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Morrowind: A Massive Dissapointment

  • Browiseth
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Browiseth wrote: »
    morrowind is a bad game. i'm sick of hearing it be treated like some holy relic

    you're talking like some precious legacy has been tarnished when there hasn't. it's just an old, outdated and overall awful early 2000's game

    i can agree this expansion is dissapointing, but taking personal offence like you seem to be is just embarrassing.

    Please, try to use cognitive functions and do tell what you compare TES 3 Morrowind to. If the answer is any later game, especially something younger a decade or more, you are clueless. Morrowind was a revolutionary game at its time, and it made the entire genre move on.
    you are the perfect example of what i'm talking about, putting this garbo game on a pedestal when it has no claim to it. morrowind didn't revolutionize anything, and it has no place among the many incredible RPGs that exist that actually had an impact on the genre

    take off your rose tinted glasses and enter the real world

    your insult to my intelligence has been noted, by the by
    skingrad when zoscharacters:
    • EP - M - Strikes-with-Arcane - Argonian Stamina Sorc - lvl 50 - The Flawless Conqueror/Spirit Slayer
    • EP - F - Melina Elinia - Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Sinnia Lavellan - Altmer Warden Healer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Follows-the-Arcane - Argonian Healer Sorcerer- lvl 50
    • EP - F - Ashes-of-Arcane - Argonian Magicka Necromancer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Bolgrog the Sinh - Orc Stamina Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Moonlight Maiden - Altmer Magicka Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Maxine Cauline - Breton Magicka Nightblade - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Garrus Loridius - Imperial Stamina Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Jennifer Loridius - Imperial Necromancer tank - lvl 50
    PC/NA but live in EU 150+ ping lyfe
  • QuebraRegra
    Browiseth wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Browiseth wrote: »
    morrowind is a bad game. i'm sick of hearing it be treated like some holy relic

    you're talking like some precious legacy has been tarnished when there hasn't. it's just an old, outdated and overall awful early 2000's game

    i can agree this expansion is dissapointing, but taking personal offence like you seem to be is just embarrassing.

    Please, try to use cognitive functions and do tell what you compare TES 3 Morrowind to. If the answer is any later game, especially something younger a decade or more, you are clueless. Morrowind was a revolutionary game at its time, and it made the entire genre move on.
    you are the perfect example of what i'm talking about, putting this garbo game on a pedestal when it has no claim to it. morrowind didn't revolutionize anything, and it has no place among the many incredible RPGs that exist that actually had an impact on the genre

    take off your rose tinted glasses and enter the real world

    your insult to my intelligence has been noted, by the by

    I'd disagree with your disagreement. Spell crafting, combination of fixed and ninja monkey encounters mixed, etc. The original MORROWIND was fairly revolutionary even on PC, on CONSOLE it was absolutely groundbreaking/unique.
  • Loves_guars
    I came back to ESO for the Morrowind "dlc", and only because it was Morrowind. Morrowind has a special place in my heart; it was the first rpg of it's kind that I had ever played at the time of it's release. It really captivated me, it still does, and I would guess that's true for a lot of other, older folks as well. So the bar has already been set pretty high.

    Now I knew that I would have to make some internal compromises to enjoy this "dlc", obviously they wouldn't recreate everything. However, at the end of the day I am paying the same price for this "dlc", that I paid for Morrowind back in 2002, so I was expecting quality. Wow was I wrong.

    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered. This "dlc" needs to be treated like a Michael Bay movie to be enjoyed; you need to grit your teeth, and turn off that brain. Now if you've never played any TES game (especially Morrowind) and/or do not give any you know whats about the lore or the charm of TES 3: Morrowind, then this may be quite enjoyable- I wouldn't know.

    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    Butchered? How??
    If you expect it to be exactly like TES III, then that's where you are wrong. This happens 700 years or so before, and all the changes felt very organic to me. Like how the Redoran control Balmora but the Hlaalu are taking over slowly (you will see this if you take the time to read of course)

    The quests are superb, not only respectful to the source material but also very interesting and fun. Gnisis' are wonderful.

    Honestly I can't be more opposite of you on this, I can't understand how a Morrowind fan can think this. :o

  • Enslaved
    Browiseth wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Browiseth wrote: »
    morrowind is a bad game. i'm sick of hearing it be treated like some holy relic

    you're talking like some precious legacy has been tarnished when there hasn't. it's just an old, outdated and overall awful early 2000's game

    i can agree this expansion is dissapointing, but taking personal offence like you seem to be is just embarrassing.

