Its pathetic trying to complete quests (especially the Harborage nonsensical quests) as Nightblade whereas it is effing easy in my Sorc.
For crying out loud, ZOS should have the decency to inform beginners that they should avoid this crap class and instead try leveling a sorc or templar.
30 hours of time is wasted in this garbage.
Not sure whether I should be sad for leveling this class or should be happy that I have not invested a whole lot more in this cesspit of a class
As others have mentioned looks it is a "learn to play" issue.
After playing and experiementing for some more time I have learned the following.
1) Unlike Mage/DK/Templar, Nightblade is not forgiving.
2) Mage/DK/Templar all have "oh-[Snip]" heal buttons whereas Nightblade has none
3) Along with 2), it becomes extemely important to do block, interrupt, dodge and avoid fire as Nightblade simply cannot soak up the damage.
Once I got the hang of it, NB becomes quite viable and fun...although my Mage is several times, powerful to kill mobs.
[Edit to remove profanity]
Never played any before ESO except Skyrim and only got as far as the second town (I like it just had other things I'd rather play). So, once learning what a nightblade was in previous games, I've come to accept things as they are. He's not the shadowy assassin type I imagine and I could always craft some Julianos medium armor that might work (ha). After all, its really the medium passives I miss. And the dual weld. Like almost every other game I can think of, the class that can hide and surprise attack people gets hammered into the ground. Because ganking isn't fun. I don't get why developers keep putting that ability into games. There's no boss anywhere that works on so what was it added for?