Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Nothing but ppl sitting around on their $200 mounts...

  • UntrustedExistenz
    Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess. have good fun at ESO even talking to ppl.

    This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game this great game do with these ppl, ZOS.

    I don't even want to (re)log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath love humanity.
    FIX it for you OP. Don't need to thanks.
    <PC EU>
    Press "F" to pay respect to our fallen megalulserver.
  • Cadbury
    How does one buy a $300 mount?
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Arthg
    Surely I can't be the only one in this game who just doesn't give a toss about other players' mounts and armour styles.

    The way you behave, the way you play, what you say in chat, the way you interact - that alone matters to me.
    PC/EU. NoCP PvP. sDK Orc IRL. Flawless tamperor. Pro scrub.
  • KerinKor
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.
    Yeah, seems MMOs attract attention seekers like moths to a flame.

  • Kay1
    I want mounts or titles based on new achievements, if people think they can brag about their horrible Wild hunt mounts, why I shouldn't brag about an achievement I should've earned by doing a 1v10?

    I want a title for that maybe not a mount, Hello Zenimax learn from GW2?
    Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.


    Yeah so much effort to put your visa.
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • WuffyCerulei
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.

    This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.

    Bye then.....
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Kay1 wrote: »
    I want mounts or titles based on new achievements, if people think they can brag about their horrible Wild hunt mounts, why I shouldn't brag about an achievement I should've earned by doing a 1v10?

    I want a title for that maybe not a mount, Hello Zenimax learn from GW2?
    Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.


    Yeah so much effort to put your visa.

    Then play GW2 if that's your desired outcome. No idea why people bang on about other games, yet here they are. Put simply, you don't get those mounts/titles for those specific tasks because it's not GW2.
  • Tandor
    CMFan1966 wrote: »
    As long as I pay my bills, feed and clothe my family and keep a roof over our heads, how I spend my money isn't anyone's business but mine. If I am sitting somewhere on a mount, whether it's one I got from a crown crate or one I bought with crowns, it isn't to show off to anyone. It's because I've got something else going on that needs real life attention. I stopped feeling the need to show off about the time I left my teen years behind.

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful to anyone, but unless we are grouped up for some reason or I'm waiting for someone in game, whatever I'm doing isn't about anybody else. It's about me and what I am trying to achieve.

    I really wish people would stop being so nasty about the crown crates. I happen to like them. I can still play nicely with people who don't because that's what grown ups do.

    Swtor CM kind of killed it for Bioware and now its happening in ESO paying more attention to the wallet than the community pretty bad.

    Has it occurred to you that in providing a feature that a lot of players like, ZOS may just be paying plenty of attention to the community?
  • Alagras
    Folks... one obviously depressed guy leaves a silly message and 300 jump on the easy bashing occasion... For God's sake someone close this
  • Tabbycat
    I guess it really isn't that different from buying baseball cards in hopes of getting a good card. I've even seen those blind packages for kids toys (my little pony for example) where you don't know what you'll get and there are a few hard to find rare items thrown in. It's all just a marketing gimmick to get you to spend more for something than you would if you could pick and choose the items. They keep it "blind" so you have to spend more to collect an entire set.

    This isn't anything new, it's just more expensive.
    Edited by Tabbycat on April 1, 2017 1:02PM
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • blabliblargh
    Real players travel on foot only. If I want to travel at 200 mph, I'll go play a car game.
  • Tabbycat
    Real players travel on foot only. If I want to travel at 200 mph, I'll go play a car game.

    I guess that makes sense if you are a Dunmer. They don't like riding mounts.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    I like to mount a werewolf uh did i say that out loud
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Is my sarcasm beyond anyone's grasp here, or something?

    Someone, anyone... Umaril... help my out.

    Sarcasm is a way of telling people thier stupid without them realizing it well done
  • CheepsNSalsa
    Kay1 wrote: »
    I want mounts or titles based on new achievements, if people think they can brag about their horrible Wild hunt mounts, why I shouldn't brag about an achievement I should've earned by doing a 1v10?

    I want a title for that maybe not a mount, Hello Zenimax learn from GW2?
    Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.


    Yeah so much effort to put your visa.

    I don't know if you know but money doesn't just appear out of nowhere. So yeah some effort was put in to earn it, silly.
  • Ajaxduo
    Just gonna leave this here...

    - - -
    GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
    - - -
  • KramUzibra
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.

    This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.

    Lol worth every penny!! Can't wait till the drewmer crates!!
  • Sausage
    Dude, it alot worse in real life.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Balamoor
    Is it my imagination guys, or are the people that are having the worst time in ESO, the same type of players that thought only the top 0.5% of players should have anything in other MMo's?