    Please, try to use cognitive functions and do tell what you compare TES 3 Morrowind to. If the answer is any later game, especially something younger a decade or more, you are clueless. Morrowind was a revolutionary game at its time, and it made the entire genre move on.
    you are the perfect example of what i'm talking about, putting this garbo game on a pedestal when it has no claim to it. morrowind didn't revolutionize anything, and it has no place among the many incredible RPGs that exist that actually had an impact on the genre

    take off your rose tinted glasses and enter the real world

    your insult to my intelligence has been noted, by the by

    When having no arguments to back up your hurr durr bait post, you write bs like this. GG, 8/8

  • davey1107
    Well...this is a nostalgia product, so some fans are surely going to be peeved at certain decisions. But several things would lend ZOS to make changes:

    1. Setting it earlier means opening up potential for changes. How similar was London 1750 to London 950?

    2. In doing so, they also had to merge the overall modern ESO stories and lore to the Morrowind lore.

    3. Some of the lore needed retconning and alterations. If you read comics, things like the red eyes evolving away are common. At one time, it seemed like khajiit were a nearly extinct species that never had a significant civilization. Their popularity changes what the lore and story needs to be.

  • nimander99
    Couldn't possibly disagree moare...

    I have actually found places based on my memory of the original game... Caves and shrines and dwemer ruins that may not be access-able but they are there nonetheless.

    In fact there was a quest outside Aldruhn where a guy is looking for his ancestor grave, and I remembered it from the original Morrowind, I ran to where I guessed it would be, and sure enough, there it was.

    Different strokes for different blokes, I honestly think that no matter what ZeniMax did there is going to be a segment of the community that is going to hate on principle.

    Well, hate away. Ill be enjoying the game, peace out.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Castagere
    Paulington wrote: »
    It's worth noting that the events of TESO: Morrowind take place around 800 years before TES3: Morrowind and so there will be differences. Locations change, architecture changes and lore changes.

    Sorry you aren't enjoying it, however most of the lore buffs I know have fallen in love with this Chapter and are very happy with it.

    Yeah but Zenimax is selling the whole it being Morrowind. Not calling it pre morrowind 800 years before. I knew this myself and didn't buy it as being Morrowind as i know it. I think you are going to see alot of post like this soon enough. Every ad for this game calls it going back to Morrowind.
  • TonyRockaroni
    I wouldn't say Morrowind is a MASSIVE disappointment. Moreso that it leaves more to be desired, in my opinion. There are quite a few things that have been done right...

    The main questline involving Vivec (Barbas being the main antagonist caught me off-guard, in a good way), the Sadrith mora questline involving Sun-in-Shadow (although I do wish you could free all of Sadrith Mora's slaves so I can feel comfortable going to Sadrith Mora), Ald'ruhn and how you find out about its origins, etc. So even though the "expansion" as a whole feels somewhat underwhelming, it isn't really that disappointing in my opinion.

    One thing I WILL agree with, however, is that it's moreso DLC than an expansion. Honestly? I think it could have been more underwhelming, if you ask me. I mean, look at the DLC we got for Skyrim. Dawnguard had a great story but felt underwhelming in terms of content, Hearthfire had some decent content but didn't bring a whole lot to the table (no pun intended), and Dragonborn had great content but lacked a lengthy story. If you ask me, ESO: Morrowind being underwhelming shouldn't really come as a surprise.
  • SchizoidMetal
    The only two things that allowed for this not to be called a DLC was warden and BG's which BG's I could care less about. It was BS that we had no new 4 man dungeon. this much money and you didnt add 4 man content. Ive rampaged enough about all of this. I leave this thought, next time wait for it to release and then decide to buy it. I have learned my lesson. I hope many others have too.
  • Bouldercleave
    I came back to ESO for the Morrowind "dlc", and only because it was Morrowind. Morrowind has a special place in my heart; it was the first rpg of it's kind that I had ever played at the time of it's release. It really captivated me, it still does, and I would guess that's true for a lot of other, older folks as well. So the bar has already been set pretty high.

    Now I knew that I would have to make some internal compromises to enjoy this "dlc", obviously they wouldn't recreate everything. However, at the end of the day I am paying the same price for this "dlc", that I paid for Morrowind back in 2002, so I was expecting quality. Wow was I wrong.

    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered. This "dlc" needs to be treated like a Michael Bay movie to be enjoyed; you need to grit your teeth, and turn off that brain. Now if you've never played any TES game (especially Morrowind) and/or do not give any you know whats about the lore or the charm of TES 3: Morrowind, then this may be quite enjoyable- I wouldn't know.

    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    So what you are really saying is that you think it's a "dlc". Do us a favor and just say what you really want to *** about.
  • Benn G x
    Benn G x
    This place is full of moaning ***, if you don't like it you don't need to come right me a story elaborating on it.

    FYI, battlegrounds is awesome, Warden is awesome, stfu.
  • asuitandtyb14_ESO
    Benn G x wrote: »
    This place is full of moaning ***, if you don't like it you don't need to come right me a story elaborating on it.

    FYI, battlegrounds is awesome, Warden is awesome, stfu.

    I have no idea who you are, I certainly did not come find you, wherever you are. Let's keep it civil Benn, we are adults.
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