Linchal Grand Manor

  • Epona222
    Whereabouts is the Glenumbra one? I'd particularly like to see where it is, I've been banging on for ages about how I'd love a hut in rural Glenumbra!

    EDIT: Not to worry, I found it - just to the SW of Hag Fen wayshrine in case anyone else is interested
    Edited by Epona222 on July 14, 2017 10:28PM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • malchior
    So I trespassed into the Gold Coast Trading house and had a look around. It doesn't look bad, it's nice. But yes it needs more rooms for a manor. The large balcony is definitely a nice feature.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Turelus wrote: »
    Surely this has to be a Crown purchase, I mean I want it to be gold I really do but something that nice and ZOS using it to sell in the Crown store? I would be shocked.

    Also @Demion I believe you'll be buying this sir.

    All the crown store homes have been original assets so far.

    This is just using the large Imperial house model that's already in the game (there is one in Hollow City and anther in Anvil). It wouldn't make sense to sell for crowns since it didn't cost them any development hours to create.
  • MLGProPlayer
    malchior wrote: »
    So I trespassed into the Gold Coast Trading house and had a look around. It doesn't look bad, it's nice. But yes it needs more rooms for a manor. The large balcony is definitely a nice feature.

    You can freely walk around the inn in Hollow City (same house model).
  • malchior
    Good to know, cheers. Will be having another look.
    malchior wrote: »
    So I trespassed into the Gold Coast Trading house and had a look around. It doesn't look bad, it's nice. But yes it needs more rooms for a manor. The large balcony is definitely a nice feature.

    You can freely walk around the inn in Hollow City (same house model).

  • Hymzir
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.
  • SodanTok
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.
    Edited by SodanTok on July 16, 2017 11:12AM
  • ixie
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I think it's actually in Craglorn
    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • SodanTok
    ixie wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I think it's actually in Craglorn

    ... It is in Gold Coast. You can visit it already (well... the gate; you cant go inside)
  • Feanor
    "Original" houses? That was a good one...
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Anne_Firehawk
    Still no reply from ZOS :(

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • Hymzir
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I see... I haven't had time to install PTS this time around - busy with travel plans and stuff, and the time I have to game I need to use for doing stuff on the live servers. So am going by what others posted in the thread, and on the way it looked in the pic in to OP. It is in the Anvil style and not the general Imperial style used in Kvatch, so it was, in my mind at least, reasonable to expect it to be closer to Anvil than Kvatch. If you could post some landmark on live servers that is near the place, that'd be much appreciated.

    But even so... The whole gold coast area is really small so it doesn't really matter. Where it is. So if it lies some where between Kvatch and Anvil, it's still, in my mind, around Anvil. The problems the house model has, does make the whole thing moot anyway - since I am quite dis-inclined on buying it at the moment. It's just that ever since Homestead update I've been wishing they'd add one to Gold coast. But looks like I'm gonna pass this one by. Shame really.
  • ixie
    SodanTok wrote: »
    ixie wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I think it's actually in Craglorn

    ... It is in Gold Coast. You can visit it already (well... the gate; you cant go inside)

    ahh yes you're right, I was getting it confused with the nord one in craglorn
    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • MLGProPlayer
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.

    None of the houses have an interior that matches the exterior.
  • SodanTok
    Hymzir wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I see... I haven't had time to install PTS this time around - busy with travel plans and stuff, and the time I have to game I need to use for doing stuff on the live servers. So am going by what others posted in the thread, and on the way it looked in the pic in to OP. It is in the Anvil style and not the general Imperial style used in Kvatch, so it was, in my mind at least, reasonable to expect it to be closer to Anvil than Kvatch. If you could post some landmark on live servers that is near the place, that'd be much appreciated.

    But even so... The whole gold coast area is really small so it doesn't really matter. Where it is. So if it lies some where between Kvatch and Anvil, it's still, in my mind, around Anvil. The problems the house model has, does make the whole thing moot anyway - since I am quite dis-inclined on buying it at the moment. It's just that ever since Homestead update I've been wishing they'd add one to Gold coast. But looks like I'm gonna pass this one by. Shame really.

    Can do better than that:
  • Hymzir
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.
    None of the houses have an interior that matches the exterior.

    Well that just is not true.

    Many the houses do in fact have matching interiors and exteriors - am not gonna list all of them, but Snugpod in Elden Root is pretty much the same inside and outside, as is Grymhart's Woe in Windhelm and so is my primary home - House of the Silent Magnifigo in Sentinel. The houses added in Morrowind also seemed to have matching exteriors and interiors.

    There may be scale issues between some exteriors and interiors, it is quite common practice after all. However, as long as the shape is mostly the same, and has the right number of windows on the correct walls and so on, then it isn't that big of a problem. When exteriors have windows on wrong walls, or have incorrect numbers of them, or there are structures visible outside that do not exist on the inside, that is when disconnects start to happen. And those things are easy to spot.

    Difference in spatial dimensions are harder to gauge, as long as they are not too egregious. A lot of the building assets exist in game also as ruined versions, where the interior and exterior exist in the space world space. So it's hard to tell how much there is of this thing going around, and in any case it is not that big of a deal to me.

    But there are houses that do not have matching interiors with their exteriors for sure - Check Old Mistveil Manor for an example... When you enter the building you are in a corridor, and the ground floor is roughly T shaped, but according to the exterior it should be a rectangle. It's that kind of differences that really annoy me.

    Generally speaking, the bigger the house is, the more likely it is that it's interior and exteriors do not match. The bigger houses all sort of ancillary structures glued onto them that do not exist as interior spaces. And all the imperial houses are really bad as far as matching exteriors and interiors go.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I see... I haven't had time to install PTS this time around - busy with travel plans and stuff, and the time I have to game I need to use for doing stuff on the live servers. So am going by what others posted in the thread, and on the way it looked in the pic in to OP. It is in the Anvil style and not the general Imperial style used in Kvatch, so it was, in my mind at least, reasonable to expect it to be closer to Anvil than Kvatch. If you could post some landmark on live servers that is near the place, that'd be much appreciated.

    But even so... The whole gold coast area is really small so it doesn't really matter. Where it is. So if it lies some where between Kvatch and Anvil, it's still, in my mind, around Anvil. The problems the house model has, does make the whole thing moot anyway - since I am quite dis-inclined on buying it at the moment. It's just that ever since Homestead update I've been wishing they'd add one to Gold coast. But looks like I'm gonna pass this one by. Shame really.

    Can do better than that:

    Thanks - damn... that is a shame. Definitely not interested in it anymore then. And it is in a really rather stupid place for a home anyway. It's totally in the middle of nowhere, difficult to access, and everything around it is build in the general imperial style. So those Anvil style walls and towers really look out of place sitting there next to Kvatch.

    Oh well... At least will save my money then.

    Edited by Hymzir on July 16, 2017 11:38PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.
    None of the houses have an interior that matches the exterior.

    Well that just is not true.

    Many the houses do in fact have matching interiors and exteriors - am not gonna list all of them, but Snugpod in Elden Root is pretty much the same inside and outside, as is Grymhart's Woe in Windhelm and so is my primary home - House of the Silent Magnifigo in Sentinel. The houses added in Morrowind also seemed to have matching exteriors and interiors.

    There may be scale issues between some exteriors and interiors, it is quite common practice after all. However, as long as the shape is mostly the same, and has the right number of windows on the correct walls and so on, then it isn't that big of a problem. When exteriors have windows on wrong walls, or have incorrect numbers of them, or there are structures visible outside that do not exist on the inside, that is when disconnects start to happen. And those things are easy to spot.

    Difference in spatial dimensions are harder to gauge, as long as they are not too egregious. A lot of the building assets exist in game also as ruined versions, where the interior and exterior exist in the space world space. So it's hard to tell how much there is of this thing going around, and in any case it is not that big of a deal to me.

    But there are houses that do not have matching interiors with their exteriors for sure - Check Old Mistveil Manor for an example... When you enter the building you are in a corridor, and the ground floor is roughly T shaped, but according to the exterior it should be a rectangle. It's that kind of differences that really annoy me.

