Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Leaked - new eso plus bonus. Double bank space. What do you think?

  • Khenarthi
    More things to make my sub worthwhile = yay!
  • Giraffon
    Non-subscribers should get about 500 slots. Subscribers should get 1500. Let the non-subscribers buy additional slots up to 1500 for 100 crowns each.

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • kojou
    Yay... we will be able to store the item sets that come out with Morrowwind in case any of them are viable... :smile:

    I welcome this. I have so many things in my inventories and have to cycle through my bank, this will be a big help.
    Playing since beta...
  • DorianDragonRaze
    Can't wait!!!
    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • Acrolas
    I'm okay with this, so long as they up the basic shared bank limit to 300 and add 50 for each chapter release.

    It's in their interest to. To get to 300, it would be:

    250 - 90k
    260 - 95k
    270 - 100k
    280 - 105k
    290 - 110k
    300 - 115k

    615,000 more to hit a new cap. Or just pay 6000 crowns. Which is a better value than paying 6,000 crowns for the first six or next six crown upgrades.

    That's how you monetize a feature instead of holding people hostage by it. Not by punishing, but by giving gold more value than real money. And 300/600 is just feels better than 240/480 for both parties.
    signing off
  • Khaos_Bane
    I subscribe and I agree with the OP. Any games that have an inventory mini become terrible and aggravating over time.
  • technohic
    As @MissBizz pointed out, this is confirmed as a feature for Update 14 coming in June. It's also worth noting that we are exploring other features to add to the ESO Plus membership, though these will be in future updates and not Update 14. Thanks for all the great ideas in the one thread. :)

    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is good to hear; but any way we can get a method of organizing things in the bank? Something like bags that we could use but still count as bank space of all that is inside.

    For example; if I have a 5 piece set of gear, I can put it in a bag, then put the bag in the bank. It still would count as 5 items against my bank cap or even 6 if you want to count the bag itself. It just would make it easier for my alt to then easily grab the bag out of the bank to get the gear pieces I want rather than sift through. Particularly how set items can start with the gear slot name or the set name so sorting by name is inefficient.

    EDIT: Being able to label/name the bags would help as well.
    Edited by technohic on April 4, 2017 5:02PM
  • MyKillv2.0
    This news is great, you should be rewarded for subs.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    Hi guys. It's the op here.

    I just wanted to say a bit about me and why I think this change isn't as good as it seems.

    1) I currently am subscribed, but recently I'd all but stopped playing. I came back to spend some time with old friends I mostly speak to in-game these days. I enjoyed it and started subbing again. If I cancel my sub in the future and am using my double bank allowance I won't be able to pick up the game casually without the worst inventory sort out - how would you get rid of 200+ items without using your bank to move things around? Probably it won't feel worth it, so it will disincentivise players returning.
    2) I have subbed on and off for 3 years, and twice my eso plus hasn't gone through (once because I hadn't updated my bank details, once because my bank thought there was something dodgy). It takes a few days to sort out, but how many people could play without using their bank because they aren't allowed to put anything else in.
    3) how long will it really take to fill up 240 extra bank slots when every quarter there are new gear sets, furnishings and items (e.g. dazzlers! )? It is only a short term solution when a long term solution is needed.

    Well written. That's the perspective of many even lacking more details from ZOS which I'd assume will come in PTS in may-ish
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - Olykos66
    PS NA - Olykos266
  • Rainwhisper
    I LOVE this idea, and wish it were here already.
  • AdamBourke
    I'm disappointed to be honest, I never use my bank since the crafting bag came out, so... not much good for me.
    PS4 - EU

    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Violynne wrote: »
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    So what are your thoughts?
    Since I have the craft bag, additional bank space has become unnecessary.
    Clearly you have not had to grind for any of 50 bind on pickup gear sets.

    You don't always have the luxury of going through them immediately, and even with addons, matching up all necessary set items for one or more alts is a giant *** pain.
    Runs wrote: »
    My thoughts on it is everyone needs better inventory management.
    @Runs Ability to group sets, across characters, and do an account wide search should be built in - no addon required. Same for guild store searches.

    That, or do like every standalone game did - let like items stack. It only becomes 'different' if you change the enchant, upgrade, or it takes damage.

    Absurd that a trebuchet takes the same space as a LA shoulder piece or a butterfly wing.
    MissBizz wrote: »

    As an all the time ESO+ member, woo. But darnit, add storage to homes!!!
    @MissBizz , I'm quite certain housing storage is coming. I'll put $ on it. I'll also put $ on it that it's a crown store exclusive.

