Nightblade class should come with warning

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • Violynne
    Killer' Blade morph of assassins blade. Heals 17% of max life if target dies within 2 seconds of being hit by it. Which is easy since it is an execute.

    Marked target. And it's morphs heal. 40% of max health if the target dies while marked. One morph heals for 57% of max health.

    These are the ones I used mostly for stam.
    Then you died quite a bit, and aren't being honest about it. There's no way these spells keep you near max health and it's worse when the fight is solo against a boss, where there are no easy trash mobs to take out.

    I'm guessing this is where the OP is struggling, as well as any new stamBlades playing for the first time. This isn't an L2P issue. This is a broken game mechanic issue.

    I have a magSorc, magBlade, and stamBlade and of the three, the latter is the most difficult to play because her sustain is horrible.

    What the hell good is all the DPS in the world if a stamBlade can't stay alive to use it? The majority of spells and hits from bosses, even if you try to remain distanced, is going to wipe 50%+ off a stamBlade's health with very little opportunity to rebuild it unless they keep their distance and wait for about 12 seconds to get 40% of it back (if they're lucky to hold out that long).

    My stamBlade is level 17 right now and she's wiped several times now against bosses. This isn't an L2P issue. It's a sustain issue. There's just simply no easy way to keep health up enough to sustain in a fight, even when using Blood Craze.

    Re-read each of those skills carefully, which help sustain: almost every one of them reads "when the effect/target ends/dies".

    I don't know about you, but getting back 40% health after a boss dies seems pretty frakking stupid.

    I will admit there are some things a stamBlade can do to remain alive longer, but there's no way new players are going to know this going in.

    stamBlades don't need a buff. They need better sustain during a fight. I'd rather sacrifice 1000 pts of DPS for better HoT.
  • Galwylin
    So, if I understand this, some of you are saying there's nothing to see here and ZOS should leave nightblades as they are? Oookay.

    Anyways, even though mine no longer depends of weapon damage and now uses magic, I'm not devoting more resources to him. The continued nerfs have just been too much. I wouldn't have problems with single target fights. Could manage with two at a time. But three or more meant at least one death. Besides, dual wield has the stupidest looking heavy attack animation. He still doesn't do as well as my sorcerer but at least this gives me a chance to learn. When you're dying so much, its difficult to focus on the battle because you're so focused on just staying alike. And I never want to play a class so devoted to gear. I got my sorcerer to level 50 in level 36 crafted gear, I believe. Can forget to add a weapon (or guild) skill on him. There's no way a nightblade can function with just his class skills. That just seems to point out how broken they are that their own skills need outside help. But maybe I'll learn to play.
  • rfennell_ESO
    I think a pop up window should open when you pick the nightblade class in character selection that reads:

    Every other class does what you might want to do better, Do you wish to proceed?

    ((ps your class defining ability is countered by anyone drinking a potion in pvp))
  • JiKama
    Ayeeeee now.... you say tough... play a stam nightblade as a vampire back from launch. EVERYTHING destroyed your butthole with fire damage. Didn't have the percent reduced fire damage taken at early stages. That was tough friend :smile: Plus nightblade is fine! Just gotta find gear plus skills that match up well. The other stam classes have more survivability, but I enjoy sneaky/Instakilling 1 target.
  • Hope499
    vpy wrote: »
    Its pathetic trying to complete quests (especially the Harborage nonsensical quests) as Nightblade whereas it is effing easy in my Sorc.

