SydneyGrey wrote: »Congrats. My point remains that stamina NBs are still weak in face-to-face PvE fights compared with other classes, and need a better heal ability.
Well, fights are scaled to your level, so .....
My main class I play in PVE is a magic NB and pvp a stamp NB it seems like you might need to L2P I have done all content in the game with both Stam and magic NB so not really sure where all the hate is coming fromIts pathetic trying to complete quests (especially the Harborage nonsensical quests) as Nightblade whereas it is effing easy in my Sorc.
For crying out loud, ZOS should have the decency to inform beginners that they should avoid this crap class and instead try leveling a sorc or templar.
30 hours of time is wasted in this garbage.
Not sure whether I should be sad for leveling this class or should be happy that I have not invested a whole lot more in this cesspit of a class
ParaNostram wrote: ». . . This thread . . . hurt my soul . . . Like, my magblade is my top DPS character.
We get it no amount of nerfs will ever hurt your God tier ability.
ParaNostram wrote: »
It's called, for lack of a better way to put it, playing to a classes strengths and mastering the class. If you believe you can't do it before you even try then you've already set yourself up for failure as well. You get out of it what you put into it.
Do yourselves a favor, tell the Meta to go [long censored pause] and never call it again! Create your own builds that suit your playstyle first and foremost THEN fine tune it for performance. It will go a long way to improving your performance on three fronts. One - you'll learn how your class works. Two - you'll have your build tailored to you which means Three - you'll feel better and play better.
Those heals aren't viable heals for a stamblade to rely on.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
A large yellow rectangle
Princess_Ciri wrote: »Oh come on. If my noob self could kill Molag Bal easily on my hybrid Nightblade there's no reason anyone else shouldn't be able to do it.
Sure, Nightblades aren't competing with the other classes at end game DPS but that is no excuse for struggling in overland stuff! A shield and spamming swallow soul should be enough, surely?
Stamblade, and I'm squishy as hell.
I have more than three on me, I'm dead, and some quest bosses I had to crutch on my WW form to kill. Delve bosses too.
This is all under 160 CP mind you.