RIGHTEOUS_REPORT wrote: »I've had a good think about this issue.
If I was in ZM's boots right now I would propose this.
Increase gear to 600+, Introduce new materials to craft the gear, (Not Rubedite obviously)
Give the elites the opportunity to upgrade their gold CP gear to their current CP level ( One time upgrade only, 30 day timeline)
Increase AI level to 450+ Cadwells Silver, and up to 900+ on Cadwells Gold.
Its genius.
RIGHTEOUS_REPORT wrote: »No this plan caters for all players.
1st playthrough Level 1-50 is noob difficulty. Cads Silver is up to CP450 medium difficulty, Cads Gold is insanity.
The one time gear upgrade caters for elites that have grinded gear and materials, gold only. So they don't moan about the gear increase.
The game only really starts at CP160, level 1-50 and pre-CP160 are just a waste of time.
AoDD33pfri3d wrote: »From what I heard they will be raising cp lv on gear they are just waiting for new players to catch up, but let's see if it actually happens.
AoDD33pfri3d wrote: »From what I heard they will be raising cp lv on gear they are just waiting for new players to catch up, but let's see if it actually happens.
Darkstorne wrote: »CP levels are awesome for character progression after level 50, but level 50 needs to be max level where gear is concerned. Nothing hurt me more than FINALLY hitting level 50 with my first character only to be told "Great! Now go grind another ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY LEVELS and you can finally start end game!" I still haven't hit CP160, and it's pissing me off as a casual player. Everything I do feels like wasting time, but I refuse to pay for Skyreach boosts. I completely understand why new players do that though, because this is a really *** system at the moment.
All they have to do is remove CP10-150 gear, and make CP 160 gear simply called "CP gear", with no level attachment. From there, focusing on all the new gear that's added in DLC and expansions being visually stunning (so we WANT to collect them), and adding new and exciting set bonuses. New monster sets are also awesome since there's a lot of challenge involved in obtaining them. Gear should be about the visuals, challenge, and unique set bonuses from now on, and not simply about replacing all your existing gear every expac like other MMOs just because they added an extra 10 levels or so to the new gear. That's one thing ZOS is doing well right now.
AoDD33pfri3d wrote: »From what I heard they will be raising cp lv on gear they are just waiting for new players to catch up, but let's see if it actually happens.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »AoDD33pfri3d wrote: »From what I heard they will be raising cp lv on gear they are just waiting for new players to catch up, but let's see if it actually happens.
Heard from where?
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »AoDD33pfri3d wrote: »From what I heard they will be raising cp lv on gear they are just waiting for new players to catch up, but let's see if it actually happens.
Heard from where?
Zos confirmed it. Either an ESO live or post on the german forum.