    Its probably more pathetic you cant beat story content, on ANY character....

    its like, the hand holding pre-school part of the game....
    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • Cillion3117
    I've been a stamblade since launch and love it. In PVE I cut through nearly everything like a lawnmower. This just might be a LPT situation. Change up your build and try again.
  • Zoner
    The only thing a nightblade can do better than any other class is thieves guild or dark brotherhood quests.
    NA EP
    Seren Vedrano - EP NB
    Geldis Vedrano -EP DK
    Andewen Vedrano - EP Templar
    Swiggity Swag - DC NB
    Vashai The Impotent - AD DK
    Sprints-With-Erect-Spine - EP Templar
    Approved Inoffensive Name - EP Sorc
    Serana Vedrano - EP DK
    Cuckpoints - EP sorc
  • vpy
    Updated the post
  • Turelus
    vpy wrote: »
    Updated the post
    Glad to hear you found some fun in it. The class has its issues as you've pointed out, but I still love it over all others.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • PlagueSD
  • Runschei
    vpy wrote: »
    Updated the post

    Good job, brother!
  • MarEvayave
    Soul Shriven
    vpy wrote: »
    Its pathetic trying to complete quests (especially the Harborage nonsensical quests) as Nightblade whereas it is effing easy in my Sorc.

    For crying out loud, ZOS should have the decency to inform beginners that they should avoid this crap class and instead try leveling a sorc or templar.

    30 hours of time is wasted in this garbage.

    Not sure whether I should be sad for leveling this class or should be happy that I have not invested a whole lot more in this cesspit of a class


    As others have mentioned looks it is a "learn to play" issue.

    After playing and experiementing for some more time I have learned the following.

    1) Unlike Mage/DK/Templar, Nightblade is not forgiving.

    2) Mage/DK/Templar all have "oh-s*it" heal buttons whereas Nightblade has none

    3) Along with 2), it becomes extemely important to do block, interrupt, dodge and avoid fire as Nightblade simply cannot soak up the damage.

    Once I got the hang of it, NB becomes quite viable and fun...although my Mage is several times, powerful to kill mobs.

    I disagree with the L2P comment, as I always find that incredibly insensitive, so I prefer to say that such things have a steeper learning curve. I personally find the sorcerer to be hard with low DPS and little to no healing (apart from the restoration staff line), but it may come down to personal preference.

    I would recommend you look into dual wield and siphoning for some panic heals. The trick with the nightblade is that you cannot hide/run and heal. You heal by leaping into the fray. I personally focus on Stamina as my primary stat at a rate of maybe 2:1 against magicka, with health somewhere close-ish to magicka. This is because some of your class abilities, upon morphing, may cost stamina instead of magicka, and if you are using any weapon abilities, those will typically cost stamina as well.

    Note that I use Dual Wield. It felt like a burglary type thing to do. Dual Wield has some excellent survivability. Even if you are using a different weapon, I would strongly urge you to consider switching. I only have my nightblade and a sorc leveled to any significant amount, so my experience is limited to staffs (for the sorc) and dual wield with bow (purely for a ranged alternative to melee combat, as my second set after level 15) for my nightblade.

    I don't really use the Bow for any healing. There's only one morph (Scatter Shot to Draining Shot) that does any healing, from what I saw. This is mostly a good ranged DPS for you to use when the mobs are focused on something else and you run out of magicka. Basically, use a mix of Assassination and Dual Wield for melee and Siphoning and Bow for ranged (with the class skills mostly using magicka and the weapon skills using stamina). This allows you to have an option for almost all situations (though some heal more than others). When you run out of one resource, switch to skills that use the other resource. Get in close, or hang back at a distance. Siphoning is good to use when kiting as you can still heal yourself a bit and it helps keep melee targets at bay. Regardless of the role you want to take in any given battle, always use Agony as a starting skill, unless you are confident that you can take the whole group at once. Cast Agony and then switch (if needed) to the skills that you intend to use.