    Generally speaking, the bigger the house is, the more likely it is that it's interior and exteriors do not match. The bigger houses all sort of ancillary structures glued onto them that do not exist as interior spaces. And all the imperial houses are really bad as far as matching exteriors and interiors go.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I see... I haven't had time to install PTS this time around - busy with travel plans and stuff, and the time I have to game I need to use for doing stuff on the live servers. So am going by what others posted in the thread, and on the way it looked in the pic in to OP. It is in the Anvil style and not the general Imperial style used in Kvatch, so it was, in my mind at least, reasonable to expect it to be closer to Anvil than Kvatch. If you could post some landmark on live servers that is near the place, that'd be much appreciated.

    But even so... The whole gold coast area is really small so it doesn't really matter. Where it is. So if it lies some where between Kvatch and Anvil, it's still, in my mind, around Anvil. The problems the house model has, does make the whole thing moot anyway - since I am quite dis-inclined on buying it at the moment. It's just that ever since Homestead update I've been wishing they'd add one to Gold coast. But looks like I'm gonna pass this one by. Shame really.

    Can do better than that:

    Thanks - damn... that is a shame. Definitely not interested in it anymore then. And it is in a really rather stupid place for a home anyway. It's totally in the middle of nowhere, difficult to access, and everything around it is build in the general imperial style. So those Anvil style walls and towers really look out of place sitting there next to Kvatch.

    Oh well... At least will save my money then.

    Two houses that I looked at pretty closely when Homestead came out (Strident Springs and Mathiisen Manor) had interiors that weren't even remotely similar to their exteriors. None of the windows matched up. Rooms where there shouldn't be walls. Missing stories. And so on. From quick scans of the other large homes, it's more of the same.

    The only ones that are close to their exterior are the small, single room homes (it's kind of hard for a square or circle shaped room to not match its exterior).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 17, 2017 9:11PM
  • NyassaV
    I want... But sadly I probably can't use more than 500 bloody furnishing items in it
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Hymzir
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Been checking up the interior a lot these few past days, since I really want to get a nice big house around Anvil. Would've been rather nice if I could've bought the house that is where Benirus Manor will stand, at some point in the future, but that's the bank in Anvil, so not much chance of that happening.

    So it seems it's Linchal Grand Manor or not at all then... Which sucks, since that house model is starting to annoy me more and more. My biggest gripe is the fact that the interior is not aligned correctly. The exterior of the house is symmetrical but the interior is not. It's not off by much, but it is enough to be obvious. And once you start laying out furnishings, it will become even more obvious.

    Am also not a fan of those ledges in the side rooms downstairs. They serve no real purpose, except to waste space and make furnishing them that much harder. The Dark Elf houses share this problem. But not planning on buying any of those so I can always just ignore them. But was planning on buying a home in Anvil so... In this house those ledges are an issue.

    The upstairs is bit better than I first remembered, but still has a lot of wasted space and a bad layout. The stairwell takes enormous amount of space when compared to the size of the actual rooms. And the two doorways to the balcony are also rather large. I understand the point in having the exterior door frames to be big and imposing - but why on earth would one waste the space on the interior doorways?

    Cultural design nonsense I suppose... Not what I would've done, but guess I can live with that one. Still annoys me though.

    But the real kicker is, that the third and fourth floor in the central spire, do not exist inside the building. I already bought one house that has an obvious third floor according to the exterior, but only has two floors inside. That one also has other problems with the interior and exterior not matching. And it took a lot of self convincing myself about the location - which is the point why I bought the damn place - being so good that it would outweigh the disconnect between interior and exterior.

    I don't know if I can do that again. One of the reasons I bought the house that I did for my primary home, was that it's interior matched the exterior fairly well. And despite there being some sort of belief among game devs, that it doesn't matter whether the exterior matches the interior, that nobody pays any attention to such things,... Well they are wrong. These things do matter, and people do pay attention to them.

    Please make the interiors of buildings match their exteriors.

