 100% wrong.

    In online games it's understandable you may wish to roleplay, and for someone to deliberately interfere with your roleplaying is mean. But mobs do not work like that. Anybody who wishes to obtain a kill, gain xp, test things out or whatever with the mobs you are slowly killing is fully entitled to use the opportunity of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, based on your perception, to obtain their rewards.

    I am sure you didn't mean to be selfish in your plea, but ESO is not designed for people to have selfish "it's just one mob there are plenty others" atittudes but with the way sharing XP on kills you participate in works that is how it is. Understand people are very unlikely to be bothering to help you and merely help themselves and you'll understand why the tone needs to change from your current "don't help me I don't need it" to a more respectful "please let me keep the mobs I am slowly killing to myself I don't wish to share" and you'll probably find more people try out your method of roleplay, leading to a better life for you in an online game.
  • tommalmm
    mague wrote: »
    tommalmm wrote: »
    Thats all well and good, but once Cadwells Gold and the DLC zones are said and done you can't go into endgame content with that mindset? I hate to break it to ya but once you start undaunted dungeons and then either trials/pvp no one is gonna stand around and wait for you. You'll likely be kicked (more than likely in trials) if you're not using the correct sets, weaponry and rotations. And dont get me started on pvp - it's dog eat dog out there and zerg is very popular at the minute. 1 on 1 in any situation is gonna be next to nil because it's a dps race and that attitude isnt gonna work. Maybe start warming up to the fact this game is for everyone, anytime, any enemy whenever they want. Accept the help and move on. Don't be salty.

    I understand that. I dont aim for endgame, i cant keep schedules. My game is only on the map and ends at the world bosses.
    A group spot is a responsibility and i wont apply without a weapon ;)

    All i hope for is that people leave a guy doing his stuff and dont shoot his encounters. I have like 400cp on my name tag, i should probably know what i am doing.

    Is it Bethnik where this graveyard is.. in all corners people where fighting ghosts. Solo or duo. And in the middle was a "neon mage" shooting in all directions on other peoples encounters. I so hoped that moment that Nirn would just swallow that neon mage. Common questing doesnt need those "players", its not hard anymore.

    And yesterday, after the N th time where is was casting a DoT and mob drops after the 1st tick because someone shot him i thought enough is enough and still is enough.

    It wasn't me who wrote that. Astrid did. Could you correct that please? I do agree, these are just not my words :D .
  • Darlgon
    BigBragg wrote: »
    I don't believe you know what a zerg is, or ganking.

    Also we all have equal right to content at the same time.

    Sounds like perhaps, playing an MMO to avoid people isn't the best choice.

    Ohh.. MUCH MORE than that.

    (Seriously? HOW THE ASDF did he get Insightful, agrees and awesomes for that post?)

    OP, are you trolling us? You appear to have never played an MMO and pulled up phrases that are triggers. Just for the sake of, I need my morning coffee, I will take your opening statement apart.

    mague wrote: »
    Hello dear PC/EU community.

    I hope most of you recognized how easy the game is now. It is so easy that my bear can solo anything but world bosses and maybe anchors.

    Currently i am playing without weapons. Yes, i got 690 magic damage and 160 physical damage. I do this to play the quests and not to rush through and one shot anything. I find that boring. A fight should be a fight. I am not in a hurry, who knows how long it takes till they release another landmass...

    No weapons means you cant cast either. So, your bear is doing your damage and tanking for you while you sit there and file your fingernails? And, you are proximity aggroing mobs?
    mague wrote: »

    It is horrible enough that everywhere i go to, all enemies are dead already. The dungeon are empty most of the time. There
    are many players collecting shards and the boss for achievement. But i try to live with this too.

    Are you on console? Because, outside Morrowind, this is very much NOT the case. Even IN Morrowind, its not the case with players standing on top of each other. Oh, wait, you said you were PC/EU. On PC/NA, I have yet to find a dungeon where the mobs are all dead on any of my characters.
    mague wrote: »

    But i cant and i dont want to live with the fact that players kill my encounters all the time. Who do you zergs think who
    you are that i need your help ? As said already, my bear is able to solo anything while i watch. Open land and dungeons are not
    PvP zerg zones where you can kill anything that moves.

