Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.1 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v3.1.0

  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    the reduction to sharpened is kinda annoying tbh, you basically have to recalculate all chars now and spriggans will become even more sought after and dominant so i don't like that at all

    by the way: how many bleed abilities are there? Only the ones from the weapon skill lines? That set seems like an interesting idea but way underpowered

    Spriggan's offers no inherent crit bonus and the reduction in Thief mundus effect may cripple it. I'd be more thinking that Night Mother's Gaze will become more competitive
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Very pleased with these patch notes :smile: from trait rebalance to proc sets rework, very good!

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • usmcjdking
    The VSO Mantikora fix is long overdue, by about a year.

    The rest of the trials need mechanic-skipping adjustments in the same regard. Some obviously more work than others.
    Edited by usmcjdking on July 11, 2017 4:40AM
  • bovardjeff_ESO
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Um it says that the defending trait was dropped from over 5k to just above 2k but im looking at the normal game now my defending sword (1 hand) doesnt give me over 5k armor/spell.......
  • Oliviander
    Many changes might be good but this is a real Baaad decision,
    if not a gamebreaker:

    Renamed “Crafting Motif 1: Altmer Style” to “Crafting Motif 1: High Elf Style”.
    Renamed “Crafting Motif 2: Dunmer Style” to “Crafting Motif 2: Dark Elf Style”.

  • BigES
    BigES wrote: »

    This is not a threat, and I really don't care if its perceived as dramatic, but if you nerf sharpened by 50% I'm quitting your game and giving you zero dollars lol. I'm not going to refarm all my gear for BiS in a game where min/maxing is a major aspect of the game.

    Maybe it's a major aspect for you, but it isn't for a lot of players. I don't think I'm going out on a limb and saying the majority of players aren't interested in min/max or getting everything BiS. Do they want some good sets? Sure. Do they want to farm the same content 200 times to get that ideal weapon or armor piece? Probably not.

    In all of the MMOs I have played, the "hardcore" audience inevitably fails to realize that the way they play and enjoy the game is not the only way to do so. The way they play isn't wrong, of course - it's just not the way everyone plays. It's not even the "best" way.

    I do feel bad for all of those players who spent a ton of time farming content for a sharpened weapon. However, that weapon wasn't necessary to play most of the content. So, some looking into the mirror has to come with the anger about this change.

    It's an MMO, and it changes a lot - which is why I'm fine with "decent." Your favorite "whatever" can change at any time.

    Thanks for the reasonable/considerate response.

    And yeah, and I get that. Its totally reasonable for another player to say "I don't care about min/maxing and working to farm this BiS item". But also, its simultaneously fine for me to say "Yes, Im highly (overly) competitive and I want the best possible item, and I'm willing to analyze and spend entirely too much time getting that ideal set up". Its what I enjoy doing, and so do most other competitive players. But you farm that item with some level of expectation that its rank order relative to other traits will remain the same. As a BiS item.

    But simultaneously, the players that stated they don't care have just lucked into a near as makes no difference decision (or maybe BiS) by pure chance. So Billy the Templar might equip that precise item with little to no care or acknowledgement about whether he's maximizing his setup. Is that what we want here? I enjoy the complexities of this game, but the further this game solves decision making processes for you (just as with automatic proc sets), the less appealing it becomes to me personally. Maybe that's what other people want, but its certainly not what I want.

    I'm not asking for a unbalanced weapon trait system. I'm asking that the rank order of BiS stays at least somewhat consistent. A 50% nerf undermines this principle. Or if you're going to undermine sharpened, at least give us a token system. Because I'm not running back into every dungeon and zone on the planet to pray to the RNG Gods again for infused and precise versions of every weapon I've hoarded.

    Another key point is that a boost to Nirnhoned significant changes the appeal of craftable sets. Again, that's good for "build diversity". But it requires a rework/reanalysis. Again. And for what purpose is this "balance" occurring? And why did it take so long?

    The problem with this development team, is that their idea of "balance" comes when all things are used in equal proportion. If there are 10,000 players in the game, 2,000 use nirnhoned, 2,000 use sharpened, 2,000 use infused, 2,000 used precise, and 2,000 use. There it is. We've balanced the game.

