Nightblade class should come with warning

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Its pathetic trying to complete quests (especially the Harborage nonsensical quests) as Nightblade whereas it is effing easy in my Sorc.

For crying out loud, ZOS should have the decency to inform beginners that they should avoid this crap class and instead try leveling a sorc or templar.

30 hours of time is wasted in this garbage.

Not sure whether I should be sad for leveling this class or should be happy that I have not invested a whole lot more in this cesspit of a class


As others have mentioned looks it is a "learn to play" issue.

After playing and experiementing for some more time I have learned the following.

1) Unlike Mage/DK/Templar, Nightblade is not forgiving.

2) Mage/DK/Templar all have "oh-[Snip]" heal buttons whereas Nightblade has none

3) Along with 2), it becomes extemely important to do block, interrupt, dodge and avoid fire as Nightblade simply cannot soak up the damage.

Once I got the hang of it, NB becomes quite viable and fun...although my Mage is several times, powerful to kill mobs.

[Edit to remove profanity]
Edited by [Deleted User] on May 9, 2017 1:14AM
  • notimetocare
  • Turelus
    What are you trying to do with the Nightblade?

    I've played one as a main since launch and once I understood the mechanics and some builds have not had any issues with content. Willing to help you through the pain points and get to the enjoyment of the class.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • blkjag
    You get out what you put in
  • Galwylin
    My first class was a nightblade mostly stamina. I say mostly because at the time, I didn't realize the divide between the two. It is one of the if the hardest to level. Some game I played (LoTR?) actually had class difficulty when creating one so the player had some idea what they were getting into. On paper, I love the nightblade. Its just not the smoothest journey. But I've seen really good players do some great things with them. Trouble is, the other classes also can do great things, its just easier. It certainly doesn't help when your entire class defining skills are always on the nerf block. Have we had one patch yet where some facet of the nightblade wasn't nerfed?
  • Mashille
    Not to be rude but I feel people like you are the reason that Overland content got nerfed into Oblivion.

    While it's true for Dungeons ets that Sorcs are stronger than Nightblades in this case it's a L2P issue as I'm pretty sure all content is beatable with just Light Attacks.
    House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'
  • Fiskerton
    I ambush and then spam wrecking blow as nb right now and kill pretty much everything.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Mashille wrote: »
    Not to be rude but I feel people like you are the reason that Overland content got nerfed into Oblivion.

    While it's true for Dungeons ets that Sorcs are stronger than Nightblades in this case it's a L2P issue as I'm pretty sure all content is beatable with just Light Attacks.

    While I am spoiled by my cp and I don't know if this is still true even for those without. I do know if more NBs would look at their skills and see which heal and when, they would have a much easier time of it.

    Yes it is easier with a sorc. But it can be pretty dang easy with nb as well. The fight just takes a little more planning.
  • Smmokkee

    While I am spoiled by my cp and I don't know if this is still true even for those without. I do know if more NBs would look at their skills and see which heal and when, they would have a much easier time of it.

    Yes it is easier with a sorc. But it can be pretty dang easy with nb as well. The fight just takes a little more planning.

    What skills are we talking about?
  • Mashille

    Well, back at launch my very first toon was a Nightblade and I don't recall ever having "actual difficultly" completing anything and Overland content now is far Easier than it was back then.
    House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'
  • Marabornwingrion
    vpy wrote: »
    30 hours of time is wasted in this garbage.

    So you gave up on nightblade after 30 hours, huh? I have over 2000 hours played on my magblade and even lack of DPS compared to other classes, I think it's the most fun class to play.

