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(Attn. ZOS) "No, don't bother. You'll just outlevel your gear. Grind to CP160."

  • RavenSworn
    Actually, grind to lvl 50, get to know your class and build. Between cp1-160, fine tune your build with gear and cp points. Keep refining till you are satisfied. Which means you will grab gear for cp levels. That's what I usually tell the new players.

    The only reason why 'vets' seem to say grind till cp 160 is that you can trade with other players much more easily at maxed gear level because... It's maxed gear level.

    I do however like the idea of upgrading the levels of your gear BUT this creates a situation where no one would then farm anything else once they have done farming gear. I much rather you allow players to change the traits of gear, even if it is once, so training gear can be changed to sharpened / charged / sturdy etc.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
    I want to buy a castle ZM, I want to buy the DLC's but what's the point if it's just the same old 160 crap?

    We have waited long enough, start the insanity level gear.
    Edited by RIGHTEOUS_REPORT on June 17, 2017 1:19AM
  • Ruckly
    You people should be arguing about adding alloys to the game to change the appearance of metals in weapons not arguing about making the entire game grinding. I craft a white set of gear. It works for four levels. I craft a new set of gear. Any drops that are upgrades in between I equip. Getting a BIS item at lvl 2 and using it for the rest of the game making all other drops while questing superfluous: how is this a good idea? There is no gear theory crafting at low levels because you don't even have all your skills unlocked. How do you min/max a staff of ultimate domination with force shock and mage's fury?
  • leepalmer95
    Blanco wrote: »
    Removing gear level is a terrible idea. Pls don't listen to this ZOS.

    Exactly, these people just want a quick fix. *** bash bloody bosh there you go.

    When I found out that gear was capped at 160, I was at round level200 back in the day. The champion Point patch was already out and one of my friends corrected me when I said I cant wait to find a level 200 weapon.

    Well as soon as I realized all my bloody gear was round 160 the game died. We need an insanity patch ZM.

    Punish us.

    The moment they bring out higher tier gear is the moment a lot of people quit.

    Be bothered re grinding gear i already have and getting the mats to make it gold.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
    I have to respectfully disagree with you palmer looks like you don't want to get the new gear yourself.

    I'd be straight back online actually playing the game and enjoy finding a high level item after completing an insanity level quest or slaying a boss who is hench.

    Something to look forward too.
  • leepalmer95
    I have to respectfully disagree with you palmer looks like you don't want to get the new gear yourself.

    I'd be straight back online actually playing the game and enjoy finding a high level item after completing an insanity level quest or slaying a boss who is hench.

    Something to look forward too.

    Go do vet hard mode trials if you want to kill strong stuff.

    With gear grinds like MSA and the shear rng on gear drops open world or dungeons a lot of people would quit if they were forced to regrind all that again.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
    I believe strongly that more people would play no doubt if the gear was raised to insanity level.

    I ain't playing right now so.
  • leepalmer95
    I believe strongly that more people would play no doubt if the gear was raised to insanity level.

    I ain't playing right now so.

    Pretty sure its just you.

    Whats the point in re grinding the same gear for a bit more stats on them?

    Then you'd have to re gold them etc...
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
    I believe strongly that more people would play no doubt if the gear was raised to insanity level.

    I ain't playing right now so.

    Pretty sure its just you.

    Whats the point in re grinding the same gear for a bit more stats on them?

    Then you'd have to re gold them etc...

    The game would be epic with insanity level gear end of story.

  • Axoinus
    I don't know about this one. MMO`s usually have a gear outleveling design. I feel like if they implemented this, the very next day somone would be asking why we have levels at all and recommend to autolevel to max cp at character creation.
  • Euant
    I feel like this suggestion is just a "win more" scenario and doesn't really help new players.

    New players aren't going to understand why their gear says "star symbol 160" when they're lv21 and why leveling up doesn't change what kind of gear they get. Any new pieces will always have about the same stats and a lot of people will then question what the point of gear is. Plus, the way scaling works since One Tamriel means people get weaker as they level up and never seeing gear that has higher or lower stats will just make them further question what the point of leveling is.

    For more experienced players, this is just a free 50% experience buff. Just craft full Training sets of each armor type and weapon, make them epic, and watch how you level faster than everyone else because you know how to take advantage of the system. Or wear best in slot gear to make combat trivial in the earlier levels because of the stat boost you receive.