    Here's a few skills I like:

    --Strife (morphed to Funnel Health if playing with friends, or Swallow Soul if going solo). It is a ranged HoT which you should try to keep active as much as possible. Don't distract yourself by putting it on all mobs if there is a larger group, but one or two would be good.
    --Agony (morph optional). This is an excellent CC ability, so it doesn't give you healing but it does take one mob out of the equation for half a minute at a time, which you can chain up to ultimately keep at least one mob out of your hair for an entire fight. Doesn't work against bosses. I'd recommend using it against a ranged mob, especially a caster, because you can always kite melee mobs if you need to. I choose to not morph it simply because I find it to be a bit of a waste of a skill point. Either I don't end up waiting for the 30 seconds to expire or I keep it chain-locked until the end of the fight, which makes the benefit after the 30 minutes is up negligible.
    --All of the passives except for Catalyst would be excellent choices (I say no to Catalyst because I rarely use potions; I play with a friend, though, so YMMV -- potions when solo may be more needed than when with a buddy to watch your back).

    I don't use this line at all. Maybe someday...

    --Assassin's Blade (morphed to Impale). Killer's Blade (other morph) isn't an entirely bad idea, but since it requires the mob to die within 2 seconds, it may not always proc and give you the healing benefit from this. As such, I prefer Impale, as I can use it at range.
    --Teleport Strike (morphed to Lotus Fan). I'd say this skill itself is almost a must. If you are going to use melee at all, getting to your targets as fast as you can, especially those who are plucking away at you from range, is absolutely critical. The other morph is okay too, but a lot of melee abilities use stamina instead of magicka, so with a stamina-intensive array of skills, the more that use magicka, the better -- that way when you run out of one, you can switch to the other.
    --All passives except for Master Assassin are excellent choices. I must be missing something but I'm not sure how the whole invisibility thing works. I'm still a newb myself, though, only been playing for a little over a month. As for stealth, it kinda doesn't work after the fight begins, so I find the benefit too low to bother putting a point in here.

    Dual Wield:
    --Flurry (morphed to Bloodthirst, a must). This is your primary regenerative ability for melee if you are using Dual Wield. The final strike already does 300% more than the base damage and will heal you for 60% of that.
    --Twin Slashes (morphed to Bloodcraze). A secondary HoT if Bloodcraze.
    --After Flurry and Twin Slashes it's mostly down to preference, though I find Whirlwind to be lackluster.
    --All passives except for Ruffian are good choices. Ruffian is less useful, IMO, as it requires the mob to already be under some form of CC, which doesn't necessarily happen all the time in combat. Maybe someday if you find you have spare points. In the meantime, I feel your points are better spent elsewhere.

    Good luck!
  • Heroeric1337
    Definitely the hardest class to learn, but most rewarding once you manage. I've got 2 NB; 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP. Definitely took me forever to make builds for them that I liked and was successful, but by the end of the day its all good!
  • PlagueSD
    vpy wrote: »

    As others have mentioned looks it is a "learn to play" issue.

    After playing and experiementing for some more time I have learned the following.

    1) Unlike Mage/DK/Templar, Nightblade is not forgiving.

    2) Mage/DK/Templar all have "oh-s*it" heal buttons whereas Nightblade has none

    3) Along with 2), it becomes extemely important to do block, interrupt, dodge and avoid fire as Nightblade simply cannot soak up the damage.

    Once I got the hang of it, NB becomes quite viable and fun...although my Mage is several times, powerful to kill mobs.[/b]

    For #2, nightblades do get an "oh-s*it" button. It's called Soul Tether (Morph of Soul Shred from Siphoning Tree) Or you can use Lacerate (morph to Rend) from the Dual-Wield tree.

    Also, once you get your hand on the Bahraha's Curse set from Thieves' Guild quest track and Briarheart set from Wrothgar, you'll damn near be unkillable with the healing provided by those sets. If you're not able to get those sets, you can craft the Song of Lamae set, which has a built in heal when you go below 30% health.

    I'd also pick up Flurry (morph to Bloodthirst) and Twin Slashes (morph to Blood Craze) from the Dual-Wield tree to help with survivability.
  • ookami007

    At launch I made a nb as well. And not being a great player I do recall times mostly in a fight with groups of mobs, I would have not made it, if I did not use the healing skills a nb has. And lots of nbs over look I think. Since that is really the only way I could see them having problems in questing content.

    I made SEVERAL nightblades... BEFORE launch. I loved the class, but let's face it... it's MUCH more challenging now with WBs and some Dungeon and Delve Bosses. The experience with AT-LEVEL content in the beginning was very much on par, or better in some cases than other classes, but NB is the most nerfed class in the game and it's former glory has long since faded. Mostly because of whiners in PvP where, because of their skills, they excel at ganking.

    So please, all of you glory day nightblades, spare the "I created nightblades at launch and had no trouble" stories. It's a COMPLETELY different game now... and sadly, not for the better.

    I will agree that, like in the beginning, there is a learning curve to playing it and you will HAVE to fight tactically, unless you are a magblade and can capitalize on a healing staff. Stamblades are MUCH less forgiving and are about to become even MORE unforgiving with the bump in cost to Vigor.

    So, are nightblades harder to play than any other class - yes. Are they impossible to play - no.

    Since I started out playing nightblades, I learned dodging, blocking and combat movement, so when I actually started playing other classes, they seemed so much easier to me because I already knew the mechanics of combat, but I'll still love my nightblades... even if I don't play them much anymore.

  • QUEZ420
  • Galwylin
    I like nightblades. That's the only class I wanted when I started. But man, they have it rough. The hiding and burst is the class. What gets nerfed all the time? Imagine if dragonknights were facing a constant wave of nerfs to their tanking. Sorcerer losing their shields and damage. We don't have to imagine templars facing a nerf to one of their class defining skills. It absolutely makes me sick and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. You would think at some point they'd stop the nerfs and actually give some improvements.

    It isn't unplayable. Mine basically sucks the health out of everything like a blasted vampire. But he can run through publics solo. Started doing groups solo. World bosses. Things he couldn't do as stamina. Yet a leather clad shadowy figure flashing two daggers was how I envisioned him. Its not as fun as when I started. My sorcerer and templar are able to do the same things only faster and better. If its totally a learn to play, I'm dropping out. Maybe I'm really a sorcerer at heart.
  • FoulSnowpaw
    I don't see the problem here with stam nightblades.
    NB overall has a steady ultimate gain considering their passives. Just slot dawnbreaker and you're good with ult dps.
    Stam Templar/Dragonknight don't have good stam heals either. Go figure.
    I suggest using 2-H sword "rally" if you decide to solo tougher dungeons/bosses.
    I have a stam nightblade with 2-H and he kicks butt.

    Magicka nightblades work very well with all that siphon stuff, which I'm trust we all know. If not oh well.

    Fix your abilities and... learn to play! That's it! B)
  • Sosderosii


    As others have mentioned looks it is a "learn to play" issue.

    After playing and experiementing for some more time I have learned the following.

    1) Unlike Mage/DK/Templar, Nightblade is not forgiving.

    2) Mage/DK/Templar all have "oh-[Snip]" heal buttons whereas Nightblade has none

    3) Along with 2), it becomes extemely important to do block, interrupt, dodge and avoid fire as Nightblade simply cannot soak up the damage.

    Once I got the hang of it, NB becomes quite viable and fun...although my Mage is several times, powerful to kill mobs.

    [Edit to remove profanity][/quote]

    And you call it a learn to play issue when you are not allowed the smallest mistake and that doesn't give you any advantage whatsoever?

    A challenge is dun but when the devs keep on nerfing everything you find to make your class competitive for three years straight, the fun stops at some point and you find youself struggling against a lot less experienced players that use other classes.