    Making most of the sets bind on pickup -> artificial need for more inventory space.
    Sigtric wrote: »
    That's like shooting you in the leg and make you pay for the crutches. Why not just let everyone upgrade their bank space to 500?
    Because... it's an incentive to subscribe. Really, your metaphor makes no sense.

    People have been crippled with limited bank space. We've been asking for better bank management for a while and it is just being used as "incentive" to subscribe...after introducing a housing update with no functionality. I don't see what you don't get.

    Subscribers should get bonus features like a transmog system, not existing features that has been cut (pay gate) for everyone else.

    The only people who have been crippled by bankspace are those who hoard everything (guilty!) but really when you learn to cut back and trim out the crap you don't really need, the included space+space you can buy with in-game gold is more than sufficient to get by just fine.

    I'll point out again that players overwhelmingly asked for inventory help to be an ESO+ perk.
    Except you have to guess which sets are going to be viable, and the drop rate/trait rate on most is so atrocious, one hates to decon or sell a good traited item that may have potential down the line.

    Even if you do sort it out, it takes so friggin much time to distiguish between what's a keeper and what can be deconned.

    It's asinine that when you go to a decon station that it doesn't let you sort by tab (junk, anyone?) to simplify identification. It's ridiculous that you need an addon to to that for you. Otherwise, you're sorting it twice. (And lock/not lock is not a realistic option here)

    Great that it shows whether it's in my bank or on my person, but the 50 items I moved to junk to identify as junk should be made readily apparent when I go to break it down.

    Many things that could be improved with relative simplicity to make the overall process simpler.

    For example, if your inventory is full, you should be able to exchange two items.

    @Sigtric , jewelry, monster helm, weapons all have such crappy RNG drop rates, it's painful to get rid of something that may have taken (and would likely take again) hours to obtain.

    In this case, it's not even about the lost item - it's about the potential lost time.

    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on April 4, 2017 5:28PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • TheStealthDude
    Acrolas wrote: »
    I'm okay with this, so long as they up the basic shared bank limit to 300 and add 50 for each chapter release.

    It's in their interest to. To get to 300, it would be:

    250 - 90k
    260 - 95k
    270 - 100k
    280 - 105k
    290 - 110k
    300 - 115k

    615,000 more to hit a new cap. Or just pay 6000 crowns. Which is a better value than paying 6,000 crowns for the first six or next six crown upgrades.

    That's how you monetize a feature instead of holding people hostage by it. Not by punishing, but by giving gold more value than real money. And 300/600 is just feels better than 240/480 for both parties.

    No one is being punished by the addition of bank slots for subscribers. It is purely a reward for subscribers.
  • jaye63

    My question is... can you purchace the bank space for crowns if you are NOT a plus member @GinaBruno ?
  • Cously
    I fully support adding more ESO+ benefit.
  • KochDerDamonen
    Couldn't imagine caring any less about it, craftbag has already sorted any inventory issues I can muster.
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • rotaugen454
    They should add the ability for ESO+ subs to ride non subs as a mount...
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • DaveMoeDee
    johnnified wrote: »
    I quit the game and deleted it because of things like this. The game has become incredibly annoying to play without subscription and even though I paid a lot of money on the dlc and other content I still have to sub then buy the expansion.

    This game has gone way too far from the b2p model which is what got me into the game in the first place

    Don't know about you, but big and most MMO's have Expansions that you pay for

    Not our fault that you didn't SUB to get the DLC's free instead you bought them.

    Get over it.

    First, you don't get DLC free with a sub. You are renting the DLC with the sub.

    Second, your response to him is not the right response. People who bought DLC instead of buying, like I did, save a ton of money over the last 2 years compared to people who subbed. It is silly to complain about "wasted money" for DLC accessed in the past when subbing to retain access would have meant an average of $60 or more per DLC based on 5 DLC over 2+ years.

    The double inventory is a clever move. The crafting bags can be manipulated by a savvy consumer. Sub one month and you end up with tons of mats stored away. New mats received after the one month sub expires can be stored by mule characters since any crafting done by other characters will pull from the bags.

    With double inventory, once your sub ends, your bank is full and you can't transfer from one character to another until you find places for the stuff in the bank.
  • DragonBound
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    A hero on reddit has posted an image that shows zos plans to give eso plus double bank space.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno had confirmed it's genuine and coming in update 14.