    Also, L2Nightblade.
  • Myyth
    I am leveling a NB now and its the worst class ive leveled up so far as well. Almost no AoE class skills to burn down mobs, so many situational use class abilities that don't do damage or very little. The majority of my skills slots are filled up with non class weapon or guild skills, like dual wield or 2 handed. There are only a few useful Nightblade skills. Its odd to think this is an assassin class yet takes so long to kill multiple enemies. It seems like this is intended to be a pvp or kill one enemy at a time type of class. Leveling is so much faster with the other classes. I gave up doing pve content like delves for with my NB and have been leveling up doing thieves and dark brotherhood quest instead which has been better.
    Edited by Myyth on May 7, 2017 4:06PM
  • ZakuBeta
    Yes it is easier with a sorc. But it can be pretty dang easy with nb as well. The fight just takes a little more planning.

    ALL fights should take planning, no matter the class. The easy mode classes need to learn to play, and stop whining when a better player takes them out with a different class. That seems to be the problem I read often. Class X is so powerful it needs to be nerfed. I don't say that it is the class that gets me killed, I am not a great player, I am actually a fairly poor player. I, however, do a lot better with the Sorcerer, and Dragon Knight than I do with the Nightblade or Templar. Pretty much in that order of power, at least in my hands. My Dragon Knight is a Hybrid, and is doing better than my Stamblade or Magplar. I do get more enjoyment out of playing my Stamblade, as the stealthy character is my preferred method of play, but the invisibility that seldom functions correctly, and the lack of range for the bow makes it a very poor choice. My dual weapon Stamblade did better, but wasn't as much fun. I'm a sniper player, stalk the edges of combat and strike from the shadows. Problem is, it doesn't work in this game.
  • Tryxus
    Yeah, let's stick this Warning Label on Nightblades everywhere:

    "We're all born under the same sky and on the same earth. Therefore, we all deserve the same amount of respect."
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU
  • Voxicity
    This is literally a learn to play issue. Nothing more to it. Sorry...
  • Avalon
    Odd... I have 2 NBs, my first (NB Caster with Resto Staff) I ground my way to 50 in delves and such, never had even a slight bit of difficulty, emptied delves so fast that I had to wait for respawn a lot of times. My 2nd (NB Archer) got to 10 by grinding, then started on the thieve's guild line, then the dark brotherhood, ground a bit, got to 50. Completely different journey, still just as easy. Not sure where you are finding the difficulties, but, either you are not compensating for the inherent weakness of the class you are playing (each class has them), might be the build you are using, or NB might just not be the class for you?
  • ZakuBeta
    I plan to swap to the Warden as my main when it comes out. The Stealthy stalker just doesn't work in this game. The tethers for creatures are to short, the range for stamina weapons are to short, and have reduced damage, the stealth abilities keep getting nerfed and don't function properly quite frequently.

    My current plan is to do a Dual Wield/Two Hander Werewolf Warden.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Mashille wrote: »

    Well, back at launch my very first toon was a Nightblade and I don't recall ever having "actual difficultly" completing anything and Overland content now is far Easier than it was back then.

    At launch I made a nb as well. And not being a great player I do recall times mostly in a fight with groups of mobs, I would have not made it, if I did not use the healing skills a nb has. And lots of nbs over look I think. Since that is really the only way I could see them having problems in questing content.

    It is odd though. Like you, I went through vet levels with Nb. Both stam and magika. It is so very strange to run around craglorn killing things in a hit or two and then seeing people complain on the forums.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on May 7, 2017 3:54PM
  • flizomica
    NBs arent the best healer/tank/dps which is why theyre regarded as underpowered. but this is in consideration of endgame pve. if you can't do solo questing content on a NB thats a l2p issue..
  • KochDerDamonen
    Nightblade can be annoying to pick up and play for the first time sure, but I think the real problem is stamina. If you use the nightblade's magicka route while levelling you'll have lots of self-healing and kiting capability, until you get some aoe finally.

    Every stamina character is fiddly to get started on. Stamplar at least has an AoE spamabble right out of the gate but unless they heal themselves with Honor the Dead they're entirely without heals til repentance. Dragonknight only gets an aoe dot a little later, but at least their heal is %hp and restores some stamina. Sorcerer is an awful time unless you rely on the clannfear pet, but once you get Hurricane and Surge it's easy breezy. Nightblade gets a heal and an execute immediatly, but never really gets any other help except for buffs and mobility. Not including ultimates in any of these descriptions because obviously I'm not talking about already levelled characters, before someone replies with 'reeee incap strike' idk
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    Yes it is easier with a sorc. But it can be pretty dang easy with nb as well. The fight just takes a little more planning.