    So, at the very least, you need to fix either the exterior to be asymmetrical, or make the interior symmetrical and align the damn door, and the small room opposite of said door, with the central axis of the building. You also need to need to make the third and fourth floor accessible. They can exist as separate space for all I care. The easiest way to do this is, to simply plop a doorway next to the fire place upstairs, that leads to a new space. In the new space you can have the entry point be at the bottom of a narrow stairwell leading to the upper floors. That would add 2 more rooms to the whole thing (the third floor, which I would 'prolly furnish into a master bedroom, and a smaller 4th floor lookout, which would make an excellent spot for a mages study.) and thus add some real value to the property. And make buying it that much more enticing.

    If you do that, then I at least will be a pretty much guaranteed buyer when it becomes available. Whether for gold or Crowns. But as it stands... I'd have to force myself into buying it, and would hate having done so. And would hate the game even more for having this thing as the option in Anvil - my all time favorite town in all of Tamriel.
    None of the houses have an interior that matches the exterior.

    Well that just is not true.

    Many the houses do in fact have matching interiors and exteriors - am not gonna list all of them, but Snugpod in Elden Root is pretty much the same inside and outside, as is Grymhart's Woe in Windhelm and so is my primary home - House of the Silent Magnifigo in Sentinel. The houses added in Morrowind also seemed to have matching exteriors and interiors.

    There may be scale issues between some exteriors and interiors, it is quite common practice after all. However, as long as the shape is mostly the same, and has the right number of windows on the correct walls and so on, then it isn't that big of a problem. When exteriors have windows on wrong walls, or have incorrect numbers of them, or there are structures visible outside that do not exist on the inside, that is when disconnects start to happen. And those things are easy to spot.

    Difference in spatial dimensions are harder to gauge, as long as they are not too egregious. A lot of the building assets exist in game also as ruined versions, where the interior and exterior exist in the space world space. So it's hard to tell how much there is of this thing going around, and in any case it is not that big of a deal to me.

    But there are houses that do not have matching interiors with their exteriors for sure - Check Old Mistveil Manor for an example... When you enter the building you are in a corridor, and the ground floor is roughly T shaped, but according to the exterior it should be a rectangle. It's that kind of differences that really annoy me.

    Generally speaking, the bigger the house is, the more likely it is that it's interior and exteriors do not match. The bigger houses all sort of ancillary structures glued onto them that do not exist as interior spaces. And all the imperial houses are really bad as far as matching exteriors and interiors go.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    Hymzir wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    @Hymzir you keep talking about house in Anvil I fear I have another bad news for you. It is not in Anvil. It is out in the wilderness near Kvatch.

    I see... I haven't had time to install PTS this time around - busy with travel plans and stuff, and the time I have to game I need to use for doing stuff on the live servers. So am going by what others posted in the thread, and on the way it looked in the pic in to OP. It is in the Anvil style and not the general Imperial style used in Kvatch, so it was, in my mind at least, reasonable to expect it to be closer to Anvil than Kvatch. If you could post some landmark on live servers that is near the place, that'd be much appreciated.

    But even so... The whole gold coast area is really small so it doesn't really matter. Where it is. So if it lies some where between Kvatch and Anvil, it's still, in my mind, around Anvil. The problems the house model has, does make the whole thing moot anyway - since I am quite dis-inclined on buying it at the moment. It's just that ever since Homestead update I've been wishing they'd add one to Gold coast. But looks like I'm gonna pass this one by. Shame really.

    Can do better than that:

    Thanks - damn... that is a shame. Definitely not interested in it anymore then. And it is in a really rather stupid place for a home anyway. It's totally in the middle of nowhere, difficult to access, and everything around it is build in the general imperial style. So those Anvil style walls and towers really look out of place sitting there next to Kvatch.

    Oh well... At least will save my money then.

    Two houses that I looked at pretty closely when Homestead came out (Strident Springs and Mathiisen Manor) had interiors that weren't even remotely similar to their exteriors. None of the windows matched up. Walls where there shouldn't be walls. Missing stories. And so on. From quick scans of the other large homes, it's more of the same.

    The only ones that are close to their exterior are the small, single room homes (it's kind of hard for a square or circle shaped room to not match its exterior).

    Like I said... The bigger the house is, the more likely it is to have mismatching interior with it's exterior. As far as I can tell, all of the small houses do match, as do most of the medium ones. But not all... Looking at you Domus Phrasticus...

