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Morrowind: A Massive Dissapointment

  • sarbonn
    I've actually enjoyed the nostalgia trip down Morrowind lane. When I first showed up in the main town, I immediately realized it was pretty close to how I remember it when I first played Morrowind. I was actually pretty stoked about that.

    Most of Morrowind has been pretty decent. I get that they can't please every one, but it's enough for me to be pretty happy about what they did.
    Clueless, but willing to learn.
  • The_Lex
    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    Because Zenimax isn't Bethesda or Todd Howard. Todd has Nothing to do with this project and for good reason. The elder scrolls franchise is Bethesda's baby, ZOS is like step parents that exploit their children for youtube views.

    The entire reason Zenimax Media created Zenimax Online Studios was to exploit all the Juicy intellectual property Zenimax owns. Zenimax is just another soul-less Game- Studio-buying conglomerate like EA. They own id software, Arkane studios, BattleCry studios, etc. All they do is sit on IP, and figure out when to exploit it for mass cash or sue other companies to exploit them for max cash like they did with oculus.

    If you feel that ZOS is incapable of capturing the heart and soul of Morrowind with this so called "chapter" that is really a DLC, then you are right. It was never designed for that, it was designed only to capture wallets.

    ^^ This person gets it.
    STEVIL wrote: »
    I came back to ESO for the Morrowind "dlc", and only because it was Morrowind. Morrowind has a special place in my heart; it was the first rpg of it's kind that I had ever played at the time of it's release. It really captivated me, it still does, and I would guess that's true for a lot of other, older folks as well. So the bar has already been set pretty high.

    Now I knew that I would have to make some internal compromises to enjoy this "dlc", obviously they wouldn't recreate everything. However, at the end of the day I am paying the same price for this "dlc", that I paid for Morrowind back in 2002, so I was expecting quality. Wow was I wrong.

    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered. This "dlc" needs to be treated like a Michael Bay movie to be enjoyed; you need to grit your teeth, and turn off that brain. Now if you've never played any TES game (especially Morrowind) and/or do not give any you know whats about the lore or the charm of TES 3: Morrowind, then this may be quite enjoyable- I wouldn't know.

    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    . Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered.

    Vague much?

    I admit to have not having seen the whole of Morrow yet.

    but so far i have not seen butchered Dunmer.

    Were they being filleted for a nice thin sliced Dunmer snitzel?
    Were they being ground up for a tasty Dunmer meatloaf?
    Were they being chunked for a hearty Dunmer Chili Con Shroom?

    Got recipes?

    So far I am enjoying Morrow quite a bit.

    The criticism i would give it is that it feels and plays more like Orsinium, Hews, Gold than Auridon, Stonefalls or Glenumbra. The quests are long and involved and often take quite a bit more playtime than say the "early zone" quests do. They often rely on skills noty normally unlocked and developed for starting characters.

    The feel is more "advanced content" than "opener content" in almost every way.

    Now, for me, that is a good thing. long time player, many advanced characters, full opportunity to take new wardens over to mainland starter zones for leveling.

    but for those who are starting new, starting out in this zone is a less "starter friendly" situation than the mainland was.

    So, IMO as a starter zone someone plays a new character, perhaps their first one, i do not think this will provide as good a sense of gameplay as it should.

    On the other hand, for longer term folks like me, its great.

    So, while i feel it lived up to its expectations for me (so far) i do not think it has shown itself to be a good starter zone for new players.

    Now, if i do find Dunmer-based recipes... that will be even better.

    I'm sorry that you could differentiate a figurative verb from a literal one. What it means is that Zenimax did do a good job of respecting the source material.

    Seems some folks have no sarcasm detectors... point was without any details or evidence to support the claim, it could just as well have been about meat preparation as lore as appearance. Examples provide context, evidence support conlcusions and claims without either are the veggie burgers with bacon of reasoning.

    Have a great day.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Mush55
    Krileon wrote: »
    I'm pretty upset I spent so much on a crappy version of Orisinium, which IMO has better story and more content. The only reason this got labelled an "expansion" is because it included a new class. Morrowind feels empty. There's a lot of land mass, but it's like they forgot to put spawns in a lot of places and just feels empty. In addition to that you've tons and tons of seemingly accessible doors that you alas can not access. It's incomplete. They released it unfinished is the bottom line. With BGs being utterly broken you have an "expansion" that barely functions. It's a huge disappointment.

    Not enough spent in the crown store to Finnish it..........................................
  • aLi3nZ
    Turelus wrote: »
    The shining part of Morrowind is the exploration and story.

    The new trial is content for those who enjoy trials and end game challenges, PvP battlegrounds for those who wanted small scale PvP.

    The expansion has a lot of content for people, sure it probably could have been a DLC and priced better but overall the content is spot on what was needed.
    agree with this. I haven't done any quests for a long time and still appreciate this expansion. Battlegrounds, warden, new area, new sets. Sustain overhaul. It's been fun to adapt

  • Rouven
    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    Because Zenimax isn't Bethesda or Todd Howard. Todd has Nothing to do with this project and for good reason. The elder scrolls franchise is Bethesda's baby, ZOS is like step parents that exploit their children for youtube views.

    The entire reason Zenimax Media created Zenimax Online Studios was to exploit all the Juicy intellectual property Zenimax owns. Zenimax is just another soul-less Game- Studio-buying conglomerate like EA. They own id software, Arkane studios, BattleCry studios, etc. All they do is sit on IP, and figure out when to exploit it for mass cash or sue other companies to exploit them for max cash like they did with oculus.

    If you feel that ZOS is incapable of capturing the heart and soul of Morrowind with this so called "chapter" that is really a DLC, then you are right. It was never designed for that, it was designed only to capture wallets.

    ^^ This person gets it.

    I could understand this sentiment if we were talking about a standalone game, but the "chapter" Morrowind is part of the base game ESO. It is totally unrealistic to have expected the same "everything" as in the original Morrowind.

    I have a feeling if everything would have been the same as the original there would have been serious complaints that we can't levitate.

    How silly would your own "base game" character look in a grittier more original Morrowind?
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • FearlessOne_2014
    I couldn't care less about the lack of content in Vvardenfell, I just can't believe they shipped Battlegrounds as is. It lacks every feature that every other MMO has implemented with their arena style PvP in the past 20 years, and ZOS shows no intention of improving upon the current Battlegrounds features. It's a joke.

    This is now was my only grief about Morrowind. They shipped out BGs and such a subpar state. And now it look like we are going to be waiting 6 to 12 months. Before they ZOS even thinks about balance in them. The easiest thing for ZOS to do since balance is worst of without CPs. Is to give players the option of another CP Cyrodiil campaign and the option of another Battleground queue with CP enable, ASAP.

    But I've spoken loudly and for so long that my voice is now just gone. Was hoping for some fun skill based combat. What ZOS gave us and is pushing us towards is the standard Gear vs Gear Proc combat that require very very little player input to be successful.
  • netch_a_sketch
    Huh. I personally prefer this Morrowind to the original game.
  • Sylosi
    Heart of Thorns was an expansion. Legion was an expansion. They added substantial content. This is a dlc. Set some standards.

    Though to be fair, using Heart of Thorns in relation to "set some standards" is pretty comical given it took them nearly two years to add the legendary armour that was advertised as what you got with the expansion, and that was only one issues of many - they stopped production of the new legendary weapons because they needed the resources elsewhere, the promised WvW overhaul got scrapped, LS got delayed for a year+, they scrapped the PvP mode (stronghold), and so on.
  • Browiseth
    morrowind is a bad game. i'm sick of hearing it be treated like some holy relic

    you're talking like some precious legacy has been tarnished when there hasn't. it's just an old, outdated and overall awful early 2000's game

    i can agree this expansion is dissapointing, but taking personal offence like you seem to be is just embarrassing.
    skingrad when zoscharacters:
    • EP - M - Strikes-with-Arcane - Argonian Stamina Sorc - lvl 50 - The Flawless Conqueror/Spirit Slayer
    • EP - F - Melina Elinia - Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Sinnia Lavellan - Altmer Warden Healer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Follows-the-Arcane - Argonian Healer Sorcerer- lvl 50
    • EP - F - Ashes-of-Arcane - Argonian Magicka Necromancer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Bolgrog the Sinh - Orc Stamina Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Moonlight Maiden - Altmer Magicka Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Maxine Cauline - Breton Magicka Nightblade - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Garrus Loridius - Imperial Stamina Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Jennifer Loridius - Imperial Necromancer tank - lvl 50
    PC/NA but live in EU 150+ ping lyfe
  • netch_a_sketch
    @Browiseth Prepare to rustle the jimmies of every Morrowind fanboy :P
  • snakester320
    Agobi wrote: »
    mcb123 wrote: »
    Qyrk wrote: »
    Can I have your stuff?

    It's getting old now...

    So are the neverending whiny complaint-threads ;)

    It's a review. Deal with it, it's how we make progress and improve.
    Problem is you really really think it will improve!!
    People take to this game like a fat kid on a cupcake endlessly throwing money at it for half arsed stuff and ZOS rubs there hands together by now the smart ppl realise they couldn't give 2 sh.ts about what ppl think they just Spew out crap charge more and more and ppl throw money at it blindly..
    I even belive at this point if they couldn't scrape enough money out of the crap spat out because they pissed off to many customers by charging to much they would just shut the doors and go bye bye ESO been there came ripped ppl off next project.. thank you idiots!!
    They will add there next chapter and the next charge for it prob more and more every time..
    Nothing will improve while ppl just throw money at them..
    suck in 1mill ppl to pay there price and that's a success to them..... why improve?
    Edited by snakester320 on June 6, 2017 2:15PM
  • JWKe
    I do not understand how Zenimax is okay selling this product. I wish I knew what Todd Howard does to dull the pain.

    Because Zenimax isn't Bethesda or Todd Howard. Todd has Nothing to do with this project and for good reason. The elder scrolls franchise is Bethesda's baby, ZOS is like step parents that exploit their children for youtube views.

    The entire reason Zenimax Media created Zenimax Online Studios was to exploit all the Juicy intellectual property Zenimax owns. Zenimax is just another soul-less Game- Studio-buying conglomerate like EA. They own id software, Arkane studios, BattleCry studios, etc. All they do is sit on IP, and figure out when to exploit it for mass cash or sue other companies to exploit them for max cash like they did with oculus.

    If you feel that ZOS is incapable of capturing the heart and soul of Morrowind with this so called "chapter" that is really a DLC, then you are right. It was never designed for that, it was designed only to capture wallets.

    ^^ This person gets it.

    Hence the name Zo$
  • Magdalina
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    Care being more specific? In which way "dunmers got completly butchered", what does that even mean.

    Culturally, they are so mild! In TES 3 I had to work my butt off to not get shanked. They hated "outsiders", even mainland Dunmer. Dunmer of Vvardenfell should be dour, grim, aggressive and slightly psychotically religious.

    Really? I must say that I have not played TES 3 but this is the opposite of the impression I got of Vvardenfell dunmer. They appear aggressive, hypocritical, extremely egocentristic(sp) and stuck up jerks(sorry if you do like dunmer, I genuinely mean no offence, it's just my impression :p ) who only barely tolerate outsiders only because they desperately need them for survival. If you read the lorebooks/letters on the way you'll see plenty of mentions of Dunmer grumbling about having to accept outsiders but either realizing it's necessary for survival(because war, Pact, supplies, stuff) or being convinced by their superiors who'd basically be like "well yeah they suck...but don't tell them this because we need them. We are superior but our superiority doesn't translate well into supplies you know".
  • Faulgor
    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered.

    There are plenty of issues with ESO:Morrowind.
    This is not one of them.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • JKorr
    Lore....So far in ESO Morrowind I've met Volrina Quarra who wanted revenge for her brother's death to vampires. In original Morrowind I always wondered how/why she was the leader of a vampire clan; I knew why she was trying to kill me.... In original Morrowind I had to find an ordinator's papers while hunting a cure for vampirism...In ESO Morrowind my character met him, and I'm pretty sure she was the reason he found a cure and wrote the journal my character would eventually find... In original Morrowind my character had to retrieve a skull from a tomb for a mage's guild ESO Morrowind my character met the "skull", worked with him, and was there when he was promoted to Archcanon....In Original Morrowind there are rumors that ancient Mistress Dratha conspired with daedra and used dark magic to extend her ESO Morrowind my character got to see the truth of the matter...In original Morrowind my character found a lost mine full of daedra and got a really nice only one of two in the game if you pick that reward daedric bows as a ESO Morrowind my character found out just how those daedra got there.....

    Not sure what "lore" got butchered.

    And yes, I'm having a ball playing, and looking forward to finding more "butchered" lore....
    Edited by JKorr on June 6, 2017 2:13PM
  • Joy_Division
    Morrowind and Baldur's Gate are the two old school RPGs so embedded with nostalgia that it's almost pointless to have an objective conversation about them.
  • Fleshreaper

    I guess you don't realize that this version of Morrowind is set like 300 years BEFORE TES III: Morrowind. Of course the structures are going to be different. Of course the landscape is going to be a little different, *** Vvardenfell is an active volcano, for snowflaking out loud. And armor styles, yeah like clothes styles don't change every two weeks.

    You haven't read many of the replies. I have already responded to the points you make, so I'll just leave it to read them at you leisure.

    However you wrote some things I have not responded to so I will do so now.

    The volcano in question is called "Red Mountain". It is not active, and will not be active from this game's year until TES 3. It is however dormant volcano. Therefore the landscape will not be changing from magma.

    Clothing does change over time. I'm not arguing that. However the clothing and armor in this dlc that are direct copies from their origins in TES 3 are done very poorly in this dlc, and do not do them justice. I hope you can understand this difference.

    Oh, and let's keep this civil shall we?[/quote]

    Look up the definition of active volcano. You see all that lava running all over the place? Yes, "Red Mountain" is a very active volcano. No, it's not currently erupting, which is where I think you got lost on the active part. The armor is not going to be exactly the same, there is a huge difference in time periods. Things change for better or worse. If you were looking for a TES III reboot with up dated graphics, yeah, I can see how you would be disappointed. If you had pointed out the fact that Vvardenfell now, is roughly 2/3rds the size of TES III: Morrowind, then yes, I can understand that.
    Edited by Fleshreaper on June 6, 2017 3:53PM
  • Iluvrien
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    Care being more specific? In which way "dunmers got completly butchered", what does that even mean.

    I would encourage you to play TES 3 when you have some time, it'll be a way better explanation than my words.

    Physically, they are too pretty. Not many have the tattoos, scarring and grit in the voice that is a Dunmer standard. Also, they are cursed with red eyes and red eyes only. Anytime I see otherwise I want to turn the game off immediately.

    Culturally, they are so mild! In TES 3 I had to work my butt off to not get shanked. They hated "outsiders", even mainland Dunmer. Dunmer of Vvardenfell should be dour, grim, aggressive and slightly psychotically religious.

    The tattoos, scarring and grit in the voice that are a Dunmer standard are a reflection of the Red Mountain's activity (and ash storms) in the third age. The reason they look too pretty is that the causal factor in their becoming otherwise hasn't happened yet.

    I found the Dunmer in ESO Morrowind to be just as aggressive, xenophobic and psychotically religious as in TES3. If the current Dunmer are a little more optimistic, well, I think we can reasonably put it down to a lack of corprus, ash storms, ash vampires etc.
  • The_Lex
    Morrowind and Baldur's Gate are the two old school RPGs so embedded with nostalgia that it's almost pointless to have an objective conversation about them.

    "What? Boo is outraged! See his fury! It's small, so look close. Trust me, it's there."
  • Pallmor
    It's not a DLC, it not an's a Chapter. Get your "lore" right! :open_mouth:

    No, it's just a DLC, with the bonus of a new (rather mediocre) class. I would say it's comparable in content to Orsinium. It's enjoyable enough, but definitely not worth $40.

    The hype made it an even bigger letdown too. For example, from the awesome trailer I expected the Naryu storyline to be this epic thing. The reality is that's it's a glorified fetch quest that barely features Naryu.

    I think if this had been released as a 2500 Crown DLC without all the crazy overhype it would have been regarded as a huge hit. But at $40, with all the crazy hype that almost made it sound like a stand-alone game, it's a serious disappointment.

    Edited by Pallmor on June 6, 2017 2:48PM
  • Mush55
    Pallmor wrote: »
    It's not a DLC, it not an's a Chapter. Get your "lore" right! :open_mouth:

    No, it's just a DLC, with the bonus of a new (rather mediocre) class. I would say it's comparable in content to Orsinium. It's enjoyable enough, but definitely not worth $40.

    The hype made it an even bigger letdown too. For example, from the awesome trailer I expected the Naryu storyline to be this epic thing. The reality is that's it's a glorified fetch quest that barely features Naryu.

    I think if this had been released as a 2500 Crown DLC without all the crazy overhype it would have been regarded as a huge hit. But at $40, with all the crazy hype that almost made it sound like a stand-alone game, it's a serious disappointment.

    Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell the truth people don't like it..........................
  • helediron
    I think Wrothgar was bigger and better DLC. This is PvE horse simulator.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Elsonso
    The volcano in question is called "Red Mountain". It is not active, and will not be active from this game's year until TES 3. It is however dormant volcano. Therefore the landscape will not be changing from magma.

    Actually, Red Mountain is an active volcano at the time of ESO, and the time of TES III, not a dormant one. I don't know if there is such a thing as a dormant volcano in Tamriel. At the time of ESO, it is actually erupting.
    Clothing does change over time. I'm not arguing that. However the clothing and armor in this dlc that are direct copies from their origins in TES 3 are done very poorly in this dlc, and do not do them justice. I hope you can understand this difference.

    Well, textures and representations aside, one of the odd things about Elder Scrolls lore, is how little things change. Thousands of years pass and technology is stagnant. Swords and armor crafted hundreds of years in the past will be virtually indistinguishable, in terms of technological advancements, from stuff crafted later.