    Just imagine that CP 160 is the true level cap, which it is for gear, and understand that every MMORPG with levels and gear requires you to max out before the good gear comes. At least in the current system you only have to do the gear grind once upon reaching CP 160 which is a lot better than other games will give you. Then you're free to use the same character to get any gear you'd want for whatever toon you get to 50 next.
    You loose that feeling tho.

    That feeling when you find that epic item. Its boring with 160 gear you have to agree right?
  • The_Art_of_Paw
    I feel the idea would make the game more fun. Gear feels like junk while levelling and there isn't much bonus for junking the gear.

    "Shadzilla wrote: »
    Also, are you kidding me? These two ideas are ridiculous. Gear grinding is a massive part of endgame, and very rewarding once you acquire what you are looking for. 80% of the population would have best in slot gear before they even hit max cap. I don't wanna see level 20's running around with BIS vma weapons/trial gear that they got farming normals with pugs

    I want it the complete opposite. Who's preference does ESO choose to cater to?

    80% of the population don't make it to "end game", most players play for 2-4 weeks then move to another game, many play for a year or so (completing some but not all their goals) and only a small amount get to the end of which its the 1% that ever get to experience trying out different builds with best in slot items.

    Fantasy games for me are a way to indulge in a fantasy world. I login to play a hero, to be overpowered against devils and demons and such. I have no desire to login to a game to be a run of the mill peasant that has to work 70 hour weeks and save pennies to one day buy a house. And I definitely don't enjoy people driving around in ferarris when I have very little chance to acquire one.

    The developers must have a very interesting and challenging time to balance everyones opinions and desires. We have so many varying preferences where many are at opposites.
    I've read the whole thread and basically there's too many trolls here and not enough passion.

    This game is a work of art. We can cater for all in three easy sections.

    1. Casual/Beginner/Noob level 1 - 50 at the first playthrough. Want more? Ok.
    2. Medium difficulty now/Average CP x - 450 at the 2nd playthrough (Cadwells Silver) Ok you made it this far? You will be punished mortal. This is the insanity level.
    3. Insanity/Master CP 450 - 900 at the 3rd playthrough (Cadwells Gold)

    Its time ZM. Its time.
    Edited by RIGHTEOUS_REPORT on June 17, 2017 4:51AM
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    ... git gud... hahaha, sounds like a sweet idea. I'd play more alts if this were implemented fo sho. I got tonnes of IA gear my stam guy will never use
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Please ZM can you send over the insanity plan over to the devs please.

    I guarantee this plan will get masses of players no doubt.
  • Joy_Division
    Shadzilla wrote: »
    This phrase, or some variation of it, is one of the more common phrases I hear vet players say to new players who are inquiring about gear - and those vet players aren't wrong.

    ZOS, please recognize that your current gear system, which doesn't allow players to upgrade gear under CP160, discourages new players from enjoying an essential aspect of this game, permanently useful gear collection, until after CP160 is attained. On ESO Live you always talk about making the game more intuitive and welcoming for new players. Please start here.

    - Allow items to be improved to CP160 via crafating
    - Remove gear levels

    Gear grinding is a massive part of endgame...

    It's massive alright. Though "part" isn't the word I would have gone for.
  • Bringer
    Honestly yeah, since they level scale everything now they could just remove gear levels completely, it really only serves to make things strange to new players before they reach 160.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Bringer wrote: »
    Honestly yeah, since they level scale everything now they could just remove gear levels completely, it really only serves to make things strange to new players before they reach 160.

    It really does. So many new players are confused about the CP system itself.
  • Jollygoodusername
    I'm seeing a lot of this "PLEASE PUNISH ME ZENI." Make game hard and take very much of my time doing repetitious nonsense and here's $15 kthnx.

    'I don't want other people to have good gear, just me because I'm a special guy who spent hundreds of hours grinding pH.D MMA LARp.'

    That's YOUR problem. Many of us here, have spent a lot more time over many more years, playing MMO's that know better than this. It's time to evolve the genre, not cling to the past and follow in the mistakes of the stagnant old MMO's of the past.

    *wrong quote, my mistake >_>
    Edited by Jollygoodusername on June 22, 2017 3:00AM
    I have an idea to cater for the elites.

