ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Hi guys. It's the op here.
I just wanted to say a bit about me and why I think this change isn't as good as it seems.
1) I currently am subscribed, but recently I'd all but stopped playing. I came back to spend some time with old friends I mostly speak to in-game these days. I enjoyed it and started subbing again. If I cancel my sub in the future and am using my double bank allowance I won't be able to pick up the game casually without the worst inventory sort out - how would you get rid of 200+ items without using your bank to move things around? Probably it won't feel worth it, so it will disincentivise players returning.
2) I have subbed on and off for 3 years, and twice my eso plus hasn't gone through (once because I hadn't updated my bank details, once because my bank thought there was something dodgy). It takes a few days to sort out, but how many people could play without using their bank because they aren't allowed to put anything else in.
3) how long will it really take to fill up 240 extra bank slots when every quarter there are new gear sets, furnishings and items (e.g. dazzlers! )? It is only a short term solution when a long term solution is needed.
Clearly you have not had to grind for any of 50 bind on pickup gear sets.
@Runs Ability to group sets, across characters, and do an account wide search should be built in - no addon required. Same for guild store searches.My thoughts on it is everyone needs better inventory management.
@MissBizz , I'm quite certain housing storage is coming. I'll put $ on it. I'll also put $ on it that it's a crown store exclusive.ADD SPACE TO HOUSING
As an all the time ESO+ member, woo. But darnit, add storage to homes!!!
Except you have to guess which sets are going to be viable, and the drop rate/trait rate on most is so atrocious, one hates to decon or sell a good traited item that may have potential down the line.Dark_Aether wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »Because... it's an incentive to subscribe. Really, your metaphor makes no sense.Dark_Aether wrote: »That's like shooting you in the leg and make you pay for the crutches. Why not just let everyone upgrade their bank space to 500?
People have been crippled with limited bank space. We've been asking for better bank management for a while and it is just being used as "incentive" to subscribe...after introducing a housing update with no functionality. I don't see what you don't get.
Subscribers should get bonus features like a transmog system, not existing features that has been cut (pay gate) for everyone else.
The only people who have been crippled by bankspace are those who hoard everything (guilty!) but really when you learn to cut back and trim out the crap you don't really need, the included space+space you can buy with in-game gold is more than sufficient to get by just fine.
I'll point out again that players overwhelmingly asked for inventory help to be an ESO+ perk.
I'm okay with this, so long as they up the basic shared bank limit to 300 and add 50 for each chapter release.
It's in their interest to. To get to 300, it would be:
250 - 90k
260 - 95k
270 - 100k
280 - 105k
290 - 110k
300 - 115k
615,000 more to hit a new cap. Or just pay 6000 crowns. Which is a better value than paying 6,000 crowns for the first six or next six crown upgrades.
That's how you monetize a feature instead of holding people hostage by it. Not by punishing, but by giving gold more value than real money. And 300/600 is just feels better than 240/480 for both parties.
johnnified wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »I quit the game and deleted it because of things like this. The game has become incredibly annoying to play without subscription and even though I paid a lot of money on the dlc and other content I still have to sub then buy the expansion.
This game has gone way too far from the b2p model which is what got me into the game in the first place
Don't know about you, but big and most MMO's have Expansions that you pay for
Not our fault that you didn't SUB to get the DLC's free instead you bought them.
Get over it.
A hero on reddit has posted an image that shows zos plans to give eso plus double bank space.
@ZOS_GinaBruno had confirmed it's genuine and coming in update 14.
So what are your thoughts? Personally I think this is away to make people feel they can't ever unsubscribe (because it would make their bank unusable until they empty it). I would prefer they found a way to make subscribing more worthwhile instead of finding ways to punish people who want to unsubscribe. But that is just my opinion. What do you think?
Link below
A hero on reddit has posted an image that shows zos plans to give eso plus double bank space.
@ZOS_GinaBruno had confirmed it's genuine and coming in update 14.
So what are your thoughts? Personally I think this is away to make people feel they can't ever unsubscribe (because it would make their bank unusable until they empty it). I would prefer they found a way to make subscribing more worthwhile instead of finding ways to punish people who want to unsubscribe. But that is just my opinion. What do you think?
Link below
I think they should just give you 8 or 12 crown crates on top of current rewards and call it good.
The game turned P2W the moment ZoS dropped the subscription requirement.
1)If I cancel my sub in the future and am using my double bank allowance I won't be able to pick up the game casually without the worst inventory sort out - how would you get rid of 200+ items without using your bank to move things around? Probably it won't feel worth it, so it will disincentivise players returning.
3) how long will it really take to fill up 240 extra bank slots when every quarter there are new gear sets, furnishings and items (e.g. dazzlers! )? It is only a short term solution when a long term solution is needed.
@ZOS_GinaBruno This is good to hear; but any way we can get a method of organizing things in the bank? Something like bags that we could use but still count as bank space of all that is inside.