    I dont need your help !!!

    Who said anything about your needing help? This game is a MMO, meaning there are potentially hundreds of players playing. The GAME makes it so no one has their own special mobs for overland content and public dungeons. The GAME makes it so I am rewarded if I get a light attack in or kill 99 percent of a public dungeon boss. They are serving their own self interest, getting XP and loot.

    And, actually, YES, open land and public dungeons ARE zones where players can kill anything that moves, except other players.

    If you cant and dont want to live with that fact, you need to stop playing MMOs and go to single player games like Skyrim.

    BTW, a "zerg" as used in this game is 24 or so players killing a thing, also known as a trial group in this game. If you are encountering a zerg in a public dungeon, it is more likely a computer controlled bot train.
    mague wrote: »

    When i reach a quest or dungeon named and someone is fighting it, then i wait until he is done and the named spawns again.
    This is a question of manners. Game machnically it is not, but morally this is a kill-steal. Zerging and kill-stealing.. thats
    really low. Open land and dungeons are not PvP zones, so stop passive ganking and ruining my gaming experience.

    I dont need your help !!!

    Game mechanically, as you say, it is NOT a kill steal. Morally, it is also not a kill steal. A "kill-steal" is when a player is fighting a mob and another player comes up, out damages the first player, gets the XP and loot, while the first player gets none. That is not possible in this game. RNG may prevent you from getting loots, but you still get the XP. "Ganking" is killing other players from stealth. You obviously are playing PVE, so that term does not even apply.

    People kill public dungeon bosses because they drop special set loot. If your gaming experience involves soloing everything, you need to leave the game, as MULTIPLAYER means you are never guaranteed soloing everything in the game, esp bosses. THEY need that boss too, for dungeon completion, if nothing else.
    mague wrote: »

    If it wasnt about the looong research times i would probably reroll on the US server, hoping its better there due to the time difference. Well, currently it is impossible to play on EU and i will create a character and scout if its better there...

    I post this on the german forum too, bcause this is a EU problem.

    As others above said, your problem isnt with the server. PC/NA will be no different. Your problem is, you expect a single player game in a MMO world. Sorry man, not gonna happen with any MMO.

    Edited by Darlgon on July 20, 2017 12:23PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Biro123
    I remember DAOC added a feature in one of its later updates that introduced instanced dungeons - where you enter at set points in the world, and it randomly generates a small dungeon (about the size of a delve) - and scaled it for your group size/level (iirc).
    It was instanced only for your group and persisted even after you left (for a short while), and gave a decent XP reward on completing it, and a VERY good XP bonus on completing your first one of the day.

    I kind of think delves in ESO would be better if done this way - especially since One Tamriel when they just became gind spots for gear. They could even have an additional difficulty level so you could select to do a harder version of it.
    Edited by Biro123 on July 20, 2017 12:39PM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • The_Smilemeister
    The game is not beholden to you. You can do what you want but you can't stop other people doing what they want.

    There's always Skyrim...
  • MarzAttakz
    Respect bro, for real!
    PC EU
    Qura Scura | Altmer | MagBlade
    Lhylyth | Breton | MagPlar
    Nhynyth | Khajiit | MagDK
    Ghwynyth | Dunmer | MagSorc
    Loots-All-Urns | Argonian | MagDen
    Shades-Of-Gray | Argonian | StamDK
    Or'Chastration | Orc | StamSorc
    Little Miss Famished | Orc | StamCro
    Fhane Sharog | Orc | StamDen
    Dead Moons Rising | Khajiit | StamBlade
    The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.
  • micsan
    I find it wierd how many people complain about how this game is too easy, and probably an equal amount of people complain that VET content is too hard.