    I had a good think about this issue.
  • Eshelmen
    Why is it so hard to do what ZOS wants you to do? Stop beating around the bush. The last thing I want any MMO to do is hand feed you level caps on a platter. No. This is an MMO, so expect things to not happen over night.
    Enjoy the journey, it's not going anywhere.

    Absolutely 100% no.
    Edited by Eshelmen on June 22, 2017 8:23AM
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • Kurkikohtaus
    You are wrong. I have been playing since Xbox launch and have max CP with 7 fully leveled characters, so yes I am aware of the old vet rank system.

    In that case why are you talking about some sort of problem with cp160?

    There is no problem. Hit level 50, progress quickly to cp160 and get your gear. You can craft whatever you need along the way, even if it is your first character.
  • Skjoldur
    They should make gear with undesirable traits scale with level.

    They should just remove undesirable traits from BoP set items.
  • randomkeyhits
    I have an idea to cater for the elites.

    I had a good think about this issue.

    Can't agree with that at all.

    Gear scaling means max gear is well.... max. Increase the CP ceiling and all you do is weaken the existing gear and make the new CP ceiling gear what the current CP ceiling gear is. There is literally no change in performance, just resetting everyones gear forcing them to repeat the grind they are sick of.

    If you are aiming at catering for the elites then what you need to offer them is genuine challenge. Not one shot specials or other common ridiculous "difficulty" mechanisms but actual mechanisms which require teamwork, timing and yes, sometimes a bit of luck. The kind of content where good communication, on point with role and decent environmental awareness are essential. Making that kind of instance is actually pretty hard because too often the developers end up going with the cheesy options.

    EU PS4
  • Dubhliam
    Make gear recraftable.
    Meaning you can upgrade your gear level by spending appropriate materials.

    There is nothing more frustrating than getting a level 24 Sharpened Flame Staff of the Sun.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Insandros
    Bah you know, there is a lot of crafed gear you can use up to 160, like a lot of us did back then, i used Julianos cp110 until 160, then started to farm gear, even before 160 i was shy to run dungoens, i didn't liked the idea of others to carry me. If you aim on taking a year to get to lvl 160, you can simply grinf your gear and use the what ever level it gets until you get 160, and anyways, with some pots getting to 160 isn't that bad, when i got back in game in january, the only place i knew that my friend showed me, what Rinkdlaeft in Wrothgar, i turned in circle there, with a pot i did almost a CP per circuit on a certain place, now i can telll you there is lots of places for it, so, you can iether whine at grinding your gear, or simply grind your CP, which one of the two sounds more useful and faster, is up to you, but, we all been through that. Believe me, you'd be more pissed if you'd have to get new gear around cp 450-500, that's where it starts to get long to get a CP. And if you don't link to grind, well, maybe MMOs aren't for you, that's the bad habit we mostly all go in, for does who cares about gear, those that doesn't care about gear and just play to have fun, well they defenitely don'T mind this pain. :)
    Edited by Insandros on June 22, 2017 10:46AM
  • lagrue
    Have any of you guys played Diablo games where you just constantly get better gear and the enemies just constantly keep getting stronger (I mean there is a ceiling but it's ridiculous to achieve)? Believe me - it gets old, real damn quick. Grind, grind, grind. If there's no plateau for gear it's hard to ever settle into the game because you feel like you constantly just have to grind more.

    The game is already a grindfest, I'd rather not exasperate the issue personally. CP cap is in just the right place imo.
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
    I've had a good think about this issue.

    If I was in ZM's boots right now I would propose this.

    Increase gear to 600+, Introduce new materials to craft the gear, (Not Rubedite obviously)

    Give the elites the opportunity to upgrade their gold CP gear to their current CP level ( One time upgrade only, 30 day timeline)

    Increase AI level to 450+ Cadwells Silver, and up to 900+ on Cadwells Gold.

    Its genius.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    I've had a good think about this issue.

    If I was in ZM's boots right now I would propose this.

    Increase gear to 600+, Introduce new materials to craft the gear, (Not Rubedite obviously)

    Give the elites the opportunity to upgrade their gold CP gear to their current CP level ( One time upgrade only, 30 day timeline)

    Increase AI level to 450+ Cadwells Silver, and up to 900+ on Cadwells Gold.

    Its genius.

    So are you coming at it from an angle where changes are catered towards experienced players?
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