    That means an equaly skilled player would always defeat you as a nightblade since the class is not forgiving for any mistake but theirclass is forgiving many mistakes. And what if none make any mistake?
    The nightblade would still lose ofcourse.
    Edited by Sosderosii on May 9, 2017 6:30AM
  • Sosderosii
    I vaguely remember that NB's used to be the big dogs in PvP. Go invisible or stealth. Hit someone unaware with a whole bunch of ani cancelled attacks and then t-bag the corpse.
    So they probably got nerfed into Oblivion because that is hard to defend against. But ppl will always try to get the most powerful option for themselves, so then it moved onto shield stacking sorcs.
    And before the NB meta, I thought the pinnacle was the immortal DK. Things will change over time, so just chill.

    Things change alright but NB only gets more nerfs on each one of those changes and we don't feel like waiting any more years for a fix that might be nerfed yet again for all we know.
    Edited by Sosderosii on May 9, 2017 7:03AM
  • Violynne
    Galwylin wrote: »
    It isn't unplayable. Mine basically sucks the health out of everything like a blasted vampire. But he can run through publics solo. Started doing groups solo. World bosses. Things he couldn't do as stamina.
    Emphasis mine, but yes, a magBlade >>> stamBlade in terms of survival.

    It's pretty pathetic that a stamBlade can only morph 5 of its class skills to stamina, while the rest drain magicka so fast, it makes it worthless.

    I can imagine most stamBlade bars are not filled with a majority of the NB skill tree.

  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    ookami007 wrote: »

    I made SEVERAL nightblades... BEFORE launch. I loved the class, but let's face it... it's MUCH more challenging now with WBs and some Dungeon and Delve Bosses. The experience with AT-LEVEL content in the beginning was very much on par, or better in some cases than other classes, but NB is the most nerfed class in the game and it's former glory has long since faded. Mostly because of whiners in PvP where, because of their skills, they excel at ganking.

    So please, all of you glory day nightblades, spare the "I created nightblades at launch and had no trouble" stories. It's a COMPLETELY different game now... and sadly, not for the better.

    I will agree that, like in the beginning, there is a learning curve to playing it and you will HAVE to fight tactically, unless you are a magblade and can capitalize on a healing staff. Stamblades are MUCH less forgiving and are about to become even MORE unforgiving with the bump in cost to Vigor.

    So, are nightblades harder to play than any other class - yes. Are they impossible to play - no.

    Since I started out playing nightblades, I learned dodging, blocking and combat movement, so when I actually started playing other classes, they seemed so much easier to me because I already knew the mechanics of combat, but I'll still love my nightblades... even if I don't play them much anymore.

    While I agree with you. The I had no problem post don't really help. Which is why I mentioned how I tried to play. But I will point out that while the NB has been nerfed, so has content. Killing a small group of mobs in Gold was on par to killing some of the bosses these days.

    I will admit though it has been a while since I leveled a NB so I all I can say is what I used. It may not still work. And I will also say I'm a crafter. So I always had purple/Blue gear near my level in proper sets. Which I am sure helped.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on May 9, 2017 12:10PM
  • DivyathFyr
    I have a stamblade im working on thinking about dropping him now..

    Or is stamblade alright in morrowind?
  • PlagueSD
    MarEvayave wrote: »
    --Assassin's Blade (morphed to Impale). Killer's Blade (other morph) isn't an entirely bad idea, but since it requires the mob to die within 2 seconds, it may not always proc and give you the healing benefit from this. As such, I prefer Impale, as I can use it at range.

    Considering that ability is your "finisher" (300% extra damage to low health targets.) There's a really good chance your target will die within 2 seconds.

    Basically, my AOE fights go like this: Relentless focus, Endless Hail, Ambush, Whirling Blades (spin to win), finish off low health targets with Killer's blade.

    Solo fights: (from stealth) Relentless focus, Ambush, Bloodthirst, finish with Killer's blade.
  • Megabear
    I leveled a mag Sorc first to 26. Then I thought I should focus on a crafting char first. I did not expect to level my crafting char beyond lvl 15, so I chose a class I was most unlikely to use for the hell of it: Stam NB. Well, it was much tougher going than mag Sorc but it was also more fun and "nimble". As OP said it requires you to "learn" the game and I have to say I'm glad I leveled a Stam NB. After hitting lvl 47 with the NB, I went back to my sorc and I got much better at playing that char. Sure I got powerful buttons to save myself but I still dodge block fluidly and unconsciously. I also learned to mix in light attacks in between skills (not sure if it's a "thing") to get more damage output. Fun stuff.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • Artis
    STEVIL wrote: »

    i do not disagree with every class being given a paragraph about its strengths and weaknesses.

    Nb could be as simple as "this class is not intended to have top dps, top burst dps, significant stealth advantages and good healing all at once" and that might well eliminate some confusion.

    i always saw this class as a best at stealth with string utility - a good solo class for instance. I never once looked at it and said "hey, on top of that, it should be a top performer in dps for the one percenters in group/trial"

    let me ask, does anyone bashing the NB performance as "crap class" believe this also applies to stealth related content such as the TG/DB heists and sacraments? Do you prefer templars or Dks to go sneaking thru those heists over nightblades?

    or are NB actually best at that content but you dont give a crap about that content?

    do none of you find the nb stealth capabilities useful at all in PVP settings, not for direct in-combat death dealing destruction as for situational control as in avoiding or escaping? not at all? no?

    or are thos elements there but you dont give a crap about those either?

    By no means saying the NB is a perfect class, but like all classes it has its strengths and those seem to keep getting ingored if they dont fit into the one-percenter views of whats needed for a very small closet of content - namely end-game group-trial dps play.

    PS: if you have problems completing main questline with Nb, or really any of the normal tier questlines, the issue is not with the Nb cbut more PEBKAC. i think my very first molag bal kill was with a Nb and my first vet-16 level was with a nb though my main/first character was not a nb.

    Anyone can use an invisibility potion and have stealth in that content. What potion should NBs drink to be invited to trial groups again and not suck in pvp?

    Not everyone plays stealth in pvp. Not everyone doesn't want to play in pve. And when some of us started playing, NB was on par in DPS and there was NO REASON to think it's not supposed to be strong in dps.

    IF a thing like what you're saying happens - and it's official that NB isn't intended to be top dps, then a lot of people will simply quit the game. No one will redo all the progress on the alts and the achievements aren't account-wide and there's no way to change a class.

    NB has no strengths. Everything can be done by other classes better. And don't bring that 1% crap up. I'm not 1% but I want to complete all content on my character and I want to be as strong and useful as anyone else. Why shouldn't I be, again?
    DocFrost72 wrote: »

    This is entirely a "l2p" issue, and truthfully, nightblades are not a dead class. They are bottom of the barrel (for a few reasons) but by no means unplayable. Please, do not spread misinformation.

    They absolutely are a dead class. Bottom of the barrel = dead class. Bottom of the barrel = there's no reason to use or invite a NB anywhere if you don't have to. They don't make up for it in any way too. DKs will always give 10% fire damage to a raid, wardens will always give resource regeneration, etc.

    And don't throw "l2p" around. People who did learn to play all agree that NB is bad. Who are you to tell to l2p? How much more can Dro-m'Athra Destroyers l2p? Yet all top NBs agree that their class is weak and most of them don't even use their NBs if they have another class they can bring.

    People who say L2P issue, please, do us all a favor and save yourself an embarrassment and STFU.

    Top players agree that there's no reason to have a NB. Players who are much better than you on their NBs. Who are probably better than your sorcs on their NBs - they all agree that they can do the same thing much better on other classes. Please, complete all content with NB and other classes and come back and say it again - that NB is not dead compared to others. If the leader boards aren't enough of the proof for you...

    And your "killing mobs" arguments are irrelevant too. Trust me, not a single end-game player complains that he can't kill mobs.
  • Tigeracer
    Violynne wrote: »
    Emphasis mine, but yes, a magBlade >>> stamBlade in terms of survival.

    It's pretty pathetic that a stamBlade can only morph 5 of its class skills to stamina, while the rest drain magicka so fast, it makes it worthless.

    I can imagine most stamBlade bars are not filled with a majority of the NB skill tree.

    I'm going to have to disagree with your last comment.

    Mass hysteria (nightblade skill)
    Surprise attack (nightblade skill)
    Resolving vigor (not a class skill)
    Killers blade (nightblade skill)
    Ambush (nightblade skill)
    Incapacitating strike (nightblade skill)

    Relentless focus (nightblade skill)
    Shuffle (not a class skill)
    Shadowy disguise (nightblade skill)
    Poison injection (not a class skill)
    Siphoning attacks (nightblade skill)
    Soul tether (nightblade skill)

    Out of 12 skills, only 3 of them are not nightblade class skills.


    Steel tornado (not a class skill)
    Surprise attack (nightblade skill)
    Trap beast (not a class skill)
    Killers blade (nightblade skill)
    Ambush (nightblade skill)
    Incapacitating strike (nightblade skill)

    Relentless focus (nightblade skill)
    Resolving vigor (not a class skill)
    Endless hail (not a class skill)
    Poison injection (not a class skill)
    Siphoning attacks (nightblade skill)
    Soul tether (nightblade skill)

    Out of 12 skills, 5 of them are not nightblade class skills.

    My point is, most of your skills as a stam blade are class skills.
  • Tholian1
    I am not a great player, but was able to solo the group event in Old Orsinium as a stage 4 vampire stamblade. Lots of fire!

    NB is still a fun and viable class. Frustratingly hard to play some content with, but still worth it IMO.

    Of course my opinion may change after Morrowind. :p
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Galwylin
    Violynne wrote: »
    Emphasis mine, but yes, a magBlade >>> stamBlade in terms of survival.

    It's pretty pathetic that a stamBlade can only morph 5 of its class skills to stamina, while the rest drain magicka so fast, it makes it worthless.

    I can imagine most stamBlade bars are not filled with a majority of the NB skill tree.

    Stamina always drags behind magicka in everything. Which is fine. I don't know Elder Scrolls lore myself. Never played any before ESO except Skyrim and only got as far as the second town (I like it just had other things I'd rather play). So, once learning what a nightblade was in previous games, I've come to accept things as they are. He's not the shadowy assassin type I imagine and I could always craft some Julianos medium armor that might work (ha). After all, its really the medium passives I miss. And the dual weld. Like almost every other game I can think of, the class that can hide and surprise attack people gets hammered into the ground. Because ganking isn't fun. I don't get why developers keep putting that ability into games. There's no boss anywhere that works on so what was it added for?

    And if that's not how you want it played then it needs a skill rewrite. Nightblade in particular have the most useless skills but all classes have some pretty useless things that need cleaned up. Instead, just chip away and chip away. Of all the skills I used to use, the best were in dual weld. Even their best hitting skill was locked behind one of the stupidest (if not the) mechanics I've ever ran across. Still, the thing that gets me, if they are going to keep nerfing the worst class then what's to keep them from moving on to others. They already hit magicka nightblades. They may decide to go full on like they have the stamina ones. And of course since I think sorcerer is probably what I'll main, that will be next and they'll chop it into useless pieces just the same.

    I'm glad people think stamina nightblades are fine. I honestly believe you're lying to me but that's fine. I know some people can do great things. I'd rather learn to play the piano that bother with the rotation that makes that possible. I just don't believe there's any damn good reason why this particular class requires more skill and learning to use properly than every single other. I'd really like to have a dev explain how that makes the game balanced. Because so far, they hear but here's another nerf.
  • Lucky28
    It should come with a warning though, something along the lines of: "because we can't nerf a stamina specific morph of an ability, we often nerf magicka NB unjustifiably.... PS, still can't fix cloak"
    Edited by Lucky28 on May 10, 2017 1:42AM
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