    ALL fights should take planning, no matter the class. The easy mode classes need to learn to play, and stop whining when a better player takes them out with a different class. That seems to be the problem I read often. Class X is so powerful it needs to be nerfed. I don't say that it is the class that gets me killed, I am not a great player, I am actually a fairly poor player. I, however, do a lot better with the Sorcerer, and Dragon Knight than I do with the Nightblade or Templar. Pretty much in that order of power, at least in my hands. My Dragon Knight is a Hybrid, and is doing better than my Stamblade or Magplar. I do get more enjoyment out of playing my Stamblade, as the stealthy character is my preferred method of play, but the invisibility that seldom functions correctly, and the lack of range for the bow makes it a very poor choice. My dual weapon Stamblade did better, but wasn't as much fun. I'm a sniper player, stalk the edges of combat and strike from the shadows. Problem is, it doesn't work in this game.

    @ZakuBeta Your whinging about PvP and other people's whinging about PvP is unwarranted and unhelpful. Get some help. :p
    Edited by KochDerDamonen on May 7, 2017 4:12PM
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    flizomica wrote: »
    NBs arent the best healer/tank/dps which is why theyre regarded as underpowered. but this is in consideration of endgame pve. if you can't do solo questing content on a NB thats a l2p issue..

    Well yeah... End game PvE is no problem for NB... Until you will want to do vet Trials....
  • Gilvoth
    i see allot of sorcerers here trying to manipulate this thread. as well as other classes that don't want to see nightblades get the buff that we desperately need.
  • Mojmir
    warning label: other classes died(except sorc) to bring you the warden, which btw will have the same skill bar and rotation as other stamina class set ups to be somewhat competitive.
  • Smmokkee
    i see allot of sorcerers here trying to manipulate this thread. as well as other classes that don't want to see nightblades get the buff that we desperately need.
    i see allot of sorcerers here trying to manipulate this thread. as well as other classes that don't want to see nightblades get the buff that we desperately need.
    i see allot of sorcerers here trying to manipulate this thread. as well as other classes that don't want to see nightblades get the buff that we desperately need.

  • Shardaxx
    What? I easily completed all the solo content with my nightblade. You're doing something wrong if you're struggling.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Smmokkee wrote: »

    What skills are we talking about?

    Some of them some are magika based some stam. So you have to use the ones that work for you.

    Killer' Blade morph of assassins blade. Heals 17% of max life if target dies within 2 seconds of being hit by it. Which is easy since it is an execute.

    Marked target. And it's morphs heal. 40% of max health if the target dies while marked. One morph heals for 57% of max health.

    These are the ones I used mostly for stam. These alone kept me near full health if you used them and kept them on the mobs as they die. Add in some of the healing from the weapons skills and you are golden. If you have Vigor from the pvp tree these are mostly over kill.

    Some magika ones I enjoy.

    Strife and its morphs give you a dot heal as a percent of damage done. Great for a nice little bump.

    Refreshing path the morph of path of darkness give a solid dot heal as long as you are standing in it. Strife and refreshing path were usually enough to keep me alive in most situations.

    And my favore Sap Essence the morph of drain power. This thing is a beast in group fights. the more mobs, the more healing for you and your group.

    Those are the ones I used on my characters. Now obviously some planning is needed. More with stam since its healing is single target. You have to kill the marked target and it is best to do it with killers blade. This alone can keep you at full health.

    Magical is more of an aoe game. Start with strife, refreshing path. If you have the destructions staff ground aoe flop it down too. Then go to town on sap. Done and done.

    Hopefully it helps some.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on May 7, 2017 4:24PM
  • Smmokkee

    Some of them some are magika based some stam. So you have to use the ones that work for you.

