Dwarven spider - stupidest looking mount in the game

  • AnthofromOrsinium
    wolfxspice wrote: »
    alsuran wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    lauykanson wrote: »
    3000 crowns
    For real? Because if that's the case I will say well bloody done ZOS.

    As for how it looks, if it's live now anyone have a picture of what one looks like riding it?


    She is amazing ! Very cool and cheap only 3k it's perfect
    Edited by AnthofromOrsinium on June 7, 2017 10:15AM
    @AnthofromOrsinium // FROM TITANS !! // Client ESO+
  • Kamatsu
    How much ? 2500, 5000 crowns ? if 5 I will have to pass, 2500 I MIGHT get it

    @JamieAubrey it's priced at 3K crowns.
  • Kaaldein
    I'll wait for the flying baby dragon mount...
  • EvilKiwi
    I saw it in the crown store and had to have it. Had a blast running around, jumping every where.
    No Lollygagging.
  • Feanor
    EvilKiwi wrote: »
    I saw it in the crown store and had to have it. Had a blast running around, jumping every where.

    Sadly a lot of people feel that way.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Ch4mpTW
    I like it a lot. It makes me feel like I'm in a mecha of sorts. All that is needed is a canopy to cover our bodies inside of it, and voila! Dwemer-based mobile suit.
  • Abeille
    It's hilarious and it makes more sense than the Dwemer animal-shaped mounts. I'm okay with this, even if it is not something I would buy myself.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • GDOFWR420
    Bought :p
  • Stannum
    it should have two blaster-cannons and make pew-pew
  • Betheny
    Stannum wrote: »
    it should have two blaster-cannons and make pew-pew

    Instead it has two sewer outlet canons which make poo-poo.
  • Elsonso
    RouDantes wrote: »
    RouDantes wrote: »
    I'm not sure I'll ever understand people bitching about the mere existence of things they personally don't like. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

    It is a shared world. When you buy a mount and ride around on it, everyone around you gets to see it in the game.

    Exactly. It is a shared world, and just like the real world, you're going to have to see things you don't like that other people do. You get to decide what you look like and what you do, and so does everyone else. No one is special.

    I don't understand the sense of entitlement some people have about what they see other people doing.

    I'm not saying you're defending them, necessarily, but your attempt to explain them really only highlights why their bitching is self absorbed and ridiculous.

    Why does it have anything to do with entitlement, any more than such cases in real life are not entitlement?

    Part of what ZOS is selling is the Elder Scrolls vision of the game.That vision is the shared world that we are all supposed to be playing in. People trust ZOS and Bethesda to understand the vision and uphold it. It is not unreasonable when they are concerned that ZOS and Bethesda are not taking that seriously.

    Now, I realize that ZOS is not exactly the poster-child for preserving the Elder Scrolls vision. At times, it seems that they have a checklist of Elder Scrolls and lore related items that they are working on crossing out of the game. The Lore serves the needs of the game, not the other way around. I know they have lost some Elder Scrolls fans with their decisions.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Betheny
    If any of the sound engineers are reading this, can you sneak in a subversive farty sound or two when the leg pistons are moving or something? Totally goes with the whole toiletspider thing.
  • Blackleopardex
    They *** it up, they cud have made this look decent, but they really made it look so lame... -_-
    6 NB: Tank, Healer, Mag/Stam PVE&PVP.
    I don't read long signatures: https://www.youtube.com/user/Blackleopardex
  • Kiralyn2000
    RouDantes wrote: »
    RouDantes wrote: »
    I'm not sure I'll ever understand people bitching about the mere existence of things they personally don't like. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

    It is a shared world. When you buy a mount and ride around on it, everyone around you gets to see it in the game.

    Exactly. It is a shared world, and just like the real world, you're going to have to see things you don't like that other people do. You get to decide what you look like and what you do, and so does everyone else. No one is special.

    I don't understand the sense of entitlement some people have about what they see other people doing.

    Yeah, in the real world, I absolutely hate when people clank through the streets on their giant robo-spiders. We are definitely able to compare the real world to ESO, hence the magic, elves, and Betmer. Obviously no differences.

    How about when IRL people rumble down the street in their jacked-suspension, no muffler, flags-flying-in-the-truck-bed pickups? That would be the point the previous poster was making - in the "real life shared world" we have, the people around us aren't limited by what we personally like.
  • RouDantes
    RouDantes wrote: »
    RouDantes wrote: »
    I'm not sure I'll ever understand people bitching about the mere existence of things they personally don't like. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

    It is a shared world. When you buy a mount and ride around on it, everyone around you gets to see it in the game.

    Exactly. It is a shared world, and just like the real world, you're going to have to see things you don't like that other people do. You get to decide what you look like and what you do, and so does everyone else. No one is special.

    I don't understand the sense of entitlement some people have about what they see other people doing.

    I'm not saying you're defending them, necessarily, but your attempt to explain them really only highlights why their bitching is self absorbed and ridiculous.

    Why does it have anything to do with entitlement, any more than such cases in real life are not entitlement?
    Cases in which people want to dictate what other people can have in real life IS ALSO entitlement. When a person wants to arbitrate what other people can do and what they can have, in a video game or otherwise, it means that they feel entitled to have that power of judgement over those other people. Everyone is entitled to their rights, but no one is entitled to other people's rights.

    The sense of entitlement I am referring to and criticizing is some players sense of being entitled to decide what is or isn't appropriate for other players to have in the game. That is not for them to decide, and to claim that their opinions matter more than the other players' is arrogance.

    Part of what ZOS is selling is the Elder Scrolls vision of the game.That vision is the shared world that we are all supposed to be playing in. People trust ZOS and Bethesda to understand the vision and uphold it. It is not unreasonable when they are concerned that ZOS and Bethesda are not taking that seriously.

    ZOS and Bethesda are the only ones who have the actual authority to create or change the lore of TES. ZOS doesn't implement anything that Bethesda doesn't approve of, and Bethesda is the ultimate source for what is and what isn't part of the Elder Scrolls. It is their collective vision and they are entitled to do whatever they want with it.

    This debate is the result of some people disliking a new addition to the Elder Scrolls lore, and feeling that they are entitled to decide what is and isn't appropriate for the lore, more than ZOS and Bethesda do. They are incorrect. They are entitled to their opinions, and they are entitled to feel like it doesn't fit their personal idea of what the Elder Scrolls world is, but that is just the way they see it in their minds, their interpretation. And they are entitled to be disappointed by new things that they don't like and to voice those opinions.

    But it is arrogant for someone to think that their personal idea of TES is superior or more valid than that of ZOS and Bethesda and the players who like what they add to the game. It reflects a self absorbed sense of entitlement to the game.

    They can have their dissenting opinions, but it's *** to think that their opinions are better or more valid than other people's.
    Captain Rou Dantes
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Being mechanical in nature, I think the riding animation should occasionally involve getting the *** pinched out of your naughty bits...

    I mean, something's bound to get caught in all those gears and pivots, right?
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • LadyNalcarya
    Feanor wrote: »
    EvilKiwi wrote: »
    I saw it in the crown store and had to have it. Had a blast running around, jumping every where.

    Sadly a lot of people feel that way.

    "Sadly"? Selling cosmetics is the most harmless way to monetize the game.
    Ofc I'd also prefer if they would just release dlcs and all cosmetics would be obtainable in game... But its not gonna happen.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Tai-Chi
    Feanor wrote: »
    It all went downhill with the Dro'mathra Senche. That was the opening of Pandora's Box. There will be more trashy stuff that people find cool because it's so hilarious in the future. Already looking forward to giant Silk Strider and Fire Atronach mounts.

    When the eco-friendly, mechanical, steam-powered Dwemer Vehicle leaps in the air, its legs are almost comparable with those of a Silk Strider. I am not saying they were but it is possible that they were invented by the same person.

    The Silk Strider was intended as public transport - for the poor masses (I presume) because it is free - whilst the super-dooper 'Dwemobile' is for those who are more financially afloat. Let's remember, one House of the Dark Elves were particularly mercantile by nature whilst also serving and caring for the community.

    I think the 'Dwemobile' is a very plausible invention of that time.
    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • Potenza
    Yea, but can you imagine a 20 man raid rolling over a hill at you in Cyrodiil all riding these things?
  • playsforfun
    imagine like 20 of these racing each other, it'd be funny as hell lol
  • Dark_Claw
    I was expecting it to be bigger :/

  • JamieAubrey
    Kamatsu wrote: »
    How much ? 2500, 5000 crowns ? if 5 I will have to pass, 2500 I MIGHT get it

    @JamieAubrey it's priced at 3K crowns.

    Well we do have a dilemma
  • Elsonso
    Kamatsu wrote: »
    How much ? 2500, 5000 crowns ? if 5 I will have to pass, 2500 I MIGHT get it

    @JamieAubrey it's priced at 3K crowns.

    Well we do have a dilemma

    You are being tested. :smile:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • BuddyAces
    Bwahaha this is hands down the best mount. Had a blast running around on my spider bro. Did good here ZOS, thank you!!!
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • Wreuntzylla
    There needs to be a shark in this game so you can jump over it with your Dwemer spider mount.

    There is, but if you jump over the shark, it fries you with it's laser beam.
  • Roovin
    Turelus wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    For me personally bleh... I liked the game when it was horses only, opening to some extra mounts was nice, how far it's gone makes me worry for the future.

    Still I am also an adult, so each to their own tastes.

    Dont think mounts will determine eso's future. More like the stability of the game.

    End game trials frame drops is the real problem
    I mostly mean the future of the look/style due to flashy mounts. The game is doing fine health wise for players and I believe will for a very long time.

    I just really prefer a look for a game which isn't all flashy silly mounts and bright colour costumes, SWTOR at launch compared to now is a great example of the future I worry about.

    As I said though, each to their own that's just my personal taste in what a game should "look" like.

    Better not get your hopes as nearly all mmo's in the future will be like this. Having a mmo be F2P or B2P and having a cash shop generates so much more money than requiring a subscription.

    I fact, you should almost be thankful to the people who do buy stuff like this as they have made subscriptions irrelevant.

    And really, what does it matter if a mount costs $20? If you never had an intention of getting it then there is no problem
  • Kalebron
    Best mount in the game so far, but yes I do think it needs to be bigger. It needs to tower over all other mounts or at least be a little bigger.
  • CMFan1966
    I saw someone in game last night going around and around in circles on this mount and it was hysterically funny! I wasn't going to get it, but after watching that, I think I might have to!
  • Lord_Eomer
    Its a different mount then usual and looks good!
  • Ankael07
    Benn G x wrote: »
    Reasonable price, but not my cup of tea.

    OP could learn a thing or two from your behavior
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
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