asneakybanana wrote: »It's a simple fact that in this game often times numbers win no matter how skilled the opponent which is sad but is also needed in order to keep pugs around and population up because w/o them we have no PVP.
idk I wonder if pugs would like 1.1-2 pvp better or worse than recent guess would be better.
idk I wonder if pugs would like 1.1-2 pvp better or worse than recent guess would be better.
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
asneakybanana wrote: »
Not trying to start a flame war here but even if we had 8 destros in full damage builds we would run into an issue fighting 2x our numbers open field its just the fact that you can stack so much ranged single target healing that at most we can take out half of you while the other half make it out and then either camp or counter bomb and you spam rezzes while we move out of the counter bomb. If numbers were always even it wouldn't matter what we run nearly as much just simply due to the fact that when we do get 12 people down its basically a full wipe. It's a simple fact that in this game often times numbers win no matter how skilled the opponent which is sad but is also needed in order to keep pugs around and population up because w/o them we have no PVP.
Also, different guilds will always take different approaches to PVP, the VE approach is run a 24 man and run a group comp to hard counter us no matter how well it does in other situations. Our goal is to make builds that work in as many situations as possible, sure they excel in some places and fall short others but for the most part our builds are outperforming just full damage builds in 95% of the fights we come against. All in all VE is far and away our hardest fight, and despite some tactics that I would call cheesy and pathetic, it makes life much more interesting. Plus trying to make bulb quit the game again is the best part of my night
There is some kind of meme exsists about me on NA, Marc (that I actually play templar like a dude mvahaha). So I guess I'm a "dat toxic guy" now!
I understand completely. I no longer raid myself because I don't have enough time, and I've always enjoyed 1vX/small scale more, but talking down on other players playstyles, especially organised playstyles, isn't needed. It's the unorganised groups who stack on the same spot as every other unorganised group across all 3 factions that are the problem, which is more so because of Zos and their rubbish map design which promotes stacking in emp keeps and such.
Well it´s not like the organised groups try to create a situation where they attract those unorganised people to farm them.
Nooo who would do that on purpose
asneakybanana wrote: »
The people dying over and over to destro ult and vd are the same ones that would go into the cubby with perma bat dks and ground oils or spam healing springs and whatever else into absorbtion field giving sorc infinite resources or they would spam purge on blockade. There is always going to be some game mechanic that the more hardcore players take advantage of that will give them a considerable edge over the pugs and casuals it's just a permanent shifting meta that people find something strong, make builds to get the absolute most out of that meta and then slaughter the groups that don't make the most out of their setups.
Which happens for like 2-3 hours a night because on EU every guild tries to avoid one another. It gets tedious chasing other guilds who clearly have no interest in fighting. Meanwhile pugs stack in the same spot for hours on end whether it involves a guild or not. Just last night, the bridge fight was causing Vivec to lag for hours and there wasn't a single guild in the fight nor was there any action anywhere else on the map most of that time.
my point was people had more ability to fight larger groups with less numbers then, but i dont think it made the game less fun for pugs than today
Well the worst lag yesterday evening (which i happend to play from 7 to 11pm) was when blackswords farmed at bleakers and zergsquad at brindle + scroll.
It was still somewhat playable with a 4 person group though.
I´ve already posted about bridge and walls needing a redesign aswell. Too much of a funnelpoint while also it´s way to easy to stay alive for organised groups there.
It'd really be better if we kept flame out of this. This is absolutely not about any guild being the best. Regardless, that is not something that is measurable. There is not a current guild spoken of in here that hasn't wiped and been wiped by other guilds many times over. Every fight is has one circumstance or another.
Primarily we just want to promote organised guild play all around, as it is something that in my opinion, there is a deficit of right now. (NA at least) There are only maybe 1 or 2 top tier guilds active for either faction and what I would like to see is all the middle tier guilds step up to the plate and really bring the competitive nature of cyrodil back to life.
The reason I will always regards No Mercy as one of, if not the, strongest guild is because their period of supremacy was during a time when all other factions fielded their own top tier guilds, also some of the best the game has seen. I will always be of the opinion that you can only rate your strength by the strength of your enemies, and I would always rather loose hard fights than be winning easy ones. Winning hard ones is even better.
However all these great guilds of the past, No Mercy, DiE, Alacrity, IR, Havoc, Decible, The list goes on. They all have one thing in common. They are gone. Better to focus on all the upcoming guilds of today if we want to make the fights we are yet to have more fun.
End Pep talk.
Worst lag for me was 10-11.30 UK time (idk about blackswords but ZS usually end between 9-10 UK time). During the bridge fight there was no other fights on the map everytime I checked. I was in a 3 man group and it was near unplayable and that's without any guilds on the bridge.
asneakybanana wrote: »The people dying over and over to destro ult and vd are the same ones that would go into the cubby with perma bat dks and ground oils or spam healing springs and whatever else into absorbtion field giving sorc infinite resources or they would spam purge on blockade. There is always going to be some game mechanic that the more hardcore players take advantage of that will give them a considerable edge over the pugs and casuals it's just a permanent shifting meta that people find something strong, make builds to get the absolute most out of that meta and then slaughter the groups that don't make the most out of their setups.
What gets me about the current meta is how bad it is for literally everyone involved. Pugs dont have fun fighting against this playstyle, but the playstyle itself isnt very sustainable either. I havent seen any guild groups hold their ground since ages. It's always hit-and-run with destro ulti bombs until you either eventually get swarmed or run away. It really doesn't seem that satisfying for either of the 2 sides involved.
my point was people had more ability to fight larger groups with less numbers then, but i dont think it made the game less fun for pugs than today
I think people gave up on the GvG idea when destro ult became a thing.
Well, which guild do you think is stronger than them?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Minnesinger wrote: »Wonder if after 3 years most don´t even bother to watch these videos if there is promise of drama. Either you know someone or are yourself in a video. Otherwise, there isn´t much else to offer. Sadly, NA has lost many of its competitive players to really have equally good groups running into each other.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
This is the main reason why we try to show our group v group fights rather than just pug farming because they are generally more interesting to watch and its nice to record too.
Also we want to encourage participation don't really see many guilds posting vids here and yet many guilds are playing (especially on NA)
The Destro Ult meta is trash and until that ability is toned down we won't see any real tactical group maneuvers beyond baiting ults/dumping ults/side swiping groups with ults.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Its completely different in GVG situations imo, Destro ulti is really easy to predict and counter in smaller fights (speaking like 12v12) which is why it would be nice to do some.
Also Destro meta is exactly the same as all others previous bombing has been a thing since forever, mainly 1.6 with introduction of proxy
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
It's easy to predict because that's what groups do when fighting groups: bomb with destro ults and drop negates. It's not like guilds are doing anything else to draw damage from. Organized PvP in this game is really just organizing Destro Ults and Negates (and to a lesser extent, permafrost).
Yeah the bomb meta is nothing new but Destro Ult was a significant boost in damage to ball groups. It would be nice to see some diversification of ultimates again (Veils, Banners, Novas etc.), but those ults are only used by small groups in small spaces now.
It's easy to predict because that's what groups do when fighting groups: bomb with destro ults and drop negates. It's not like guilds are doing anything else to draw damage from. Organized PvP in this game is really just organizing Destro Ults and Negates (and to a lesser extent, permafrost).
Yeah the bomb meta is nothing new but Destro Ult was a significant boost in damage to ball groups. It would be nice to see some diversification of ultimates again (Veils, Banners, Novas etc.), but those ults are only used by small groups in small spaces now.