First I will state that yes, I have played the beta both on a PC template (since my PC character is a Mag DK) and on my mates DK when he came over (since he has a lot of gear that I can mess with). I made a thread talking about my disdain for the terrible changes to the Stam DK variant but also DK as a whole, with the newest patch.
Obviously this isn't the final phase as Morrowind comes out in June but I feel that I need to strongly voice my opinions with these changes, especially since this is a class that I loved to play when it was all about standing my ground and the more opponents the bigger threat I become. Unfortunately the DK class has been gutted from what it used to be with some changes argubly fair while others completely unjust.
So now I will start with what I desire for the DK class which more than likely will never happen as the game changes are around the corner. I should mention I've more than certain I've made threads like this a while ago.
- Standard of Might - I believe this should go back to 200 ultimate and provide the original 50% defile as this is an ultimate and it needs to be unique
- Shifting Standard - Reduce the ultimate to 150 and also have the 50% defile apply.
The reasoning behind the changes as it was practically stated was because the current gameplay there is nothing OP about having standard of might as a 200 costing ultimate in the PvP crowd nor is it OP in PvE. I also feel the unique defile needs to return because like I said this is an ultimate, why should an ultimate have the same debuffs a regular skill has when it's something you save up to use and cannot use consistently within a 5 second time frame.
Lava Whip
- Molten Whip - I feel instead of gaining spell damage (per tool-tip description) you should get increased spell penetration
- Flame Lash - The 5% increase for this PTS patch should be reverted, it already preforms good enough on live.
I feel that increased spell penetration would overall be better instead of increased spell damage in regards to molten whip. Lava whip as stated preforms well and with the current soft cc/hard cc spam it preforms just fine in PvP.
Searing Strike
- Venomous Claw - It's fine although I still want a blue claw animation but regardless this preforms fine.
- Burning Embers - Change the heal from instant to a Heal over time when reapplying for said heal.
Venomous claw preforms fine in PvE so no changes needed; in PvP it's dismal but we'll come back to that later. Burning embers changes is because we have a consistent heal from our class now (Coagulated blood). Some may voice their opposition but I feel it's fair especially if the HoT was within 5-10 seconds max.
Fiery Breath
- Noxious Breath - Remove or reduce the animation when using it and look into the reliability for it's debuff/actually hitting the target. I also suggest increasing the range by 2m and possibly increasing the cones radius.
- Engulfing Flames - Same as noxious breath.
The reliability of both of these skills is annoying since sometimes mobs or players will somehow dodge the ability in front of you or noxious breath will not apply it's debuff. I also fee the range is a tad short; I do wish the stamina version was changed to blue flames.
Fiery Grip
- Empowering Chains - Take away expedition and replace it with minor breech.
- Unrelenting Change - Take away major expedition and replace it with minor maim reduce cost by 1500 Magicka.
I feel expedition on a DK who is about standing your ground is pretty contradicting. Minor breech would aid dps in PvP while minor maim would prioritize PvE although it could/can be deemed useless.
- Flames Of Oblivion - Change this ability to an AoE while keeping it scaling to max damage stat.
- Cauterize - Make it what current flames of oblivion is on live but also add a DoT when it hits the target. The DoT applied can or should be around 20-30% of your tool-tip damage.
Flames of Oblivion AoE would benefit Stam DKs who do not have a really good class specific AoE, in the past this was an AoE and I feel it's time for it to become one again. Cauterize, this ability I do not feel any DK healer uses (coming from a DK healer), I've never seen a DK use this but changing it to a single target damage ability with an added DoT would be something I'd feel most people would like.
Combustion - Is fine
Warmth - Remove the passive and replace it with something like...
- Ardent Catalyst - When dealing damage with Ardent flame abilities, have a 2% and 5% chance of causing a(n) explosion dealing X damage based on the amount of ardent flame skills on your bar (could be based on the damage dealt by ardent flame abilities but I feel that is a bit powerful.
I feel this adds to the "stand your ground" aspect that DKs were designed to have. Ardent flame abilities are close ranged abilities thus meaning you need to be in range (right next to them) for it to work. This also makes ardent flame abilities especially DoTs more useful in PvP for Stam DK.
World in Ruin - Is fine
DRACONIC POWERDragon Leap - Is fine where it's at, nothing needed as it preforms well for both morphs.
Spiked Armor
- Hardened armor - Increase the duration of the shield you get and maybe bump it to 20%. The duration should be 6 seconds.
- Spiked armor - Is fine
Honestly this was difficult because minor maim would've worked but then that would be redundant because of chains. I thought minor protection but then that could just be OP so I went with the duration increase and shield size increase although I feel 30% would be better. Spiked armor does fine as it is now and it much more useful to use in comparison to hardened armor IMO (as it is currently on live).
Choking Talons
- Burning Talons -Increase the DoT damage.
- Choking Talons - Make this ability utilize your highest resource or just make it stamina based.