    You have someone whining about getting crap for posting his uber DPS after a fight
    The PAWS drones, posting yet another CC shame thread
    And the usual why can't this be more like <insert raid centric MMO here>

    In every instance these threads are getting overwhelming push back from the community, that if anything tells me that despite some balance and tech issues, ZoS has done something right, by developing a game the other 99% of the player base can enjoy.
  • jaye63
    And how is this anyone's business? I lag in ESO at peak hours so I play a shooter during that time. And it's usually 30 min or so before my guildies show up so I sit around doing stupid stuff til they show up.

    The problem with thoughts like yours is that they are exquisitely myopic. You look at the toon and think, "Why isnt he playing?" I look at the toon and move on because every person has a life and a story that you arent privy too and with no reason to be so just move on and play. Or is it this: *Im broke and cant afford the spiffy mounts so Im gonna whine* ?

    Either way... the 1-10 rank on caring about this is minus 1000
  • theultimatewarrior
    Well mounts arent everything in game. Just thank the developers for not making ESO a pay to win game.i loved lineage2 but after it went pay to wim.. spending 300 bucks a night was packet change for majority of the top pvpes. In order to compete agaisnt top pvpers in that game u had to spend thousands of dollars on ur toon.i remember a party if top gear pvp tooms made of 7 toons was worth 40 thousand bucks.
  • Eshelmen
    Um, if I spent $300 on a digital mount, you damn right I'm going to show/flaunt it off.
    Heck, I'll message every one in the area saying "you like what you see? $300! Boo ya!"
    Edited by Eshelmen on April 1, 2017 5:20PM
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • Cêltic421
    Idc about no crate mount or what people I don't know are doing. Who cares if they are standing around showing off what the got . Everyone knows where the mounts comes from. It's sounds to me the OP is jealous.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Cêltic421 wrote: »
    Idc about no crate mount or what people I don't know are doing. Who cares if they are standing around showing off what the got . Everyone knows where the mounts comes from. It's sounds to me the OP is jealous.

    I show off Monkey even though alot of people have it not everyone now a days has it cause everyones newer :p
  • azoriangaming
    I really don't understand when people complain about other people for buying things from the crown store with their own well earned money and funding the longevity of the game.

    sits on his storm atro bear while petting his wild hunt wolf,

    but on a more serious note i don't drink much , i quit smoking, I enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating at times so why not spend money on things I enjoy?
  • jaye63
    I really don't understand when people complain about other people for buying things from the crown store with their own well earned money and funding the longevity of the game.

    sits on his storm atro bear while petting his wild hunt wolf,

    but on a more serious note i don't drink much , i quit smoking, I enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating at times so why not spend money on things I enjoy?

    You mean mommy and daddy's well earned money LOL(yes I know... Im in my 50s- it's a joke)
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.

    This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.

    I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.

    Im really not sure if this is supposed to be satire or what....I mean Im staunchly against these crates. But you might need to go talk to someone. Someone with the ability to help you work through some things if this is enough of an issue for you to come on here and make such a statement.

    1.) Long before there were crates there were people standing around on their mounts or just standing around. Go to any Wayshrine for a Capital City and you will find a number of instances with people doing NOTHING but standing there. Now they may be idle or they may be waiting to pick up a group for a dungeon. Or in some cases, like a guild I belong to, we may be waiting for everyone to arrive so we can queue up for some PvP. But I seriously doubt anyone beyond a handful of people are there to flaunt their mounts when they wont be the only ones there with said mounts.

    2.) There was already exclusivity in the game. From the days of beta there has been exclusivity. Did you beta test the game on PC? Because if you didnt you wont have the exclusive imaga pet. Did you sub for X amount of months on PC back in the first year? Because if not, you didnt get that sweet exclusive tiger senche. Didnt get the Imperial edition? Well you dont get access to that Imperial mount. And then theres the LTO mounts and the fact that there are some items in the store that didnt even make it to console even though they wree in the store for less than a few months.....This is nothing new. Yes its been turned up to 11 with some of the nicer barbie dress up items being kept behind that wall. But its unlikely that anyone is dropping 300 + dollars to just show off to everyone else. Most are doing it because they see something they want, they have the expendable cash and are willing to spend it to get said item.

    3.) If you dont want to log in, then dont. But jesus, really? It makes you loathe humanity? I think there are far far worse things we as humans can do that deserves to be on a list of things to loathe us for. But hey, maybe thats because Ive actually seen the terrible things humans are capable of. And while taking advantage of peoples addictions is pretty low and nasty. Id rather be debating over this than picking up body parts in a third world nation.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • azoriangaming
    jaye63 wrote: »
    I really don't understand when people complain about other people for buying things from the crown store with their own well earned money and funding the longevity of the game.

    sits on his storm atro bear while petting his wild hunt wolf,

    but on a more serious note i don't drink much , i quit smoking, I enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating at times so why not spend money on things I enjoy?

    You mean mommy and daddy's well earned money LOL(yes I know... Im in my 50s- it's a joke)

    lol same here i'm well over half way of my life expectancy,
This discussion has been closed.