    Killer' Blade morph of assassins blade. Heals 17% of max life if target dies within 2 seconds of being hit by it. Which is easy since it is an execute.

    Marked target. And it's morphs heal. 40% of max health if the target dies while marked. One morph heals for 57% of max health.

    These are the ones I used mostly for stam. These alone kept me near full health if you used them and kept them on the mobs as they die. Add in some of the healing from the weapons skills and you are golden. If you have Vigor from the pvp tree these are mostly over kill.

    Some magika ones I enjoy.

    Strife and its morphs give you a dot heal as a percent of damage done. Great for a nice little bump.

    Refreshing path the morph of path of darkness give a solid dot heal as long as you are standing in it. Strife and refreshing path were usually enough to keep me alive in most situations.

    And my favore Sap Essence the morph of drain power. This thing is a beast in group fights. the more mobs, the more healing for you and your group.

    Those are the ones I used on my characters. No obviously some planning is needed. More with stam since its healing is single target. You have to kill the marked target and it is best to do it with killers blade. This alone can keep you at full health.

    Magical is more of an aoe game. Start with strife, refreshing path. If you have the destructions staff ground aoe flop it down too. Then go to town on sap. Done and done.

    Hopefully it helps some.

    Those heals aren't viable heals for a stamblade to rely on.
  • Asardes
    StamNB has the most stamina morphs of any class:
    - surprise attack - spammable single target dps and debuff
    - killer's blade - execute and self heal
    - ambush - gap closer and stun
    - power extraction - self buff and decent AoE

    Of course not as strong as sorcerer but more than enough for casual content. 100% L2P issue.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
    vMA (The Flawless Conqueror) | vVH (Spirit Slayer & of the Undying Song) | vDSA | vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL | vAS+1 | Emperor

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    Asardes | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 50 | Master Crafter: all traits & recipes, all styles released before High Isle
    Alxaril Nelcarion | 50 High Elf Sorcerer | AD AR 20 |
    Dro'Bear Three-paws | 50 Khajiit Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Veronique Nicole | 50 Breton Templar | DC AR 20 |
    Sabina Flavia Cosades | 50 Imperial Warden | EP AR 20 |
    Ervesa Neloren | 50 Dark Elf Dragonknight | EP AR 20 |
    Fendar Khodwin | 50 Redguard Sorcerer | DC AR 20 |
    Surilanwe of Lillandril | 50 High Elf Nightblade | AD AR 20 |
    Joleen the Swift | 50 Redguard Templar | DC AR 20 |
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    Tharkul gro-Shug | 50 Orc Dragonknight | DC AR 4 |
    Ushruka gra-Lhurgash | 50 Orc Sorcerer | AD AR 4 |
    Cienwen ferch Llywelyn | 50 Breton Nightblade | DC AR 4 |
    Plays-with-Sunray | 50 Argonian Templar | EP AR 4 |
    Milariel | 50 Wood Elf Warden | AD AR 4 |
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    PC-NA CP 1800+
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    Asardes the Exile | 50 Nord Dragonknight | EP AR 30 |
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Smmokkee wrote: »

    Those heals aren't viable heals for a stamblade to rely on.

    In group content no they aren't. But killers blade and marked target is fine for quest content. Which is what this thread is about. At least that is what I used while questing.

    And more so if you add in the heal now from two handed or dual wield or bow.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on May 7, 2017 4:33PM
  • Buffler
    Lol this is a joke right?
  • Avalon
    Smmokkee wrote: »

    Those heals aren't viable heals for a stamblade to rely on.

    Agreed on that... Stamblade needs to be at great range, or expect to be destroyed if the boss of a dungeon even glances at you, because all of your heals that depend on magicka are way too few and don't heal for much, and the stamina ones require dying things (which bosses don't do until there is no need for further heals). Otherwise, magicka build, and can be a decent, if not great tank, or a healer, or ranged DPS, etc... The class that has the most stamina morphs, is the one that needs the most stamina fixed, irony!
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