I feel the DoT increase would be welcomed and fair especially with the cost reduction being removed and our skills being incredibly costly. Choking talons needs to utilize your highest resource as this is extremely costly. I do not want a cost reduction as this promotes soft cc spam which is annoying.
Dragon's blood
- Green Dragon's blood - Have it restore a fix amount of stamina over time and reduce the cost of the ability by 1,000. (Have the stamina restored be based off of your max stamina).
- Coagulated Blood - Reduce cost by 1,000.
I feel that Green dragon's blood is completely useless as stam recovery isn't exactly helpful especially when it's a byproduct of the same old terrible heal.
The stamina on return ca be a problem with permablocking builds but that just needs adjustments to certain passives and with the sustain nerf incoming it shouldn't be a problem. Coag and well dragon's blood in general needs a cost reduction as it's extremely expensive.
Reflective Scales
- Reflective plate - Change name to Absorption plate and have it restore a fix amount of stamina or magicka (depending on the targets attack) e.g. restoring 300 stamina for each poison injection absorbed (I should add that you will not be damaged when using the ability nor would it reflect anything back at the target)
- Dragon Fire Scale - This ability should return to reflecting all projectiles within 4 seconds but the shield ultimate does that now... so I suppose keep it the way it is now.
Reflective plate is pretty much useless and doesn't really provide any use but with this change it would definitely provide some use (IMO). Dragon fire scale,
I do wish this would go back to reflecting all projectiles but I doubt it; it could possibly be allowed to reflect projectile ultimates.
- Deep Breath - is fine
- Draw Essence - I feel this needs to restore magicka based on the players hit, like it used to but the current way is fine anyway (no spoiler this time).
Iron skin - is fine (although I do want a change but this would be making it more damage focused).
Burning Heart - Change healing received so it only effects heals you receive from other sources other than your own (not really a specific change but a change in how healing received works).
Elder Dragon - Scrap it and replace the health recovery with reduction in dragon knight abilities (5% max) based on having 3 Draconic power abilities on one bar.
Scaled Armor - Is fine
Magma armor
- Magma Shell - Increase duration by 2 seconds.
- Corrosive armor - Increase duration by 2 seconds.
I really feel a couple seconds would make this ultimate even better.
- Obsidian shard - I'd like to change this but have no clue what to put in place of it or make it into a trap ability.
- Stone Giant - Is fine (no extra details for this one).
Molten Weapons
- igneous weapons - Allow this ability to be cast from stealth without breaking stealth. Plus reduce cost by 1,000
- Molten Armaments - Allow this ability to be cast from stealth without breaking stealth. Plus reduce cost by 1,000.
I feel that the stealth change would just be a quality of life change but the reduction is definitely needed to sustain the up-time and extra resource cost that comes in june.
Obsidian shield
- Igneous shield - Revert changes proposed in the most recent patch and reduce cost by 1,000.
- Fragmented shield - The damage dealt after shield expires should be increased and reduction of cost dropped by 1,000.
Overall I feel that 1,000 reduction in the cost for both of these skills are definitely needed especially with the changes coming. Fragmented shield needs to be worth using so increasing the damage provided may make it worth using.
Petrify and morphs - is fine.
Ash cloud
- Cinder storm - There's really no use for the ability so why not revert changes? Make it so when standing in the storm you will receive major evasion. Reduce cost by 1,000
- Eruption - I believe it's diameter should be increased 2 to 3m. Reduce cost by 1,000
Yet again the costs for the DK abilities are very expensive. I believe cinderstorm should go back as it was a rather unique ability that was powerful.
I believe eruption needed to increase the field it's one just to add a difference between the two and that it was rather small to begin with.
Eternal Mountain - Is fine
Battle Roar - I feel this passive needs an update. I believe when you use an ultimate you should receive Major Heroism for 5 or 10 seconds (That's if Major heroism gives you 3 per second). I believe 15 or 30 ultimate after using one would aid in recovering resources which is where it all comes down to. I also believe that the current changes for PTS version should also be looked at and reverted.
Mountain's blessing - Is fine
Helping Hands - Revert ability to where it was before and do not touch.
I definitely didn't steal that combat and gameplay pic from Gina
I did but don't tell anyone.
. This took sometime (around 1hr n 30 mins) but these are the changes I would desire for the DK class. Some changes a bit drastic but this is with keeping the stand your ground aspect aka the identity in mind; at-least I think I did.
Edit: Forgot to add this but I hope this is constructive for you
@ZOS_RichLambert and
@ZOS_GinaBruno ; although it isn't too detailed with numbers and statistics, I felt based on playing the PTS and playing on live as a DK that these changes would be pretty good for the class.
TL;DR These are my changes for the DK class that was created based on hope that will most likely never come.
不動の Steadfast - Unwavering
XBL Gamer Tag - Maxwell
Maxwell Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Redguard Stamina DK
Max Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Brenton Magicka DK
Maxwell-Crystal - NA DC - CP 200+ Brenton Magicka DK
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell