CheepsNSalsa wrote: »Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.
Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.
This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.
I want mounts or titles based on new achievements, if people think they can brag about their horrible Wild hunt mounts, why I shouldn't brag about an achievement I should've earned by doing a 1v10?
I want a title for that maybe not a mount, Hello Zenimax learn from GW2?CheepsNSalsa wrote: »Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.
Yeah so much effort to put your visa.
Kyle1983b14_ESO wrote: »As long as I pay my bills, feed and clothe my family and keep a roof over our heads, how I spend my money isn't anyone's business but mine. If I am sitting somewhere on a mount, whether it's one I got from a crown crate or one I bought with crowns, it isn't to show off to anyone. It's because I've got something else going on that needs real life attention. I stopped feeling the need to show off about the time I left my teen years behind.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful to anyone, but unless we are grouped up for some reason or I'm waiting for someone in game, whatever I'm doing isn't about anybody else. It's about me and what I am trying to achieve.
I really wish people would stop being so nasty about the crown crates. I happen to like them. I can still play nicely with people who don't because that's what grown ups do.
Swtor CM kind of killed it for Bioware and now its happening in ESO paying more attention to the wallet than the community pretty bad.
blabliblargh wrote: »Real players travel on foot only. If I want to travel at 200 mph, I'll go play a car game.
PelinalWhitestrake wrote: »Is my sarcasm beyond anyone's grasp here, or something?
Someone, anyone... Umaril... help my out.
I want mounts or titles based on new achievements, if people think they can brag about their horrible Wild hunt mounts, why I shouldn't brag about an achievement I should've earned by doing a 1v10?
I want a title for that maybe not a mount, Hello Zenimax learn from GW2?CheepsNSalsa wrote: »Everytime I log in I see players with staves that took 300 hours to farm. Why do they get to have something I don't? Just because they put the effort in?
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loathe humanity.
Yeah so much effort to put your visa.
Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.
This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.
Idc about no crate mount or what people I don't know are doing. Who cares if they are standing around showing off what the got . Everyone knows where the mounts comes from. It's sounds to me the OP is jealous.
azoriangaming wrote: »I really don't understand when people complain about other people for buying things from the crown store with their own well earned money and funding the longevity of the game.
sits on his storm atro bear while petting his wild hunt wolf,
but on a more serious note i don't drink much , i quit smoking, I enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating at times so why not spend money on things I enjoy?
Every time I log in. They aren't even playing the game. They just stand around at every wayshrine and crafting hub on their $300+ casino crate mounts, waiting for attention I guess.
This is what your agenda to milk insecurity and the need for exclusivity through gambling has done to the game, ZOS.
I don't even want to log in anymore. Thanks for giving me another reason to loath humanity.
azoriangaming wrote: »I really don't understand when people complain about other people for buying things from the crown store with their own well earned money and funding the longevity of the game.
sits on his storm atro bear while petting his wild hunt wolf,
but on a more serious note i don't drink much , i quit smoking, I enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating at times so why not spend money on things I enjoy?
You mean mommy and daddy's well earned money LOL(yes I know... Im in my 50s- it's a joke)