    So many balance changes just seem... misguided or misdirected. Like the new heavy attack meta thats been created. Where's that patch note? Its broken right now. Between Heavy Armor, Resto Staff, Tenacity, and the 30% they passively gave us with Morrowind, HA returns WAY too many resources. WAY TOO MANY. Its hilarious how much I get back with my heavies. I can complain about it, and ask for an adjustment now, but it will just fall on deaf ears. Eventually, I'm sure, 8-12 months down the road, and several farming sessions later, it will finally occur to them that its broken. And then we'll be right back where we started.
  • MirkoZ
    OH MY GOD.
  • Derra
    Enslaved wrote: »
    "fixed an issue where players farmed sharpened weapons for years"
    "fixed an issue where you were able to do damage with weapons you farmed for years"

    Why, thanks, Zos. I only spent 9000 hours of my life farming those. Not that I ask for refunds or something, but this is pretty much the worst move ever seen in any game. You just spitted, pissed and took a dump on every single player that ever grinded for weapons. So what now? Do we farm our sweet asses off for precise weapons and run lover mundus? Bull F S.

    Since Mundus/trait are absolutely interchangeable now - no?

    Most likely you farm precise and go apprentice :P
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • H3rBie
    hmm, sharpend nerf, ok for me and should be no problem for those who farmed their sharpend vma weapons.....

    I'm pretty sure that most of the vma farmers have their precise and nirn weapons in the box :smile:
  • BigES
    Hymzir wrote: »
    You are basically turning a bad trait to an utterly worthless one... Good grief. No one likes Prosperous because of what it does. People hate it because it is bad, not because the concept itself is garbage.

    QFT. And yet another perfect example of the development team's inability to make simple adjustments to existing concepts.

    Us: "Hey, devs. We've got this set Viper's Sting. It's a problem and needs some adjusting. It hits, like, super hard, doesn't' scale with our character stats, and has no proc chance. What about if you, like, just work on fixing those aspects of it? But listen, don't ruin it. Just some minor adjustments. Sound good?"

    Devs: "Okay, we heard you. So listen. Viper now is going to be a DoT. I know, right? Totally not what you asked for. Oh, and Red Mountain is now a volcano, and Widowmaker is as worthless as the Essence Thief set. And we adjusted all the Mundus Stones and weapons traits while we were at it. And we painted your house. Actually, we went to paint your house and it caught fire. Sorry about that."
  • elderianmage
    New DLC nice gotta have that right guys?! meanwhile first thing of game still not fixed: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/351459/low-fps-unplayable-game
  • adriant1978
    • The Lover: Now grants ... Penetration

    Someone either didn't think carefully enough about this, or has a wicked dirty sense of humour. ;)
  • Kneighbors
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    Vicious Death still not punished like all the other proc sets - the original and worst of them gets a free pass along with proxy det. Guess ZOS supports bombing?

    No. I think we must make flat battlefield with all players visible and we can only fight in a straightforward way. We will adjust to your style of play because it is the most fair and reasonable style.

    Like are you for real man? Bombing is a part of a strategy in this game. If you don't like it go play Sims because I don't think there are many games left which try to minimize strategy.

    And no, I've never had a bomber character.
  • Koensol
    Azramel wrote: »
    I like a lot of what I see, especially the buffs to mundus stones and weapon trait and proc set revision. Although, when I heard you guys were changing proc sets and buffing some, I was hoping you would buff the crappy ones from Imperial City DLC. (Sheer Venom and Overwhelming) I farmed 4 days in ICP for sheer venom, and when I finally got all my pieces and tested it, I took it off almost immediately. So underpowered. I see viper is now a dot, I hope it doesn't become a joke like sheer venom.
    @Azramel Sheer venom is anything but underpowered. You just don't know how to use it. Combine it with double dot poison and poison injection on a charged bow (extra poison application) and it applies a ton of pressure to people in pvp. I can just fire a heavy attack+poison injection, about 2-3 light attacks. Then everything procs, target is already at 60% health. Switch bars, ambush, fear and hammer away. It is so much pressure most people cannot handle it.

    Dont believe me? Check this video for reference of what it can do on a good player:

    Edited by Koensol on July 11, 2017 7:01AM
  •  Czirne
    This is awesome! Proc nerfed, great! And finaly sharpened nerfed, now i can use my precise vma greatsword and be efficient.
    I believe in lagless Cyrodiil!
  • SirCritical
    Saturn wrote: »
    • The Lover: Now grants 2752 Physical and Spell Penetration instead of granting Spell Resistance.

    There seems to be something wrong with this mundus stone, since a friend and I both picked it up, but while I get 2752, he gets 4059.

    Divines gearpieces?
    Edited by SirCritical on July 11, 2017 7:14AM
  • mzdarsky
    ): nerf sharpened, nerf thief and nerf half the monster helms... what about all the people who did vMA farming for a sharp inferno or lightning for it to now be useless.. i feel as if you want everyone to just stop playing >;_;> because changes went so deep when morrowind dropped and now even more changes... it's already took several players to get there stuff together now again.. it's just getting more dull after a while with all these nerfs making the game meh nowadays.

    debating if i'm done or not but all those times in vMA q-q i don't know...
    i would prefer the stones [ Thief, Atro, and Lover to remain the same. Also sharpened and defending shouldn't get a nerf.. (( the other stones are meh.))

    I disagree with you 100%. You basically stated the entire problem. People farming only to get sharpened or defending. Well now that it's nerfed there are other traits viable for different builds. Maybe only nerfed to 3k, but either way I was super sick of just farming for one trait and deconing everything else. It makes it more exciting now when you get a drop you could figure out a way to work it in your build. Also with some of these crazy tank builds I feel defending was causing more of a problem than sharpened. So I am glad.
  • Epicasballs
    Really great changes. The changes to proc sets and now being to have counter play is overdue but much appreciated! I was hoping to see if we can get an achievement furnishing for Flawless Conquerer to put in our houses... if we could get something to show off in our crib it'd be very appreciated, thank you :)

  • mzdarsky
    MaxwellC wrote: »
    YES! We need another nerf to the DragonKnight, time to go for the record number of what the 18th time?
    It would be great if you provided something like oh I don't know actually giving the class up to date passives, better skills that aren't completely f'd, and our damn AoE back since you guys in the past cried about it causing server issues but had no damn problem giving sorcerers the same exact thing but with a bigger radius like nice :trollface: FoH.

    Seriously? DK's are by far, not even a question the best tanks in the game and since the game is a tank based meta right now, you have dks sitting in battlegrounds holding block and not dying, but you think dks are not viable? Have you even created other classes? Templars, stamblades, the new warden. Those classes have a much harder time in pvp than any DK would. Maybe you just need to change up your rotation. Just saying I think Dk is pretty good right now.
  • TheHsN
    This is the Best Patch Notes i have ever read with pleasure...

    *Balance tries look very good...
    *I love what u did with sharpened trait it was time...
    *Infused could be %40 and nirnhorned %21 to compared how sharpened is powerfull BUT nice try:)......maybe next pts patches:)...
    *Monster set changes are great.. (Only Nerien'eth 1st bonus could be Max Magicka or Magicha rec... It would be great @ZOS_GinaBruno
    *Proc Set changes are very good love them...

    if u keep going like this to live im back on to the game......with ESO +

    Thank you...
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • altemriel
    Enslaved wrote: »
    "fixed an issue where players farmed sharpened weapons for years"
    "fixed an issue where you were able to do damage with weapons you farmed for years"

    Why, thanks, Zos. I only spent 9000 hours of my life farming those. Not that I ask for refunds or something, but this is pretty much the worst move ever seen in any game. You just spitted, pissed and took a dump on every single player that ever grinded for weapons. So what now? Do we farm our sweet asses off for precise weapons and run lover mundus? Bull F S.

  • TheHsN
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Sharpened trait nerfed by nearly a half, still no token system, what about all these people who farmed like crazy their sharpened weapons ZOS? Why are you spit on your players once again? I'm done.

    No need for token system now but sharpen can have some buff like 4k penetration.

    not at all pls...
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • Radburn
    Great changes!

    One request - Can you look into drop rates for rings in VMA? I haven't been able to complete a build because rings are almost non-existent.
  • Blackbird_V
    Improved treasure chests found in Veteran Dungeons and Trials. Now, simple-quality chests will never spawn in a Veteran Dungeon or Trial, which significantly improves your chance to get set items from treasure chests in Veteran Dungeons and Trials.

    Good change!

    It is. Get Treasure Hunter passive and you'll ALWAYS get a set item from intermediate chest.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • mzdarsky
    Azramel wrote: »
    I like a lot of what I see, especially the buffs to mundus stones and weapon trait and proc set revision. Although, when I heard you guys were changing proc sets and buffing some, I was hoping you would buff the crappy ones from Imperial City DLC. (Sheer Venom and Overwhelming) I farmed 4 days in ICP for sheer venom, and when I finally got all my pieces and tested it, I took it off almost immediately. So underpowered. I see viper is now a dot, I hope it doesn't become a joke like sheer venom.