    On a personal note, I have no love of the old textures that are found in the TES III that BGS released. For me, it is pretty much a mandatory mod to install graphics and texture packs.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    Pallmor wrote: »
    It's not a DLC, it not an's a Chapter. Get your "lore" right! :open_mouth:

    No, it's just a DLC, with the bonus of a new (rather mediocre) class. I would say it's comparable in content to Orsinium. It's enjoyable enough, but definitely not worth $40.

    The hype made it an even bigger letdown too. For example, from the awesome trailer I expected the Naryu storyline to be this epic thing. The reality is that's it's a glorified fetch quest that barely features Naryu.

    I think if this had been released as a 2500 Crown DLC without all the crazy overhype it would have been regarded as a huge hit. But at $40, with all the crazy hype that almost made it sound like a stand-alone game, it's a serious disappointment.

    I keep myself finding chuckling every time i see the "its not an expansion" otr "its not a chapter" or "its just a DLC" paired with comparing it to the largest DLC yet and the addition of a class with the latter basically tossed off as if its not important at all.

    me, equivalent to orsinium plus new class does qualify it as "not just a dlc" and so it is something else and i have no problem with that being called an expansion or a chapter and having its own pricing scheme.

    Compare it to say the TG DLC maybe... or the Hist DLC or even Db DLC ... then this with class and all that jazz seems a lot like a case of "not the same thing."

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Wolfenbelle
    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered.

    Your opinion is just that...your opinion. It carries no more nor less weight than anyone else's opinion. I have been playing Morrowind the last couple of weeks and, despite the fact that the mushroom esthetic is not my thing, I have thoroughly enjoyed this zone. Yesterday I completed the quest line that gives a scale model of Vvardenfell as a reward. I love it and have already set it up in my Grand Topol island home. For me, it's the best quest reward yet.

    In some respects, Morrowind is quite different from the base ESO game and previous DLCs. As such, it offers increased variety to the game's overall content. Also, it does not copy the previous solo-game version, but is set nearly 1000 years in the past. So it doesn't "butcher" anything, but adds to the lore of the series. I'm not a lore geek, but for those who are, this should open a whole new perspective on the lore.

    Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations, but for me it's been a delight.
    This "dlc" added some prettier, updated textures (for the most part). That's it, that's the good. It completely butchered everything else. Lore, culture, locations, architecture, outfits and armor, the Dunmer themselves. Absolutely butchered.

    Your opinion is just that...your opinion. It carries no more nor less weight than anyone else's opinion. I have been playing Morrowind the last couple of weeks and, despite the fact that the mushroom esthetic is not my thing, I have thoroughly enjoyed this zone. Yesterday I completed the quest line that gives a scale model of Vvardenfell as a reward. I love it and have already set it up in my Grand Topol island home. For me, it's the best quest reward yet.

    In some respects, Morrowind is quite different from the base ESO game and previous DLCs. As such, it offers increased variety to the game's overall content. Also, it does not copy the previous solo-game version, but is set nearly 1000 years in the past. So it doesn't "butcher" anything, but adds to the lore of the series. I'm not a lore geek, but for those who are, this should open a whole new perspective on the lore.

    Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations, but for me it's been a delight.

    RE the bold...

    A number of khajit would disagree and suggest the ball of yarn from that Morrow quest is even better.

    though, to be fair, my Dunmer wants to use clothing skill to craft the ball of yarn into a sweater for trips into Eastmarch. "Why have a mountain that large that gods blighted cold!!!"

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Rouven
    helediron wrote: »
    I think Wrothgar was bigger and better DLC. This is PvE horse simulator.

    Yeah, mh, I get stuck with my horse a lot more in Wrothgar than in Vvardenfell - so I guess it's definitely a superior horse simulator :D

    Fun aside don't kid about this. People will leave Cyrodiil to try out the new simulator because you said that, then Cyrodiil dies and then we have a lot more forum posts about ... stuff.
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • QuebraRegra
    I bought it to support Schick and Zeb. I also purchased hoping that if successful they would be inspired to do a BLOODMOON DLC with a playable Rielking race, with bristleback mount :)
    Edited by QuebraRegra on June 6, 2017 3:36PM
  • Arthur_Spoonfondle
    Heart of Thorns was an expansion. Legion was an expansion. They added substantial content. This is a dlc. Set some standards.

    At the price charged for access, it is a very small DLC and I will not be buying, until the price is cut or it becomes available as part of a higher value package deal.

    Rift and WoW offer far more new content, at around £30 to £35 for an expansion.
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