    The game gets harder towards the end. A LOT HARDER.
  • LilySix
    GM Hangovers - PS4
    "Soyez vous -même, les autres sont déjà pris"
    Oscar Wilde

    Youtube channel => C'est par ici
  • LadyNalcarya
    Well, if I want to kill a boss, and there's someone fighting him already, Ill just join. Especially if thats a public dungeon or something. I understand that some people can play all day, but I cant, and wasting 15 minutes on waiting for someone with 600 spell damage to solo the boss and then waiting for him to respawn isnt my idea of fun.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • mague
    Darlgon wrote: »

    No weapons means you cant cast either. So, your bear is doing your damage and tanking for you while you sit there and file your fingernails? And, you are proximity aggroing mobs?

    I am able to cast and punch. I can punch light and heavy and i am able to block and bash. Just the math behind it scales it all down.
    I also have Bird of Prey increasing my damage by 8%. Any increase of weapon damage wont work. Master-at-Arms seems to work though. I hit for 750 to 1200 with the fists. And the frost skills do damage for like 60% compared to an equipped staff. Getting stam and mag back with hard punches is a bit slow, but good enough for common questing. Well, after this post my punch times are over .. haha, i ll have to switch to white level 10 daggers.

    No i dont want to troll. I am playing for centuries and i am using the words in their original meaning. Zerging is steamroling like a stampede. Blindly trampling anything to the ground in its way. Mass instead of class. Thats what they do with my encounters.

    And yes, its on EU/PC and the situation is horrible. Highlevels and twinks pulling alts or others fast through content to gain the skill points, which would be ok if they wouldnt steamroll anything in their way. There are many good people on EU, but at the moment the powerleveling is out of control.

    I ll scout US/PC because of the time difference. When i start to play the westcoast just gets out of bed. Maybe a few Aussies, but they are usually relaxed. Only the whole research crafting thing makes me shiver and keeps me on EU/PC.
  • Voxicity
    We don't want to help you. Glad we're all clear here.
  • LadyNalcarya
    mague wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »

    No weapons means you cant cast either. So, your bear is doing your damage and tanking for you while you sit there and file your fingernails? And, you are proximity aggroing mobs?

    I am able to cast and punch. I can punch light and heavy and i am able to block and bash. Just the math behind it scales it all down.
    I also have Bird of Prey increasing my damage by 8%. Any increase of weapon damage wont work. Master-at-Arms seems to work though. I hit for 750 to 1200 with the fists. And the frost skills do damage for like 60% compared to an equipped staff. Getting stam and mag back with hard punches is a bit slow, but good enough for common questing. Well, after this post my punch times are over .. haha, i ll have to switch to white level 10 daggers.

    No i dont want to troll. I am playing for centuries and i am using the words in their original meaning. Zerging is steamroling like a stampede. Blindly trampling anything to the ground in its way. Mass instead of class. Thats what they do with my encounters.

    And yes, its on EU/PC and the situation is horrible. Highlevels and twinks pulling alts or others fast through content to gain the skill points, which would be ok if they wouldnt steamroll anything in their way. There are many good people on EU, but at the moment the powerleveling is out of control.

    I ll scout US/PC because of the time difference. When i start to play the westcoast just gets out of bed. Maybe a few Aussies, but they are usually relaxed. Only the whole research crafting thing makes me shiver and keeps me on EU/PC.

    If the game is so easy for you... I assume you've already soloed vet dlc dungeons, like this guy?
    If not, there still is a challenge for you. ;)
    I mean.. Quest mobs arent even challenging, even if you're naked. They just take longer to kill, thats it. They still cant kill you, so wheres the challenge?
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on July 20, 2017 1:24PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Darlgon
    mague wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »

    No weapons means you cant cast either. So, your bear is doing your damage and tanking for you while you sit there and file your fingernails? And, you are proximity aggroing mobs?

    I am able to cast and punch. I can punch light and heavy and i am able to block and bash. Just the math behind it scales it all down.
    I also have Bird of Prey increasing my damage by 8%. Any increase of weapon damage wont work. Master-at-Arms seems to work though. I hit for 750 to 1200 with the fists. And the frost skills do damage for like 60% compared to an equipped staff. Getting stam and mag back with hard punches is a bit slow, but good enough for common questing. Well, after this post my punch times are over .. haha, i ll have to switch to white level 10 daggers.

    No i dont want to troll. I am playing for centuries and i am using the words in their original meaning. Zerging is steamroling like a stampede. Blindly trampling anything to the ground in its way. Mass instead of class. Thats what they do with my encounters.

    And yes, its on EU/PC and the situation is horrible. Highlevels and twinks pulling alts or others fast through content to gain the skill points, which would be ok if they wouldnt steamroll anything in their way. There are many good people on EU, but at the moment the powerleveling is out of control.

    I ll scout US/PC because of the time difference. When i start to play the westcoast just gets out of bed. Maybe a few Aussies, but they are usually relaxed. Only the whole research crafting thing makes me shiver and keeps me on EU/PC.

    Hot Damn.. not having weapons prevented you from casting last time I checked. EVERY CLASS skill does not need weapons based on what i just tested. That is.. incredibly stupid.

    You just went from a troll to being bored with the game. You need to go play something else for a while and let your research finish up. No one is every going to wait while you solo a mob with your fists. The landscape and public dungeon mobs will never get harder, because the playerbase wants them easy eno to die when you breath on them. its the way it is, in every mmo. Players will say they want mobs harder, then when it happens, a large section of the player base whines "I cant kill it while holding my beer." So developers weaken the mobs.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Kay1
    SerJustin PvE version, only the veterans will understand.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • Rouven
    Clearly OP you are not immersed in this universe.

    Indeed it would be very rude of me to watch you struggle fighting half naked without weapons against evil or at least hostile creatures. It is my duty by my honour to raise my little pinkie passing by, breezing through dark places towards the shard of skies and deliver you from such nuisance.

    But fret not, though can venture alone into the abyss of group dungeons where no white knight shalt be able to follow you without they consent.
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • Giraffon
    OP please start posting RP text while you fight. If I have to stand there and watch you punch a gargoyle with your bare fists...well I need to be entertained.

    Just like...punch it and then purple text "Ouch"
    then again..."Ooof"
    punch again..."damn this really hurts"
    punch again..."Is that blood? is it mine?"

    You know...I would probably watch that for a while before I engaged. I might even participate..could be funny. Some random comes around and there are like two or three CP630 players punching a boss and emoting pain text.

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Rouven
    Giraffon wrote: »
    OP please start posting RP text while you fight. If I have to stand there and watch you punch a gargoyle with your bare fists...well I need to be entertained.

    Just like...punch it and then purple text "Ouch"
    then again..."Ooof"
    punch again..."damn this really hurts"
    punch again..."Is that blood? is it mine?"

    You know...I would probably watch that for a while before I engaged. I might even participate..could be funny. Some random comes around and there are like two or three CP630 players punching a boss and emoting pain text.

    Like so:

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • Feanor
    Kay1 wrote: »
    SerJustin PvE version, only the veterans will understand.

    Haven't seen him post in a while. But then I don't read the PvP forums very often these days. The good thing was you always could go by the avatar image and avoid the thread.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • TheTwistedRune
    I can sympathise with you @mague. People play ESO many different ways, but sadly our style of play is seen as more or less untenable by most people these days.

    Back in the days of Everquest, moving in on a mob while somebody was fighting it was seen as very poor manners and a bannable offense. But this is ESO. And I long ago dismissed the notion that any kind that decorum exists by the majority of its player base. Indeed the majority of my interactions with people have led me to deduce that as far as I am concerned, most of its players are scum, who have no regard for others.

    My advice? Firstly it would be to ignore people who tell you to "go play Skyrim" or "go play a single player game". Such responses from people are a product of limited intelligence and a lack of understanding which has lead to the assumption that play styles other than their own are somehow wrong. You paid for the game and are entitled to play it any way you see fit within the TOS.

    It is however true that in this game nobody has a right or claim to any specific mob at any given time, and as such we have to accept it, regardless of how we feel personally about it. Stick to lesser populated zones, and play off peek if at all possible. I for one limit doing delves to late at night, work and RL commitments permitting. This minimizes the chances of somebody coming along and running through the dungeons spamming AOE skills killing everything and ruining my experience.

    Play your way even if it does take a bit of patience. ;)

    Edited by TheTwistedRune on July 20, 2017 2:22PM
    Kay1 wrote: »
    SerJustin PvE version, only the veterans will understand.

  • bellatrixed
    Kill stealing is a real issue in some games. ESO is not one of them. You literally can't kill steal here.

    I'm a healer and help people constantly.

    If I'm questing and see someone fighting mobs on my way, I help clear them and keep going.
    If I notice someone with low health I heal them and keep going.
    If I kill a tough boss and notice someone run up right after, I've been known to stick around and help kill it.

    People usually say thanks or nothing at all. I've never been flamed for helping.

    Because it's an MMO and helping is nice.
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • OC_Justice
    @Op All I read was WAAAAAAAAH!
    Get over yourself it is an MMO not an MMMINE.
    If you don't want to see people or see other people clearing out dungeons so you can give the mobs your "fists of fury" then play on offline RPG.
  • Aurielle
    Welcome to MMORPGs, OP. I'm not going to wait ten minutes for you to finish killing a public delve boss. B) If you want a challenge without other people around, solo some normal dungeons. They're instanced, so you won't have to worry about "kill-stealing."
  • idk
    Ok. I won't help you. In the same token I'm not going to sit and wait so if you happen to be on the same boss or whatever npc I'm at and I want him/her/it dead so I can progress in gonna kill it.

    Thank you for understanding.
  • agegarton
    Honestly, this whole thing seems like a cry for help to me.
  • Gilvoth
    markdeloma wrote: »
    When everyone played in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, many thought it would be great to take a walk in such places with a friend or friends. Nothing more! Nobody ever wanted to go into the basement of the manor during the quest and discover there are 50 more players doing this quest. Just need to keep the balance. The player must be able to play the game normally. Because he bought it not for everyone but for himself - in the first place. He should be able to travel alone and with friends. And at the same time that no one would interfere with it. And at the same time he will continue to feel that he is in a big world with a lot of other players. Because there will be group dungeons and raids, there will be a world pvp, there will be world bosses in open spaces. We need a balance. And the balance is not yet very good.

    this ^
  • DarcyMardin
    In games where you *could* actually steal the kill (and all the loot) from another player, it was bad manners to do so. I remember being justifiably angry when somebody did that to me. But, as many have already mentioned, that is not the case in ESO. I consider myself a courteous person who always tries to respect others, but it would rarely even occur to me to stand back and wait for another player to solo the boss in an ESO group dungeon or delve.

    And things are no different on the NA server. I've played on both, but NA is my home. I also play at weird hours, when a lot of folks are asleep. Even so, I rarely go into a delve where I don't meet at least one other person. And group dungeons always have several players running around killing the bosses.
  • Megabear
    What did I just read.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/370618/guide-to-making-gold-in-eso/p1?new=1
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/367919/cost-analysis-for-brand-new-potential-pc-eso-players#latest
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build: http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/warden-bow-healerdps-hybrid/
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build: http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/warden-the-warladin-healertank-hybrid-build/
    Warden Stamina DPS Build: http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/warden-dps-build/
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • CromulentForumID
    Back in the days of Everquest, moving in on a mob while somebody was fighting it was seen as very poor manners and a bannable offense. But this is ESO. And I long ago dismissed the notion that any kind that decorum exists by the majority of its player base. Indeed the majority of my interactions with people have led me to deduce that as far as I am concerned, most of its players are scum, who have no regard for others.

    Did Everquest share XP and loot like this game does? Did you have to land the killing blow in order to get the XP/loot?

    If that's true, then manners weren't driving the behavior. It was the game design.
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