    The large houses are a mixed patch - some are really bad like two you listed - Mathiisen Manor and Strident Spring (which is quite possibly the worst offender in the game.) But other large houses do match up, like Gardner House and Dawnshadow (that one does have one errant window opening to an area that is blocked by the staircase in the interior. But add a faux door on the wall and pretend there is like a toilet or something behind it and problem solved.) Many large houses are missing windows (Forsaken Stronghold) or have too many windows on the exterior (Hunding's Palatial Palace) but at least have interiors that are similar in shape with their exteriors.

    As for the manors... Well Earthtear is a cave so no issues there (plenty of other things to complain abuot though...) Grand Topal Hide a way is an island, and most of the huts do match up as far as I recall. Daggerfall Overlook is pure rubbish, and Ebonheart Chateau isn't any better either, but Serenity Falls is pretty much smack on. It does have three fake windows on the exterior, where the staircase is on the inside. But I can live with the notion of them being purposefully fake in order to give the building the impression of a symmetrical facade. Not that I bought the place, since do not want a Khajit house nor do I like the location either.

    As for the Morrowind houses... Well re-checked them just now... And Ald Velothi Harbor House has no structural issues (I do get a sense of spatial distortion, that is the interior seems bigger than the exterior would suggest) but Amaya Lake lodge is missing huge chunks from it's interiors. So that one us total rubbish too. And the mushroom tower... Well two of the three side rooms on the ground floor do not exist on the exterior, and there is most definitely spatial distortion going on in there. No way all that fits inside the shroom...

    But yeah - there are some houses that do match up, and some that don't, and some that have only minor issues you can sort of work around. The two you mentioned are most definitely form the worse end of the scale.
  • Zypheran
    I just wish they would give a thought to position these houses near wayshrines .... or better still, allow us place wayshrines in our homes
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Epona222
    Zypheran wrote: »
    I just wish they would give a thought to position these houses near wayshrines .... or better still, allow us place wayshrines in our homes

    The Glenumbra wyrd hut thing is right near a wayshrine :)
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Hoping to see some pictures or videos of the new homes and are they gold purchasable?
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • actosh
    U may see them next week when we get access to them.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Zypheran wrote: »
    I just wish they would give a thought to position these houses near wayshrines .... or better still, allow us place wayshrines in our homes

    Never use a wayshrine again.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 17, 2017 9:12PM
  • Rex-Umbra
    Really still not available?
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Is it gonna be available for purchase for Gold and Crowns at the launch of the new DLC? :blush: Im really hyped for it!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Nice. I really wanted a Colovian manor.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Leogon
    Hollery wrote: »
    I want... But sadly I probably can't use more than 500 bloody furnishing items in it
    This. The item limit will make it look half empty even with ESO+.
    Edited by Leogon on July 17, 2017 11:06PM
  • actosh
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    Really still not available?

    Gina said they come maybe next weeks pts patch. Was exited for them too.
  • MLGProPlayer
    One thing that's going to have me apprehensive about getting this house is the fact that you can't craft or trade Imperial furniture. It's exclusive to the crown store. This will make decorating the house a very expensive affair.

    The other Imperial houses in the game so far are in the "Kvatch" architectural style, which uses similar stonework to Breton, Dark Elf, and Orcish houses. This means that their furnishings are relatively inrerchanageable. These houses don't even have their own furniture style (ZOS mysteriously removed all "Kvatch" style furnishings from the game during the Homestead PTS and never put them back).

    The "Anvil" style homes, on the other hand, have a very unique architectural style (they use white stone). None of the other races have furniture that matches. So if you want more light posts, a well, or a fountain that matches the style of your house, you're going to need to spend a lot of crowns.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 19, 2017 11:02AM
  • Anne_Firehawk
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Linchal Grand Manor: This imposing estate in the Nibenese style was originally built as the summer manor of an Imperial City nobleman, now sadly deceased. Gardens with statues and a reflecting pool surround the stately walled mansion. Sumptuous!
    This home will only be available for purchase with crowns once it goes live.

    Why is it only available for crowns? You had the chance to do something good, It should be available for purchase with GOLD for owners of the imperial Edition, please :(
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

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