    Sheer Venom is the only one of the 3 proc sets that didn't get nerfed, that I thought should. Sheer can be triggered at range with poison injection. Also with two hander you are triggering it all the time. How do you feel that set is bad at all? R u using it wrong? It should be nerfed

    @ZOS_GinaBruno please read
    One set that needs to get nerfed is troll king. Troll king is super op for tank dks, right now, unkillable tank meta
    The blood spawn should be nerfed more down to like 10 ultimate, especially when combined with mara set and resto ultimate, makes a mag unkillable.
    Selene should be very slightly nerfed, i think it scales to high for some builds.
  • Azramel
    Koensol wrote: »
    @Azramel Sheer venom is anything but underpowered. You just don't know how to use it. Combine it with double dot poison and poison injection on a charged bow (extra poison application) and it applies a ton of pressure to people in pvp. I can just fire a heavy attack+poison injection, about 2-3 light attacks. Then everything procs, target is already at 60% health. Switch bars, ambush, fear and hammer away. It is so much pressure most people cannot handle it.

    No, your over-estimating the set. You can easily do all that without sheer venom. Next time you use it, look at how much damage it reads. I got the tooltip up to 12k over 6 seconds and it ticks for around 500-600 damage per second on a single target and can be blocked reducing it down to 200-300 per second. The stamina and 2 weapon damage bonuses are nice but hardly justify the 5 piece set bonus. Btw, I watched the video. Nice burst but the dot from sheer venom was negligible. All that pressure will still be there with just poison inject and double poisons. You'll get higher dps with that build if your swap sheer venom for spriggan.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Enslaved wrote: »
    "fixed an issue where players farmed sharpened weapons for years"
    "fixed an issue where you were able to do damage with weapons you farmed for years"

    Why, thanks, Zos. I only spent 9000 hours of my life farming those. Not that I ask for refunds or something, but this is pretty much the worst move ever seen in any game.

    Consider yourself lucky they didn't raise the gear levels right after you got that cp160 sharpened weapon like they did before you got it.
    They still could raise the gear cap again and make everybody start over farming gear, except those who find a way to make easier to get items work or whatever they get work.

    Everybody seems to forget that an MMO that constantly updates is a consistently unstable thing. I prefer just finding something "good enough" to win and be done with it rather than pound my head against the wall to be "the best".
  • Mystrius_Archaion

    Prosperous was completely re-designed to grant a new combat function and will be an interesting choice for builds seeking to maximize resource recovery gains. Pairing the Divines trait with a recovery Mundus Stone will grant more recovery for that particular stat, but Prosperous will grant more recovery overall.
    • The Prosperous Armor Trait has been re-designed to give it a combat function. It now grants 11 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery as a gold-quality item, instead of gold gain.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno I didn't get it. Please clarify me. Extra gold will no longer be the bonus of this trait? Prosperous will be a regeneration trait now? Or will it be a trait that will give gold and stats regeneration?

    I would prefer it to still also give gold. That would be very nice. If it only gives that, personally, pitiful recovery amount then I still will be avoiding it and going with divines to buff recovery mundus buff of the stat I need recovery most for.
  • mzdarsky
    Fonzman517 wrote: »
    This patch makes me and many others want to quit the game. ZOS your game is slowly dying and will die if you continue down this road of balancing. You nerf cp, BiS gear and then what's next get rid of CP and make everyone the same. This is why a lot of your top players and raiding guilds have been quitting the game. You try to make people happy in PvP but fail then make everything crappy for PvE content. If you would fix some of the bugs in PvP you wouldn't have so much "unbalanced builds" that you have to "balance."

    Then quit...... nerfing cp and making it more that everyone has equal opportunity is what is going to keep a new player into the game. My friends and I have jumpped in and out of the game, every time eventually leaving cause of cp and the RNG grind fest. So now that battlegrounds is no cp, it requires skill and strategy and with this patch, having sharpened gone will create diversity. So I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, it is better to have a couple top guilds and maybe a thousand players leave if twenty thousand new players arrive and don't all leave. Overwatch, league of legends, dota, for honor, these games are a blast, not grind fests they are skill based games that keep people entertained. Now if you can have an MMO that requires skill, that is what's important. Some kid who can just grind or pay his way to become the best is not fun for anyone. So ESO should have some elements of grind, but allow for a skill based experience for new players to old.
    the housing and crafting systems allow for people to grind out enjoyment without affecting other people's fun. But playing pvp against someone that spent years grinding sets so powerful you can never win, is not fun.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    I actually like the changes. They're are doing some positive things with proc sets. They are making some other sets worthwhile. They are changing up traits and mundus stones in a good way (in my opinion) which will allow more diversity. Sure there is some stuff I wish was added or changed but overall I actually like what I see.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
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