    So what are your thoughts? Personally I think this is away to make people feel they can't ever unsubscribe (because it would make their bank unusable until they empty it). I would prefer they found a way to make subscribing more worthwhile instead of finding ways to punish people who want to unsubscribe. But that is just my opinion. What do you think?

    Link below

    Well it is kind of nice, I was hoping they would add a more unique of fun option on top of that not really excited to be honest.
  • method__01
    hope its true,i need more space cause i farm a lot and i have a lot of iterms (even i maxed out toon limit-12) still need more
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • Tankerbells
    @ZOS- from another ESO subscriber, thank you and it's much appreciated. My inventory/bank space has been at max capacity for a long time now, and I'm constantly telling myself that I need more room for storage purposes. I myself- like many others, use several sets of gear during my day- depending on the current /group/dungeon/boss/scenario, and my main inventory usually consists of swap-able gear and no actual room to store stuff that I'd like to keep for later use (or other characters that havn't leveled yet),. so the more space (whether its inv. or bank)- is greatly appreciated.
    PC/NA, DC - CP861 - StamDK (PVP), MagDK (PVE), and Tank
  • jarrandub17_ESO
    Brilliant!! Fantastically Brillianto!!
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    A hero on reddit has posted an image that shows zos plans to give eso plus double bank space.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno had confirmed it's genuine and coming in update 14.

    So what are your thoughts? Personally I think this is away to make people feel they can't ever unsubscribe (because it would make their bank unusable until they empty it). I would prefer they found a way to make subscribing more worthwhile instead of finding ways to punish people who want to unsubscribe. But that is just my opinion. What do you think?

    Link below

    The anti-subbers are going to have a field day with this.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • the_man_of_steal
    As @MissBizz pointed out, this is confirmed as a feature for Update 14 coming in June. It's also worth noting that we are exploring other features to add to the ESO Plus membership, though these will be in future updates and not Update 14. Thanks for all the great ideas in the one thread. :)

  • Elsonso
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    I think they should just give you 8 or 12 crown crates on top of current rewards and call it good.

    No. I wouldn't cross the street to get free Crown Crates.
    Violynne wrote: »
    The game turned P2W the moment ZoS dropped the subscription requirement.

    Well, if you are going to lower the bar that far, the game went P2W on the first day of Early Access when they allowed people to use the Imperial Edition to get the 1g horse, not to mention the Any Race Any Alliance pre-order bonus.
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    1)If I cancel my sub in the future and am using my double bank allowance I won't be able to pick up the game casually without the worst inventory sort out - how would you get rid of 200+ items without using your bank to move things around? Probably it won't feel worth it, so it will disincentivise players returning.

    This depends on what they do with the extra space when a subscription lapses. Remember, the game has to remain playable. It will be interesting to see how they handle this.
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    3) how long will it really take to fill up 240 extra bank slots when every quarter there are new gear sets, furnishings and items (e.g. dazzlers! )? It is only a short term solution when a long term solution is needed.

    Inventory space should be limited.

    A primary skill required for dealing with an RPG game like ESO is proper inventory management. Proper inventory management includes throwing away stuff you don't immediately need when you run out of room. That requires decisions about what is important, and when it might become important.

    Yeah, you can bypass this with mule alts, but in three years, I have to say I have ever done the mule alt thing. Proper inventory management.

    While this ESO Plus perk does relax the need for this skill, the skill is still required. It is a skill worth developing.
    technohic wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is good to hear; but any way we can get a method of organizing things in the bank? Something like bags that we could use but still count as bank space of all that is inside.

    This would be nice. A 480 slot bank is a lot less manageable than what we have now. Sadly, I expect ZOS will decide what is absolutely minimum to implement, and we might get most of that in the first release.

    Edited by Elsonso on April 4, 2017 5:59PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I can't say I'm impressed.

    I take it as a tacit admission that they have done a dirty on us with the DLC/Chapter business, which obviously they won't admit to in public, but it doesn't offer me much. Though clearly it excites some people.

    Like I say, not impressed.
  • SydneyGrey
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Double or triple mount training (reduction in time between training OR 3 training attributes per 20 hours) could be cool.
    Yes please. I just started a new character this morning, and wow, I've forgotten how SLLLLOOOOOOWWWW the horses are when you first start out.

  • reiverx
    Allowing us to stack siege equipment would solve a lot of my inventory problems.
  • Vizier
    As is the ESO plus membership isn't all that valuable.

    I'd like to see priority queuing for subscribers as well. The increased storage is nice though.
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