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Linchal Grand Manor

  • Grumble_and_Grunt
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Linchal Grand Manor: This imposing estate in the Nibenese style was originally built as the summer manor of an Imperial City nobleman, now sadly deceased. Gardens with statues and a reflecting pool surround the stately walled mansion. Sumptuous!
    This home will only be available for purchase with crowns once it goes live.

    Why is it only available for crowns? You had the chance to do something good, It should be available for purchase with GOLD for owners of the imperial Edition, please :(

    Indeed very disappointing how everything Imperial related to housing is gated behind crown store purchases, firstly furnishings now the house :/
    PC EU
    Fix Powerful Assault
  • Lady_Rosabella
    All they did was drop a duplicate of the Shining Star building from Coldharbour down and gave it a courtyard and surrounding wall. Nothing original about it in my honest opinion.
  • actosh
    The house is awesome. Can u tell us how much crowns it will be?
  • Anne_Firehawk
    actosh wrote: »
    The house is awesome. Can u tell us how much crowns it will be?

    They should tell us how much gold it will be for owners of Imperial Edition :/
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • Sophieous
    Hopefully it won't be limited edition like every other house they released after the homestead patch so people can actually prepare to get it.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Linchal Grand Manor: This imposing estate in the Nibenese style was originally built as the summer manor of an Imperial City nobleman, now sadly deceased. Gardens with statues and a reflecting pool surround the stately walled mansion. Sumptuous!
    This home will only be available for purchase with crowns once it goes live.

    Why is it only available for crowns? You had the chance to do something good, It should be available for purchase with GOLD for owners of the imperial Edition, please :(

    Please rethink and make it purchasable with gold as well, it's gonna turn so many people off. Try make sth good. Everyone was hyped about this house, farming gold and u just announced it's gonna be available (guess for a limited time) only with crowns...
    EU | PC

    Sophious - AD Templar (The one and only true Queen)
    Not Sophious - AD Warden
    Mayorz DK Slave - DC Templar
    May is my bae - DC Magblade
    Galabriem - DC Sorc
    Queen Sophie - DC Stamblade
    "I'm still pretty self-centered, greedy and angry" D.L.

  • MLGProPlayer
    So they're charging crowns for a house whose model has existed in the game since launch...

    All crown store houses so far have been original assets. We were paying for the time it took developers to model the new house. What are we paying for here?
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 31, 2017 5:30PM
  • Anne_Firehawk
    So they're charging gold for a house whose model has existed in the game since launch...

    All crown store houses so far have been original assets. We were paying for the time it took developers to model the new house. What are we paying for here?

    Even worse, they are charging € for that.
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • MLGProPlayer
    So they're charging gold for a house whose model has existed in the game since launch...

    All crown store houses so far have been original assets. We were paying for the time it took developers to model the new house. What are we paying for here?

    Even worse, they are charging € for that.

    Sorry, I meant crowns, not gold. :tongue:
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 31, 2017 5:30PM
  • Sophieous
    Exactly, it's a pre existing template as well, nothing special. One shouldn't charge JUST crowns for that.
    EU | PC

    Sophious - AD Templar (The one and only true Queen)
    Not Sophious - AD Warden
    Mayorz DK Slave - DC Templar
    May is my bae - DC Magblade
    Galabriem - DC Sorc
    Queen Sophie - DC Stamblade
    "I'm still pretty self-centered, greedy and angry" D.L.

  • Rex-Umbra
    This is a huge kick in the sack and signals that all homes in DLC zones are going to be crown only. What a scam.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Jayne_Doe
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.

    Was the previous home you mentioned by any chance Domus Phrasticus? My husband purchased that house, but did not notice its flaws until after purchasing it - that the interior does not match the exterior and it looks like there should be at least a partial third floor (or attic). He has buyer's remorse now and hates the house and never visits it.
  • Tyrobag
    The marketing strategy for a gaming company should be to make good content... Not to make their players completely despise them. Zo$ needs to stop pushing everything good into the crown store or they'll drive everyone out of the game.

    I don't mind the crown store existing and selling cosmetics, mounts, and some connivance items. I don't even mind that they sell houses, as long as they are available in game as well. But when you start making all new reasonably sized houses be crown exclusives that's where I draw the damn line.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Please tell your marketing department to lay the heck off, and stop pulling all the good content from the game to put in the crown store. Would you rather have a heavily populated game with more players keeping subs, or have a ghost town game with a cash store to buy everything? Because those are quickly becoming your two options.
  • Lord-Otto
    One thing that's going to have me apprehensive about getting this house is the fact that you can't craft or trade Imperial furniture. It's exclusive to the crown store. This will make decorating the house a very expensive affair.

    The other Imperial houses in the game so far are in the "Kvatch" architectural style, which uses similar stonework to Breton, Dark Elf, and Orcish houses. This means that their furnishings are relatively inrerchanageable. These houses don't even have their own furniture style (ZOS mysteriously removed all "Kvatch" style furnishings from the game during the Homestead PTS and never put them back).

    The "Anvil" style homes, on the other hand, have a very unique architectural style (they use white stone). None of the other races have furniture that matches. So if you want more light posts, a well, or a fountain that matches the style of your house, you're going to need to spend a lot of crowns.

    Anvil, as any big town in Cyrodiil, is inspired by its closest neighbour province. In this case - Summerset.

    Anvil's style consists of white marble and light grey metal - traits of the Altmer furnishing style. The purple-quality desks fit Anvil perfectly. But the wooden chairs and golden/grey art pieces are also fitting. Yellow also fits many of the brassen pieces you find in Anvil architecture.
  • ADarklore
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    The marketing strategy for a gaming company should be to make good content... Not to make their players completely despise them. Zo$ needs to stop pushing everything good into the crown store or they'll drive everyone out of the game.

    I don't mind the crown store existing and selling cosmetics, mounts, and some connivance items. I don't even mind that they sell houses, as long as they are available in game as well. But when you start making all new reasonably sized houses be crown exclusives that's where I draw the damn line.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Please tell your marketing department to lay the heck off, and stop pulling all the good content from the game to put in the crown store. Would you rather have a heavily populated game with more players keeping subs, or have a ghost town game with a cash store to buy everything? Because those are quickly becoming your two options.

    Well, here is the thing... NEW players coming in won't notice a difference... it's only the 'vet' players who notice and complain. Typically vet players have already purchased most things and therefore are no longer a 'money-maker' for the game... those who generate the most cash are new players coming in who don't already have everything and won't know what existed or changed before they arrived. So no, ESO isn't marketing to existing players, and based upon the last major changes to the game, don't really care how upset vet players are or if they leave the game. This seems to be the route of a lot of MMOs out there; they cash in on players who come in, spend money for awhile, then leave for another game... there is very little rewards anymore for long-term players in most MMOs.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Anne_Firehawk
    I say it again, this house SHOULD be available for golds (5mil+) for owners of the Imperial Edition since this is the Imperial Manor. Everything else is nonsense and i'm really dissapointed :(

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • Magdalina
    Tbh I can't believe anyone really expected Zenimax to list this for gold. People want it? It's going for crowns. Simple. Because ZO$.
  • Tyrobag
    I say it again, this house SHOULD be available for golds (5mil+) for owners of the Imperial Edition since this is the Imperial Manor. Everything else is nonsense and i'm really dissapointed :(

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

  • jkolb2030
    Can someone be so kind to post pictures or a video of the manor?

    worth it at all?
  • Tyrobag
    jkolb2030 wrote: »
    Can someone be so kind to post pictures or a video of the manor?

    worth it at all?

    Not for crowns.
  • Aurie
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Aurelle1 wrote: »
    Not getting excited about this. They look huge on the outside, but once you get inside it's meh.
    How can you tell? It's not possible to get inside any of them yet, and the only one you can actually see is the Cozy Fenside Cottage.

    I'm not talking about those in particular.

    Generally, with a few exceptions, houses look massive and then inside the space and number of rooms are very disappointing.

    I've done the virtual tour of nearly every house in the game so far.

    The exceptions that spring to mind are Daggerfall Outlook, Strident Springs and Hundings Palatial Hall....which all have a decent amount of space within their categories. Which is why I bought them.

    Yes there are others such as Earthtear Cavern, but they are not conventional homes.

  • MLGProPlayer
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Tbh I can't believe anyone really expected Zenimax to list this for gold. People want it? It's going for crowns. Simple. Because ZO$.

    The cave and island were both original assets. The mushroom tower was sort of an original asset.

    The large imperial house asset has been in the game since it launched in 2014. So far, houses that use existing assets have all been available for gold. It seemed pretty logical that this one would be too. But I guess I underestimated ZOS.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 31, 2017 8:25PM
  • ixie
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Tbh I can't believe anyone really expected Zenimax to list this for gold. People want it? It's going for crowns. Simple. Because ZO$.

    The cave and island were both original assets. The mushroom tower was sort of an original asset.

    The large imperial house asset has been in the game since it launched in 2014. So far, houses that use existing assets have all been available for gold. It seemed pretty logical that this one would be too. But I guess I underestimated ZOS.

    That's a very good point. I'm not interested Linchal Grand Manor, it's not my type of thing, and the way the ground texture has been applied looks sloppy, I am however concerned about the precedent the crown only purchase sets and what that means for the future
    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • Magdalina
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Tbh I can't believe anyone really expected Zenimax to list this for gold. People want it? It's going for crowns. Simple. Because ZO$.

    The cave and island were both original assets. The mushroom tower was sort of an original asset.

    The large imperial house asset has been in the game since it launched in 2014. So far, houses that use existing assets have all been available for gold. It seemed pretty logical that this one would be too. But I guess I underestimated ZOS.

    You underestimated ZOS :p You also overestimated their logical department. They don't have one and are using the funds saved on further developing the crown store.

    Maybe if people acted like they didn't care(very unlikely but maaaaaaybe). But with how excited and eager to buy it people seemed it was a given they'd push for crowns :/
  • Vaoh
    Will be cool to Preview at least :lol:
  • Anne_Firehawk
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Will be cool to Preview at least :lol:

    That's not funny :(
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • Vaoh
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Will be cool to Preview at least :lol:

    That's not funny :(

    Sorry :smirk:
  • Enodoc
    I say it again, this house SHOULD be available for golds (5mil+) for owners of the Imperial Edition since this is the Imperial Manor. Everything else is nonsense and i'm really dissapointed :(

    ZOS_GinaBruno ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Gold, yes. Not Imperial Edition though, as they've already got three houses. This one should be based on the Gold Coast Connections achievement.
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  • Hymzir
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    Was the previous home you mentioned by any chance Domus Phrasticus? My husband purchased that house, but did not notice its flaws until after purchasing it - that the interior does not match the exterior and it looks like there should be at least a partial third floor (or attic). He has buyer's remorse now and hates the house and never visits it.

    It was indeed... Since I main an Imperial fighting in the ranks of DC, Domus Phrasticus was an obvious choice. Imperial style, near the gates leading to the northern DC staging area and all... But the mismatch between the exterior and interior was appalling.

    In the end I bought it as my secondary home, with the intent of furnishing it as my home near the frontlines, and maybe turn the upper floor into a large library with all them lore books you can buy from mages guild.

    The problems with architecture pretty much made it impossible to use as my primary residence. But due to the whole business of furnishing homes being such a merciless grind for mats it just ended up as a storage for surplus furnishing junk and not something I have much motivation to actually set up as a proper dwelling.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Zos don't go though with this.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Tannus15
    I have not and will not be buying houses with crowns. Ever.

    Sad, because some of the crown only houses are very pretty, but they are SOOOOO expensive and there are so many good houses available for gold that i'll manage without.

    Hell, I'm working on decorating Mathiisan Manor and I bought that on the day homesteads launched.
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